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Everything posted by ElenaO

  1. I don't know about others, but wheat makes my stomach hurt (much like most grains). I think it's a developed thing, but yes, the reasons of avoiding it are obvious to me.
  2. I used to drink coffee daily too. It's been a few years since I quit. I do miss its taste for sure and the high it gives you, but it's definitely not worth it. I am so tolerant to caffeine nowadays that even if I drink a short decaf in the morning I could still have issues falling asleep in the night
  3. Maybe some of you have faced this and found a solution. For the least few years I've noticed a perpetuating pattern of getting frequent colds. Sometimes they would start as some minor virus infection and then last for a rather long time morphing from a small sore throat or just feeling sick to a full blown cold. I'm staying home because of one right now. I fell sick a few weeks ago (2.5-3 weeks ago). It all started with just general feeling of not feeling well. There was nothing else besides that. Since then I've had days when I feel better and days when I feel worse. Right now I have a more evident cold, with sore throat and headache. It just seems that in my case the infection is kind of dormant kind of alive when I get sick. I wonder if any of you had something similar and have you found any solution? PS I eat healthy most of the time (95%) , do yoga, no drinking, no smoking and have a generally healthy lifestyle.
  4. Thing is, I've been eating a lot of vegetables and other good stuff so it shouldn't be the case. It may be they are not absorbed for some reason (which I doubt).
  5. I shall try it. I guess you mean breathing technique?
  6. I wonder if it would. I've heard about it, but not sure if it's just another marketing trick. I guess I will have to try to know.
  7. Well I've always had the same issues in regards to emotions. I've had some stress recently because of the changes in my life, but then again I doubt it's really related. I've been sick last year even more but wasn't as stressed.
  8. Thanks for advices Michael! By powders you mean spirulina, chlorella, etc? I live in the USA, Seattle so there is tons of supplements here.
  9. Thanks @Michael569! I do eat enough protein. In fact, I believe I used to overeat it. I get it mostly from the animal products. Thanks for posting that fact, it's enlightening.
  10. Yes, I've heard of the benefits of ginger. You are right. However, I notice that these are minor contributors. I am wondering what are the root causes of these colds I drew a diagram for the reasons/characteristics of my colds.
  11. Thanks Sahil for your tip! I am also looking for a more holistic solution. I'm trying to see why are these colds lasting for that long.
  12. Sounds good, thanks for suggestion. Great, I actually prefer decaffeinated teas. Can I get it from a regular store or where do you usually get it?
  13. Interesting. Haven't heard of this before. Will check it out.
  14. You don't have to eat cakes on your birthday or wedding. Who said you must? If people around you tell you so, you have to think twice if you want to be around these people after all. You could also just buy/make a better version of a cake, which wouldn't ruin your diet/lifestyle. There's tons of recipes nowadays which are okayish to eat once in a while.
  15. I would recommend intermittent fasting. OMAD is even more effective, buit doesn't suit everyone. I tried OMAD and it makes me feel way too bloated. Eating twice a day within a 6-8 hour window is more sustainable and pleasant, in my opinion. Also, stay away from any sugary stuff and starches. That includes also fruits (especially eaten alone). Eat veggies that have no starch (broccoli, cabbage, greens, etc.) Try to eat more protein and fats. Sugar will make you even more hungry instead of satiating you.
  16. I've had just recently a very similar experience. I've got to know this guy who I've met only once but we've chatted for some time. I definitely like him, even though I don't know him well. I'm clearly attracted to him. And if something goes wrong in our conversation, e.g. he doesn't reply, etc. I get a very strong reaction. I'm actually surprised, because I haven't fallen for anyone in a while. This reaction is most definitely created by the ego. My ego doesn't like that I'm being rejected, not taken seriously. Also my ego decided at one point that this guy is the right guy, so it created attachment. I cannot say if your situation is the same, but what I experience is ego in its doings.
  17. I would totally attend in Seattle! And the idea of organizing a workshop is just amazing!
  18. It may be that you are overstressed, so high levels of cortisol don't let you fall asleep. Do you find yourself worrying during the day? I would recommend valerian root. It will calm your nervous system and help in falling asleep.
  19. I've been writing for two mornings now. I see this IS high up in my values. I get so much out of it. Got to remember to keep doing it. If I write even a little today, then it's a good day. Well, not necessarily a good one, but a sure better one than without it. I read at the moment Steven King's book "On Writing" when I wake up, really enjoy reading early in the morning. Then I get all this inspiration to write myself. Perfect early morning. Another thought: everything you do will have consequences. If the actions you do are based on rather poor values, you are bound to have respective consequences sooner or later, same goes for actions based on higher values. Got to remember this one too.
  20. Gotta do my writing in the morning, otherwise I will never be able to do it. Work takes too much energy and time. Even if I am doing it part time. I don't know how could I do anything earlier when I was working for 8 hours I also feel like I am forcing myself to do quite a few things: work (missing an actual intrinsic motivation to do it), workouts (negative motivation because of weight), mundane everyday things, etc. There's not enough things that I would do during the day that I actually enjoy. So writing must be in it! As well as reading!
  21. Oh man, I keep falling into the same traps. I have these two companies I'm working with and I keep repeating the same mistakes. Being overly agreeable, sacrificing. I'd better just stop and think what do I want and need exactly. It was great to divide the day in half: morning and early afternoon for work, rest of the afternoon and evening for the rest of things. Will keep working on keeping it. When you work longer and suffer longer (well, not exactly suffer, but work harder) you appreciate the rest afterwards that much more. Same goes for food. I am doing intermittent fasting nowadays and I've noticed that not eating till you are dying to eat is so much more rewarding. Sometimes I feel like eating just because it's time to eat reaps off all the joy. I mean you don't exactly appreciate it, if you don't suffer enough before getting it.
  22. Work makes me dull. So much thinking and concentration effort goes into it. I wonder if I should just try to complete my hours in the morning and forget all about work for the afternoon. Then I won't feel like there's still something hanging. It's also difficult to forget about work and get out of the "working" state even after you are done. I mean there's always more work to do. I wish I could just read books, write into my blog, walk, and travel. And maybe do some workouts. That's my definition of a wonderful life
  23. Sounds like a good trick. I will try it out next time. The situation I described was about physical death or some serious injury. I was afraid of that.
  24. Had a huge scare today. Won't got into details about it. Funny, but after it the only thing that scared me was all the discomfort I would have to deal with/all the consequences. I guess I didn't get so scared after all. I notice how much I resist some things, which aren't in the end so hard. But they overwhelm me when I think about them. This overwhelming feeling is quite a theme for me. I do work, I get overwhelmed. I face changes, I get overwhelmed. And it scares me more than it should. I do realize this now, but unconsciously I just try to avoid things if they seem overwhelming. I would rather suffer, than get overwhelmed by future. Gotta work on this one.
  25. Did around 7 hours of work today. The voice inside me is critical and negative, so I feel drained and unsatisfied after work. I am wondering how often do I encounter such days. I should start counting. If the number is high enough, I'd rather drop this work. Went for a walk and had a nasty fight with my boyfriend during it (argh, instead of enjoying it!). I feel super annoyed when he talks about his knowledge in IT. I know it's the ego talking. Because I (the ego) cannot let anyone be better. And he isn't, in fact. It's just that I have this crazy craving to point it out to him that he's actually not that good. I've a HUGE ego. I know of that, and it wouldn't let me relax.