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Everything posted by Barna

  1. @Freakrik What you described is: getting exactly what you want the most. What non-duality is: realizing that you don't want anything because you're already whole.
  2. I really like your vision. What do you think about this:
  3. Loving lesson 101: Don't judge. Loving lesson 102: When you judge, love the judgement, and love yourself for judging.
  4. You mean that you're becoming one with all your memories and all your imaginations, right?
  5. @Freakrik you will not experience suffering, if you don't want to. Every life we live is exactly the life that we want to live the most. Every moment is exactly the moment that we want to experience the most. Find in yourself the Will that wants to be right here, right now. This Will is not as forceful as the egoic will, it's more subtle. It's an effortless Will. It's the Will of Peace. It's the Will of God.
  6. The main thing that keeps me on the spiritual path are these questions: What am I gonna be when I won't have a body? How am I gonna live when I won't have a brain to think with? These are questions related to my mortality. And I don't even have to believe in an afterlife for these questions to be effective. Because if there's nothing after death then from the perspective of the nothingness it doesn't even matter that I "wasted" my whole life with meditating on these questions.
  7. This is beautiful. Let me know when you start to teach.
  8. When this happens I hear a high-pitched sound. The visual effect is simply a dim white light. For a few seconds it feels like I don't have a body, but then the feeling of the body comes back and I also feel a pressure in the head. I don't know what it is, maybe a meditative state.
  9. @kieranperez Everybody is looking for experience. The reason why we were born is that we were looking for experience. 5-meo is an amazing substance. But how much did 5-meo help you to overcome the habit of judging people?
  10. The question that really triggers my curiosity is "What am I?". I mean, it's pretty obvious that I am I, but still, I am never the thing that I think I am, because I'm always the awareness of it. This video is pretty good, if you need your curiosity triggered:
  11. Yeah, on mushrooms I also saw that not only the space, but time was also flowing in waves. It was pretty cool actually, thanks for reminding me
  12. I like this. I don't know either what's all the fuss about the present moment. But... I don't see anything else that exists, so... what else should I spend my time with?
  13. So, you're a Freemason... Let me know when you'll get promoted to be a member of the Illuminati, I'll teach you for 1/10 of your gold reserves.
  14. Are you the distortions or the awareness of them? You don't have to cast away anything, you can enjoy the distortions until you're utterly bored of them. There's no need to rush the awakening, you have all the time in the world to enjoy anything you want.
  15. What would be your attitude if you were not afraid of the fire? How would it feel like if you were just as curious about experiencing brain damage as you want to keep your health? How would you talk if you knew that every part of life is a safe environment for the soul to play in? I'm not saying that you shouldn't be responsible for the people of this forum. These questions has very little to do with the apparent role we're playing here.
  16. Forgetfulness is part of the process. Mukti talks about it, but she has a more loving approach to it. For me "ego backlash" sounds like a harsh judgment. As you step out of your previous paradigm your mind becomes disoriented, it doesn't know anymore what is important, what to keep in mind, so of course it forgets things. Just use some reminders, don't worry about it too much.
  17. So... What's the question? If you're comfortable with life as it is, then what are you searching for?
  18. @Leo Gura if you're against mixing mdma with psychedelics, then isn't it the most important thing for your development to try this experience asap?
  19. I think mixing mdma with a psychedelic is a great way to learn to love the effects of the psychedelic you're taking. But I've tried it only only with weed. Weed often reminds me of negative memories. Mdma makes me feel happy and thankful for every experience. Mixing these two made me realize that one of the reasons why I was born was to feel the bliss of forgiving life for everything that has ever happened. In one moment I just forgave everything. I can't describe the feeling I felt when I let go of all the weight of all my resentments.
  20. I love that book. Don't forget to balance it out with some Mukti
  21. There are two approaches to deal with fear: breathe out and breathe in. The breathe out approach: Ask yourself: are you the one who is afraid or are you aware of the fear. How does it feel to be the space in which the fear appears? The breathe in approach: Ask yourself: how are you creating the present moment? Whether you think of yourself as a brain or as consciousness, you are creating the present moment. Or at least you're "rendering" it, just like the graphics card renders the graphics of a computer game. So, how are you creating every experience moment by moment? How does the fear appear, how are you creating it? How does it feel to create fear? Don't think about the answer, just feel it. The purpose of this approach is to become very intimate with fear, to completely feel every little detail of it.