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Everything posted by Barna

  1. When I started my master's, my dream was to start my own company. So I started my master's purely to learn more about programming (I also had some courses on entrepreneurship and work organizing). And when I started my master's, I gave myself the permission to quit as soon as I want to spend more time on starting my company. But then i drifted into enlightenment work, and I decided to find an easy mobile programming job instead, so that I can spend more time and energy on psychedelics and meditations. Now that I'm living the employee life, it would be nice to have a master's degree because maybe that way it would be easier to find another job if I wanted to. On the other hand, if I want to change my job, I don't really want to work for a boss who thinks that the master's degree is more than a peace of paper.
  2. Yes, something like that. On the first year of my master's I learned software design and development, on the second year I was in an internetional master's program and I could choose whatever subjects I wanted, so I chose mostly data science subjects. And my master's thesis is supposed to be about web scraping.
  3. It's okay @Nahm, no need for apology. I don't take things seriously. Alan Watts once quoted someone, saying: I love this quote!
  4. I don't even know anymore whether everything is one or not. "All is one" is an illusion. But it's the very last illusion that you throw out. After this, you don't have any illusions anymore. And paradoxically, even being illusion free is an illusion.
  5. Of course it is affected. Awareness is completely intimate with all experience and all knowing. It is one with it. The mind separates awareness from the experiences. Then the mind identifies itself with the untouchable awareness so that it can feel safe from life, and it can feel safe from not knowing itself. Now I expressed myself from the perspective of "All is One". But it is just a perspective that I've chosen because I can't express myself without a perspective. This perspective and all other perspectives are relative and therefore these are ultimately illusions. I'm not saying that Truth doesn't exist. I'm just trying to express that Truth is not knowable. Because to know something, first you have to have a perspective on it. You can choose the perspective of "pure awareness", but it's still a perspective. And a perspective is always relative.
  6. It doesn't really matter what you're eating as long as you're sincere with yourself. I like your attitude towards your diet
  7. The thinker is a thought among thoughts. And the feeler is a feeling among feelings. Are you not thinking that you're thinking? And are you not feeling that you're feeling?
  8. I have no idea. I don't relax myself for a long time. I relax myself often instead. But you can try mixing Silva Mind Control with Holosync while focusing on your breath. It's almost like a psychedelic Well, I like extreme forms of motion: I love snowboarding, in the future I want to learn to be a parachuting trainer, I want to learn free running and I want to buy a sporty motorbike. But how is it helping you to relax? What are you passionate about? @Shin I saw the thread you started today. Why are you making a problem about it? You cannot stop it. You don't have any control over it. So just relax yourself into it. It will dissolve only if you let yourself to merge with it.
  9. Wait... you're not a woman? I should have read this first:
  10. You think you can finally relax after enlightenment? How would our seeking look like, if we would seek ways of relaxing into enlightenment? We would probably just sit... with closed eyes... noticing our breaths... Is it getting familiar? :)) It can feel like you're inside it. And for a woman it can feel like it's inside her. I love massaging and I've got great compliments for it. Today I just thought that I could be a professional masseur. But then I realized that I would want to massage only woman... and then I realized that I would want to massage only woman I like... But hey, if you're in this category then I would massage the hell out of you! :))
  11. Nah, it tastes like breathing. I wouldn't recommend.
  12. Yeah, that would relax me too. I shouldn't think about ways to relax people, I should be a beggar instead! $-)
  13. So, I've been chatting with @beaucoup for a few days now and he had some very interesting questions. Here's how I tried to answer them:
  14. I went back to Earth to make some work-related progress. Might be, I don't know
  15. Leo, do you shave your head to let girls know that you have shaved balls? :))
  16. We are all light beings who came from the infinite source of the light. Let's call this source on the name: Sun. So it's a sunny day, huh? What do we do? We imagine an aqua-park to have fun. We imagine the water, which is Life itself. And we start jumping into the water for fun. For this to be interesting we imagine that the deeper we go into the water the less sunlight reaches us. We imagined it for fun. But deep down we all know that we are light and the source itself.
  17. I had the same experience on mushrooms too. Pretty intimate and ecstatic. I hear these powerful high pitch voices as well, right before waking up, and I also feel the intense pressure in my head when it happens. Which is strange that I feel it in my head, because when it happens I'm not aware of my body at all. I started having these experiences after I started doing 5meo. And these experiences have some similar qualities to a 5meo experience. I think I've learned yesterday how to reproduce this high pitched, bodiless intense experience.
  18. The awareness that you are is the same awareness that everybody else is. "Your" awareness is not separated from the awareness of other people. Bodies don't separate awareness into smaller fractions. The awareness that you are is all that exists right now. Let me explain it in another way. Everybody you ever encounter is your past or future self. Did you get it? You are aware of everything in existence, but you're experiencing it as if you were living one life after another. The statement "I love you" has a deeper meaning than how most people use it. "I love you" means "I know that you are the same being as I am and I love to experience life from your body and from your perspective. I love being you." It's easy to say to a beggar "I love you", but try to say to them (in your mind) "I love being you", and notice all the resistance arising in you from the fear of becoming someone "less than you".
  19. @Nahm I like your criticism. I'm interested, what do you mean when you say that time doesn't exist? And how do you comprehend the experience of oneness?
  20. You are right. However, the moment you say "there is no time" you are killing every conversation. First, because nobody understands what that means. Second, because human thinking is based on the concept of time. Time doesn't exist because everything is right now from my perspective. But if everything is right now from everybody else's perspective as well, and I am everybody else, then this all only makes sense to the human mind if I time travel to be in the same moments with my past lives.