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Everything posted by Barna

  1. I'm personally not afraid after I've taken the hit. I imagine it's like sitting in a sport car which accelerates very fast towards infinity. But I'm not afraid of the speed, it's pretty cool actually. On my first three trips I forgot 90% of the experience just a few minutes after coming back. That's why I took the second hit, because I was curious about "Where have I just been?". But the second trip (just minutes after the first one) was just as surprising as the first. I mean, you cannot imagine with a sober mind what is it like when you don't have any concepts in your head. But yeah, going back the second time was more effortless because I was fueled by curiosity and I felt that I was somewhat familiar with the experience.
  2. Yep. I tried it!
  3. On the peak you lose all connection with "reality". There are no concepts, no thoughts, no emotions, no feelings, just Infinity. The concepts "organic" and "inorganic" doesn't make any sense, because everything is one. Only you exist, you are the source and every "thing" what you perceive arise from you. In this sense there is no difference between conscious and unconscious; or organic and inorganic, because everything is you. Maybe you meant your question in the following way: "Does inorganic matter feel themselves as individuals?". For this question I don't know the answer. But the belief that there exist individuals (or that you are an individual) is an illusion anyways.
  4. This is for DMT, but I think the methods presented here are also relevant to 5meo. I use a simple oil burner but if you want you can make a fancy "machine" or you can buy a 50-100$ device from a local hemp-fashion store or from the same place you buy your 5meo.
  5. @abrakamowse I'm glad it helped you! It's just a start. Yesterday I started combining the motionless meditation with awareness meditation. I had near-infinity experiences several times while my body was completely motionless (asleep I guess) for 2-3 hours. I was lying on my bed while doing this meditation. It was amazing. I guess I will start every night with this meditation.
  6. I bought it from a local hemp-fashion shop, but you can get it even from amazon.
  7. @Psychonaut have you actually considered vaporizing with a $5 oil burner? You cannot break it if you do it on your bed, and even if you do break it, well, it's just $5. The good thing about it, that it doesn't hurt at all, especially not in your ass. :))
  8. Talking about scary dreams, tonight I lost my connection with reality. I don't know if I was dreaming or not. I didn't know the difference between reality and thought. I just started walking around in the dark room trying to figure out what's real and what's thought. And I still don't know if it really happened or not.
  9. If you want to enter in a dream-like state of mind, you can also ask the question: "From where?" For example you can ask the question: "Am I aware of the sensation in my feet?" Usual answer: "Yes." "From where?" Now this is interesting because you won't feel that you are aware from your head or from your brain. You are aware from your feet. Ask the question: "Am I aware of the touch of the table?"; "From where?" You are aware exactly where the touch happens. Ask yourself: "Am I aware of this sound?"; "From where?" Now it is interesting because you will feel like you are aware from the air. When you are dreaming you don't use your dream body to experience sensations, you experience everything directly because everything is in you (everything in the dream is happening in your brain). It's funny when you realize that it feels the same even when you are awake. It feels like you are experiencing everything directly, and not through your senses.
  10. The funny part of the joke is not about what's happening, but our feelings about it. The funny part is that we are infinite, but we somehow feel like we are the victim of the soup-pissing. :))
  11. First understand that awareness is always already here, without awareness, there is no experiencing. By maintaining awareness, you mean being conscious of awareness or focusing on being aware. This is indeed a very relaxing and enjoyable exercise. To go deep, you first have to have two realizations: First you have to realize, that the only reality of experiencing is awareness. Nothing exists without awareness. No experience exists outside of awareness. There is nothing outside of awareness. As Leo said "There is no stuff behind the scenes!" You are awareness. All of it! You are every experience in the here and now, including thoughts, emotions, sight, hearing, touch, all of it! And the here and now is nothing else than awareness itself. So now it is clear, that the here and now is everything that exists, and the here and now is nothing else than awareness, so it is all you, it is all intimate. These were the basic understandings. Now comes the practice: Ask yourself the question: "Am I aware?". After a short pause, the obvious answer is "Yes.". It's a no-brainer, let's move on. Now ask yourself the question: "How am I aware?" or "How am I experiencing?". For me this is the question that keeps my focus on awareness. Everything is happening BY you, try to feel into the "how" of it. It's a miracle that you are aware of anything, just ask yourself "How am I aware?", and try to feel the answer, by feeling into experiencing. This practice can be done in a meditative setting, for 15 minutes for example. However I recommend to have mini-realizations throughout the day. You can do this practice of being aware in 2 to 5 seconds. First a big breath, then you just ask yourself the question "Am I aware?", answer it, and then ask yourself "How?", and on the how question reality immediately expands. Then you continue whatever you were doing, but you will still inevitably feel the spaciousness of awareness. I do it in nearly every half an hour. I have learned all this on Trinfinity Academy. Try it out for more realizations!
  12. :)) You are cute with your determination, and taking your path so seriously. Yes, 5meo is a shortcut to realizations. But who said that you have to take the long way? And it's not like it's a shortcut to death. I'm still alive, but now my life is full of realizations, and the rest of my life is still ahead of me, but I think it will be more beautiful with these experiences and realizations. You are identifying yourself with someone who makes it the hard and righteous way. This is exactly what what the ego does. The ego is nothing else than identification. You see it now, don't you? The only reason I'm promoting 5meo is because I have never heard about anybody, ANYBODY, who hasn't been deeply touched by this experience, doesn't matter for how long he has been doing meditation practices.
  13. @kuwaynej I can answer your question, it's an effortless practice, you will love it! I will formulate the answer today evening because I'm pretty busy right now. But meanwhile, you can check out the Trinfinity Academy. This is where I learned the most about consciousness and awareness, it contains practical and experiential teachings.
  14. In other words, the joke is that we are all infinite, but we all pretends to be just "poor little me". :)) Imagine Jesus or Buddha playing that they are drunk and silly, this is the comedy!
  15. Do it again, if you have enough courage
  16. No idea, I only tried freebase so far. I think it's harder to vaporize the salt form. I read somewhere that HCL is for snorting. However I prefer vaporizing because the duration is shorter. It may seem a disadvantage, but if you think about it, this way it's easier to convince yourself to go for trips more frequently. The coming back from the trip is what breaks the ego, not the time spent in Infinity. The trip will feel like at least an hour anyways, even if it was just 10 minutes.
  17. It is weird to be afraid, but you are not alone with it. My hand shakes every time I hold my pipe to go for a trip. But coming back from the trip I realize how silly I was to be afraid and to think that I am less then infinite.
  18. What's holding you back? The usual "it's not legal in my country" excuse?
  19. I haven't tried NN-DMT yet, but I think I already reached the limits (or limitless nature) of experiencing with 5meo.
  20. If you want an interesting life, you can broaden your perspective, you can have a large variety of experiences. There is nothing wrong with that. If you want to see the strangest things that one could see, you can try N,N-DMT and you can meet "machine elves", and so on. However, when you sit down to meditate, and to understand the basic nature of reality, you should drop the need for expansion. Reality is always already here, doesn't matter how expanded or contracted it seems.
  21. If you realize that everything is One, then ultimately you have to realize that nothing matters. Existence doesn't matter. It can be a positive thing from the perspective of the ego, because it means that nothing is serious. However, the ego will hate other consequences of this realization. The ego will hate that even the sacred things don't matter. Can you live with the thought that the lives of your family members don't matter?
  22. All the confusion about awareness comes from the structure of the language. Let me explain. If you are saying that "I am aware of an object", then this sentence suggests a subject-object relationship. You are the subject who is aware of an object. However in reality there is no subject and no object, because of the non-dualistic nature of reality. Therefore awareness is simply reality, awareness is simply the here and now moment. Awareness is everything which you are "aware of". Rupert Spira explained this understanding a little bit differently. He said that there is no experiencer and no experience, there is only experiencing. And the only reality of experiencing is simply the awareness of it. Don't try to make it an abstract thing, awareness is literally the here and now moment. Awareness is literally the experiencing which occurs here and now. You don't believe it? Have an enlightenment experience and you will understand all of it. On this forum almost everybody knows how to get an enlightenment experience easily.
  23. If Leo would be completely sincere with his 5meo realizations, 90% of his followers would unsubscribe. I mean some realizations are very offensive to the ego...
  24. I have tried meditation and energy work, and maybe it worked on some level, but it took too much time, so I've just quit. Then I had enough of the suffering and I continued with meditation, then I quit again, and so on. But when Leo said, that there is this magic substance that can get you instantly enlightened, I said "This is my perfect lazy way to get enlightened!" And it didn't disappoint me, the experience it gave me is not comparable to anything else I have ever experienced. So what I'm trying to say is that we can quit all enlightenment work, but in the end we will always come back, because we know that we don't have to suffer.