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About rikkefriismose

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  • Birthday 06/20/1994

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  1. I am dealing with a social issue at the moment. I am missing something like a tribe, some persons to share the same interests and worldview with. Being with my old friends and my family is not fulfilling me in anyway anymore. Instead, I feel exhausted while and after being with them because I am constantly thinking about "what to say" and "what not to say" because I know we are not at the same states of consciousness, shortly spoken. As a result of this, I am in this conflict of missing to be with other people and not wanting to be with anybody but me, except from a guy I am sometimes working out with in the local gym, as I am having a break from reflecting and, therefore, turning off my higher consciousness for the period of time I spent there. I am, though, not satisfied with turning down for my state of conscious for a longer period of time, and being with unconscious persons for a longer time can be strenuous for me. Do you have any advice how I can handle this? I would love to find some persons with the same vibes, interests and openmindedness as myself, but I don't know how and where to find them. Any ideas?
  2. @stephan, I see many of the advice you have already got as great ones. In addition, I would question the limiting belief, "I am not good enough", you have if I was you (and I know how it is; I have It myself myself). Has anyone ever told you? When did your body learn that you are not good enough? What has happened? Do one of your parents feel the same way about themselves? Is it everything of yourself which is not good enough, or is it a specific part of your personality/skills? Why is it that you feel this way about yourself concerning this specific part of you? When do you think about yourself as not good enough?
  3. I understand you. It is a good idea to see what time brings you.
  4. Okay. So, do you want to wait for her to choose to be with you?
  5. What if she doesn't? Would she go against her feelings for you? Would she not listen to her heart? If not, I would think if I was you: what am I supposed to see or learn about myself from this experience? It would not happen to you if you did not have a lesson to learn. In that time of reflection, you can counterbalance: "to wait" or "not to wait".
  6. I have not tried one of his workshops. Though, I am writing this comment because I cannot stop thinking about asking you the following questions: Do you feel for going? Why not do it?
  7. In my point of view, she is the one to wake up and see what is happening and why she feels like she does. She is in love with you, you write. Is she then still loving her current boyfriend too? The distance between them is a problem for her as you write it, then she has to decide if the relastionship she is in is still what she wants, or if she will willing to handle to make it better. Can you talk with her about it?
  8. How to deal with the thoughts of closing doors behind you. How to deal with worrying about regretting the decision you are about to make later in your life. (I have now found "The Challenges Of Making Bold Life Changes". That one is good.)
  9. Cholesterol is not dangerous! Cholesterol is a molecule your body needs. Your blood cholesterol tells you if something is wrong in your body. Like fever does it. An infection causes fever, the fever cannot cause the infection. It is the same case with the cholesterol. Certain diseases can cause a high amount of cholesterol in your blood, but the cholesterol cannot cause any diseases. If you do not serve your body with enough cholesterol, it will try to produce it on its own. It is not really good at it and can only reach a production to cover 10% of your daily need. Cholesterol is, for instance, used for the production of sex hormones and represents 75% of the weight of your brain. A lack of cholesterol will, therefore, cause a imbalance in your hormons and an insufficient maintenance of your brain, which for instance increases your risk to develop Alzheimer's Disease. In Denmark, the system recommends your blood cholesterol to be lesser than 5,0 millimol per liter, which corresponds to 200 on the American rate list. The actual fact is that a blood cholesterol lower than 5,1 shows that you have the highest risk for diseases. The normal range is in-between 5,6-7,2 (220-280). The range from 7,7-12,8 (300-500) shows a imbalance in your body, and the range from 15,4-26,6 (600-1.000) indicates a disease in your body. My source is Robby Curdorf and the knowledge I have from studying medicine.
  10. I understand your problematic. I am new in meditation, however, I have some thought I feel for sharing with you. First of all, I want to say that I can relate to the progress you feel you get from your walks. It is like the walks become therapy. I have been there myself. As far as I see it, the walks are not the same as meditation. It may help you because (as you write yourself) you get again from where you are, as the place where you are may arise more emotions or thoughts in your mind. Then it is like an escape to go for a walk (as I imagine it). But actually, you cannot totally escape from the problem, as it is created in your mind and your mind will always follow you wherever you go. So, to go for a walk may do something more to you? If you simply tell yourself that you cannot meditate optimally at the moment due to your emotional state, then do not do it. Instead, try to handle your emotions and start meditation later in your life. One thing at the time can be a good possibility to focus on. Have you seen Leo's videos about emotions? They are absolutely recommendable.
  11. I am often considering whether I want to involve myself in the debat or not. If I will gain anything from it. If it is worth my time. I would like to ask you the following question, but I will first of all say that it is up to you whether you are into answering or not. What can the people on the internet do to you if they know about the intimate knowledge of your personal psychology? Would they do anything? If they would, would you then be able to observe your own reaction to their statements against you and be aware of the potential fact that it is all about your point of view to what they write, how you see it? If I was you, I would start to trust myself, trust that I will "KEEP CALM and observe my own reaction". Not everybody seems like pleasant people, but if you see through their outer layers, you may come to a point where their words against you seem worthless and are not having a bad affection on you.
  12. My natural tendency is, too, to be totally open and honest. And this comment is meant to be all good. As I read through your comment, I notice that you firstly annonce a question towards an aware decision: what to say and what not to say. Secondly, you ask the question if it is best to blurt out whatever comes into your mind. To me, the last question of yours is an unaware way to handle it. If I was you, I would consider to tell the truth, and why hold it back? I like the following quotation a lot: If you want to be trusted, be honest. If you want to be honest, be true. If you want to be true, be yourself. If you show what you have under your jacket (crazy examples: like a dealer or a blotter), if you show whatever is there, nobody will ever have anything on you, nothing to say against you, as you have already said it (and thereby, accepted it) yourself. I mean, what can people do to you if you post a totally authentic comment, which comes from within you... and you believe in yourself? But, last but not least, be aware of what comes into your mind. Your mind may play tricks with you. Maybe your lower-self is the one speaking to you.