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Posts posted by JustinS

  1. I was once in the same position as you years ago until I got a glimpse of hope that has changed me onwards and that was magic mushrooms. It was pure divine love and it was me, and it loved me absolutely unconditionally. From then on I started daily meditation, then to yoga, then to clean eating, and eventually unplugging from mainstream society. Though tripping can be tricky if you are not mentally prepared for it especially if you are going through severe anxiety and depression. It could make it worse, but if you surrender as if your life depended on it than you will get a glimpse and will know that it's something worth striving for sober. 

    Feel free to PM me whenever you like. 

  2. @Max_V This has started after my 5meo breakthrough. It starts at the back of my neck. There are convulsions and spasms, it looks super odd from the outside but it feels absolutely amazing. 

    It feels like releases of energetic stresses within our body and psyche. 

    When I'm at a 10 day retreat for the first few days I'm almost shaking 2 inches off the ground and can get painful on my neck, but after a few intense shakes the shaking subsides and I'm back to just sitting still. 



  3. https://www.zamnesia.com/blog-the-forgotten-hallucinogenic-lichens-n660

    One that we can say exists for sure is Dictyonema huaorani. This lichen was very recently discovered in the Ecuadorian area of the Amazon rainforest, and is thought to be extremely potent. It is extremely rare, so rare in fact that locals have not used it for generations. The scientists exploring the area even regarded it as their ‘white whale’ - an elusive trophy they were hunting for years, but never really expect to find. Upon spectral analysis, the lichen was found to contain tryptamine, psilocybin, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MeOT), 5-MeO-NMT, and 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MT) – quite a mix!

  4. Yesterday I attended an Introductory Seminar + Mini-Breath session and I was quite shocked by it's method to induce a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This is a great introductory method for experiencing non-ordinary states for those that are not yet comfortable taking psychedelics or may not have access to them. It was just a short 1 hour session but I continuously expanded, contracted, cried and laughed the entire time. I find it easier to "drop in" into an non-ordinary state after years of taking psychedelics and meditation and the having the trust to surrender. 


    - Wearing an eye mask

    - Breathing deeply 

    - Being played emotional music throughout the entire session consisting of shamanic, tribal, world, angelic, and lord of the rings kinda tunes. 

    The full day retreats have sessions 3 hours long! Mind you the intro class was only an 1hr.. I can't imagine how deep that'll be. 

    For those that live near LA there is the same intro class I took going on again today: 



  5. 6 hours ago, Arman said:

    It doesn't seem to want to go away, and yet it doesn't seem to want to fully come up either. That is a kind of polarized resistance, so consciously let go of needing it to go away, and consciously let go of needing to dive fully into it, too. This will allow for most effective release

    @Max_V It lasted for about 2 hours last night and I couldn't sleep. The sense of nausea felt like my own fear of the infinite. Either that or I've been watching too much fractal videos lately. 

    Thank you, I'll try to dive into it next time but if that prevails I'll simply let it be. 

  6. @hinawashi Oh great! Keep at it. Expect loads and loads of backlashes but during these it is so important to be aware. When feeling pride in a discussion, just be aware. How does it make you feel? A bit of good? Does it last? How does it make the other person feel? Can you see them as they are, just existing? Don't repress but just maintain awareness of how it really makes you feel before, during and after. Eventually you will come to the conclusion that it doesn't serve you anymore cause it makes you feel icky inside. 

    So critical for me to keep up with my daily meditation practice although I know it's nothing compared to a retreat but I see it as a good bridge or maintenance til my next retreat or psychedelic journey. To have that inner strength to give it that extra push, concentration, or even surrender to really see things as they are. 

  7. On 7/13/2017 at 10:54 PM, hinawashi said:

    Sometimes I regret taking on the journey of self-development because the more I meditate the more I find myself disgusting, filled with pride, anger, jealousy and hypocrisy.

    As my awareness gets sharper and sharper I am also becoming more and more aware of these things. And so with awareness alone it can be curative. 


    Try signing up for a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat and see how much of this you can purge out and slowly peel away from your mind. 

  8. @MsNobody I can relate to your story from my first retreat; anxiety, judgments, extreme fantasies. I couldn't possibly follow the technique the first time because I was just loaded and backed up from years of toxic stuff. It was just a purging mess. 

    I can't even imagine what a solo retreat would do.. I feel it would literally kill me.