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Everything posted by abundance
I don't think the problem is necessarily government. Its also the unconscious masses who vote for unconscious government officials. As we rise in consciousness so will our government. Even government in its current forms has positive aspects. Without some governmental regulations all the corruption you mentioned above would be exacerbated. The problem isn't government, it is the corruption and collusion we've allowed to penetrate it.
abundance replied to johncakecream's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I would have started testing people who came from epicenters of the virus to start. Also testing samples of the population would have beneficial in determining who had the virus and whether there was community spread. And look how well gutting the program has worked so far. I like Dr Fauci by the way. That isn't a legitmate reason to ignore and not heed warnings of a potential pandemic. You are correct on this. However he did down play the threat virus nonethless and it certainly didn't help our situation. I don't disagree with you here. The bottom line is that his response to the virus has been pretty bad. I am no fan of Hilary or Obama but I feel their response would have been stronger. -
abundance replied to johncakecream's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I would have accepted the testing kits from WHO and started doing immediate testing. We lost valuable time by not doing initial testing. I wouldn't have cut our Pandemic Response Force. I would have listened to our intelligence agencies and followed the strategy to combat the spread of the virus And most importantly I wouldn't have called it a "Democratic Hoax" and down played the severity of a virus. Whether you're a Trump supporter or not, he dropped the ball on this. A strong initial response may have been the difference between ten thousand deaths and a hundred thousand deaths. Its all to early to tell of course. However, his weak response should be an automatic disqualifier. I am no fan of Hilary but I think she would have handled the crisis totally differently. -
abundance replied to johncakecream's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Donald Trump made a hard bed for himself. Had he listened to the experts initially we wouldnt be in the severe situation we're in. Sorry for the harsh original post. I've known some people in my personal life who've already passed away from this virus. His failure to handle the crisis early makes me very angry. -
I slightly agree with the first paragraph. Your point went downhill at about.....paragraph 2.
abundance replied to Sizeable Oof's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Isn't this the guy who fired his black police chief after he supposedly spoke out against police brutality? I am not Bernie or Bust and I do want more conscious leadership in the White House. However, based on his sketchy past and corporate backing, I cannot in good conscious vote for him if he is the nominee. -
Not to be too pessimistic but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump gets another 4 years. A new Gallop Poll shows his approval rating increased. The impeachment has seemed to rally his base even further. I think it really depends on voter turn out and who is the nominee. If Pete get the nomination (which I doubt because he doesn't have minority vote) the attacks against him will be brutal. And that is aside from the fact many people just wont be inspired to make that trip to the voting booth. I think we forget how much the average American is disengaged from the politcal process.
abundance replied to Parththakkar12's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
There is a very real possbility that society as we know it will collapse in the not so far future. In fact, there was a report not too long ago about Pentagon officials predicting the collapse of the US military within 20 years due to climate change. https://www.google.com/amp/s/futurism.com/pentagon-report-predicts-military-collapse/amp As extreme weather disasters get more frequent/severe/expensive and food shortages become more common due to droughts it isnt too hard to imagine how society could slowly unravel. I really don't think it will be the type of collapse that happens abruptly due to one major event. Nor do I think it will be the end of mankind. Instead, I foresee a gradual collapse of our global industrial civilization. And this may ultimately be a good thing for the human species and the planet as a whole. It will pave the way for mankind to redefine itself and create a new story. But this is a long term benefit. Short term, collapse will be dreadful, dramatic and just plain ugly. Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler comes to mind depicting societal collapse in America. -
abundance replied to Ariesleith's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Thank you for the video. On a side note I wish we could all vote to send Trump on a 4 week long Vipassana retreat. -
abundance replied to abundance's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Thanks for those resources. He has some very good points regarding eco-fascism. I don't think it is brought up enough in current political discourse. I don't agree completely with his ideology and do see the value of entrepreneurship. However, given the severity of the climate crisis humanity may have no choice but to abandon stage orange capitalism. If we dont scale back and live within the bounds of earth's resources we face destruction. -
abundance replied to Inliytened1's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
For anyone who wants insight into how a conflict with Iran would go, watch this. -
abundance replied to Annoynymous's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Join the anti-War movement -
abundance replied to Annoynymous's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
These times seem eerily similar to 2002/3. I remember being 14 years old sitting in my wood working class and everyone glued to the TV watching the Iraqi invasion unfold. My young mind couldn't grasp the significance of it then. Since then I've known high school class mates who were killed, family members who've came back dismembered and/or mentally disturbed. Now in my early 30s I've seen the world change rapidly before my eyes. The rise of nationalism in Europe and in America An increasingly worrying climate crisis Increase wealth inequailty and corporate power/greed So many of these issues could have been prevented and/or mitigated had we not spent the past two decades mired in war. Now in the opening of 2020, it seems like things are getting worse. We need to denounce this, even if it means getting out on the streets. -
I have a history of depression and anxiety. And schizophrenia runs in my family. I am deeply worried that if I experiment with a substances like ayahuasca or ibogaine it will completely alter my brain chemistry and I will have drug induced psychosis And before I am told that there are no such things as brains I still exist very much in the material world. And the thought of losing my mind terrifies me. I had an extremely bad trip from laced weed about 7 years ago. It left me in the ER and with random panic attacks for almost a month. This only made me more terrified of drug induced psychosis. Does anyone else have similar fears and experiences? Or even worse has mental illness in your family like mine? How did you overcome this fear? Thanks in advance.
Has anyone else notice themselves become more socially awkward around people since doing consciousness work? Before becoming an avid meditator I seemed to be more outgoing. It was so easy for me to connect with other people and make friendships on the fly. I've never been an extrovert but I had no problem expressing myself around other people. Now I am more reclusive and would rather spend most of my time to myself. And this is mostly due to me feeling self conscious about my awkwardness. When talking I am more conscious of the subtle body language of not only the people I'm communicating with but myself as well. This often causes me to over analyze when communicating and leads to awkwardness. Another thing I notice is that I seem to be far less interested in small talk. I realize this is the type of convo most people engage in and it is good for networking and building rapport. I've heard of people becoming more outgoing since doing this work. For me it seems to have done the complete opposite. Has anyone experienced and overcome this? Its been this way for me for about 4 years now.
abundance replied to nowimhere's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
How do you define winning? Also him having half the country's support means absolutely nothing. His voters are just as delusional as he is, hence why they voted for him. Sadly, most people are deeply misinformed and misguided (both on the left and right). The average American is fed a constant stream of lies via mainstream media and isn't open minded enough to seek out independent media, let alone do their own research to validate what their being told. It is for this reason that voters by and large can't be trusted to make conscionable decisions at the ballot box. -
abundance replied to nowimhere's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
That's absolutely terrible news. Unless you want to hasten the collapse of global industrial civilization. Another 8 years of Trump and his denial & inaction on climate change is a death sentence to the planet and a segway into eco-fascism. And that's aside from the broken healthcare system we have, the student loan crisis, increased wealth inequality, increased corruption in politics etc. None of which he will even attempt to address. -
abundance replied to nowimhere's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I agree but perhaps not for the same reason. Its a distraction and its such a weak position to impeach him on that it may ultimately work in his favor come election time. I am no fan of Trump and I do believe he should be held accountable. However, we should hold him accountable on acts that ARE actually provable & impeachable offenses. I take the same position that Tulsi takes on this. The fact that so many progressives are supporting impeachment on this issue is a strategic blunder. We are basically being manipulated by the neo-liberal establishment. Just because we both (meaning progressives & neo liberals) despise Trump doesn't mean we go into battle with them. We must stand on principle regardless of how much a despise Trump. We beat Trump in the issues that matter. Student loan debt. Climate change. A broken healthcare system. Bribary in politics. etc etc -
abundance replied to nowimhere's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Great commentary on the current fiaso on capitol hill -
abundance replied to abundance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thanks for putting this phase into context. -
abundance replied to nexusoflife's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
On a side note. There has actually been some relatively high conscious leaders in Africa post colonialism. Check out these two. Both of these men proposed great things for their countries and were tragically murdered. Thomas Sankara https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Sankara Patrice Lumumba https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice_Lumumba Unfortunately many parts of Sub Saharan Africa are at the losing end of global capitalism. Its not as simple as categorizing these countries stage Purple/Red (which does play a significant role) without mentioning the role that exploitation and foreign intervention has played on the continent. -
abundance replied to Thetruthseeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Criticism of Israel does not equate to anti-Semitism. -
abundance replied to Thetruthseeker's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is a problem since we are in a moment in human history where we need an incredible amount of cooperation on a global scale to address the existential crisis we all face - The Climate Crisis. If nation states solely focus on serving their own best interest little if no substantial progress can be made. And we are running out of time. We cannot wait for the collective conscious of humankind to rise to the point where we it prioritizes something as urgent as the climate crisis. That is a sure path to extinction quite frankly. -
I am not familiar with UK politics but based on what I've seen with Boris we can pretty much kiss any hope of UK pushing legit policies on climate change goodbye. At least for the foreseeable future. Very sad day for UK and the world for that matter. The ironic thing is that the very policies that have pushed Britons to vote for a Brexit are the same set of policies that they continue to vote for. Similar to America, it seems a large segment of their population vote against their own best interest, suffers the consequences and then subsequently moves futher and further to the right after the fallout. It all boils down to a lack education and consciousness at the end of the day. A nation can rise no further than the collective conscious of its people. And I am beginning to accept the reality that people get the government they deserve.