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Everything posted by Jonson

  1. I love to laugh at weird interactions ... especially when i have friends who understand them I love to build tension and release it .. trough laughter Do you guys have this type of humor ? Where you just laugh at your own attempt to socialize or your attempt to make jokes ? ... I just love it .. and I don't really like normal jokes and I just don't like when someone tells me a joke and wants me to laugh I just stay there like "yee very funny ".. But I am very attracted to shy, not superficial people , I feel like they are much smarter and more egoless (in a way) idk ... i love self deprecating humor .... maybe it's about the way the joke is told ... .but it is rare that i find people like this with whom i can connect .. I feel like if i surrounded myself with such people .. we could create amazing work , art, ... produce amazing movies because we would share the same vision .. like we laugh at our own insecurities and have fun... IDK .. it's just hard to find such people.. What do you think ? I'm 16 .. no girlfriend .. i'm pretty lonely actually sometimes ... Ps: i also like filthyfrank's humor , IDubbz and Pewdiepie lol
  2. I've been trying to implement MEDITATION for 9 months or so.. and i almost meditated everyday since then ... The problem is that I didn't control myself and i interrupted my session many times .. or i moved a lot ... or i just laid in bed 30 minutes when i was tired ... or i was doing it late at night , it wasn't consistent ...
  3. Hi there from Europe (Romania ) , i'm Hans and i'm 16. I have two years of school left then i have to go to college . Until then I want to achieve some things but i don't know if i can do it all in 2 years. I have developed a lot of skills like : Video , audio , photo editing , learned some programming , i speak 4 languages *** becoming a charismatic and good communicator,public speaking , getting into relationships, having success with girls, MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY,FEARLESS - Have 3 girlfriends , have many public speeches *** creating art (videos ,drawings) , getting good at movie-making and getting success on youtube -5.000 subscribers , make inspirational , funny art . *** Learning for school and getting good grades - Learn school material , study psychology master it *** Implementing meditation and a healthy lifestyle , clean room , Getting fit - stable habits *** Finding a way for making money , so i don't worry about it - make money *** Doing things for others: Feeding my dogs, helping my grandma , my mom , helping others . ***Learn business These are my goals .. and the kind of person that i want to become ... I'm trying to do these things but i am not sure in what way i should implement these them .. and how much would it take for me ... i don't want to underestimate it .. because i did it many times , i tried implementing many habits , i failed sometimes , now i am still doing it ... I think it will take me a lot of years though Can you give me some opinions about what strategy should i use ? Have a nice day
  4. I got a camera and i began making some vlogs (talking with friends)...then i watched the videos and realized much I love myself...,my life.... and everything and i feel like i just don't want life to pass ... i am addicted to every second of my life , when i think about my past,my childhood ,i look at old photos ,videos ... i feel very nostalgic and happy and there are things,happenings that i don't remember... I DON'T WANT MY LIFE,MY EMOTIONS TO BE FORGOTTEN , I WOULD WANT TO HAVE EVERY SINGLE BEAUTIFUL MOMENT OF MY LIFE RECORDED . (i don't know why i got this feeling right now) Sometimes when i shoot videos i feel like it's boring .... and then i watch the video a few days after ... and i am like wooooow ... it was an amazing experience and it's all ok and i feel nostalgic and happy about it :))) It feels like i lost a piece of my life , that i can't get back ... it's gone ... I want keep all my emotions....Do you ever feel like this?
  5. I am 16 years old,male :)) . I want to have an amazing life full of joy , love, adventure ,happiness, amazing sex and ART ,making others happy , smile and laugh , ( not in a superficial way )and i also want to learn,know about all aspects of life. I feel like I have talents that need to rise to the surface (i mean sometimes i feel like this , when i am confident). I know , i sound like an egoic narcissistic person but i really don't feel that way. I have a vision about making movies ,acting , collaborating, working with others .. and producing powerful , beautiful , funny , deep , philosophical, scientific movies and many other types too. I like music , drawing , editing videos , special effects .I love the idea of having deep impact on people . I love making other people laugh . I love self-deprecating humor. I know that this is just talk ... that's the problem ... I don't want to be a hypocrite who preaches a lot but doesn't ACT . I don't want to write my whole life story although I would love to (I'd love to have someone to discuss my whole life with :)) .. I think i am somewhere at stage orange . 10 months ago I tried to implement a lot of stuff in my life :meditation , eating healthy ,studying , sports , learning ,socializing , waking up early , etc. AND I FEEL LIKE I IMPROVED A LOT SINCE THEN in some areas of my life. But the thing is that i was still stuck because i slacked off a lot ... and after a few months i realized that I tried to hard to do everything at once . So now my approach is to IMPLEMENT ONE HABIT A MONTH (like first month one habit ,second month two habits ,...) 1) MEDITATION 2) STUDYING 3) RSD ( because i want to have my first girlfriend lol) etc... I am on day 43 of consistent meditation (and concentration of course ) And now i am doing two things meditating and studying (i had 2 days off ) . BUT sometimes i feel like i just want to go out and live life, have fun ... or when i want to make some movies ... i want to make them when i am inspired ... CAN YOU MAKE A HABIT OF BEING ARTISTIC AND CREATIVE ? or you just do that when the inspiration comes? DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GOOD APPROACH? PS: I AM VERY LAZY ... Sometimes inspiration comes when i am lazy .. can laziness be a source of inspiration,motivation ? Sometimes i just stay in my bed and i don't do anything , i also want to be more confident.
  6. I am 16 years looking for my passion .... i love great acting , also enjoy editing photos videos,drawing, programming .. i feel like i could become very good at any of these .. but i feel like i must become an actor but that would be a really hard thing to accomplish . There are various activities that people do in order to get money , create products,services and art for other people. But which are the most important ones ? Let's say that there is a scientist who is very innovative and his new discoveries are applied in real life and many people benefit from that. Then there is a singer who can sing very well but doesn't really help people in staying healthy , getting the right information or having a better environment , they just make people feel in certain ways. And then there are all those gurus who make money by telling others how to make money ... What counts as work ? is there a level of importance to all the activities ? Is a scientist more important than an artist ? (yes i know it depends on the impact they have on the world) but what if both have really big positive impact , but in different ways ... materialistic and emotional ..
  7. So , i am in high school , europe . I think that the way our teachers present to us the subject is sooo boring .. when it could be really much fun . I have seen many good teachers who are really passionate about their subjects and they make you interested , but the majority are not like that , they just kinda do it cause they get money. Also i find some things that we learn very unnecessary. For example , in math class ... i hate it when we just have to learn a lot of formulas and don't even know what the hell are they about ... and you just apply them in problems . Or when you have to read a lot of old romanian literature . Yes i know it depends on the book but those books are really not useful in anything , i don't get it why don't they just write the main idea ,why do they have to shit talk hundreds of pages . Everyone learns them just to pass the exam . I love khan academy , it's a youtube channel and they are doing such a great job . I want my teachers to be like them and i also want to not learn all the unnecessary stuff and to stress about grades . For me when i have to learn for a test i find it really disgusting , Why do you force me to memorize something rather then explain to me so that i can i have a deep understanding? because i don't have time to understand the subject deeply , i just have to memorize things that i forget in a week. I'm sure that if teachers were more passionate about their subjects , then they would make it much more interesting and there would be many more good students. And i can't really concentrate on finding my passion , working on it when i constantly have to do my homework.
  8. 1) Communicating and socializing with others : Sometimes i feel that social anxiety coming from nowhere ... then i begin to mumble and stutter (maybe because i speak 4 languages ).. then i worry about what the people i talk to think about it .. but other times i speak really well when i am with my friends or when i am just confident. It also may be that i am not interested in them. 2) Figuring out what i want to do in my life: There are more things that i could be doing (others say i have talent in and i like) : Become an Actor,producer ( i don't really have the self confidence to this one , cause i have this social anxiety sometimes , it would be hard to work with other people unless i get over my social anxiety) Graphic Designer ( this one would be an "easy" one cause i have talent in drawing and i already have some photoshop skills , and had experience but i don't know if this would fulfill me or if i would live up to my highest value with this one , but it is still much less riskier than acting) 3) Developing a learning habit for school. BTW i'm 16 .
  9. have you guys heard of the rice experiment ? watch this and this is not the only successful video on yt ,there are many others .. even my friend did this and had good results What do do think ? Do our thoughts really have such a big impact on our environment?
  10. What are your thoughts about the rice experiment here is a video : my friend did it too and it really worked .. what do you think guys ... that would mean that positive affirmations are very powerful
  11. @ShinDOn't you have a job? Like you just do all day what you want? :)) that's cool
  12. week day : 1) 06:30 wake up 2) wash my face 3) Eat 4) Brush my teeth 5) Meditate 30 minutes 6) 7:30 go to school 7) sometimes i go socializing in a student fraternity where we party on weekends and stuff like that but just socializing on weekdays i am really shy but also really charismatic when i am not insecure :)) so yeah .. and i try to socialize :)) AFTER SCHOOL: 14:30 usually 7) come home and clean up 8) Eat 9) Read 10) Work out and watch vids 11) "Do my homework"- yeah .. i should 12) Feed my dogs 13) Eat 14) Brush teeth 15) Free time youtube entertainment : H3H3, Idubbz , filthyfrank,Bobby burns , ... i exercise acting, learning about acting , about cinematography , 16) Go to bed at 11:00
  13. My question to you : Has Leo changed his opinion about affirmations ? Is it good to do daily affirmations focusing on 1 thing/goal at once ? I ask this just because this video was uploaded like 2 years ago ..
  14. When i sit in stillness and close my eyes , i move my eyes inwards and breath in and ENERGY (or something like that idk) comes into my head .i breath out. and it goes allover my body Do you know what is that ?
  15. @Hans hi lol
  16. Hi Leo , my name is Hans and my question is : Do I not have to have a regular basis ( like everyday at 06:00 ) for meditation ? I just have to do it everyday whatever the time is?