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About wanderer

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  1. Hi everybody, Here are some topics which would be cool for doing a video on: - Dealing with loneliness/isolation and a "seekers" fate (being alone, feeling inept to connect with non-seekers) - Nutrition, health, sports - Keeping a balanced life (integrating actualization, meditation, enlightenment/consciousness work and enjoying life) / How to aim for the good life. - Full potential (how to unleash ones full mental, physical and emotional potential/powers, and what they are in the first place) - How to deal with crisis and mental health problems Any other suggestions?
  2. Beautiful how you point it out. It is a mystery/miracle indeed, and sometimes this realisation strikes me, too... so I can relate to that a bit. Looks like there needs some consciousness work to be done ;-) stay on track!
  3. So I often have these visions and ideas of how life could be or should be, how society could be structured and what our worlds future might look like. How mankind combines technological evolution with getting back to the roots and reconnecting with nature. How society is reframed from education and healthcare to architecture, economy and politics. How new values take over and humanity is uniting towards attaining common goals instead of destroying itself. What are your visions and phantasies?
  4. There is a book by the autor Barry Long called "Making Love - Sexual Love the Divine Way" (recommended book btw) where he describes Mans "Natural State" in prehistoric times, times before our modern, civilised and "ill" world. The autor describes things such as communication needing no words, man having a visible halo surrounding him (similar to the ones depicted on images of saints), living in full consciousness, etc..) Anyone interested in Mans possible natural state, true potential and physical/mental abilities? What are your thoughts on this topic that man today is all but fully developped in his consciousness and abilities?