lucid dreaming??? I'm beginning a fulfilled journey threw-out space and time, I wind up in a think tank. Lab rat number four it reads on my name tag. Lab rat number one, was a fierce knight. Only love the knight knew was blood shed. This knight however; only got to experience very little, and very little love is no way to live a life. The knight slowly grew lost wandering the earth with out any understanding of what it means to be alive. Lab rat number two, has a different love, a love for thrill. This lethargic rodent didn't want to work as hard as the knight just to wind up stuck in the race with the rest of the rats. Number two was a thief, a rather poor one at that. Lack of work ethic always left him unprepared resulting in lackluster loots. Which added motivation towards get rich quick gambling debts the kind of debts that leave you questioning your life as a monetary value. Lab rat number three. Well what can be said about this rat that can't be said about your everyday bum. His undoubtedly distain for riches is most definitely the root for action, or rather lacking action. Yet an easy, overwhelming joy of freedom cleanses the soul. Always has a tale of train hopping aside desert stars on top profound peace of mind. Still a sudden passion is missing in the mist of the free spirit. I suppose it's time for the story of lab rat number four. I have no faith in a true calling on this world such as the knight had, no desire to live my life scheming and conning my way threw life as the thief, nor shall I live a lonely as the train hopping hobo. I've started my journey at where the others ended lost and broken. In a way I'm lucky to have stumbled upon this think tank, learning the knights courage to overcome my fears, avoid the "short cut" mentality of life in which the thief so much thrived in, last yet most important incorporate all of the lonely traveler's philosophical inquisitive outlook on what is life. Together these characteristics matched with an empathetic mindset can achieve greatness. I'm lab rat four and greatness to me is not glory , is not wealth, or wisdom. Greatness to me is.......