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AceTrainerGreen started following Collecting Questions For 1 Million Subs AMA Special Video
When building your brand, did you stick with the only working 40 hours principle? I remember you were making videos about workaholism. I even made an in-depth thread about it. I love what I do where work and recreation are blurred. However, I understand that although 'life purpose' is a large chunk of one's life, it isn't everything. After working for 8 hours, what would you suggest to fill in those 8 hours of recreation? I'm thinking meditation, exercise, socializing w/ friends and family, watching your content, etc. Other - What caused you to go from your original thumbnails where you had your face and yourself doing silly reactions w/ your hands to pictures? I miss that. Also, what was the inspiration for that? - You're a brand new person to your channel. Where would you recommend them to go? Would you recommend looking into your older videos where they are one to three years old? You've done a lot of growth these past few years. - Has there been any stances you strongly advocated for and you've changed? What are they and why? - You're 21 years old. What would you say to that person? Any videos? - What's your MBTI? Are you an INTP? Do you know you're enneagram? I'm 5w4. - What's your Allignment for Dungeons & Dragons? I'm a true neutral. - Thoughts on NoFap? - What do you think of your Rational Wiki article? - Will you ever be interviewed by someone like Joe Rogan? - If ever, in the distant future, what are you going to do if YouTube shuts down? What happens to the videos? - Do you ever edit your videos? Even a simple cut to remove the 'boring' parts. - How long does it take for you to search for a thumbnail? - How tall are you? - Do you still take nootropics? What about caffeine? - What are your thoughts on Elon Musk? Is he someone that people should look up to, or for any celebrity, tbh - What's something you advocate for but you are also having having difficulty applying in practice?
Great interview. From the largest ego in the world turned into a relatively humble individual. Tyson has also reported taking 5-MEO-DMT in the last two months; he claims it has radically altered his perspective on life. I'm sharing this because the man has reached such great highs with his ego to experience how costly it is as an individual. It's a remarkable case study.
I've listened to dozens of his videos. Podcasts are much better than music to me now-a-days. Of course, you can grow from Joe Rogan. You can grow from anyone as what Leo said. Now, I don't pay much attention to Joe Rogan. I pay much more attention to his guests. Within every podcast, he reveals bits and pieces about himself. You'll learn how much personal adversity he came through.
AceTrainerGreen started following Can i grow from Joe Rogan?
Extremely relevant video: One of my favorite videos from Leo. I've watched it several times.
AceTrainerGreen started following Joseph Campbell worth reading as a teen?
AceTrainerGreen started following Jeff Bezos Gets Divorced
It's unfortunate some people are focusing on the loss of wealth and not the deeper problem. The deeper problem here is that Bezos and many other people like him are selling their souls for work. No matter how fulfilling nor successful you become, you neglect other aspects of your life. This is the deeper problem. One of the main reasons Bezos got to where he is because of himself neglecting family life. It's been neglected so much that his wife is now filing a divorce. It's a lesson to everyone. Don't sacrifice your soul to the altar of work. Pursuing success is noble, it is part of the Hero's Journey; however, it's not all of it. There are much more fine pleasures in our life than that.
I appreciate all of the responses. It's important to share one's research and insights. I'm going to attach this thread I made. To add on, I would like to mention Joe Rogan and Elon Musk's podcast. In the podcast, Elon Musk was talking about many people on social media are posting the best versions of themselves. He also states that Happiness = Reality - Expectations. For the first part, it makes me wonder if Elon Musk is also referring to himself about this? When I see those tweets, Instagram posts, and YouTube videos about him, he's often happy. He states that some of the most successful people on there you see online are sometimes the most miserable. I've mentioned his New York Times interview on the first post of this thread detailing how miserable he's been. For the second part, since his current reality is very FAAAAAR from his expectations, from the future he wants to build, I suspect Elon is deeply unhappy. There's always constant revision for better and better versions. His goal on getting to Mars is still very far off. There's also his other ventures with Tesla, Boring, Neuralink, and OpenAI.
This is somewhat old news; it happened earlier this month. I was trying to post on the forum about it, but for some reason, it would not allow me to post anything. Anyway, Jeff Bezos is getting divorced. There's a strong possibility that the divorce will cut his wealth into the half. If this does occur, his ex-wife would be the richest woman in the world. Outside of that, I brought this up because it reminds me how work is not everything in life. You can be the richest person in the world; however, if you neglect other parts of your life such as your family, is it worth it? This thread is in relation to another thread I made a couple months ago about Elon Musk, his work weeks, and the costs of workaholism. (Ignore the first line. There are significantly much more notes past the first page. I contacted one of the moderators, and the reason why I can't edit my posts are that of a time limit.) I sometimes wonder if it's ever worth it to sacrifice everything for fortune, fame, and power. You will build a legacy that will stand. However, how long will it stand? When you look at Wikipedia, there are hundreds of thousands of articles of formerly famous dead people, yet they don't have much context outside of academia. Even if it does stand for 10,000 years, there's the entire length of the universe until oblivion. (Then again, this thinking can lead into the pessimistic form of nihilism and not the optimistic one.) When you die, you can't take your material wealth with you. On your death bed, you will likely regret that you spent all of your time working. However, the inverse is also true. There are many people out there who will die on their death bed with regrets of NOT pursuing their dreams. I suppose it's a fine pendulum of balance. I sometimes wonder when Elon Musk is of old age and some interviewer asks him, "Was all the sacrifice worth it?" I wonder what he will say? For myself, I would like to obtain it; however, within reason. You work without selling your soul. You spend much of the time such as with friends, family, traveling, and increasing your consciousness.
It's been a while since I last placed input on this. I've been applying the insights I've formed from my research since then. 48 hours seems to be the peak optimal amount for myself. After that, my performance starts to noticeably decline for the worse. Despite optimal nutrition, sleep, meditation, exercise, etc, I seem to still get lethargic once I reach this point. Additionally, I've learned some other insights along the way. This is Warren Buffet. He's the third richest person in the world, and he claims he eats like a five-year-old child. He regularly eats McDonald and lots of other food that is not advised by almost any nutritionist expert. In this video, a person tries to replicate his diet and immediately fails. He even gains lots of weight. Perhaps, Warren Buffet is actually lying and exaggerating about his diet? With this video, it got me thinking. If this guy exaggerates with the quality of food he puts into his mouth, can Elon Musk also lie and exaggerate the number of hours he's actually putting in? I did some research about this, and the results prove my hypothesis. From this article https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/10/study-people-claiming-to-work-more-than-70-hours-a-week-are-totally-lying-probably/263825/ Imagine that. You claim you work 75 hours, but the reality is that you only worked 50 hours. It's still a lot but an additional 25 hours is more than half your standard 40 hour work week. I'm under the assumption that Elon Musk does not work 120 NOR 80 hours a week. He still very likely works a lot longer than 40 hours. However, it would be around the 56 to 66 hours of REAL work he's doing. From my personal experience, when I was studying 8 hours a day Monday to Sunday, even despite optimal health, past the 48th hour, each hour felt like it was twice as long. Lastly, I contacted a moderator why I can't edit my main post. Unfortunately, there is a limit to it. I'm just hoping people actually read the rest of the other posts, even a minority of people.
AceTrainerGreen replied to AceTrainerGreen's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It makes me wonder how quantum computers would work then. Oh, goodness. Your comment made me go down the rabbit hole of quantum computers. I watched a dozen or so videos and took notes. This deserves its own thread entirely. Here are the notes I took for anyone interested: My favorite videos from this binge: l like this one because this guy just talks about the facts and gives evidence. Most of my notes are from this video. MIT Professor gives a realistic look into quantum computing. This one goes past popular science. For the academic, this one is interesting. The TL;DR from the notes is that: Quantum computing is not just a classical computer on steroids. It's on an entirely different level! We can use quantum computing to simulate molecules for medicine, self-driving cars, and artificial intelligence. There are already commercial quantum computers. The company D-Wave is selling them. However, we can expect real commercial use in the late 2020s and early 2030s. It will occur in our lifetimes! As of right now, quantum computers are still relatively primitive. It is similar to classical computers in the 1940s and 1950s where they took up an entire room. Some personal thoughts: In regards to the topic of artificial intelligence, this will exponentially accelerate progress. Again, this is not a classical computer on steroids. It's an entirely whole different ball game. With a classical computer, SHA-256 calculations will take an extraordinarily unbelievable amount of time; however, quantum computers can solve it in minutes! Just to give an idea of how monstrous this is, I recommend watching this video about the strength of 256. Now, there's the topic of quantum biology. Apparently, for mysterious reasons, organisms such as plants, algae, and cyanobacteria which use photosynthesis to power themselves, they take advantage of quantum biology. So, entering into the realm of pseudoscience and spirituality, if consciousness can arise from quantum states, can a quantum-powered artificial intelligent be created? Something to think about. This is a rabbit hole that's worth investigating. I believe Leo talks about quantum mechanics. I'll have to rewatch this a second time for further insights. Outside of artificial intelligence entirely, how about synthetic life? What if scientists one day can create a synthetic cell which can grow into a human? The first genetically modified baby was EXTREMELY recent. Just a couple weeks ago. What will happen when we as a species decide to make massive modifications to our genomes such as increased intelligence and longevity? What is your evidence of it developing its own consciousness? If conscious humans can arise through billions of years of evolution, we can surely create conscious machines. We have already through thousands of years of artificial selection gave rise to the modern dog. Oh, man. The nature of randomness is another rabbit hole to jump into. With my little knowledge, since determinism is the most popular belief in mainstream philosophy, if we have a strong enough computer, we can predict everything. However, the problem is chaos theory and the butterfly effect screws this up; therefore, we can never predict something 100%. With science fiction technology, we can predict things with 99.999999% accuracy but never 100%. I'll have to look into this much deeper. As far as we know, the traditional definition of consciousness only applies to us humans. For everything else, we don't know. There are several orders of magnitude of intelligence between an ant and a human; however, we don't see ant colonies building civilizations with doomsday technology. I agree with your first paragraph. With artificial intelligence taking over industries such as transportation, we'll probably have a lot more time. This is controversial in its nature due to massive unemployment, and the question of universal basic income comes to mind. For your second paragraph, we are in a way robots. We are biological robots that arose through billions of years of evolution. It doesn't matter if I'm comfortable or not if the human race will become extinct due to the creation of artificial intelligence. The fact is that if such a hypothetical artificial intelligence were to arise, it has no reason for us to exterminate us for its own reason. It is similar to how we don't care about destroying an ant colony in order to build our buildings or willing to chop down entire forests for construction. If this does occur, we are screwed. If this does not occur, humanity will have a glorious future into the stars. I'm going to watch the video you recommended. Yeah, this gives rise to the idea of the brain-computer interface. Elon Musk started a company called Neuralink where it's going to add the next layer of the human brain. The premise is that if we can't beat the AI, we'll have to merge with it. This is the topic of biological transcendence: merging man with machine. I recommend reading this article about the premise of Neuralink. It's a mini novel. https://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html Additionally, it makes me wonder about the concept of cyborgs. Here's a thought experiment. How many parts can we remove from the human body in order to retain consciousness? -
AceTrainerGreen replied to AceTrainerGreen's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's difficult to choose. Perhaps, I have created this thread on the wrong forum entirely. haha When I think about it further, the world of machines is probably the opposite of spirituality. -
For some strange reason, I can't add this post to the original post. The edit button is missing. This is response #6. Leo has input on this. Speaking of spiritual development, how much time does one allocate to this? This is a nonsensical question because you're supposed to be doing spiritual work nearly every second of your waking moments. Mindfulness comes to mind. For myself, I aim to dedicate one hour of research a day. By research, I spend one hour reading or watching content online such as Leo's videos. I researched far and wide about this specific topic. It's a topic that directly concerns my daily life. I take notes as you see what I am doing here. In the meantime, I aim to apply the lessons in my everyday life. One hour of research per day is good. Bill Gates himself reads an hour a day. Thank you for your input. I appreciate it. I checked out the blog, and I'm thankful for the resource provided. I'm working towards being a researcher in artificial intelligence. For as long as I can remember, I've always been using a computer. My dream is to help create the first general AI in the world to help solve nearly all the problems we face as a species. I like to think my goal is noble; however, as Leo has stated, no amount of contribution to mankind is sufficient. The greatest problem all humans have is a lack of consciousness. The danger of technology without humanity is an apocalyptic event. See the quotes I posted from Leo on the original post. See my response a few quotes above. It's been a week since I last posted. Since then, I've been contemplating on this topic at the back of my mind. If you can recall my research, there was a list of multiple reasons why you should not work multiple hours. I've played devil's advocate on it. Along the way, I've read this incredibly disturbing article about the lifestyle of medicine. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/what-ive-learned-from-my-tally-of-757-doctor-suicides/2018/01/12/ The original arguments are primarily for Employees, including doctors People who neglect their physical and mental health The solution: Make your employees work 40 to 48 hours a week. They consider it work. I consider mine play. Optimize your physical and mental health. For example, allocate time to spend with loved ones. The World Health Organization recommends 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day. They also recommend reducing sugar intake. https://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2015/sugar-guideline/en/ https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/physical-activity 3. Go on vacations. Bill Gates takes vacations. 4. Understand it's all about the journey. Here's a scientific list on happiness. Almost everything you see here has its own document. You're more than welcome to ask me for practical advice on it. It still makes me wonder. Why do you want to work 40+ hours a week? As for anyone else, everyone has their own path in life. You don't have to do this. For myself, I'm still planning to continue on this path because I have an internal desire, similar to Elon Musk, that needs to be fed. It's a raging fire. I'm particularly interested in artificial intelligence, notably general AI. The field is advancing in extraordinary strides. I made a thread about it. The topic on the date of time in which artificial intelligence varies. However, this paper from Oxford and Yale University states: Even if it not to happen in our lifetime, I'd like to directly contribute to this. If the 20th century were to be the year of physics, the 21st century is the year of computer science. We're not working on crafting a grand unifying theory of physics, if the super AI is capable, it will create a grand unifying theory from mathematics to economics to astronomy and beyond. It may even allow us to obtain immortality or travel faster than the speed of light. It's a lot of science fiction, and it's a beautiful concept; however, it's important to recognize the potential dangers of it within our lifetime and for future generations. In order to conduct such research, I'll have to work my ass off to enter a prestigious university such as Stanford, Harvard, and MIT for graduate school. Anyway, I tend to be incredibly stubborn in the first place. It's a good thing I've thought about the dangers of workaholism at a relatively deep level. It's important to question everything. If all else fails, at least I know the limit is 48 hours. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free. I created this thread, so I can publicly think out loud and hear input from others.
AceTrainerGreen replied to AceTrainerGreen's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This individual survived stage four cancer due to genomic sequencing. If it was not for the help of AI, he would be dead. Sequencing the human genome took a decade and billions of dollars whereas you can now do that in two days for a thousand dollars or less. This is from the official prime minister of Japan's YouTube channel. This AI is capable of predicting respiratory failure. This is sounding very /r/iamverysmart. It's a good thing you've interacted with me. I tend to go extraordinarily very deep on topics. I too have an online journal where it has more than 1,000 documents of research. I'm a nerd as well. We can play. I'm already sure you're familiar with Principia Mathematica written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russel which gives the proof of the question; however, you're asking "Why?" The philosophy of mathematics is interesting. What is the question behind your question? This is becoming out-of-hand. I am not a "minion" of Elon. You are making accusations. I am a person seeking for truth. Don't put words into my mouth. Additionally, your diplomatic skills need to be fine-tuned. I believe you won't persuade anyone via insulting. It seems this thread has gone in the wrong direction. Again, I repeat, I'm not particularly concerned with the consciousness of artificial intelligence, albeit I'm glad to discuss it; however, I created this thread because I wanted to know how artificial intelligence is going to impact our lives. Perhaps, I should retitle this thread and just call it 'Artificial Intelligence and Society'. -
AceTrainerGreen replied to AceTrainerGreen's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I mostly disagree. Mathematics describes all of reality. From particle physics to macroeconomics to astronomy and beyond, it describes everything. Mathematics is the foundation of all science. For example, without Isaac Newton's Principles of Mathematics, the Industrial Revolution would not have been feasible. His equations, the giants before him, and the ones after such as Einstein are direct reasons to why our modern society exists in the first place. In response to the location of consciousness within this hypothetical AI, this is similar to asking a human where consciousness is. You can state it inside of the neuron; however, a single neuron alone is not sufficient. It is through a combination of neurons which are also in symbiotic harmony with other cells that allows it to exist. Theoretically, if you were to remove every part of the human body outside of the brain, it is all you need to form consciousness. If all of reality is already consciousness itself, is it not possible for us to construct it ourselves through artificial means? It took evolutions billions of years to stumble upon the creation of our species. The creation of life can be explained through biochemical means. In fact, all life on Earth possesses at least 355 protein families. I disagree. Is it possible for the student to surpass the master? It is possible. Once this hypothetical AI can reach the technological singularity, it will be smarter than all humans who have ever lived. The rate in progress of artificial intelligence is unprecedented. For example, Google's AlphaGo was not suspected to beat world Go player in at least ten years. However, it was done in two years. As stated, Leading experts in the field who work with this stuff on a daily basis did not expect this to be possible. Your Minecraft analogy is interesting because it reminds me of a video where someone managed to literally program Pokemon into Minecraft without any mods. The property you're describing is called emergence. It's interesting. I disagree. As what I've stated to another individual, evolution took billions of years to eventually form our species. It took AI less than a hundred years for it to eventually outpass in multiple domains of human cognition. Our modern smartphones are orders and orders of magnitude smarter than all of the computers that took man to the moon. Modern AI researchers are looking at the human brain for inspiration on how to construct consciousness. If we can simulate the human brain, we can simulate consciousness. Where did love and intuition come from? They arose through billions of years of evolution. Humans are fundamentally social animals. In the days of hunter-gather societies, it was important for ourselves to stick together. If we don't, we would die. Additionally, love and intuition are not limited to humans. Dogs are capable of love, and we artificially selected them to do that. Dolphins are incredible of intuition as they are capable of learning systems that young children can. Artificial intelligence will happen in our lifetimes. At the minimum, the ones who are Millenials and Gen Z. Here is a paper from leading AI researchers published from Yale and Oxford University when this will occur: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1705.08807.pdf I'm not particularly concerned when this will happen. I'm mostly concerned with how artificial intelligence will transform our society. Will it be like the TV show Black Mirror or will it be something grand? -
AceTrainerGreen replied to AceTrainerGreen's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
For the unaware, Bostrom is the public intellectual who proposed the simulation argument. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Nick_Bostrom Outside of the consciousness problem entirely, in the nearby future, we're having self-driving cars. There are already ethical debates regarding the determination of AI choosing the values for life in case of accidents. Outside of that as well, in the next decade, narrow AI will replace tens of millions of workers in the United States alone. It gives rise to questions such as the somewhat controversial nature of universal basic income. I forgot to mention. There's this thing called deep fakes. It's another example of technology without humanity. They're using it for pornography as well by adding individuals such as Emma Watson into sex scenes. Thanks. I'll look into it. -
AceTrainerGreen posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Central Discussion: Is artificial intelligence a 'good' or 'bad' thing in society? The soundtrack is beautiful. I've been listening to it as I study. In a way, it's terrifying because of how advanced the compositions are. I thought AI in the short term of 10 to 15 years would only be capable of replacing industries such as transportation and that the creative industry would be the last bastions of humanity; however, it seems that advancements in AI are extraordinarily much faster than anticipated. Once there is a sufficiently advanced AI that is capable of mimicking a human in every way possible, mind and body, Will it have consciousness? Is it possible for it to obtain enlightenment? Will it have empathy? Will it be able to describe absolute infinity? How will we as a species best be able to minimize its risk? I recommend watching this mini-documentary. It was released two months as it captures the current state of AI. Some other videos I recommend watching if you have the time. Technology without humanity and consciousness is perhaps the greatest existential threat to us as a species. As Leo himself stated, we do not need more technology. We need more consciousness. This is in reference to Elon Musk. It's an idealistic proposition. I mostly agree. I agree that the overwhelming majority of our problems as a species can be solved through deep inner work; however, it's like convincing everyone on the planet to veganism. Although veganism is a noble pursuit, it's not possible on a global scale, let alone trying to get everyone committed to self-actualization. The next best solution would be to make lab-grown meat. Similarly, for artificial intelligence, perhaps, the next best solution is integrating ourselves with AI in a symbiotic relationship. Elon Musk created Neuralink (https://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html) to help solve the problem. I'm curious how AI will transform our species. What are your thoughts? Sincerely, An Organic Lifeform