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Everything posted by Dragallur

  1. Could you list some of those questions please (the easier part)?
  2. So is this the reason why people often cry and have depression when they do hard core self-inquiry and enlightenment stuff?
  3. Hi, the first think I would do on your place is to watch the basics about meditation and start to meditate 20 minutes EVERY DAY from now on for the rest of the life (after some intervals I would increase the length to about 1 hour). You will be really grateful to your past-self if you are going to be able to hold this habit. Try to make a routine that is something basic. You do not need to think about no-self yet, just try to order these basic things you mentioned in your life. Be patient as Leo says, because real self-actualization takes lot of work. Try to use time as best as possible and I wish you all best on your journey Dragallur
  4. Hi, I wanted to share with you this quite interesting insight. About two weeks back I walked this really long distance, at least for me. It was 65.5 kilometers with the change of elevation of 2700 meters. It was quite hardcore trip but I noticed some small insights about myself and I kind of ordered everything in my head at that time. The problem was that there were also other people around so I did not have so much time alone. Yesterday I walked again, this time about 65.1 kilometers with just 400 meters of ups. I did walking meditation for about 70 minutes for the first time, quite without any instructions since I forgot to study it but it was quite cool. Such a walk really clears your head from everything there is around. I greatly recommend something like this for anyone who has too much things in her/his head or wants to make some big decision. What is your experience with such a long trip? Dragallur
  5. Hmm.. maybe you have too much stuff around to watch. Still nice sport.
  6. Great! This is exactly the thing I was talking about! It actually very interesting with the distance. Before the first 65 I walked roughly 30 many years back and I was not playing much sport, just cycling from time to time. Now that I know that it is such a great experience I definitely want to continue with more walking and maybe running.
  7. Sounds quite interesting, I will definitely think about it!
  8. Hi, good you want to start it the first place! 1) This entirely depends on you, I personally do the "do nothing method, simplest meditation possible" and I think it is good to start with. 2) Depends probably on you again, I would not choose environment where people would talk to me but park in town could be quite ok with some cyclists around or so. 3) I wondered this one too. Try to keep the conservation radically short (Friend even made me a card: "do not disturb") then, well if you feel as though the session was "killed" by this conservation and that you want to do it whole in one run, do so.. but when you will meditate for 60 minutes at some point and 1 minute before end someone would interrupt you, it would not really change much I think to continue with one minute, not 60. The important thing is the long run, so you do not want to be disturbed often. 4) Be completely sure that you will do it always, even if your close one die, do it... Otherwise also enjoy it as much as possible, you will find out after some point that meditation is good, very good! Also even if you do not want to so much, try out at least one more technique, you may find surprising when one is better for you than another.
  9. Hi, I wanted to ask a quick question, are there video from Leo or other sources you know explaining how to rise awareness? I just watched the video about "staggering depth of your unawareness revealed". Thanks for response.
  10. I recommend using OneNote (if you have microsoft office), it is quite intuitive and good for notes for videos/books.
  11. Never seen such a phrase, what does it mean?
  12. Yeah everybody does "something" all the time so you naturally think that this is not effective, let it go, you dont need to be 24/7 busy to have a great life
  13. I thought we were trying to be serious here.
  14. It is going to be hard to dig this one out!
  15. Hi, just today I started self inquiry. The only information about it I have got is from Leo's video: How to become enlightened: step by step process. When I did it for 30 minutes today it seemed to me quite strange. I was asking those questions, "Who am I?" mostly. I have come to some "conclusions" or very small insights and I understand that in one day it can not be perfect (at all) but I wanted to ask for some tips on this technique, I read somewhere I think that it is good to focus on your sense of "self" and so on. Thanks for any advice, Dragallur
  16. This is quite normal though I never had one. Mind is quite confused in this state so it makes hallucinations that can be quite bad. It has no bad effect apart from short term fear, you can actually use it for lucid dreaming next time.
  17. This is interesting, thanks for pointing it out. I have been happy for several weeks in row already and this is something I really want to think of, thanks!
  18. I quit games from one day to another, the relief was so awesome!
  19. I agree, I use Wordpress for more than a year and I never had a problem, really good without paying, not many advertisements, good statistics and big community!
  20. Cool! I can do Czech too! This is amazing, thanks!
  21. Hi, about last two months I have been thinking about ego. As days pass it seems to me that really ego does totally everything in my life. I started to criticize it. Nowadays I rarely say something rude I am trying to get rid of prejudice. But about last two weeks I found out that there is deeper level of ego that seems to be happy when I am trying to get rid of the shallow one. It feels like sometimes I am above other people which is kind of disturbing and I am trying to kill this thought since it does not seem right to me. Is there any way to stop boosting ego without enlightenment? I started to meditate almost two months ago and I want to extend it for 30 minutes now. From what I understand finally meditation could lead to ego-death right? I am fifteen years old teenager which is just good right? (That I have started so soon).
  22. Well evolution is automatic process, it does not care if you live is best, it cares only about how many kids you have