Will Bigger

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About Will Bigger

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  • Birthday 09/24/1999

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  1. Because there are no mistakes, just constant learning. No evil, just a mis-informed attempt at goodness. Everything you consider hatred is love in seed-form. It just has to sprout. Think of modern society, very unconscious, suffering deeply, but you can also clearly see the awakening that’s happening. the shift from tribalism to civilization which has up until now caused much strife will eventually pay off in creating a peaceful, conscious society. Life is good, it’s all taken care of by divine intelligence. Yes you will suffer a shit ton in life, but you will grow in that suffering
  2. @Leo Gura My hot student xc runner friend actually dated a porn star and had great sex with her for about a month before ghosting her because he realized she was a toxic, manipulative liar. i will never put a girl on a pedestal for anything, especially not just because she’s hot
  3. I’d say read the book models by mark manson. And love yourself first Here’s a secret it tends to turn women on if you’re honest about your attraction to them from the get-go. ”playing it cool” is wimpy
  4. @legendary I don't think it's for us to know whether there truly is a "perfect and complete liberation." at best, we can see there is no self, no world, and find a deep contentment in that. but who's to say what comes "next"? after all, all this experience is already happening without a self or a world.
  5. https://www.accesstoinsight.org/ptf/dhamma/sagga/loka.html
  6. In a physical plane survival requires the desire to survive. Which requires the concept of “life” and “death”
  7. there's a Ramana Maharshi quote: "Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.", and I was just wondering why he said that.
  8. everything is as it is, no use speculating on hypotheticals
  9. I stayed in a haunted bed and breakfast in Mississippi, old Plantation mansion. around 1 am i started hearing footsteps upstairs, was consistent, loud until about 4 am. it was pretty cool i gotta say.
  10. like iboga, it can be physically harmful. idk why you would want to do ketamine if there are safe options out there. Like tested lsd, shrooms
  11. yea if u just decide to not fall asleep u wont
  12. if the point of life was waking up why would you still be alive after you wake up? leo has told you the point of life is waking up because that's what he's decided is the point of his individual life. you can do whatever the hell you want