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Everything posted by Barna

  1. Click in the upper right corner on your name and then on "My Attachments". On that page you can see your attachments and your limit. Here is a discussion about it:
  2. @cetus56, maybe you've exceeded your upload limit.
  3. I have no idea how can I adapt this to ordinary life. But it just doesn't matter anymore. Why would it matter?
  4. The suffering IS the joke! Earth is is nothing else, but God thinking: "Hmmm, what would it be like, if I were 7 billion ignorant people simultaneously, not knowing that I am God?". He imagined that, so here we are, and God is laughing and laughing... :)) Don't you understand? YOU ARE GOD! There are no persons, no entities. Entities don't exist, just God, playing that he doesn't know who he is.
  5. Try lim( f(n) ) limit function, because this is an infinite joke.
  6. I thought about writing books about 5-MeO, but there are so many already! I was thinking about working with people in one-on-one meetings, I made a thread about it in this forum, but nobody is interested.
  7. Having believes and not having beliefs, and "I should not have any beliefs" is still a joke! Believing that "existence is a joke", is a joke in itself! :))
  8. When I was coming back from my 5-MeO trip my ego was busy reconstructing itself. It was hilarious! :))
  9. You can cut your leg off, you can suffer for eternity in Hell, and it's still a joke! There are no entities in existence that suffer. You are not an entity! We are all God, the WHOLE existence is just imagination. YOUR imagination! It's the best joke ever! :))
  10. And everybody is trying to find the meaning of life. It's like trying to find the moral lesson of a joke!
  11. How do you plan to involve other people? Because this is my goal as well.
  12. According to Martin Ball, when you are on 5-MeO, it's really easy to see if you are still in your ego, or not. Ask your guru, if your body was in a symmetrical position when you said that. If your body was not symmetric when you said that, then it was only your ego on drugs. However, if your body was symmetric, then, my friend, what has spoken from you was God (Infinity, Source) itself. And then you were right, your guru was not enlightened, and nobody has the right to hush God. It maybe seems a little bit far fetched, that God can speak from you, but after a few trips, you will remember what you were (and are right now), which is Infinity/God itself. I just finished reading "Being Infinite" by Martin Ball. Try it, maybe it helps you to understand the experience.
  13. I just read some chapters of the book which were relevant to me right now. It helped me to understand my 5-MeO experience. I really recommend it if you have some psychedelic experience to process. The chapters relevant to me were Chapter One and from Chapter Eight until the end.
  14. Hi, everyone! Yesterday I had a breakthrough on 5-MeO-DMT. I'm gonna share it with you, and I will try to be as precise as possible. I thought about it, and I think I can give you a picture without over intellectualizing it. But don't take it as the actual thing. Take it as a pointer. What I am trying to explain is Infinity itself. First phase First, when you took the hit, it's like going in, or like going deep. It's like when you do self inquiry, and you ask yourself "Am I aware? Am I aware of being aware? Am I aware that I am aware of being aware? And am I aware of that? And am I aware of that? And that? And that?..." It feels like reality is starting to fold into you. At this point your body might shake like it has never shaken before. Second phase The thought appears: "What did I just do to myself? It's too intense! It's unbearable!" Say bye-bye to your vision, because the only thing you see at this point is just whitish-gold light. Say bye-bye to your hearing, because all you hear is a high frequency sound. And say bye-bye to your body, because it feels like it is evaporating. (This is all I remember from previous trips, but yesterday I have finally gone deeper.) Third phase You start to feel, that the light you see is Infinity itself. It is all that exist. It is infinitely "strong". But not strong in a physical sense. And not like it is infinitely bright. More like it's infinitely hot. And it's like it radiates infinite amount of information which you cannot process. This is why your mind silences itself: because any thought would be just a piece of the infinite amount of information that is going through you. This is also why you don't feel emotions, because that would be also just a piece of information in the infinite flow. And you don't feel the hotness of the light on your body, because remember, your body already evaporated, you don't have a body anymore. You are the infinite light itself. And there is only you. And you are infinite. So if there is one thing to take away from this report, it would be the following: If someone calls you ugly, remember, that deep down you are infinitely hot.
  15. If you know, that you are infinite, you are not afraid of some emotions and fears.
  16. This video deserves its own thread. Thank you @Richard Alpert for sharing it! In this talk Martin tells us how he (as a "practitioner") helped people (clients) to have a profound experience while taking 5-MeO-DMT. In his case there always was a practitioner-client relationship, but I think this could also be effective as collaborative work, where we "pull" each other higher and higher. If anyone is interested around Upper Austria, I would be happy to try this.
  17. :)) Yep, @Azrael, now I know what a breakthrough is. Forget all the bs I said before. Yes, it does make a lasting impression. I am back on Earth now, but I don't think I can ever forget the understanding I just had. Thank you for the motivation!
  18. The very first time I started with 20 mg (vaporized). Less than that just seemed to be too little. It was also the first time trying my scale, so I thought that my scale was malfunctioning. Man, that trip humbled me. When I woke up, I was lying on my bed in fetal position just feeling "it's too much, it's too much, it's too much...". So yes, I think I had a breakthrough, but I don't remember anything from the peak of the trip. Since then, I only tried smaller doses, around 10 mg. The good thing about vaporizing is that you can have two peaks, by smoking also the leftover from the pipe immediately after you come back from the first peak. And it's funny, because the second peak is also as surprising as the first one. You have just come back from the experience half a minute ago, but when you go the second time, you remember that it's the same experience you just had, but you couldn't imagine, that it is that deep. This is why I think that I can't recall the peak of the experience by listening to beats. I can recall the sensory perceptions: feeling my body becoming vapor and the feeling that I exist without the body. But I don't trick myself into thinking that I can recall the peak. Because I know, that the peak surprises me every time with how deep it is. Last time I had a "MeO hangover" the next day. You can call it a lasting impression. I woke up in the morning shaking and I felt like I was on MeO while sleeping. I couldn't concentrate on my tasks until afternoon because my chest was full of energy, and I felt like I will start shaking if I ask the question "Am I aware?" But to be sincere, I don't really know what you mean, when you say "breakthrough". Maybe next time I will try the 20 mg again, let's see what it does to me now.
  19. I can help you. Send me a private message if any of you is interested.
  20. Same with I-Doser. @Azrael Have you tried listening to HoloSync WHILE on the trip? My thinking is that it could help the brain to recall the memory of the experience next time when you listen to the beats.
  21. The TL;DR answer: Bentinho's understanding is waaay deeper than it seems. ===================================================== The long version: Bentinho, at first, doesn't seem to have a deep understanding. My first impression was that he was not an enlightened teacher. His personality is not like Rupert Spira's personality. And if you have seen some videos of Spira, you know that Spira mostly speaks about awareness. Bentinho is different. In different teachings Bentinho speaks about different things, for example some law of attraction stuff, the nature of time and space and different dimensions, and all kinds of stuff. On the Trinfinity Academy he offers two paths. The path of Self-Realization and the path of Self-Empowerment. I have chosen the path of Self-Realization, because this one is about enlightenment, non-duality, infinity. In the beginning, he talks about Presence and the Here and Now. At first it was a little boring to me. Not because of him, but because I already knew about this topic from Eckhart Tolle books. But from the middle of the Enlightenment I, Part 2 it was really powerful for me. He teaches you how to dissolve your person (your ego) in Presence. Everything started to loose its seriousness. I felt like I was lucid dreaming all the time. But when you are dreaming, you can still feel like the victim of the dream sometimes. But then he teaches you, that you are not a victim. The imagined role of the victim is still part of the dream. What you are deep down cannot be hurt by the dream, by "reality". The Awareness that you are is invulnerable. You are not a thing, so you cannot be harmed by a thing. I don't know how to describe this feeling, but you can experience it yourself if you do the Self-Realization courses. But these are only the Awareness teachings. I am most interested in the Infinity teachings which is after the Awareness lessons. The Infinity "experience" is beyond even awareness. About 5-MeO and Infinity: I think I have had the Infinity "experience" on my 5-MeO trips, but I couldn't bring back anything. I don't remember the peaks of the trips. I remember that it is every time the same "experience", but I am surprised every time I get there, because I just can't imagine the feeling when I am down on Earth. I hope that Bentinho will teach me to go to Infinity with meditation, but I am not there yet, I am still on the Awareness part. And yes, of course it seems too good to be true. I mean, he wants to have an enlightened civilization by 2035! This is unimaginable. :)) But if I look back one ore two months, I don't know... My way of seeing life was completely different. Maybe it's all just brain washing, who knows? So I recommend to see it for yourself. Good luck! If you have more questions, I am happy to answer. Maybe because my person is happy to show off. :))
  22. Now I can recreate this "feeling the energy" experience with binaural beats. Has any of you tried it?
  23. That course is indescribable. It really offers what it promises: Freedom. I am not even at the half of the course, but now Barna (the person) can have the worst day possible, and I still feel free, and I still love life. I don't know if it makes any sense... So my short answer is: Yes, I recommend the course. Although I made a pause, because now I'm experimenting with 5-MeO and binaural beats. But I will definitely continue the course in the near future. Maybe today evening.
  24. The legends says, Atlantean people "breathed" through their pineal gland, that's how they stopped ageing. I guess now at least I know where this legend is coming from. But I think I was still "high" when I wrote this post. When I had this experience I felt like the whole existence was just me breathing through my forehead. This is why I felt that this was so important.
  25. @abrakamowse I've already tried that. And if you try that long enough, you realize, that the separation from your thoughts is as much an illusion as the identification with them. I feel like I am in a dream. Everything is made out of me. And I am aware of me (sensations, perceptions, including thoughts and emotions). And every identification and separation is still inside the dream. So if I am aware of that, then I am lucid dreaming. But I am not satisfied with that. I want to wake up. And I can't imagine a faster way then being scared to death. I think it's exactly what 5-meo does, but I will try it, just to be sure.