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Everything posted by khalifa

  1. @ElenaO Your desire to narrow down your sight/lens to commitment and improvement has it's side effects. Notice how you projected/judged that 'there is no place for games or watching tv :D)' Quote Then again ironically i did judge you for off a single post it would better be if i just accepted the situation and moved on as there is nothing wrong with it as life is neutral. As acceptance is truly key when it comes to unconditional views/unattached views vs justifying with ego. I did point out however that it was just based off a single text and i did read through a few of the earlier posts but i was skipping through the content wondering. Hence not really putting much effort into this. Don't mind me as my projection could be wrong, Just try to examine it yourself maybe. If you feel like your fine then, I'd say play skeptic a bit longer as it does help seeing things overtime on how you feel about your certainty lies. Either way do whatever floats your boat.
  2. @ElenaO Have you read the The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? You seem to misunderstand when it comes to 'how to understand and communicate people' Then again this is just a mere projection of reading a few text posts off yours. But they did show that vibe off you. Just wanted to let you know. Commitment and improvement sounds pretty good but your too attached to it to a point where it's deluding you from seeing clearly. Your nature at looking at other points of life seem auto toxic. There's no need to go like who the hell needs that or so as you seem to lack understanding. Which will usually buy itself into compassion by knowing why at times/it depends.
  3. I'm aware that, their are lots of meditation practices, does it matter which one is practiced? (please watch the video highlight first) Is Shambhavi Mudra really that much better than your typical do nothing technique? Do nothing technique : Is where we just be aware and see the thoughts come by, and neither interact with it nor block it but simply be present through our sitting. I'm most comfortable with the do nothing technique or focusing on breath only until a thought arises which i just watch or hear, as i neither control/continue it nor block it. Is Shambhavi Mudra a supposedly superior meditation technique or their all typically equal regardless of what's practiced ?
  4. @Leo Gura Would this count as a meditation or are we creating too much noise? Step 1 : Breath in and out at a fast rate until a tingling sensation occurs, Step 2 : we hold breath until we feel the need to breath again. Step 3: Holding that breath for 10-20sec and then we exhale and repeat over from step 1.
  5. Not sure what it's called, but i remember this zen story about this Chinese farmer regarding maybe it's good luck maybe it's bad luck
  6. We are all technically self deception machines
  7. love is always a projection created by human psyche's it can be conditional or unconditional depending on the persons self deception
  8. quote 'Tibetan monks practicing a rare form of meditation known as g-tummo, said to control “inner energy,” can raise their core temperature at will. Researchers at the National University of Singapore found that even Westerners taught to practice a basic form of g-tummo in the form of two breathing techniques could successfully warm themselves up. One technique required the participant to concentrate on envisioning flames at the base of the spine, and the other involved “vase breath,” a breathing method that produces heat. A Dutch man used similar techniques to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in 2009 wearing only shorts and sandals.'
  9. I'll be honest that paranormal highlight just irks me as it attacks my web of belief system, i notice my ego has a set of rules and it doesn't like it when someone lays or changes something I've discarded as a 100%, as i usually think i have highly accurate perception at times when it comes to fact examining. I do claim I'm open minded but it's going to be hard to swallow, I wonder if i am truly open minded as there is no way to be certain in either path self deception lies.
  10. Dualism/Neutral life of the no self
  11. @Mat Pav go ahead bro link away anything, i love watching scientific stuff, I've been binging on it on for years, i have a never fulfilled thirst for knowledge which is quite neurotic lol forgot to link
  12. @Mat Pav How does reasoning function? I honestly can't really answer most of those questions i may try to speculate some answers but even so i can't even come close to explaining to why they exist as they just do, as simple as as it only exists as a miracle is quite mind boggling itself. Are there different types of logical systems? Is it possible for it to be proven decisively that rationality has its limitation? ie what does logic have to say about its own limitations? What are the factors that influence your reasoning? Defiantly yes lots of different software programmed ways of delivering data from various both machine and biological form, RNA/DNA to different code set types. Logic is pretty much always limited to it's software/hardware that it's given. Pretty deep stuff Consciousness being split is quite strange but it's possible just as a cpu controls 2 different a.i ( Then again this is all theory, the nothing source that is all of us is just as abstract as a theory)
  13. @Mat Pav It's more like a formula of measuring something that applies to certain aspects, but it may not work as an overall. Let's take an example of measuring weight of some matter, it may not work on measuring density or length. You could look at rationality as a formula to measure or see something. Rationality goes out of it's limits when you hit it on quantum mechanics or so. When you try to explain why something exists it pretty much hits a dead wall since it is unable to do so. Afterall it's just part of our software which has no reason to be as we're all programmed. You can't teach a chimp calculus since it isn't equipped with neither the software or hardware to handle or process what's going on. We are pretty much a bottlenecked version of understanding life as our FLOPS of data bandwidth is very limited. We can't really learn a skill or language overnight which may be laughable to a higher bandwidth capable being. Hence the we can't think outside our box. @Emerald Wilkins I absolutely agree with you, There is no way to be certain about anything we just go with blind faith and self deceive ourselves all the time because what choice do we have? The best approach is always be open about it and say we could be wrong about anything and we neither claim monopoly of any answer we spit out or use. I claim no monopoly on knowing it all as i just used the best of what i know so far and i'm aware it may not be good enough theirs always room to grow and learn and we may always be wrong no matter what we do. kurz videos have some pretty interesting content space related material.
  14. From my personal experience, I've had 7 different therapists and none of them ever worked out for me personally, all i heard was cliche advices that just went over my head and i resumed my neurotic acts in real life for years. Until i found leo's youtube channel where i binged on his content and it improved me overtime, especially the victim mentality videos they snapped me out of it. I've changed a lot taking a lot more action in real life compared to the past. life coaching can truly help you but you can also help yourself without it if applied right. self help content is truly a life changer if you apply it to your life.
  15. 1- How come existence exists at all? If you've ever programmed something before, It seemed like life is pretty much programmed. There is no reason why you can't create anything and apply different laws that you want to input. Perhaps a blue rock in space that has no tempreture yet earth containing a stable temperature all year and being visible without a sun. Or some milk in game that contains 5k calories. Various burn rates or stats that do not need to abide on our current universe laws. Life seems to be similar to that but it may seem like it has profound laws when in truth it really isn't. We're just used to seeing it as the norm. 3- Why is reality ordered in this way? Because it's programmed to be that way. 15- What could God be? A fantasy of a creator perhaps it's most likely fictional. (The creator of the multi-verses = god ) the term "god" has no unambiguous definition. this fictional mind created 'god' requires a good, non-controversial definition of god before arguing on its existence. The only ones that seem answerable to me are: 18- How can I know anything for certain? What do I know for certain? We can't really know anything for certain as it's always assumptions and models we plague it with our current human knowledge of systematic thinking, as it's how we are wired to think and process in the box. We could however try to add pythagorean theory to re-examine to prove our thoughts to us in working both ways but it still isn't certain as it's in our soft/hardware kind of thinking. (we aren't equipped to think outside the box with our current hardware) 19- What makes justifications valid? How do you know that your criteria is the correct one? Justifications are used to validate ones ego as it serves them to think of something in that manner, There is no right or wrong, black and white as these are assignments. We would prefer grey area of thinking but then again if you look closely that is another assignment. 20- Why do billions of people believe in God? People like to cling to the idea of their existence to be meaningful, As cliche as human minds work the illusion of god does give humans the comfort they seek. Most of them at least, not everyone falls into the same category. A fictional created god is a common mindset between humans. 21- How so many people can be wrong? People are wrong because they do not realize they monopolize their thoughts when actually they have no true authority and just go on an auto-pilot spree of being unconscious and unaware. 22- How do you know you are not deceiving yourself? We are always deceiving ourselves because it's in our biological software, We can't fight our software it's quite madness but yet we do all the time. 23- Why do people disagree about good or bad? Does good and bad exist in the mind? Various people will have different perspectives on how they've grown hence the different views of various opinions. It exists because people choose it so to exist in their illusion but if they were to look deeper it isn't really there but it's a projection of ones perception. 24- How come intelligent people delude themselves? What if you are wrong about everything but you believe it because it serves you? Whether intelligent or not people always delude themselves into things since it's again due to their software biological way of thinking and processing brain capabilities. I am pretty sure i am wrong about a lot of things but i prefer to have an open radical mindset to at least minimize the wrongs as there is no way to be completely certain with our current wired way of being programmed to live and see the way we do with an on going blind spot perception of not noticing data accurately . 25- How do I know that I haven’t been indoctrinated/biased? One is always indoctrinated/biased when they grow up in any society. [Opinion added in ] The least they can do is try to snap out of it or re-puzzle themselves which takes a lot of self improvement overtime to fix. Yet it doesn't seem they'll completely change perhaps some minor changes or mid to extreme changes might occur depending on the circumstances. 26- What is science? What are the limits of science? Science is a model of knowledge where it try's to explain why things occur/happen in the metaphysical world that we live in via scientific methods of observed experimental laws/formulas etc being applied to replicate results to explain something. The limits of science is it doesn't realize it is an illusion itself as nothing really makes sense to why it is it's just there. 27- What is rationality? Is it valid? Does it have limits? Rationality is trying to make sense of things on what/how/why something is. It may seem valid to us humans due to our systematic way of thinking but it does have it's limits due to not being able to go outside it's box. 28- What is more reliable: rationality, senses or intuition? None of the above. 29- What are the blind spots/biases of humanity? A combination of Ego/Rationality illusion. 30- How do animals see reality? Similar to us just with less processing capabilities due to why they may seem to be lacking. due to their outdated hardware/software compared to us. 31- Which model of reality is more accurate? None 32- What is truth? The ultimate truth that explains it all may not even exist but then again one cannot be sure. 33- What is understanding? Biological Software. 34- What is the Ultimate Truth? Perhaps nothing exists. 35- What is the best way to acquire knowledge? Trying to learn and seek more off available resources around us seems to do the trick on getting somewhere for now. As in a best method depends on the biological creature. 36- Is reality understandable? Simulations may seem to be understandable but they actually aren't. 37- How can I be sure that I exist at all? Who is I? The body only mirror neurons itself thinking it is when it actually isn't. 38- What are you exactly? Nothing. 39- How did I come into being? There was no I until the age of 4, so; what are you? It just is, An ego software walking around thinking it is. 40- Are you the body and the mind? Neither. Some models may say so but there is a possibility of being the current matter and not the matter at the same time. 41- What is everything else? Are there any boundaries between your body and the world? Everything is an illusion set by our assignments. What kind of boundaries are we speaking off? 42- Is the mind constructing the boundaries? All the time. 43- What is in control of my thoughts? The cell activity that goes around the brain. 44- What is my role in reality? Living. 45- How should I live my life? Neutral progress. 46- What the hell is consciousness? What does it mean to be conscious? To perceive. 47- How is perception possible? Via science it somehow just works with it's current matter to exist. Why? no idea. 48- What unifies our senses? Biological software/hardware matter. 49- What if there are higher levels of consciousness? There is always a higher level of consciousness. 49- What if there are higher levels of consciousness? Does it really matter? Theirs billions of stars out there it isn't hard to imagine or see that we aren't the only things that exist as there are countless numbers of planets that contain life on them. 50- How is consciousness separated? Do people have different consciousness? Similar way how a computer plays various different controlled A.I via a single cpu. Although split brain patients play 2 different consciousness roles but do not realize they are split which is quite odd. 51- Can artificial consciousness be created? There is a debate among the scientific world of singularity that might come into existence via mass quantum processing speed where it just goes like oh i exist somehow. (Similar to the 4 year old scenario of humans but not quite as billions of neuron networks don't even compare to yottabyte quintillion speeds of data bursts that are left ideal within seconds/days/weeks/months/years.) 52- Could inanimate matter be conscious? Why not? You could mix humans and machines and have cyborgs, We have them existing today i see a day where they'll be even advanced to enhance the brain or so doesn't seem to far fetched. Back in the day when mark twain predicted the existence of the internet they called him crazy, He predicated that one day there would be a day where people would be able to communicate with each other through a box one can talk to anyone over a vast amount of distance and they could hear and talk back to them at that instant. It seemed like black magic to them at the time yet here we are today with phones that do just that. Same story with this box that can record moments and can be seen again. Applies for our phones/computers/tvs that play those moments. Let's not be ignorant as we are pretty insignificant living on a rock that is going around some ball of fire for years. 53- What are the laws governing subjective experiences? Biological and Physical laws of our current running program tree. 5- What is matter, energy, space and time? / 2- What is existence? What does it mean for something to exist? What is the relationship between existence and non-existence? extra : I could be slightly right about some of the above with some truth to it or completely wrong about everything, I'm always open to improve on my knowledge tree as it's pretty much imperfect as we humans always continue to live with blind spots without realizing it. Thanks juan for the sum of of the questions.
  16. The meaning of life is simple, it's living. Take a look at various insects/animals/plants/cellar level life, their purpose is just to follow their algorithm, they use their bodies to their capabilities. same goes for every herbivore/carnivore/omnivore etc. a bunch of dogs run around eat and sleep, humans are programmed to think otherwise they might feel like they are superior to the rest but it's quite neutral as it is, there isn't any meaning to it it's just the assignment their level of brains that give in to such illusions. Just live and do whatever you want, your life is a distraction until the day that comes where you will die, like the rest of the universe.
  17. Since judging is a part of perfectionism, it may aid you to gain a deeper insight off it's route.
  18. You are not a robot but you are still a machine, You can't really entangle your entire beliefs because you'll just end up wrapped around it which will result with deeper frustration. Just be aware of it happening and you'll eventually stop it due to believing being aware makes you stop your bad habits. We are by no means anywhere near an absolute robot phase since we interact with our life with stimulus emotions and you'll never really get rid of that since it's embedded within you just embrace it and take the road of being as it will calm you overtime clean with all that belief/resistance as there is no black and white or right and wrong.
  19. Leo was discussing about human plato's and why they stop growing up/maturing up as they were conditioned of what's around them. Any idea which one it could be guys?
  20. @Nic I think his true vision video has an emotional response towards the end of his video, I don't think leo has reached enlightenment phase, I'm unaware of a video of him mentioning he has managed to reach it. If you do find it link here, I find that it's quite interesting to cry when reaching enlightenment phase i thought you'd almost reach a robotic phase of not really feeling much or feeling very neutral towards everything since nothing really matters at that point unless you choose to let it matter to you. @ChimpBrain I'll try to get into more detail, He talks about how everyone stops growing up after reaching their 20s usually as they just copy the typical life phase around them, and their growth either stops or platos and sometimes even declines by copying neurotic behaviors given off by society as they think it's the norm. He always uses his hands on the down / up phase from a kid growing up to an adult , and then an adult declining on his maturity by using his hands again from down to up. @Infinite @electroBeam Thanks for the links I'll try check those out soon.
  21. I'd suggest trying reddit it's quite active on making things viral or sudden surge in traffic depending on content
  22. @Mal But what if his being is part of being selfish? since it's quite neutral as there is no right or wrong regardless of being indoctrinated. since we all fall under that category of being programmed that can't really go outside their boxes
  23. After reading through Their site seems quite convincing, I thought i might give rise + sprint a try. Wondering if it would help on meditation since it increases working memory overtime + other cognitive functions. Is this a bad idea? edit: these are on my amazon cart right now after seeing leo's video, although i'm somewhat afraid of mixing them with nootrobox they might backfire or my body may respond to them edit thought i'd add these three in aswell
  24. @MarkusR Just a third party test, it's probably inaccurate it just tries to estimate your brain matter state via online tests on daily life. TBH seems like it's marketed towards gimmicky scamming people. But at the same time it has some truth to it but not quite accurate.