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About Infinite_Zest

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  1. Ideally, there are only two basic types of situations you can find yourself in (once you are a little more mindful and developed). One is to enjoy a situation. That usually happens if you do something you like ... pretty self explanatory. The other one is accepting. It is obvious that you cannot like every situation that you are in. Who actually enjoys changing the tires in the pouring rain? (Stole this example from Eckhart Tolle) However, if you think about it, there is no value in resisting and not accepting a situation as it is. By not accepting a situation - however it may be - you essentially create unease or even pain for yourself. So now, if you go running (we'll just use this as a self-help example) because you want to lose weight, you do not hate every second of your exercise and you are not negatively motivated. Instead you can "accept your work-out situation" and might even find that it is quite enjoyable - you free your mind, you have some fresh air, you might be out in nature etc. This sort of attitude will help you so much more than a negative one. Once you start a doing some introspection and outer self-help, you will realize that it is not really a paradox but that they can actually fuel each other. (If you meditate, you are drawn to stuff that is good for your body and mind, you will work out more, sleep better, ... a positive spiral) Having said all of this, here is my last question: Is there a more fundamental way to grow personally than to just be able to accept or even enjoy every situation that you are in?
  2. The way I understand and see it is that the first step to the Zone of Genius is realizing different areas and activities in which you are doing really well and that you also enjoy doing. Then if you pick one of those things and work on it for a long time with serious effort and deliberate practice you might/will enter that zone. I don't really see why you would not want to gain a little more perspective about the things you are already good at and you enjoy doing. You probably already have some inherent ideas about that yourself without the course. My perspective and advice to you is: It doesn't hurt to find a strenghth and something you enjoy doing - au contraire. I would keep going with the course at a pace that you are comfortable. Noone is judging you or telling you to live your life one way or another. It just gives you clarity and perspective. What happens next and how much you committ to it is completely up to you. Don't be scared - I know, sometimes easier said than done!