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Everything posted by Barna

  1. I think Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now speaks to orange, because it clearly explains the craziness of the mind. Eckhart doesn't talk about love or anything that might repel an orange person. He simply explains that you are crazy It was the first spiritual book that really put me on the path.
  2. Ram Dass must be green because he's almost a vegetable... Okay, it was cruel, sorry I don't know much about Ram Dass I think Alan Watts was at least yellow because he held many seminars for different kinds of people, and he had at least one enlightenment experience on lsd. He might have been even turquoise and enlightened because he speaks very clearly about everything.
  3. I had this experience many times in sleep. Mostly happens when I'm "charged up", like going to sleep right after listening to holosync. Once I was lucid dreaming and I tried to let go of the dream and then it happened.
  4. You're welcome. I haven't heard about him before, I just did a YouTube search after I saw this thread. I like his style and approach so I already bought one of his audio course. Thank you for mentioning him here!
  5. I think few people know him because he doesn't really have a YouTube presence. If you want to popularize him, start sharing this video, will love it :
  6. I'm afraid of everything which is not inevitable. Fortunately, death is.
  7. For how long could you enjoy happiness if you knew that it wasn't true, if it was imagination? If you could experience only happiness, wouldn't you be curious about other states of being? Now that you know states other than happiness, would you feel whole if you were experiencing only happiness?
  8. Matt Kahn helped me a lot. He has a way of talking that doesn't blame the ego for everything, he has a more love oriented approach.
  9. Yes, I agree. In the state of acceptance there's nothing to do. And anything can be done through you. And I would like to add that acceptance is not required for anything because life already accepts everything on your behalf. But there's greater peace in you when you know that you're one with life.
  10. Acceptance is not something that you "do". Acceptance is a fact of reality. Look around. Everything that you see, hear, feel is already accepted by consciousness, otherwise you wouldn't experience it. Space already accepts every object in it. Silence already accepts every sound in it. Acceptance means to realize that you are one with the accepting field of existence.
  11. Then why are you trying to correct me? Does truth need enforcing? I'm just trying to understand your attitude
  12. People are like "I don't want to die today, I'll do it next time" Stop procrastinating death! Just sit down, choose your most comfortable meditation position and let death take you. Let it take away all your future and all your past. Let yourself die to the present moment. Life, as we mostly know it, is all about our memories of the past and our plans for the future. The afterlife is simply the present moment.
  13. So the Nothingness over there is getting offended if it's called "you"?
  14. Not my thoughts. I'm just using everyday language. Do you know any non-dual language we can switch to?
  15. @non_nothing you can keep insisting that you don't exist, but if that was true then you wouldn't feel the need to say it. In my experience: I am. But there's no distinction between I am and being and non-being. At least that's what my thoughts tell me
  16. What keeps you distracted? Do you know what you are? Do you know how this awareness works or where is it coming from? What is more important or more interesting than figuring out who you are? Deep down everybody wants peace, joy, love, excitement, satisfaction and beauty. Everybody wants to be whole. Is there any way to truly get these "things" from the outside world?
  17. The highest form of meditation is described as "being yourself" or simply "being". But it depends on your level of consciousness what it means to you to be. The higher you get the meaning of being gets deeper and deeper. For me right now being myself means being every experience and the awareness of it. For you it might mean a different thing. But note that just because it's the highest form of meditation it doesn't mean that it's the most useful for you right now. If you want to find the the most useful meditation then you can experiment with several of them, or you can try out the Finders Course. It costs a bit, but they claim to have high success rates. Or you can try the Trinfinity Academy for free. Here's a topic about it:
  18. Do you have emotions? Or are you just aware of them? If you don't have emotions, then why are they a problem? When you're watching a sad movie, do you feel like you have to stop the movie to work through your emotions? Probably not because the events in the move are not happening to you. Do you think that you're living your life and it's happening to you? It's okay to have emotions and if you have time feel free to fully focus on them. Just don't make a problem out of them. If you have a solution for the cause of your emotions then use your emotions as the energy to solve the cause of your negative emotions. If you don't have a solution for the causes then use your emotions as a spiritual practice. Just sit with them. Don't focus on the story of your emotions, but focus on the awareness of the emotions. If your emotions are too strong then let them destroy you. Die to your emotions, but keep on breathing. That's how masters are born.
  19. I get similar chills on psychedelics, but I don't know what it is
  20. Yeah, welcome back How did it feel physically? On mushrooms and lsd I always feel a pressure in my head. The only reason why I don't take higher doses is because I'm concerned that I might break something up there (physically)
  21. Life is a spiritual practice described as: "Whatever happens, just keep on breathing"
  22. I loved this course. It kinda prepared me for psychedelics
  23. @Sven you can read this post from hundreds of kilometers from here, on a device that converts radiowaves into digital information, and converts digital information into human-readable characters and renders it onto a surface made of light emitters which are so tiny that they're almost invisible to the human eye. This device can fit into your pocket and does all this wonder without any significant consequences. Isn't it too good to be true? Modafinil is just another piece of technology. It doesn't have mindblowing effects, it just gives the brain a bit of energy. Is it really too good to be true in 2018? If someone would read these thoughts from the paradigm of "everything has a price" then for them what I just said would appear as wishful thinking. If a mind believes that "everything has a price" then that mind will find a way to pay the price. My attitude is a bit different. From my perspective everything serves me as I serve everything. And as I noticed, modafinil serves me well.
  24. First, I would like to thank you, Leo, for telling us about modafinil! Thanks for doing all this research and sharing the most useful results with us. Modafinil is really an amazing substance. I cannot talk about the longterm effects because yesterday was the first time I tried it, but it's already motivating me to write about it. (Yes, I'm on it right now ) So, yesterday I woke up at 6:20, I popped half of a 200mg pill and I started to do my morning stuff. Half an hour passed and I felt motivated (for the first time in weeks) to exercise, so I did some pushups. After the pushups, I felt energetic but still meditative, so I put on my meditation sounds (Holosync) and I started to meditate. This was nothing like any of my meditation sessions these days. I had almost no monkey-mind, I could focus on the sounds, then on the awareness of the sounds, then on the act of listening where the sounds and the listener become one. And all this was so effortless, I just followed the curiosity of the awareness. After an hour of meditation, I looked out the window. It was a sunny day, but the colors were even brighter than usual. I definitely noticed the effects in my visual field. Then I went to work. I'm a programmer, so I need some kind of brain boost every day, sometimes it's coffee, other times it's black tea. But yesterday the modafinil was perfectly enough. Coding was effortless. It's not like I didn't get any hard tasks, but when I was working on them I could focus my attention effortlessly. Talking with colleagues about technical stuff was also effortless. Everything was effortless and enjoyable. Throughout the day I felt like my body was lighter, my skin felt softer and I felt a slight warmth inside my whole body. My mood was also lighter than usual. I wasn't euphoric like on mdma, but I was calm and accepting, I had space in me for every experience to happen. So, as Leo recommended, I'm gonna use this substance as a lever. I'm gonna let it teach me how to meditate, how to relate to people, how to be more social and how to be more aware of what I'm doing in the present moment. Thanks for reading, I'm happy to answer any question you have.
  25. Two weeks have passed since I started taking modafinil. I didn't take it on three days: last Friday (I took armodafinil instead and I had a headache) last Saturday (I took mushrooms instead) last Sunday (I didn't take anything) On the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the first week I felt a bit of a "crash", meaning that I was really tired after I finished working. This was the only side effect I noticed so far. On Saturday I took mushrooms, so I wasn't productive that day, I can't compare it with the working days. But on Sunday I wasn't on anything and I spent the day learning German. I could focus, I didn't feel any withdrawal symptoms. On Monday I started taking modafinil again, but this week went a lot smoother, meaning that I didn't feel so tired after work, and at work I had even more energy than the week before. I feel like modafinil is strengthening my brain not only for a day, but also in the long term. I could notice my improvements the most on the game that we play in the office on "coffee breaks" (I don't drink coffee anymore). The game is called Ricochet Robots, it's a labyrinth game that requires you to consider the whole labyrinth to solve the "puzzle". I was surprised how good I got in it. I not only saw good solutions, but I saw them fast. Before modafinil I was kind of a slow thinker. I was still strategic, my work requires structure-thinking, but I wasn't fast at all. It's like now on modafinil my brain has all this energy and it can use it to boost the speed of the thinking process. And the good thing is that I don't feel like my brain is burning out, but the opposite, I feel like it's used more, so it's getting stronger. This weekend I won't take modafinil, but I will probably start taking it again next week. I have no intention to stop because right now I feel like it's improving me. If you have other questions, shoot