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Posts posted by JustinS

  1. @Max_V dude that’s totally good sign of progress. You’re actually getting somewhere with your practice and contemplations. This is where the “rubber meets the road.” Whenever I get these feelings of anxiety/terror I make sure I double down and go for it all the way with the best of my abilities. You become so openminded that you will eventually kill yourself. 

    Your desire for Truth should have a snowball effect. Where eventually you’ll be mature enough to handle it. That is why most older spiritually inclinded people are into this. They are ready and ripe for reunion with the divine. 

  2. I'd recommend doing lots and lots of strong determination sitting meditation. At least 20 hours/month before the trip. It will help be internally grounded. Especially during strong determination, when shit hits the fan and you want to look away from the un-comfortableness, you're just aware and still. Taking this into your trip will help tons, paradoxically, in letting go. 

  3. :') amazing 

    There was this overweight old dog that could barely walk. He walked right by my feet as I was walking down the street. I chuckled at him for how funny he looked wobbling around just to walk a short distance. As I turned my head and walked away he immediately barked and I had this intuition that he said in an old grandpa like voice “oh yeah jackass keep laughing.” Haha I laughed some more. It was too perfect.

  4. 5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I'm pretty sure in the next 100-200 years 5-MeO-DMT will be force-fed to all human beings like vaccine shots are today. That will shift things dramatically.

    @Leo Gura Wow that's being really optimistic. 

    @UDT I've talked with my mother on my experimentations with psilocybin and she said she may be interested. I've talked to her about the many studies being done that treats depression, anxiety, OCD, etc. It will drastically shift her entire life with just a little glimpse of Being, something she forgot decades ago. I'm currently in the same boat as you are. 


  5. First, stop feeding yourself with things that aren't making you naturally happy; social obligations, unhealthy diet, victim wormhole thinking, etc. 

    I think you may be looking for peace of mind and not so much happiness. 

    - It doesn't hurt to start cleaning out your body. Fat Green Smoothies every morning! Even better, drink it after a light jog around the neighborhood plus with a cold shower to really get it going ;) !

    - Find yourself a sense of purpose or meaning in this world that caters you. 

    - Try strong determination sitting; 30 min with absolutely no moving! 

    - Doing less throughout your day. Keeping it to around 5 main tasks throughout your day like cooking, work, reading, journaling, exercising.

    - Talking to like minded people in your city. Yoga (find the new age ones) , psychedelic meetups, 

    - Psychedelics, or if thats too hard to find try a bit of marijuana once in awhile; a pretty decent kickstarter in expressing yourself through dance, writing, drawing, whateva! 

    * When the world feels like it's going to collapse just sit there on your couch and do Nothing but be aware of the recycling mind pattern. Trust me, it will eventually die down even if it takes 20min-1hr. <- This is where meditation can come in handy! Best of luck. 

  6. Somewhere along the line of my childhood I just assumed all adults just figured it out about this thing called Life. Not til I was about 20, I was sitting in my room stoned out of my mind and realized we were just floating in space on a rock through infinite space and no one really knew jack shit. Everywhere I looked around no one seemed to really notice this reality that we are a small speck in this Universe. It shook me with terror and awe which left me in tears. Since then I've been going deeper and deeper down the hole and paradoxically finding more meaning in the ordinary; it's the new extraordinary. I've grown so much yet still I'm a child. :)