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Everything posted by Barna

  1. @cetus56 On my first bad trip on weed I could have swore that I was stuck in an infinite time loop. The same ten seconds repeated over and over again. It felt like hell. I thought my life will never continue, I thought that I will never break out of those 10 seconds. And I forgot everything that wasn't present in that 10 seconds. That was the first time when I was really afraid of forgetting everything. I entered this loop by thinking that I predicted the future. I was with friends and they showed me a song on youtube and I just asked: - So what is so interesting about this singer? - The interesting thing about the singer is that he was the first openly gay singer in the world. But how did you know that there was something interesting about the singer?! - Because I've seen it in the future... And then I entered the loop...
  2. @SeviThe future never happens, it is always now when it arrives. We only know that the future happened when we already have a memory of it. I find no meaning on paying attention to the future because it is even more illusory than the past. At least when you're meditating. But maybe I will have a clearer understanding next time when I smoke.
  3. @aurum Thank you! I had a few experiences while waking up from dreams. I saw bright light and I heard a very loud ringing, the ringing was so loud and intense that it hurt my brain and ears, it lasted every time just approx a half a minute. But somehow it felt good. It was similar to 5meo, but the 5meo experience didn't hurt. One time I was able to consciously recreate this experience 4 times in one nap. Thank you @Dodoster, in those days when this happened a listened a lot to exactly this video that you shared:
  4. Every post where you don't mention 5meo is off-topic. Every post where I didn't mention 5meo was off-topic. So #5meo and you can ask Leo about his sexual life because I'm sure that you can make up a reason why is it related...
  5. It's inside and outside of logic and nowhere in the same time.
  6. @Seed, off-topic. @Snick-The ThinkTank, you are curious. Okay. You have a lot of questions. Okay. I could give you all the answers and make you believe that you completely understand it. Okay... So what? What is the goal of your questioning? What will you do with all your understandings? Will you run around feeling good about yourself because you think you understand everything? It cannot be understood. Even those who've experienced it don't understand it. A sober mind cannot comprehend it. It cannot be reduced to words. So how do you want to get an answer? How? And for those of you who are looking for Truth: If a human can experience Truth, then the 5meo experience is Truth itself, because it includes everything that can be experienced. If a human cannot experience Truth, then why are we even talking about it?
  7. @Seed I don't think that it's accurate. But I feel perfection in that state. I don't think about the state, I simply enjoy how that feels like. So I'm trying to live my life according to the Oneness that I experienced on 5meo. Not because it is true, but because it is the best experience of my life, so I'm trying to live close to that state.
  8. I think that Truth is besides the point. Let's say that you know the truth and you can summarize into one sentence. So what? "All is one". So what? It doesn't matter. You can run around repeating the same truth over and over again, it doesn't matter. What matters is how you live your life, and how you FEEL in your body. What matters is Truth in action. This is called Goodness. @Seed May you be blessed. I love you. How can I help you?
  9. Now we are getting somewhere. So you mentioned things that are redundant. Can you state what is important? Or at least not redundant? This conversation btw is really off-topic. Do you want to continue it on a new thread?
  10. @Dingus you are an intelligent man. May you be blessed.
  11. Is this your belief about the Truth? I was just trying to point out the ridiculousness of the idea of Absolute Truth. You are searching for the absolute because you think that there is something else than the present moment. The present moment is always individual, always relative. Have you ever experienced something objectively?
  12. @Seed The Absolute Truth is individual for each perspective, simply because the objective world doesn't exist. For whom would it exist? See? If you live your life as a person then this is your absolute truth. If you live your life as a manifestation of God then this is your absolute truth. The question is: which truth feels better to live by?
  13. I bought the Sleephones (recommended by hemi sync). This headphone is like a comfy earband, so I can lie on my side comfortably. But I don't use it because it's not so clear as my cellphone's headphones, and I don't want to lie on my side because that way I fall asleep really fast.
  14. @Snick-The ThinkTank you will not "really" die. In the worst case you will fight for your life for 10 minutes. Grab your balls and take it like a man! (side note: you don't even have to literally grab your balls)
  15. I started to appreciate humor in the attitude of spiritual teachers. If a spiritual teaching is serious it doesn't make any sense to me anymore.
  16. I don't hate him consciously, but I feel that my personality doesn't match his personality at all. But it's alright, I can still love him.
  17. Rali (Rayle, Ruylee?) is the most challenging teacher I have ever met. Every time I listen to him I feel like I'm gonna throw up... Yeeah, this was sarcasm and judgement. It felt goood.
  18. Huh, okay then. I thought that you were trying to do something useful.
  19. You're right, I skipped that line because I was in a hurry to contradict you. :)) And I still want to contradict you, so here is my second argument: reality cannot be described by mathematics because mathematics is based on logic. And the whole base of logic is the belief that contradictions don't exist. Now why would this belief be true?
  20. Let's say that inf = 1/0. Then inf * 0 would be (1/0) * (0/1) = 0/0. This means that inf * 0 is undefined. So multiplying infinity by zero does not result in zero, because infinity is just as full as the zero is empty. But nice thinking.
  21. @Kserkkj It affects concentration for a few hours after using it. It feels like being in love.
  22. 5-meo kills you. If you are not ready to let yourself die, then you will fight for your life and this fight can feel like hell. But it's fun to die, no biggie.
  23. @Shin Just take some 5. If my irresponsible ass was ready for it then you are ready for it as well.
  24. @Snick-The ThinkTank, you said it yourself that experience or experiencing is the only thing that exists. If this is the case, who is the one who takes it seriously? Life is not a joke if you believe that you are a human. But let's analyze existence. If experiencing is all that there is, then you can identify with all experiencing, or you can say that you are emptiness (no experiencing). In either case, the joke of life is that we think that we are the victims of it. Like if we were someone who can get hurt. On the level of the body it's understandable that we avoid pain, it's the normal thing to do, because we all love our bodies. But pain is not something that can hurt You. It's uncomfortable, but discomfort cannot hurt You, it is only an experience. Let's go to extremes. Even when intense pain is the only thing that you feel, you can either say that you are not an experience, or you can say that you are every experience which means that you are pain itself. So who is the one who gets hurt? And what if the body dies? Can it hurt you? Three things can happen after death: 1. you experience a different dimension of reality; 2. you become emptiness itself; 3. you become infinite (every experience that exists). In either case you just get closer to Yourself. So how can death hurt you? The joke of life is that we feel fear while we are absolutely invulnerable and invincible.