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Everything posted by rambitherhino

  1. you cant explain god, you cant think of god, god is everything, your thoughts, your counter thoughts, your tv, your remote and even the porn you cant get yourself to stop watching "GUILTY!!". but yeah conciseness is god baby, thats the best explanation. so get your greasy fingers off that keyboard before your monkey mind trys to run for president and actually wins, smh. PS not trying to offend anyone, just kinda bored
  2. become more and more aware of the act of smoking, including all the negative and positive thoughts that follow the routine. feel your body, feel and taste the smoke in your mouth, feel your lungs, feel the headache that may or may not be arising, and just basically savor the shit out of the cigarette with out JUDGING it. and even when you do judge it be aware of the judging and dont take it seriously. Mindfulness and awareness is key to quitting. i would know im in the process of quitting rn and i barely smoke now, only when im drunk or high, basically when im unaware
  3. Check this guy. looks like leo from the future lolololololol
  4. @Harvey this is going to be hard to put into words but here it goes. be mindful of your thoughts, motivations, and most of all your THOUGHTS. Meditation, mindful meditation, Contemplation, and a self inquiry will help you gain more mindfulness of your thoughts which will then lead you to see how your ego works. your ego is going to be ugly, like really ugly, at least i know mine is, and once you see how that little voice in your head works you question the shit out of it, day and night. then you do this for years. Every day if you are raising your consciousness and being more and more mindful of the ego, also building your awareness (cant believe i forgot to mention this) you can then transcend the ego. i can go on and on but one thing i that can help give you a glimpse of this is psychedelics. psychedelics will show you your higher-self and ego and it will be easy to see your ego from more third person point of view. i hope this helps
  5. if it was about the money your success wouldnt mean shit. you would rather survive in a more aspiring way, like something you love are creative in and are mainly pulled towards. this will give the desire. its like an athlete, hes not playing the sport to get laid, have a bunch of people love him, or even make millions of dollars, all hes worried about is what he can create with the ball, the more desire to create the more desire, and then out of nowhere money fame and success will tap you on the shoulder, and you will be hey thanks, but you wont care deep down
  6. i had a huge "healthy" ego at one point and a couple things happened to me and that shit flipped on me like a flash. I began to doubt myself like a mother fucker when justa month ago i had fully trusted myself. i just want you to know that ego is bad, whether its a brocken ego or a thriving ego. what you need to know is that you need to be comfortable with your ego to be able to transcend it. you do need to be able to trust your "self" for you to accomplish anything in life, especially transcend your "self". By the way even when you have a strong ego you are still suffering, just not as much
  7. @How to be wise Well I'm not going to lie to myself but deep down I still feel that materialism leads to happiness although I do believe when you say that there's no point of materialism for happiness. I guess I have to realise it myself and not blindly follow anyone. honestly you are just addicted to that shit. im guessing you probably live in the united states, so in turn you are bound to be an addict of materialism, its just how we were conditioned. become more conscious of it and you will see right through it
  8. I used to have a big ego. Everything i did i crafted to make myself real appealing and to basically be successful in everything i did, and i was successful in this. Then i got depressed and built anxiety. this then turned on me and everything i did was to me bad. Everything i said all the way to the way i picked up my keys, in my opinion wasnt good enough. It was weird. i was a persistent over-thinker and i couldnt understand why. i was realizing that i wasnt in control and this conclusion just hit me. The free will i thought i had was slapped by a wet hand of determinism. this scared the shit of me at the time and till today i still have a lingering i thought in stuff i do, especially interacting with people. the ways i been trying to dissolve this is a daily self inquiry for an hour, mindful meditation for 20 mins, and meditation for 40 min. this has been helping and im starting to get over it but i still have a slight lingering self doubt in my thoughts. Any suggestions?
  9. if you are persistent you will improve. no matter what it is. focus and intensity is key as well, but that comes from inspiration and builds over time. its like leo said a snow ball effect will take place. and most importantly belief and patience during self doubt is KEY.
  10. self inquiry is great to dissect thoughts. a lot of times i sit there and just ask myself where is this coming, why cant i control this, why is this happening and why am i influenced by this so much. i mean you literally get physical reactions after a thought; how, why ? i have no clue. i dont think you can explain thoughts, if i were to then i would be just jerking you and myself off. just try to become aware of it, get to know the thoughts by just there sheer nature and not the content of the thought. they are a bitch, but just like many things in this world, once you get to know it its really not that bad. P.S. whats true is right in front of you, now i might be wrong but to be honest its your safest bet
  11. the happiness list seems like a great tool for gratitude, just to be able to sit, reminisce, and write down everything your grateful is genius. But realize that the list didnt make you happy but you made you happy, even if you are to put something on the list that would normally make you unhappy, you should still be happy about it. to be able to realize that even if you're not being creative or not in your so called element of authenticity and excitement, happiness should still be there. happiness isnt something you get and are conditioned in, but is something that you sit in and are wrapped around in like a burrito. you are not grateful for doing or having, you are grateful for being. you are grateful for being pissed off and depressed. every experience is an experience, happiness isnt an experience its a state that you are grounded in. its the soil that the tree pops out of, whether its a dead old tree or a redwood that plays with the clouds
  12. there is no normal, and no confirmation, thats the beauty of it. and if its thoughts of others thinking youre not normal that you are worried about, then fuckem they are going through the same shit, they just go about it differently
  13. i relate to this a lot not gonna lie. My dad spoiled me as well and loved me, but at the same time he puts me down and makes me feel worthless a lot. But honestly youre fine, experiance is going to constantly change and that shouldnt effect you. even your emotions are going to be all over the place at times and that also shouldnt effect, radical open mindedness and awareness for moments like these is the best. I at one point in my life before i mediditated thought i was the shit, i got hella girls and got a girlfriend and got laid for the first time in my life. this was a couple years ago and i wasnt at all like this in my life. I was in my prime and felt good about everything i did and experianced. then i got hella depressed, was a little suicidal not too much and literally everything i did i thought was either pointless or bad. My selfesteem was low and anxiety high, and depression high. I realized that it happened for a reason, i was living a lie and i all fell on top of me. This lie was my constant search for conditional happieness. So i started this self actualization thing, and its been about almost a year and i am feeling more and more aware after every month, but this whole medidtating thing got me feeling anxious and my monkey mind is yet to be quieted. i have this thought in the back of my head of my "prime" and when i really dig into it i too felt anxiety at that time, i just dealt with it better and i remember having great focus and awareness at all times so i never really felt these negative emotions or even the positive ones. life was about me and my notion of reality it was more about reality. so my advice to is (and im sorry about the life story, i just wanted to show a bit of correlation) go back to your old habits and give yourself lost of TIME. I know your parents were probably perfectionist and were never satisfied and constantly made you feel like you were doing enough, but dont be hard on yourself, negative moments and experiances should be apprieciated with open arms. you know yourself the best. you know when youre lieing to yourself and when youre being honest with yourself, so go about your life from here on aware, of thoughts and feelings . Self actulization isnt something you use to your benefit, its a lifestyle, you are a machine and whatever you want coming out of the machine you have to put in. Your mind is a bitch, but its not you. your mind is telling you that feeling you are getting in stomach is anxiety, but its just an inner feeling. Do you boo boo, youre intangible, there is no defualt you, and thats the beauty of it. i know i said a lot like i know a lot but thankfully i dont and im not perfect and im working on this with you! i should really be sorcing leo for this but i dont think he cares lol