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Everything posted by Barna

  1. @Emanyalpsid the structure of your arguing point to two things that you're afraid of. One is a short term fear and one is a long term fear. Now, I don't want to make you face your fears if you're not ready for it. But if you are, then tell me, and we can discuss them.
  2. @Martin123 Pain and death don't go against love. Nothing goes against love, everything is made of love. Pain is just an intense sensation. When you don't resist pain, it turns into euphoria. Alan Watts talks about it in more detail in one of his lectures. He says that professional torturers know that they have to break the subject before the subject starts to enjoy the pain. I guess for Jesus, being crucified was one of the most ecstatic experience of his life. What can be a bigger "party" than that? But I agree with you, it shouldn't be expected from anybody to do the same as Jesus did. I think the teachings about the life of Jesus should have been secret teachings. Everyday folks are simply not ready for this. If we look at the history of Christianity, I think we can agree that Christianity did more harm then good. But I dare you and I dare myself to experiment with pain. Play with it. Just to see that it's not something to be afraid of.
  3. That's what I'm talking about. Some sages can really live on the edge. Did you see the video about Sadhguru when he drank cobra venom? He tripped on cobra venom in front of his audience. That guy is awesome. For Yellow it could be changing one's career to help others in a more meaningful way. For Turquoise it could be having the willingness to be crucified for the benefit of all.
  4. When people did something unfair to me, many times I wished they had some sort of punishment, so that they get to the receiving side of the unfairness. One time I thought something like "I hope you will experience the same unfairness in your next life". And then came the AHA moment, and I realized that it's already happening. I AM their next life. I am the same consciousness that is in them. That was the last time when I took seriously a thought about punishment. This was unrelated to the topic of courage, I just felt like sharing
  5. @Serotoninluv I agree. I think surrender and courage are equally important, they are like breathing out and breathing in. Like relaxing and then taking action. But they are also somehow interwoven because I can have the courage to surrender, but I can also surrender to courage, to the freedom that I am.
  6. Some of you view courage as the feeling or attitude that goes against fear. Maybe "courage" is the wrong word and that's where the misunderstanding is coming from. The courage I'm talking about doesn't go against anything. When I say courage, I mean the freedom to do anything. For me, courage is the freedom to express my deepest, most authentic self in a given situation. Or the freedom to choose the lifestyle that most fits my deepest desires. In my mind, courage comes with the realization that nothing can hurt me because I'm not in this world. More like this world is in me, because the consciousness that I am creates the experience I'm having. "There was no fear when you were one. You added it." @Nahm, this is beautiful. Hey @Martin123 , I think you understand me. The courage to fight back the bullies is not the deepest courage. The courage I'm talking about is the courage to love the bullies, the courage to let yourself feel compassion towards them. And now I just ruined the 444 @Serotoninluv I had a few 5meo breakthroughs and in my experience, surrender is only the first part of the absolute self-realization. The first seconds or minute is about surrendering and letting myself to speed towards infinity. However, the second part starts when I realize that I'm absolutely safe because I am the one who creates the whole experience. In this part, I'm not surrendering to Infinity because I am Infinity. So I start to intentionally accelerate the vibration to experience even more fully the perfection of what I am. In this state there is no surrender, there's only creating, and that creating comes from being infinite. This creation is what requires courage. It is the courage to be absolutely free and infinite.
  7. @Shin @Metody courage maybe somehow fell out of the gene pool :D @cetus56 Leo is always an exception :) @tsuki I don't know how to answer you. Should I also tell you something unrelated to your post? I don't know whether enlightened people feel fear or not. I'm not enlightened. @Serotoninluv surrender is a good move when one perceives himself as a victim. Surrender lets the victim to become one with the situation. But how do we use surrender when we perceive ourselves as a creator?
  8. I had this "understanding loop" on psychedelics, the understanding "AHA" moments came faster and faster, but when it reached into infinity the final conclusion was that I don't know anything. It just is. I just am. Since you are already working with emotions, did you try to love everything? Try to love the panic when it's arising. Or if you cannot love the panic then love the part of yourself who panics.
  9. In some sense, eating meat is the most cruel thing that people do. It's even worse than slavery or rape. These two at least doesn't include killing the subject. But hey, I still love all of you, motherfuckers!
  10. Bentinho Massaro teaches also this in the Trinfinity Academy. The dream state is not very different from the waking state. Both states are generated by the mind. Right now while you're reading this text you're NOT looking at something outside of you. You're seeing what your mind generates. Everything that you see, hear, feel or think right now is all in the mind and it's all created by the mind (or by consciousness, if you want to be spiritual). The whole apparent and conceptual world and everything in your immediate presence is inside You.
  11. I also hear the high pitched noise on psychedelics. A pressure in one or both ears is also usual. On 5-meo I also heard a few strange clicks: it was like the sound of high-pressure steam between crystals and it has the duration of a click, but it echoes. When you'll hear this sound you'll be in bliss
  12. Man, this was the best read I had in months. You're amazing On that night I think you asked questions and answered them repeatedly until the answers looped back into the questions, the process became faster and faster until the questions and the answers became the same in a non-conceptualized form. I'm also trying a similar kind of looping meditation, not with thoughts but with awareness. If I would put it into words it would sound like "being aware of being aware of being aware of...", and I'm trying to be this loop until it blows up, or collapses into itself like a singularity.
  13. I would like to read a book that makes me remember to love. And makes me forget everything that I think I know.
  14. You can learn to enjoy your own resistance. And Hell is made of resistance
  15. Wow, this conversation went pretty deep. @isabel I can't answer your questions. I just don't eat meat because I don't feel like eating meat. And I don't feel the need to understand why I don't feel like eating meat. Ultimately everything is infinitely interconnected, so the true reason of why I don't feel like eating meat is probably incomprehensible. And therefore every oversimplified reason is a false reason. So cheer up, god knows nothing, follow your feelings, be a hippie, peace!
  16. I had shivers running through my spine reading this. I've never heard you talking from this depth.
  17. The present moment is a multisensory symphony. And the awareness is part of it.
  18. In the back of my sober mind there was always the belief that I am awareness and I am aware of the world. But yesterday I got high and I realized that the awareness is part of the dance, part of the symphony. It's all one. I am one. I am. I. .
  19. Absolute freedom is not just about how much freedom you're getting, but also about how much freedom you can give away. Most of us here are not egos but superegos. I call superego the ego which is responsible for the diminishing of the ego. But a superego is also an ego. We (superegos) are all about suppressing the ego. So to balance it out, the key to our liberation is loving the ego and giving it freedom. As I said, we get as much freedom as much we give away, so for us superegos, the way to infinite freedom is giving away infinite freedom to the ego. Did you understand what I said? You must give away infinite freedom to the ego that you're trying to eliminate. Feel all the resistance coming up while reading this. This is exactly the resistance that you must let go for your own liberation. And you must give infinite freedom to your ego.
  20. We (superegos) are trying to restrict the entity in us that we perceive as the "ego". But what we perceive as the "ego", in reality. it's the Soul. It is Life itself. We, superegos, are the force of the grip around the Soul. The more we grip the Soul, the more unhealthy it becomes (physically, mentally and emotionally). We feel like Life is against us, because we're against Life. We're the force of grip on Life itself. So the key to our liberation is letting go of the grip, and giving Life infinite freedom.
  21. Be a witch! But stay grounded in the beginning. Make sure that you don't run out of money. You can stay at your current job if you want, or earn money with something that you would love more to do.
  22. I have finished all my courses and I even implemented a nice software for my master's thesis. But the actual writing of the thesis feels like a waste of time. I don't feel like I'm learning anything useful by writing it, and no one else will learn anything from it either simply because nobody will really read it. I don't even know if I want to have a master's degree anymore because having a master's degree would prove that I was stupid enough to waste my time on writing a master thesis. Am I helping or serving anybody by writing my master's thesis? Is there any good reason why I should get a master's degree?
  23. Thank you @ppfeiff. The thing is that I want the master's degree for the wrong reason: I'm jealous of my friends who have the degree and therefore get higher salaries I'm afraid that even if I change my job, my next job will also give higher salaries to the employees who have a master's degree So yeah, my ego would feel great having a master's. And it keeps alive the will to force myself to write that thesis. But when I have free time, I always find more meaningful things to do, like learning about mobile programming (my current field) or dissolving my emotional blockages. So I kinda want to have the degree in the future. But in the present moment, writing the thesis never becomes the top priority.