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Everything posted by Liv

  1. Hi! I have after many years of suspecting it just got it confirmed that I have dyslexia. I have meditated for everyday for about three years and i felt, whitout knowing I had it, that my writing and reading got better. But I'm still having problems with my dyslexia. Has anyone here had the same problem and in some way improved their reading/writing skills with help of meditaion, mindfulness or any other way like diet or practise? I would love to get some tip when this really slows down and affects my studying. Thanks =)
  2. For about two years have been doing meditation daily for 20 minutes a day. It helped me a lot. From being a constantly nervous person extremely afraid of failure and what other people think of me. Causing stomach problems, insomnia and GAD (general anxiety disorder). The meditation have saved me and now I’m able to just let things go. I’m more in harmony and I’m enjoying my life much more then before. It’s just one big problem. After the monkey mind slowly lost its power it got more and more difficult to get things done. I suddenly realize that it was the fear that made me a good student. I can’t find the motivation and I’m starting to fail more and more in class. Whenever I feel stressed I just go to a meditative state and relax myself saying it’s just my ego making noise. Ending up with me not really caring how the outcome will be. Where do I now find the motivation and get things done when the (negative) power that before made me productive is gone?
  3. Thank you so much! I have never tried visualization but I will definitely give it a try.