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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Bernie on his Spirituality: Not me Us!
    Bernie on his Spirituality: Not me Us!
    That is precisely why Bernie denouncers don't like that man.
    Selfish people do not like being reminded of selflessness.
    It takes a lot of development to reach a point where what Bernie says can be appreciated.

  2. Issue with David Deida's book
    Issue with David Deida's book
    Masculine is more active, seeking to enforce itself on the world.
    Feminine is more passive, seeking to soak in the world.
    Is this really so hard to understand?
    Masculine wants to penetrate, feminine wants to be penetrated.

  3. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Look, triggering attraction in women is a very specific and highly counter-intuitive skill. It has also been well documented and validating in-field.
    I have not interest in arguing over what works. I've approached 1000s of women and I've seen what works and what does not. You can do the same and find out. Otherwise speculating about it is a waste of time.
    Women are not attracted to what they logically tell themselves they are attracted to. And it's pointless trying to convince women logically about how attraction works. Attraction works exactly how it works and no amount of talk will change that.
    You might as well try to convince all men that they shouldn't like boobs. Good luck.

  4. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    No, that is the worst strategy.
    Asking a woman questions is one of the biggest newbie mistakes.
    Charismatic people do not interrogate you with questions about yourself. They talk about what they want to talk about without asking for your permission.

  5. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    Match is part of the process.
    Of course not every woman will be a match with every man. That's all sorted out in the field.
    It's not like if a guy has game he can attract/sleep with 100% of women. About 33% of women will love him, 33% of women will hate him, and 33% of women will be indifferent.
    There's always an element of luck and personalities need to match up. That's why he chats with 10 women, 3 get attracted, 1 comes home.
    A highly attractive man is actually more polarizing. Some women will absolutely hate him. But those who like him will LOVE him.
    You also have to keep in mind that not all guys with game are the same. Each guys attracts a specific subset of female personality types. Because game is expressed differently through different personality types. Game is not a specific type of guy, it's general principles of attractiveness which are incarnated uniquely by each guy, attracting different kinds of women. For example, humor is going to vary from guy to guy. Guys can have very different senses and styles of humor. But learning the general principles of humor will help every guy, no matter what his style of humor is. And all girls love some style of humor. Humor can be dry, witty, intellectual, sexual, subdued, bold, sarcastic, self-deprecating, dark, physical, nerdy, etc.

  6. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    Both genders are looking to maximize survival of the ego-mind. Whatever that entails. Each ego-mind has it's own priorities and needs which it self-biasedly justifies as "authentic", "true", and "good". It's all illusions and devilry within devilry.
    Survival is not about truth.
    A truthful relationship is a virtually non-existent thing. They are rarer than hen's teeth. You can create one, but it's nothing that happens automatically.

  7. Psychics: real vs. fake
    Psychics: real vs. fake
    No, you have it precisely backwards.
    Serious statistical studies have been conducted many times on paranormal phenomena by serious researchers, and the result is always the same: paranormal phenomena is proven beyond any reasonable doubt.
    But you have not read these studies because they are rejected by gatekeepers of academia because in their paradigm the paranormal is impossible so all research which proves it must be false.
    Science itself has proven the paranormal. This fact is simply denied and not advertized to you, so you don't know about it.
    The problem here is that you speak surely of things you have not actually researched nor contemplated nor experienced. You are just spreading dogma without knowing what you are doing. You feel so certain, but you are actually wrong and you are too lazy and incurious to check that you are wrong.
    So here we are.

  8. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Yes, I know your pain very well. I have lost 100s of such girls out of sheer incompetence and weakness.
    I think your only problem is lack of volume. You gotta understand that getting good at this skill set literally requires 1000s of approaches every year. Really, you have to devote a few years of your life to it.
    How badly do you want to get good? That's the key question. As Zizek would say, are you willing to sell your mother into slavery to get good with girls? If not, your results will be mediocre. You need serious vision and drive here. You will have to work your ass off for it. Having sex with lots of hot women is not something that life just hands you on a silver platter. Becoming a highly attractive man is a huge makeover project. It involves making deep structural changes to your entire lifestyle and way of thinking.
    If it was easy, every guy would be sleeping with a model.

  9. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    That's such a huge topic.
    Here's a few things quickly off the top of my head:
    Laser eye contact Learning to create a genuine smile on a dime Firm, commanding tone of voice. Slowing down your rate of speech. Being relaxed and at ease in your body when talking Simply lots of socialization and conversation experience (doesn't even have to be with women). The stuff I talk about in my video: How To Be Funny The ability to talk about yourself endlessly. Dressing sharp. Get all of your clothing tailored for slim fit. Groom yourself well. Upgrade your whole wardrobe to be stylish. Develop a sense of style that suits you. The ability to be playful and laugh at yourself and life Handle your sexual neediness so that you aren't sexually needy Develop charisma -- I have a good book about charisma on my book list. Passion for life. You must be building an awesome life for yourself aside from girls/sex/relationship. The girl should be the least important part of your life. Your life should be so awesome that anyone who comes into contact with you would feel lucky. You must be in love with yourself and your life. Self-Love. Accept yourself as you are, completely. Be thrilled to be you. Treat yourself as God's gift to the world and to women.  
    You feel the pain of it fully. You cry. You pull your hair out.
    Some nights I had such failure that I literally drove home crying. And that's what made me stronger. The suffering grows you.
    Read the book Mastery by George Leonard.

  10. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    It's important to distinguish attraction vs dating vs relationship.
    These are distinct phases. What I'm talking about here is mostly the first phase: attraction, without which nothing else is possible.
    Once the relationship begins for real (after a few times of sex), then things change.
    I recommend all guys practice what I call Conscious Relationship. Which is a huge topic which I won't explain here. Suffice it to say, you ladies would love it. It's everything you want out of a relationship and much more. It's the thing you wish pickup was because you're not concerned about the attraction phase much.
    I am by no means only about attraction and anti-relationship. I think there's lots of value in intimate relationship. But before we get there, we gotta bang There's a certain order of operations to the mating game.

  11. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    Of course most guys doing game are Orange, and some even Red. I've known guys who do game who are flat out rapists with pending legal cases against them. But this is rare. Most guys are Orange. Yes, many guys objectify women and sex. But you also have to understand, this is not a function of game itself, this is simply how most guys today think about sex. A stage Orange man will objectify women whether he learns game or not.
    Russell Brand used to be heroin addict. So, yeah, people grow.
    Trump's "locker room talk"? Honestly, lots of guys talk that way behind closed doors. That's excessive Orange mentality. It's just hidden.
    You have too appreciate that pickup brings up into the open what has been repressed and hidden for centuries. Stage Blue repressed sex so much for so long that stage Orange swings in the opposite direction. There is still a social stigma about being open about the reality of dating and sex. Dating can be ruthless. Not just from the man's side from the woman's side too. Women are not angels in all this. They too are constantly manipulating to meet their survival needs.

  12. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    You are unwittingly condemning men to stay losers.
    Become a charming man is not something that happens naturally for most guys due to poor social conditioning. Becoming a man takes work! Being shy, unsociable, self-conscious, meek, fearful, angry, bitter, lonely, needy, inarticulate, poor at physical touch, bad sense of humor, etc -- these are not natural. This is the result of bad upbringing and lack of training.
    It doesn't matter what source the man got his charm from. If he's charming, he's charming. That's real and girls respond accordingly because they don't care about the backstory of how he became charming.

  13. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Women are attracted to cocky guys. Stop listening to what women logically tell you they want.
    The ability to talk endlessly about yourself is crucial. That's what all extroverts know how to do to initiate and sustain conversation.
    It's not egotistical.
    "Today I blew out my tire. Then this happened. Then that happened." etc. That's how conversation is made.
    Yes, that's the catch-22 of it.
    How do you handle it? Same way you handle getting a job. You slowly build up experience through practice. Even if you are needy, it's not like 0% of women will sleep with you. There will still be 1 in 100 who will. You can also, like, keep your neediness suppressed for a while while you're with a girl. It's not like all of your inner demons need to be worn on your sleeve. She can't know you're needy unless you act needy in front of her.
    There is an element of fake it till you make it in this process. Same as with getting a job.

  14. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    Not 25% of women. 100% of heterosexual women.
    What you describe in your 2nd paragraph: the vibe, the energy, the nonchalance... that's exactly what game is.
    You are thinking of game as a set of tricks men use to maniuplate women to sleep with them. But that's not real game, that's crap game. Real game is a man simply behaving in a strong, authentic, masculine way which generates a really charming vibe that girls cannot resist.
    The charm isn't fake, it's real! The woman gets attracted not because she is verbally tricked, but because the guy is actually being an awesome guy to his bones.
    Imagine your dream guy: strong, bold, charming, smooth, natural, funny, cool, exuding masculine vibe. That's what pickup trains a guy how to be. And once a guy becomes that way, every girl wants to marry him. The trick is, once a guy becomes that way he has so many options that he may not want to get married to any one girl. And thus a player is born.
    Despite what they say, girls love players. She simply wants to lock him down for herself. That is the real issue. Girls struggle with players because they are hard to lock down.
    In other words, sex is a marketplace and girls do not want to admit that.

  15. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    This is what true game looks like:
    Watch as he charms Mika's panties off. She cannot resist him. Precisely because he's so authentic. You cannot fake that kind of charm.
    Pickup teaches how to become that kind of man.

  16. how do i filter girls?
    how do i filter girls?
    You need a lot of practice physically escalating on a girl in a noncreepy way. Learning how to touch her is crucial for success. Touching is so important. Start touching her with 3 seconds of meeting her and don't let up. Escalate your touching all throughout the date.
    Google: "kino escalation ladder"
    You need to learn kino
    You need to take every chance you can to touch her to make her comfortable with your touch. Start with playful, non-erotic touching, then ramp it up to the heavy stuff.

  17. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    RSD was one of the best back in the 2012ish era when I was big into it. Not sure about what they teach today since I haven't watched in a long while.
    Was it highly conscious? No. But it worked for getting good with the ladies.
    But there are many, many dating and attraction courses and teachers out there. I've studied dozens of different ones. Hard to remember them all. David DeAneglo is a classic. I studied Adam Lyons, David Wygant, Mystery Method (although it's super outdated), and a bunch more that I can't recall now.
    The basic theory is very simple: you go to a crowded place where there are many hot women, you see one, you muster the courage to approach her, and you start talking your mouth off. Smile, be playful, strong eye contact, have sexual intent, get good a touching her early without being creepy. Repeat 10,000 times. The rest is fine details. Roll with experienced wingmen who can show you the ropes in-person.

  18. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    It is funny because I got the idea to start Actualized.org from watching Tyler's earliest videos. He was a sort of pioneer of early YouTube marketing.
    I even approached him in person back in 2012 to start a self-actualization channel but he was too into pickup back then to go all-in on personal development and spirituality. His plan was to exhaust pickup fully and then go all-in on personal dev. (Or so I think.)
    I think deep down he has a good heart and he would make an amazing warrior sage. But he's also got a really massive ego. Hard to tell how that will hash out. I wish him full God-realization. If he ever attains full God-realization he will become a powerful, powerful Bodhisattva and a source of light unto the world. But will it actually happen? That's the question.
    My guess is yes, but it will be an ordeal and take a long time.
    Men have been hitting on women since the dawn of time. It ain't about to stop. It's merely a question of: Will they do it skillfully or unskillfully?
    What's more disgusting is online incels who are too afraid to even talk to a woman, blame women, and then go shoot up an elementary school because they can't get laid. But of course even that is not disgusting. It's totally understandable.
    You have to appreciate how strong the sex drive is in men. It will not just sit quietly. Either it will be channeled in a healthy way or an extremely unhealthy way. Men who can't figure out a healthy way of getting laid will create social disturbance, start wars and fascist movements. In this sense RSD is helping the world to avoid that.

  19. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    I know your struggle. But there's only so much time in the day to teach.
    Pickup is a journey. You must struggle through it to get it, and then transcend it. Just begin with the mountains of material that's already on YT. You'll figure it out if you try. And enjoy the process. Don't make it just about the results.
    There's always ways you can screw something up or make it into a dysfunction.
    You are taking rejection too personally because you're so desperate for success. Your neediness becomes its own hell.
    You gotta learn to date in a less needy way.  Go to the nightclub/bar and enjoy yourself for once. Enjoy being there. Enjoy talking to new people. Try not to make it a chore or something you do to get a score.
    Yes, learning social skills is key. It's perhaps even more important and fundamental than dating itself. Your larger goal should be to learn how to socialize effortlessly. This comes with lots of practice. Simply by being more social you will attract lots of women automatically. The biggest reason for incels is that they simply aren't social enough. And Facebook and Reddit don't count as being social here.
    These are all great things. Yes, master them all. No, learning those things will not turn you into a people pleasing entertainer. It will just make you much more magnetic and comfortable in conversation. You will also enjoy your conversations more, not just with women but with men and everyone.
    Once you are good at conversation, conversation becomes enjoyable for its own sake. Then you have the best of both worlds. Women and men will flock to you. Who doesn't love a good conversationalist/story-teller?
    Have you ever met a really good conversationalist who drew you in for hours?

  20. Being God - Questions
    Being God - Questions
    I didn't create a miracle. But I was so conscious that I could literally change reality simply via infinite imagination.
    Like, I could imagine a drop of divine water falling on a sick person's head and healing or awakening him. Because at that level of consciousness it is totally clear that physical reality is just my imagination and I can imagine it any way I want.
    I understood how someone like Jesus could heal. He just imagined it.
    I'm still toying around with this stuff. Mastering it would take a lot of work.

  21. How to go about most efficiently healing all your traumas from your body.
    How to go about most efficiently healing all your traumas from your body.
    Check out the "Completion Process" by Teal Swan. It's a process described in one of her books, but she made a video on it, it should be enough. The process is tough, but it's one of the best solution I found if:
    you don't mind heavy sessions (I do it almost daily, so you could do it if you want) you can't/don't want to use psychedelics (psychedelics are more powerful, this is what I read in the forum) you want fast results (during one session, at the beginning of my journey with this process, I "resolved" a trauma and the day after my way of feeling in my body changed drastically. So you can see results overnight if you do the exact steps. At least this is what happened to me) you want to go to the root of the problem There still are some cons:
    Like I said previously, it's tough, it's physically and mentally exhausting If you want to get rid of all the trauma, you should do it various times, but it's up to you to decide how much to do it It's a bottom-up approach (it means you work with the emotions in your body), and it should be integrated with a top-down approach (therapy, psychologist, ecc.) One session could take more than 30 minutes, it depends on your wounds. Personally, when one session take too much time, I stop it and restart from there during the next session. This tool is powerful but it's not perfect. And as Teal Swan said in one video, a trauma occurred in a relationship should be healed in a relationship. This means that for some wounds you may want to heal with friends or partners. How? Setting boundaries, expressing your emotions freely, being vulnerable enough to accept the love you receive, ecc.
    This is the process I use the most. However there are more tools out there, and I invite you warmly to learn by yourself, and to study books and videos. You can use the tools that fit you the most. So what do you do?
    Use the search function in the forum and type "healing". You can find some valuable info. Practice meditation and/or Body Scans. Holotropic breathwork is a practice that can be as powerful as some psychedelics, and you only use your breath. Kriya Yoga (well, yoga in general, but Kriya is more powerful as Leo said) is said to remove emotional blockages. I read these books:
    The Dark Side Of Light Chasers - Debbie Ford
    Invincible: The 10 Lies You Learn Growing Up With Domestic Violence - Brian Martin, 2014
    Emotional Blackmail - Susan Forward, Donna Frazier
    You can type on Google "Best books on healing" and read some of them. If you can't/don't want to buy them but still you want to read them, use libgen.io
    Finally, there was a post some time ago. A post about various methods of healing. It was on this forum. But I can't find it anymore. Fortunately, I copied the text, but I don't remember the user that wrote it. Here's it.
    Total and absolute self-love. 
    This should be done on two levels.
    1. You create something I like to call Meta acceptance. That means total and absolute acceptance of yourself in all situations. Practically this means, that whenever you are feeling down, you can accept yourself without judgement, whenever you screw up, you choose to accept yourself, but that doesn't end there. If you screw up, and beat yourself up, you choose to accept your beating yourself up! See why "meta"?
    The self-acceptance chain runs a little like this:
    You find yourself in a emotionally disturbed state. Your thoughts are among the lines of "I am not good enough". >> "Oh stop, don't think of yourself like that!".
    The way you apply meta acceptance is - First accept the thought of "Oh stop, don't think of yourself like that". (If you want something a little tangible for acceptance you can mentally hug the thought.), and once that thought is dealt with, you move onto the other thought of I am not good enough. And you accept that.
    2. Acceptance of your body and feelings.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcNGtZPPSS8 - Leo's visualisation works perfectly for this stage of self-love.
    Basically what needs to happen is the activation of your heart-center and then spreading the "love feeling" to the rest of your body. 
    Hammer it down with a visualization!
    Healing is in essence an inaccurate concept. There is nothing wrong with the "unhealed" one. When you decide to take up on healing, you are choosing a different perception, different quality and embodiment of life, and different energetical configuration of your being. It is not better, nor worse, that is why we choose our suffering, as well as we choose our bliss. We choose healing because DAMN IT FEELS GOOD! (And from that standpoint only you can make an argument that the "healed" state is a better one, because it is in the direction of your intuition, which is nothing else but following what feels good).
    So every day, you choose to step more into the reality of a better feeling energetical state. Into the blissfulness of being.
    Let's assume that there is such you that is fully healed, fully recovered, fully on the bliss side of the emotional spectrum. The you that is passionate, alive, joyful, fearless.
    How exactly does the embodiment of these qualities (or any other of your choice) feel?
    How does it feel in your body? What kinds of thoughts are you having? What kinds of people do you hang out with? What is your financial situation? What is your family and relationship situation? What does it look like when you communicate with others? What kind of job, or what kind of person are you in a job? How assertive are you? How responsible and sensitive are you? And so on...
    Use the miracle that is your imagination, visualize that you are already embodying every single quality you desire to embody. Imagine that you are blissful, joyful and peaceful. 
    Every single day, whenever you remember, just imagine this YOU! This YOU that you know you came here to be, and imagine that you are ALREADY living that paradigm.
    This allows you to stay motivated, make it number one priority, and will have a healing effect within of itself. 
    And through the visualization - Allow yourself to raise your standards. Give yourself permission, that you truly deserve to feel amazing. You truly deserve to have an amazing life, you truly deserve to be the one you know you came here to be.
    Pranic breathing/visualization
    An exercise to be used whenever you feel an emotional trigger in your body. This usually happens in the stomach and abdomen area, but not exclusively.
    1. Close your eyes, and make yourself aware of all the feelings in your body. Identify everything you choose to work on in the moment, anything unpleasant or limiting.
    2. On a count of 6, take a deep breath INTO YOUR TUMMY!!!!!! while visualizing All the emotions rising up!
    3. On a count of 6, hold onto everything you have been meaning to rise up while holding your breath.
    4. On a count of 6, breathe out, while letting go of everything you have been holding onto. Then hold your breath for 3 seconds, and breathe normally for a little while (doesn't need to be more than 2-3 breaths).
    5. Repeat the whole process until it feels redundant. I highly recommend doing this practice daily.
    Sidenote: It helps if you calm your mind before the exercise through any means you find fit. 
    The Wim-Hof Breathing technique
    This is for an advanced stage of already initiated healing. I do not recommend this exercise for the initiation of the healing process. If you feel that it resonates with you and fits your needs, then by all means use it any time you deem appropriate.
    1. Breathe in the full capacity of your lungs, and breathe out instantly. Repeat the whole process 25-30 times, until your head feels a little dizzy.
    2. Breathe out your last breath from the previous step and hold your breath for as long as it feels comfortable.
    3. Go back to n.1 and do the whole cycle again. Repeat for at least 3-5 times. 
    This is a very simple but crucial part. Get yourself into a habit of making choices based on what feels good in your body, and you can turn your whole life into healing, making the process much quicker, and more intuitive.
    IN ex. you wake up, you do your morning routine, and you don't know what to do next. Move your awareness into your body, and ask yourself "what would feel the best to do next?". There might be answers such as drink a glass of water, have sex, go for a walk, masturbate, go socialize, etc.
    This can at times get tricky, and that is when we are presented between a dilemma of Egoic vs. Authentic choice. Imagine that you are in a restaurant, and you can either choose to eat a cake or a salad. Now there are instances, where eating the cake would actually be an authentic choice. It is completely fine. But let's say you are trying to shed some weight, and naturally eating a cake would feel good! Right?! Well Then follow this principle. Will it also feel good 5-30 minutes after I made the choice? (eaten the cake..),
    How to deal with negative/lack beliefs
    First a quick guide to make yourself aware of your limiting beliefs - Let's say there is something that disturbs you. Maybe your spouse doesn't text back and you feel bad about it. So you calm your body and mind, and start enquiring within. 
    Why am I feeling bad about this?
    >> It feels like they don't love me.
    If that is true, why is that so bad?
    >> Because with no love my life is meaningless.
    If that is true why is that so bad?
    >> Because that would mean I am not good enough.
    If that is true why is it so bad?
    >> I am not good enough
    This was just an illustration, your enquiring process will probably be much longer and have perhaps several dozens of questions, you might check out Katie Byron's process that she calls The Work.
    So you've got this belief that you perceive as limiting, and decided to do something about it. Great!!! ADMIT DEFEAT.
    You cannot win over a belief in your subconscious from the stand-point of This is not true! I will fight this! Because in essence, your subconscious has so much more power than your conscious mind. You can't override it with brute force. So admit defeat. The belief is there. You do not believe you are good enough.
    After admitting the defeat there should be (there may be exceptions so don't take this as a rule or confirmation of "I am doing it right") a sense of relief. Because you have been running from this belief your entire life, trying to prove it wrong. But now, when you admit defeat, there is no longer the need to accomplish anything in order to escape from the belief. There is acceptance. There is a little more peace.
    Now when you are aware of your thought of "I am not good enough", trace the thought back into your body. Close your eyes, and follow the trail of your emotions. How does that thought make you feel? What are the underlying emotions behind this belief? This might take a while to take an effect, but sooner or later, you should arrive at an emotion that can be worked with.
    AND THAT is when your breathing exercises kick in.
    What should follow is a lot of release of unconscious emotions. Your most cathartic moments are the ones when you are overwhelmed with emotions. 
     List of cathartic actions/events/situations
    Journaling and writing down thoughts in free association
    Tingeling or weird sensations in the body
    Speaking in tongues
    outbursts of anger
    panic attacks
    unexplainable fear
    obsessive thinking
    unvolutary body movements
    strong urges (such as you have a strong urge to do something, or bark, or run,...)
    hyper horniness
    hyper sensitivity
    feelings of love
    feelings of resentment
    feeligns of disgust
    feelings of victimhood
    feeling sick
    feelings of stiffness
    and many many more :o)
    The belief in lack is the source of all suffering.
    - Bentinho Massaro
    What do you make of this one?
    The belief in lack is the cause of all suffering.
    Is that clear? Like... do you understand how deep this goes?
    When you are born, you don't really believe in that much of lack do you?
    You prolly don't believe that you lack money as a kiddo. You probably don't believe that you lack sex, or that you lack comfort (ok debatable). But surely not as many things as you seem to be lacking now.
    Desire is the driving force behind all action. Without desire the universe would literally could not exist. What's the problem then?
    Lack based desire vs. Inspiration based desire.
    All of suffering is an illusion, because it is based on lack. Which IS an illusion. You can never truly lack anything.
    If lack were real, happiness would not be a possible state of mind. I can prove this to you! Lack is truly an extremely illusory state of consciousness.
    Right now, 
    as you are sitting behind your computer screen!
    Are you lacking a big shiny red apple in your hand?!
    But it is not there? (unless this is a fucking huge coincidence in which case I'm highfiving you)
    So how can you not lack it? If it is NOT THERE!
    Well you don't... probably. You are not in a "state of lack of the big red shiny apple" that would be driving you crazy.
    So how come you can lack anything else? Like money? Or love? Or anything what so ever?
    Can you see the illusory state of mind?
    Lack cannot possibly rationally ultimately exist. 
    Desire is OK!
    There is nothing bad/wrong/untrue about desire. The trick comes in distinguishing lack based desires and inspiration desires. 
    To be fair, as of now, most of your desires are probably going to be lack-based. And that is fine. It is a great tool for growth and healing.
    How to exploit desires for growth
    1. Every time you feel bad about a situation, ask yourself "What must I believe that I lack right now?"
    And realize that it is a one big lie. You cannot lack anything. And even if you did lack something, wouldn't the most logical thing to do be just straight up getting the thing you think you lack? Instead of reminiscing and feeling bad about it?
    Find out what you perceive you lack (let's use the example of companionship)
    "I believe I lack companionship."
    If it were true, that I truly lack companionship, what would be the most logical course of action?
    >> Go out and talk to people
    Ok great why don't you do it?
    Looads of self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours probably will kick in.
    >> I don't wanna go out, people don't like me, I am shy, I am introverted, I can't make friends, I don't know anyone, I am a loser etc.
    See how the perceived lack was what created the suffering? It wasn't the desire itself. It was the belief that you lack companionship.
    2. Every time you desire something, even when it is based on lack, follow it. Do NOT SUPPRESS YOUR DESIRES. That will truly result only in self-sabotaging and self destructive behaviours that will lead to more emotional issues down the road.
    Every time we desire, we don't in actuality desire the object of our desire. We desire the feeling of having the object.
    If I want a car, I don't actually want that car. What I truly on a deeper level want, is a state of freedom, or worthiness, or security,...
    Can you activate that feeling of already having that car within your being, WITHOUT actually having the car?
    Yes you can!
    Visualize, breath-work, mindfulness, breath-work. 
    What does it feel like to have that car? What are the sensations in my body?
    What kinds of thoughts are coming up now when I have it?
    What is between me, and the feeling of having the car?
    Is it the feeling of "I am not good enough"? Or the thought of "I am not worthy"?
    Once you arrive at a conclusion, healing can start, lack can be purified, and desire will be used to it's maximum to grow you, and to teach you your lesson.
    side note: You can motivate yourself through realizing that once you get yourself into a state of mind where you "already have that thing you desire" without lacking it, it will be SO MUCH MORE EASIER EFFORTLESS AND FLOWING to get that thing in the external reality, that it really doesn't make any sense at all to keep believing in lack.
    Using your imagination
    This is my favorite part. Healing your inner child through imagination. This is where you can go nuts and fucking sky is the limit. This is the fun shit!
    And a very very easy principle so listen up.
    Every time you manage to tune into your inner child to feel some of its emotional needs, visualize whatever comes to mind to fulfill those needs, and build yourself a world in your head of people and circumstances that are absolutely ridiculously amazing.
    Bathing yourself in light and love
    Creating whatever guardian figure to hold you (or your inner child, depending whether you choose a separate perspective or not. (I used to use Obama a lot =D)
    Being in beautiful places
    Being praised by everyone
    Being cheered on by everyone
    Drinking healing water 
    Releasing your emotions as demons from your body
    Conversations with people who have hurt you in the past with the intention of closure or forgiveness
    and again... go nuts, sky is the limit <3

  22. Psychedelic help
    Psychedelic help
    It's almost impossible to answer that. Everyone's path is so unique. The most important thing is not to do what I tell you, but to go inside yourself, connect with your heart, and listen to what it tells you you should do next.
    You want to get good at leading yourself and following your own compass (intuiton and heart). You do this by going into solitude and quiet contemplation, and asking yourself powerful questions that open your mind.
    Reading those books and watching videos is a good launching off point. You need to arm yourself with quality information and ideas of what's possible and what's worthwhile to pursue. Don't be afraid to invest a few years just reading, watching, and taking notes. You need a decent vision of where you're headed and why.
    Yes, slow and steady is key. Be a tortoise not a hare.

  23. Bobby's perspective vs actualized.org
    Bobby's perspective vs actualized.org
    @Serotoninluv A child who was molested can, with lots of work, overcome those wounds as an adult. But that is an exception, not the norm. In most such cases the wounds will be carried to the grave.
    All karma can be overcome. But that's a very tall order for most folks to fill.
    And also, you must consider, How deeply were you indoctrinated into Christianity? There are many degrees of it. Some people got it real bad.
    Technically I was raised Orthodox Christian. But I got a very mild form of it, and I was too conscious from the get-go to buy that shit. The relativity of religion is too obvious after a certain point of consciousness. It's obviouy not possible for any one religion to be Truth to the exclusion of all the others. Just as it's obvious that English cannot be the truest language. There simply is no such thing.
    Anyone who thinks Christianty is the truest relgion simply reveals their lack of study and contemplation of other religions. It's pure self-bias.
    The notion that only Jesus had the highest access to God is comically naive and goes against the very core of what God is -- ONENESS.
    It is devirly to claim that anyone has an exclusive or highest access to God.
    It is the oldest trick in the book to claim that one's religion is the highest. Children think this way.

  24. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    There are right and wrong ways to learn game.
    If you're doing good game, your goal is to develop authenticity and inner strength. You're not trying to please the girl at all. If you go in trying to please the girl, that's bad game, and she will smell it and reject you. With good game you're not being fake to trick her into liking you, you're working on yourself as a many to burn off all your fear and weakness so that when she's talking to you, you actually are a highly attractive, strong, valuable man. And then she falls in love. She's not falling in love with a fake or a people-pleaser. If anything, game will make you icy and detached. You will stop caring what people think of you. And then your game will shoot through the roof because women find that so attractive.
    In the end, after your entire gaming journey is complete, what you'll discover is that nothing is more attractive than genuinely and FULLY being yourself. That's all game is. But when you start you are so self-conscious and so inauthentic that you have no idea what FULLY being yourself means. Game is a process of a many discovering himself. And then women get attracted like flies on shit.
    If you can just be 100% fully authentically yourself without an ounce of fear or embarrassment in front of a hot woman, that's all you need to sleep with her. It really is that simple. But it's also really hard to pull off if you're a socially awkward guy with little dating experience who secrete hates himself for all his flaws.
    All you need is to be able to walk up to a beautiful women, look her straight in the eyes like you want to fuck her, and then proceed to have a fun playful relaxed conversation, charged with a tinge of sexual energy. Easier said than done. Real game is about training yourself to be able to do that.

  25. Being overpowered during a trip
    Being overpowered during a trip
    Psychedelics certainly help. There are some which are very erotic which are perfect for this. I got very close to having a female oragsm once. I don't doubt it's possible with more practice. But even if you aren't able to actually have one, just getting close is very powerful and healing as it integrates your feminine side.
    Otherwise there are other methods like hypnosis and visualization.
    Visualization is an extremely powerful tool. You can visualize so hard that you can materialize a diety into your perceptual field. But of course this is not your regular visualization exercise. This is hardcore stuff that requires serious commitment and practice.
    I think every guy should try to have at least 1 female orgasm just to open his mind. And don't confuse female orgasm with anal sex. That's not what I'm talking about.