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Everything posted by HollyV

  1. Hi, If anyone's interested in opening this back up, I am experiencing this for the first time. Anything come out of this for you guys? I hope it's a "deep purge" as someone mentioned. Like, I want to learn about it because it's "flaring" up my anxiety during my meditation. I'm a little scared of it. I'm working on it, but again, just thought it would be cool to hear other's stories. Cheers.
  2. I've heard it a "million" times, but the last time I read it somewhere, it sort of clicked - Create new things in your life and the old (not wanted) things will slip off. Sort of like, you'll make room for something else, and there's no room left for what's not needed. This also reminds me of a book I read along time ago. I believe it was "Change your mind, Change your life" - something like that. It spoke of "letting go" equaling freedom. It was definitely talking about people. If you're not "worrying" about others, you only have to "worry" about yourself, which does sound easier!
  3. I think medication is for issues that keep someone from living their daily life (losing jobs, friends, etc) and I also think it is for "getting over the hump". In general, I don't recommend meds to any of my friends or family (I spent several years on different meds). The first recommendation is talking to a psychologist for a prolonged period. If you can find a good one, it really pays off if you're willing to expose yourself to them. I found one that charged on a scale. Another option is herbal supplements. I wish I could remember the book, but it was by Dr. Amen. He had endless information about psychotherapy with supplements including different combinations for different ailments. I tried two different combos, landed on the second one, and came off of my hard meds. In the end, it's all about thinking patterns and reprogramming your thoughts. Talking to a professional can't hurt, if you face it with a loose, open mind.
  4. Like many have said, try listening. If you are really listening, you are not thinking about what you're going to say next. You may feel at first that you're losing power, but if you keep at it, you'll find it very empowering. Just be quiet and listen. You'll be amazed at how you feel after you've done it and how your conversations and relationships with others will start changing for the better. Also, as Avi stated, paraphrase back to them what they said so they know you are listening. Best of luck!
  5. Watched this recently, myself, and loved it! Next, I'd like the book
  6. My favorite yoga instructor spent half of the first class on breathing. Thereafter, the topic of breathing always began the yoga flows and she mentioned it every few minutes, at least, during all classes. To me, that was her way of sneaking in the spirituality part of it. It was also why I soon became addicted to yoga. Apparently, I had not been breathing most of my life. We stop breathing/have irregular breathing, when we have strong emotions. The deep breath, along with the movements, is a meditation for sure. Meditation is getting connected to yourself, your higher self. Meditation is a pathway to spirituality. I'd say it's definitely up to the student to make the deeper connection. In my experience, instructors rarely mention spirituality verbally.