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About Armand

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  • Birthday 04/03/1991

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  1. Suffering is a tool for growth if and only if you can escape suffering.
  2. Do 10s exist that have a beautiful mind? That are not married already? There is the average mans ten then the rich mans ten. Money makes you constantly seek higher results wastes time ghosting people. Having abs makes women treat you better and worship you even if you eat ramen every week with eggs. I lived it.
  3. I'm sorry you also had felt this way during the beginning stages of your life. Relating to others in this, at the very least I can commiserate that pain with you. ❤️
  4. I never felt love as a child. I questioned it daily until I left my parents. I was always told the love wasn't there to give due to past trauma they themselves experienced. Which I found was made up trauma to essentially say any of my trauma should be nullified. My parents were raised spoiled and never had to learn how to survive so once they became older they expect me to cater to their every whim. As if I haven't forgiven them for the various forms of abuse no child should ever encounter. I'm conditioned to have compassion for them and continue giving support knowing it benefits me none and never has. If anything I'm hated for merely trying. They never hugged me, kissed me unless it was SA related. My mother called me her boyfriend once I reached college age and told random people I was her arm candy. No love until I met my ex wife, who honestly couldn't handle being my therapist.
  5. It's on Tiktok a lot and it's not boomers but people 18-34. My best friend posted about it after I did and he doesn't even care about men and women's relationships bc he's a happily married man. He said he's also seeing self proclaimed empaths trying to defame men for existing. RvW definitely is causing women in particular to get angry, which they rightfully deserve to be but defamation is too much.
  6. There seems to be an influx of women calling men narcissists for no real reason. If men go on a date with a girl and she ends up not looking or acting how she did through the phone and therefore gets rejected!! Suddenly that makes the male a narc and the female an empath. On Facebook the app I detest, I see so many vain women who care only for the exterior getting upset when men do the exact same, thus labeling the men who do what they do NARCS. Some men are tired of being abused by a woman and leave after being kind hearted and catering to their every whim, but the second they don't cater or get on all fours the girl takes to social media to defame and spread lies about the guy and call them a NARC. Why do women particularly do this now?? I see men saying the same on TT about their ex's and it comes across as obsession.
  7. Know that you can talk about the most mundane things to anyone and someone will gladly listen to you. It's easier to talk about the things you're interested in and passionate about with others to form bonds. The key to doing that though is to also listen to them and respond to what they are interested in and keep asking questions. I know people that never stop talking and they are surrounded by constant love and support because they've mastered approaching random people with a positive and energetic energy that's captivating to watch. I completely understand that drinking does help motivate you into talking to others, it's not called liquid encouragement for nothing. Last thing I want to say is that being an introvert you might be more comfortable with not talking or engaging in conversations. That's ok! But as humans it's important to know that we are a social species that really crave social interaction and fitting in with groups. Depending on where your interests are, you can always look online for local groups that meet up so you can join to in and help build your confidence by discussing something you're passionate about. For me I've joined book clubs, going to raves, concerts, renaissance festivals, and I do go to see spiritual teachers I admire if they're having an event close enough. I've met many other spiritual individuals by going to events. It helps taking a friend with you if possible.
  8. It was said with loving intent behind it. What I suggested is since you have free time, find your zest for life and persue that more. That is all. She used Leo's story of being successful in gaming and how becoming a Youtube spiritual teacher was better suited for his spiritual journey. As far as the harshness, it seems you lack disipline even though you do have a child, and seem rather content despite the negative spiraling thoughts.. with not doing anything which only hinders yourself from becoming a sucess.
  9. Try dedicating your time and energy into things you like and are good at. Try to dive into things you're passionate about that might be profitable. Get off your bum and do more so you feel accomplished with yourself instead of wallowing in self pity!
  10. The issues I faced with being completely bald, was when people assumed I was dying of cancer. My mom shaved my head many times as a child because my cousin would catch head lice. She went along with all the assumptions that I was dying by accepting free things like pizza, toys, etc etc.
  11. I was a huge fan of Osho when I first jumped head first into spirituality and meditation. It took a long time to find out he was simply a motivational speaker that didn't act in accordance to his teachings at all.
  12. I'm seeing women wanting to take on the masculine roles by working all the time and staying single (longevity is longer for single unmarried women without children) and males taking more of the feminine roles and careers in colleges. It's interesting.
  13. I think it was bound to happen naturally. We can't currently (or then) been able to keep global temps from rising.
  14. To witness all that I can. The fear of dying keeps many of us here as it's unknown. The stories I hear of near death give me hope that further learning and understanding is beyond that which many of us ffear.