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Everything posted by Barna

  1. In my last post I talked about two important questions that we can ask ourselves. If you haven't read that yet, I recommend that you do so because we're gonna build on that in this post. Yo can find my last post here: Now I want to talk about emotional healing. When I feel a negative emotion, I recognize that the emotion hurts only because it's concentrated into a small space in my body. It hurts because it needs more space to balance itself out. So I just ask the question: What am I? This question reminds me that I am also the external world. And immediately the experience of my being is expanded because now it includes the external world as well. In this expanded self, the emotion has space to rush out and fill my entire being, This way the emotion balances itself out. 99% of the emotion will go to the outside world, and it doesn't hurt my body anymore. I hope this technique will help you.
  2. If you're into psychedelics then I can recommend you a combo that will show you exactly your barriers against loving every moment. But I can also answer this question in words, if you want me to spoiler your own discoveries.
  3. There are two important questions in self inquiry. What am I? They say that the question in self inquiry is not to get an answer but to dissolve the questioner. However, I'm gonna still point to an answer now. Some spiritual traditions answer to the question "What am I", and they say that you are: Awareness. But this is not a proper introduction of yourself to yourself. The proper introduction would be the following: "You are Awareness. The body is your inside and the external world is your outside. All of it is you. It's all you." You can also imagine this in an anatomical way: You are your body. But you're also your 7 auras. The external edge of your 7th aura is several meters away from your physical body. And you're also your 8th aura. The external edge of your 8th aura is infinitely far from your physical body. Your 8th aura reflects back the experience of the physical world to you. More precisely: the experience of the external world is your 8th aura. The whole external world is part of what you are. Why not love this moment? Why not love this moment? Just observe all the answers that your mind is giving you to this question. Do you see the functioning of the ego in them? Why should I believe these answers? And just observe the mind justifying its answers. Can you identify the entity in you that gives these answers? Just let go of that entity, let it fall. And now ask the following question: Why not love this moment? So, was this post enough for you to awaken? Or should I write a book about these questions?
  4. This kind of love is beautiful, but it wasn't the kind of love that I meant. The love I was pointing to is a bit more subtle than that. Like, being aware of the world is in itself an act of love. Being aware of the world means that you're inviting the experience of it in, in every moment. Thank you Thanks!
  5. @Wisebaxter Pay attention to the transition from around 4:20 until 5:20.
  6. Yes. I thought it was obvious from my answer.
  7. I love to turn this around: God and everything is the awareness that's looking out of your head.
  8. Tell me about it. Yesterday I ordered a handpan because of Kabeção. It's gonna be my first instrument. And it's all thanks to him. The Touching Souls album completely rewired my mind when I was tripping on mushrooms.
  9. The whole album is amazing.
  10. I listened to the whole Touching Souls album today while tripping, it's very deep. Now Kabeção is my first non-verbal teacher.
  11. One of the most useful threads I've read here. Thank you!
  12. If a black hole's event horizon is a 2D surface on which the 3D "physical reality" is stored and Consciousness is the surface on which "subjective reality" is stored then can it be that a black hole is the pure physical manifestation of Consciousness? If I want to imagine the pure physical manifestation of Consciousness then I would imagine a huge and powerful being that is able to break Space-Time Continuum itself. A black hole is kinda doing exactly that. Maybe it doesn't even make sense to talk about multiple black holes. If black holes broke through the Space-Time Continuum and separation doesn't make sense outside of the Space-Time Continuum then all black holes are essentially one. Maybe existential separation doesn't really make sense from the point of view of Consciousness the same way as physical separation doesn't really make sense from the point of view of the Black Hole. What if there's also a physical aspect for the inside of a black hole? What if there's a whole universe inside of every black hole? If every black hole is conscious and our universe is inside a black hole then I could be the Black Hole experiencing myself as a human inside the universe that is inside the black hole that I am.
  13. Yeah, its awsom tu kombine self enquire whit fyscadelix!
  14. Try a guided meditation of Adyashanti and see it for yourself
  15. Yes, as I said, he's is talking about everybody. He compares the outgoing energy with the inward going energy, regardless of the level of consciousness. But I agree that the title of the chapter is misleading.
  16. If he would talk about enlightened people he wouldn't talk about them being unconscious and their ego taking over and relying on "efforting" to get what they want. These are clearly the attributes of people who are still asleep.
  17. Note that he doesn't talk about enlightened people. He talks about everybody. In these two paragraphs he is not comparing the enlightened with the unenlightened. He compares the outgoing energy with the inward going energy. But these two energies are not correlated with the degree of consciousness.
  18. I'm not very good at expressing my perspective on something, so I link a video instead. This talk is the most brilliant teaching I've ever heard on the topic of will:
  19. I'm not talking from the absolute or no self perspective. I'm asking these questions from the human perspective. Right here, right now, hearing your thoughts, feeling your emotions: if you feel that you want something, is that want yours? Can you trace it back to its origins? Does that will come from freedom? Or is it the result of your past experiences? Be sincere to yourself about this.
  20. @ivankiss Do you have free will? Or does the will have you? Where do your wills come from? If you have free will, can you change your will? And where does the will to change your will come from? Can you stop wanting anything? And where does the will to stop wanting come from? Is the will really something that you have? I think the most important question is: are you free from the will?
  21. Talking about frequency like this makes it sound like frequency is some kind of magic that you put on a whole planet. I assume that you don't know any machine that can "raise the frequency" of an object until it sends the object into a higher vibratory state that's not accessible from the physical. So if the goal is to make an object inaccessible from the physical plane, how would you do it with our current technology? I would do it by creating a virtual replica of the object and putting it into a virtual environment. And this way we could say that the virtual replica is no longer in the physical world. And why stop there? Why not put the whole planet into a virtual environment? What if in a few centuries we discover that exploring the outer space is not as satisfying as exploring our inner space. Instead of looking outwards we might start to look more inwards, into our minds and into virtual minds. If our whole civilization would live in a virtual world then it would be just like you described it: we couldn't be seen by those civilizations who's understanding is not advanced enough to connect to the interface of our virtual world. And we would collectively co-create literally everything around us because it would be all code that evolves with our rapid rate of advancements. What if Heaven is a virtual world? What if prana and chi and psychic powers are possible here only because we're already living in a virtual world created by a more advanced civilization? How would we consider this possibility if we would not think that "natural" or "real" is better than "artificial" or "virtual"? I'm not trying to convince anybody because I don't believe in any of this. It's just a thought experiment. The future could be much crazier than any of us would ever imagine.