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About ChatahMojo

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  1. Hello, Leo. Congratulations on bringing Enlightenment to the fore of the American Psyche. I just watched your transcendent take on the Absurdity of Science vs Religion. Your introduction of Graves was lucid and illuminating. So, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your ability to connect to your higher levels and to bring US and our SELVES~ kickingly and screamingly along~ to, at the very least, begin to understand that WE are our own God(s) and Godess(es), and that we create Reality by higher thought and purposeful introspection, and that~ indeed ~thought is the cornerstone to realizing Being and Enlightenment. Many moons ago, as a young man in my early 20's, I answered a retail salesman position for a local waterbed store in the early 80's and their training program was entirely focused on the principles of VRA, or Visualization Realization Actualization. I employed those principles then, and when I apply them consistently today, from a revenant planar perspective, I find that my Life, my Spirit, and my Mind are in sync and my Experiences in the here and now and future are less and less mysterious to me and I live a more ordered life. I gain a higher learning path through visions and inner being. I am more connected to the All in ALL. I find my peace and understanding in the intangible realms, and would prefer to dwell there~~ rather than here in this time and space.