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Everything posted by ElenaO

  1. Yeah, I wish. I still need to work.
  2. I'll start posting here what went well and what could have been better. + I did not binge (big one, I see that if I plan things beforehand it's hard to binge. All is needed a plan of what I'll eat) + wrote some paragraphs for my blog What could be better: - wake up earlier so that I have time to lay in bed, read, relax - meditation for 1 hour, instead of shorter periods - closing slack, mail, and focus on finishing a task before continuing with the next
  3. I meditated only 30 minutes today and I noticed the difference. I wasn't as sharp at noticing things. I also think this also happening when I am sitting at the computer. I become unconscious when I work. The good news is that I did not binge today. Yeees! I committed in the morning when I woke up that I'll enter the foods I am going to eat into myfitnesspal and then just eat what's in there. And reminded myself of why am I doing it. It worked! Planning and committing - those are the keys. Tomorrow I want to wake up relatively early and do 45min - 1h meditation. Then edit my latest post for my blog. And only after get to work.
  4. Today I had sort of a lazy day, because of not sleeping well last night and after my 45 minute meditation I just went with the flow. The meditation is essential to my happiness. But! Only if I do it consciously. Not automatically. I need to set intention and be vigilant of what I am doing. It's easy to spend the time just drifting into thoughts. I also notice how much of a problem I have with my concentration recently, so I'll have to find ways to work on that. I am doing concentration practices now and then but it's not enough. I went for a walk in the evening and the city was so stunningly beautiful. Especially the waterfront. And I started crying. I think it was due to all the stress and emotions I've been holding off. I am amazed (and glad) that I could cry like this. I would never have done this maybe a year ago. I feel it's because I am more open to my emotions now. I do breathwork and vipassana (though pretty loosely), so I think these have had an influence on me.
  5. I am glad that it's working great @Raptorsin7 ! I may consider that. Thanks @Nahm
  6. I had my therapy session today and told my therapist that I did not like her missing my session. Also told her that the relationship isn't fair, because she isn't accountable and I am. She was not defensive, maybe just a smidge, but accepted all what I was saying. It was a relief. But at the end I left with a feeling that throughout the whole session she was too agreeable with me. Even in cases she didn't have to. So I am wondering if that was all for saving the clientbase. I also did not like that she was kind of pushy with the times we would speak next. Oh well, I can always cancel if I feel it's not necessary to have a session. Wonder if she's going to question that.
  7. Thanks so much for the link @Raptorsin7 ! Appreciate it. I'll check it out. I can switch therapists but I think the issue is more about me than her. At least for now. I need to be more assertive and tell things that bother me. Do you go to therapy yourself? How has your experience been?
  8. @Raptorsin7 Nice, I haven't seen the thread. Do you mind posting a link here? I just bought a new whiteboard btw so funny. My work provides me with 20 psychotherapy sessions a year for free. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone at all. I live in Seattle and prices are crazy high here. She mentioned that she would charge me 150 dollars (!) if I miss her session. So I guess that's her rate. Should I charge her that now that she missed my session
  9. I have had quite a few tough weeks. I am fighting the binge eating, being stressed out at work, and being anxious because of the virus. Luckily, I don't stress much because of the latter one anymore. I do not check news, because I know there's nothing good to see there (well, I never read the news before anyway). People annoy me. Which is not sometimes true in regular situations, but the feeling is much much stronger right now. People with dogs annoy me especially. They walk their dogs in downtown of a city where there's no green at all. Plus, their dogs get in the way. How selfish you have to be to have a dog in downtown where there's no place to walk it. If you ask me, they must pay higher taxes. Period. I am also annoyed at my therapist. She missed my session, because she was double booked. Yet, at the previous session she mentioned that any missing or late cancellation will cost me a fortune. And she said she has strict rules, meaning she will still charge even if you are sick. The irony. She herself missed her session. I also do not feel comfortable telling her that. And I am annoyed at myself for it.
  10. @Raptorsin7 Haven't seen the thread. What's that?
  11. A valuable book on the theory about habits and actual techniques you can put into action.
  12. I cannot drink coffee, cacao or even decaf. These are way too stimulating to me. You'll notice this yourself once you unhook from these. They do definitely give you a feeling of high, so be careful, they are addictive.
  13. Yes, definitely breaking the fast. Even tea which is 0 calories technically breaks a fast. So that isn't really intermittent fasting. But do what works for you
  14. Come on guys, he is already eating a healthy diet. It's not about the diet, as he mentions in the video himself. Raw diet, vegan diet are not sustainable in my own experience. Kudos to those who can sustain it, but not everyone is made the same. There's no formula for everyone.
  15. Of course! Even 30 minutes a day would take you somewhere, no doubt. Just keep doing it consistently and you'll see the results. They are subtle though and may not not immediately notice them. I have had rough few weeks when I had to be away from home on the weekends for a course which was very draining and I did not meditate on those days. And I see the consequences now. I am so ungrounded and falling into behaviours I wouldn't usually that much would I have meditated. Sigh. Now I am trying to get myself back into meditation routine but there's resistance, of course. However, the results are so worth it. It's just some pain in the beginning you have to push through.
  16. Be careful with fish. Some fish shouldn't be consumed at all (esp. farm-raised in some regions of Asia). Even wild caught should be limited to 2 to 3 portions a week. Check this https://www.fda.gov/food/consumers/advice-about-eating-fish
  17. Napoleon Hill. You learn how much has been through.
  18. I am watching the Goop lab right now. It's alright. If you haven't tried all the things that they discuss, it may be of help. It's still has an orange vibe. Mostly because of GP.
  19. I was researching this somewhat and there seems to be controversial opinions on reiki. Some claim it's BS, some say it can complement traditional medicine. I did not experience any positive effects from it. But I may try another one-two sessions to give it another try.
  20. My yoga studio sometimes organizes sound bath events. I attended one tonight, where the teachers were also offering reiki (they didn't call it reiki per se, it was something about energy). The event was 2 h long. I haven't had reiki many times and often wonder how effective are these practices. Has anyone had any noticeable effects?
  21. I do not see the video either. I see everyone's discussing it though.
  22. @Nahm it was a group session. Actually one women started sobbing really loudly right next to me. Well, I guess she had some emotional release. But she was pretty aggressive also, she didn't let the teachers touch her etc. I do understand, but I felt disturbed and may be that also had an influence on the whole experience. There were 3 teachers, two offering reiki and another one performing the sounds. It was all right, but to be honest it was not any better than a yin yoga session.
  23. @Raptorsin7 Hm, I did not feel it's on the same level. Maybe I did not get enough of that energy transfer or movement. Not sure.
  24. @inFlow Interesting. I had a very different experience. As I described I was very tired and pissed off the next day ( the event happened in the evening). I do not want to say it was related, it's just I am rarely that annoyed and angry at things. This wasn't probably anyhow related to reiki itself. Yet, I haven't felt any calmness or anything of that sort. I do feel that after meditation and breathwork, though.
  25. Good to hear that. To be honest, I haven't noticed any changes at all. In fact, today I am tired and very pissed at everything, but that's probably because of me not having enough sleep.