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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Newly Uncovered Limiting Beliefs & Mindset Towards Money & Business
    Newly Uncovered Limiting Beliefs & Mindset Towards Money & Business
    That's a handful. Let's see if we can shift some of these right now:
    That's like saying "I want to be full, but I'm not motivated to eat food". How can you get one without the other?
    You SHOULD want to be a people pleaser.
    The problem with people pleasing isn't that you're providing value to people. It's that you usually get so caught up in trying to appease others that you either:
    1) Burn out
    2) Become so afraid of how you're being judged by others that you do nothing
    3) You tone down what you really want just to avoid conflict
    None of these things have to do with adding value.
    Adding value is one of the smartest things you can do in life because you GET what you GIVE. It also shows social intelligence and that you actually give a fuck about the person you're interacting with.
    No one calls Leo a people pleaser because he pumps out massive amounts of free content.
    Some marketing can come off that way. But who says you have to market the way other people market?
    The best marketing is genuine and connects with the customer at a deep level.
    Either way, notice that it's your judgment that says marketing "should" look at certain way. Maybe reality doesn't care how you think it should work and it would be much smarter to just go with the flow.
    Study marketing. Gain appreciation for it.
    If you weren't connected with your life purpose, of course you wouldn't be motivated to start a business. A business only makes sense once you realize it can be a vehicle for something you're attempting to produce into the world.
    And depending on your life purpose, you don't HAVE to start a business. Some people are artists more than businessmen. Or your life purpose could even be working for someone else. That's your call.
    That's just a straight up lie. Even Gary Vee who puts in 16 hour days and runs multi-million dollar businesses has time to get to the gym.
    I guarantee you're wasting massive amounts of time throughout your day. We all do. If this is that important to you, systematically start cutting all that shit out.
    You've got to make time. If self-actualization is that important, maybe make your business revolve around that like Leo did. Then you'll be paid to do the work that matters to you the most. Get creative.

  2. My whole life backslided real hard. Any advice appreciated.
    My whole life backslided real hard. Any advice appreciated.
    @Dan Arnautu The counter-intuitive move might be to slow down rather than speed up.
    Try to get your routine down to the bare essentials.
    As you grow, your routine cannot stay the same. It has to adapt. Some parts of it you will outgrow.
    Also, be careful with confusing a healthy routine for consciousness. It's easy to get those two confused. Letting go of routines and operating more on consciousness alone can be a great growth opportunity.
    Also, try loving yourself more especially when you backslide. Shoulding all over yourself in such a case tends to only make things worse.
    Also notice how state-dependant you've become. You've hitched your happiness and self-esteem to executing your routine. And now you see the downside of that. It's still conditional happiness. Ground your happiness in BEING rather than doing.
    The good news is, if you've done it for 2 years, you can do it again, and it will be way easier the second time around.

  3. What rituals (if any) do you do before a trip?
    What rituals (if any) do you do before a trip?
    Over time, as my tripping technique has refined, I've found that the only thing really necessary is:
    Totally quiet & safe setting, zero obligations, empty stomach, courage, and after you take the substance: sit perfectly still, concentrate on the present moment, and surrender.
    Always start each new substance at a lose dose.
    Meditating before-hand helps to prepare the mind. You want to get all your personal stuff out of the way so you can go deep into existential questioning.
    If the trip starts to get hairy, just remind yourself to surrender and get more curious about reality rather than your petty personal issues or feelings.

  4. How to stop being a devil.
    How to stop being a devil.
    @solr The answer to your question is: the entire spiritual journey is about that.
    By becoming more conscious you are able, more and more, to let go of your devilry. This process will takes decades to complete.
    Self-inquiry, meditation, yoga, contemplation, etc. are all very useful tools for spiritual purification.
    But don't neglect ordinary personal development either. Get your own life together, climb Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs so you're not struggling to desperately fulfill yourself all the time. Evil mostly comes from desperately needing things like: sex, money, love, power, fame, security, etc.
    Practice unconditional love more, open your heart chakra. That helps a lot too.

  5. How do you set goals and fallow them diligently ?
    How do you set goals and fallow them diligently ?
    I was hesitant to set concrete goals at first too. My mind would come up with excuses like "come on, is this REALLY going to make a difference? You're just writing down some goals, you're not actually doing anything".
    Huge mistake. But I slowly built the habit and now I can't go a day without writing down my goals.
    Couple of key points:
    1) You have to become conscious of how concrete goals focus your energy, while vague goals get you either no results or vague results. This will allow you to intellectually buy into the importance of writing down your specific goals and reinforcing them daily.
    I wanna know the exact day my goal is going to be achieved, how it's going to feel, smell, taste, everything. The more specific the better.
    How do you become conscious? You just pay attention. Become aware of what is manifesting in your life and figure out why it's happening.
    2) If you just write down your goals every morning, that's good. Better though is you don't just write them down, you add emotion into it. That's how the Law of Attraction works.
    If you're writing down your goals and thinking "I'll never be able to do that, who am I kidding" and feeling sorry for yourself, that's not powerful goal setting.
    So I play music and move around in order to help get me into that positive emotional state. That way I associate good feelings to my goals.
    3) When I write down my goals, I write as fast as I can. I don't want any filter coming up from my conscious mind, telling me what my goals should or shouldn't be. That's all potential conditioning.
    I want to directly access that beautiful subconscious. That's the part which knows what your deepest purpose is.
    4) You can't always get exactly what you think you wanted. When that happens, you gotta know when to be flexible and hang up a goal. By writing your goals daily, you make sure that your goals are current to what is happening in your life.
    5) Take action ASAP on any goal that comes up and is worth your immediate time. That'll stick it into your mind that you're serious about this.

  6. Purging through Low Consciousness Dreams
    Purging through Low Consciousness Dreams
    If it's a repeating dream, you gotta ask yourself what the core fear is there which you have. And then work through that consciousness, and that should help stop those dreams.
    Those repeating negative dreams have a lesson they are trying to teach you. So contemplate what the lesson is.

  7. What thoughts can I trust? Some feel truer
    What thoughts can I trust? Some feel truer
    Not all thoughts are automatically bad. There is a sort of higher intelligence at work in you, guiding the mind. For example, you might get the thought, "I should really start to eat healthier." And that can be a message from your "higher self" which would be wise to listen to.
    Thoughts may not be absolutely true, but they can be relatively true, which is important from a pragmatic perspective. You need healthy thoughts to set your life straight.
    Only at the very advanced stages of consciousness can you start to transcend thoughts altogether. And even then, you'll still return to them for pragmatic reasons.

  8. human potential
    Why is Leo setting the bar low?
    That's like going to a channel that teaches fitness advice for ordinary people and asking, "But what about Arnold Schwarzenegger? Why not be like him? He can squat 700 lbs! Why tell people to squat 200 lbs? It's nowhere near!"
    Dude... most people can't even stop playing video games or put down their smart phone. Forget about enlightenment.
    Ravi Shankar is a once-in-a-generation individual. You ain't ever gonna be at his level. And if you are, you certainly ain't gonna do it watching YouTube videos or hanging out on this forum. You should be living in a cave and meditating 24/7. You are talking about a COMPLETE surrender of your life. Who is prepared to do that?
    99% of people will not reach the bar of Actualized.org. If you're in the 1% who outgrows Actualized.org, then by all means go do it.

  9. the mind makes excuses
    Pseudo-sleepiness as an ego defense mechanism
    @Max_V Yeah, I used to get that a lot. It's a very sneaky defense mechanism. The more you practice, the more you break it down.
    Doing the work right after a nap is a good trick. But watch how the ego tricks your trick. It will come up with excuses for why not to self-inquire after a good nap. So if it's not sleepiness, there will come up some other "legit" excuse.

  10. LP and spirtuality combined
    How to stop slacking off after every meditation 'breakthroughs'?
    Conscious enough to see that passion doesn't conflict with enlightenment.
    It all depends on how high quality your original passion was. If your passion was selfless from the get-go, that will survive the purification process and even get stronger. If your passion was eating donuts and chasing girls, that probably won't.

  11. Do nothing tip
    Does sitting with your eyes closed count as meditation?
    @blazed The key to Do-Nothing is to let go of all doership. And you keep letting go each time doership arises (and it will arise a lot). You're letting go of control in a conscious manner.
    This is different from daydreaming, although they will feel similar at times.

  12. Passionate Life
    Video games, social media, depression, girls?
    @Uncover Our culture these days is very toxic, materialistic, and dysfunctional. Video games contribute a lot to that. They ruin your ability to be do consciousness work quite badly. When your mind is addicted to mental stimulation, like video games, how can you sit and contemplate life? How can you meditate? How can you do yoga? How can you self-reflect? It will be too boring. Your mind will be craving easy entertainment like crack.
    I would suggest you apply mindfulness to your video game habit and notice how ultimately unfulfilling it is. The pleasure is hollow. There's no real satisfaction to be had there. Even the very best video game gets boring and lame after a week or two. And then what are you left with? Boredom and suffering.
    Start to notice this larger meta-pattern. That will help you to ween yourself off games. You are 22 years old. It's time to grow up. You should be focused 100% on building your life, your career, your skillset, your relationships, and developing your consciousness. The time for games is over.
    Life IS the ultimate game! Master IT. The joys of mastering life are beyond anything any video game can offer you. But it's a mature kind of joy. Not the sugary joy of video games.
    Try starting a daily meditation practice. Notice how difficult it will be for you.
    As far as girls go, you need to expose yourself to massive experience with girls to fix that problem. Look into pickup, but be careful not to buy too much into the dogma. The key for you is to be going out every weekend and talking to lots of girls. That will auto-correct many issues as far as dating goes. Stop looking for 1 girl and start learning how to attract all girls in general.

  13. The snowball of LP
    Leo’s top strength is...
    I’m taking the life purpose course and I found that my top strength was humor(which involves the ability to make other people laugh and smile). Being my top strength I want to build on it and I can’t help but notice how much Leo is building on his top strength of perspective. It seems clear by how he talks in his videos that he does a lot of fucking research on a wide range of topics and all of that helps expand his perspective. On top of that, he seems to go so much deeper into that strength than what one might initially think is possible just by looking at what the strength of perspective entails. Here’s what the VIA character strengths website defines perspective as.
    ”Perspective is distinct from intelligence but represents a high level of knowledge, the capacity to give advice and to recognize and weight multiple sides before making decisions. It allows the individual to address important questions about the conduct and meaning of life.”
    Isn’t Leo doing exactly that? But he’s doing it so much fucking deeper and that’s how I want to be with my strength of humor. I don’t want to tell jokes, I feel like that’s shallow and wouldn’t be fulfilling. I want to go deep as fuck into what really brings happiness, smiles, and laughter to others. 
    Am I making sense or is this gibberish? Haha 
    How do you take your top strength and go deep into it like that? 
    Does anybody else have experience with taking their top strength this deep? 

  14. The non-dual route isn't always the answer
    I'm so lost.
    @Driven62 If I were you, I wouldn't wait for nonduality to fix that. I would self-reflect or use a therapist/coach type person to help me investigate the root source of the fear. When did I develop it? Where did it come from? Why is it there? This is a shadow work -type of issue.
    And then, I would try to expose myself to more ridicule in real life (trying to stay mindful while it is happening). Pickup can be great for that if you are a dude. Try walking up to a hot girl with your fly unzipped and tell her you want to make babies with her.

  15. fuck college
    Spending time in college which probably doesn't have to do with your LP
    @Sheeba 5 years in college is a long ass time, and chances are you come out of it still not knowing what you want your career to be.
    Figure out your life purpose ASAP so you don't piss it away.
    I would not invest 5 years of the prime of my life into something that wasn't what I was really passionate about and which didn't advance my career.
    You need to figure out how you're are going to meld your top passions with putting food on the table. That is your core challenge at your age. If you don't figure it out now, chances are, you never will. It will be MUCH harder after you are in the workforce. You will not have the free time to explore options, develop the right skills, or build a portfolio of work -- you will be working like a mule 8 hours per day.

  16. Encouraging words of Shin
    Not depressed, just tired of living ?
    This is depression, it's not because you aren't all emo about it that it isn't.
    Just buy the life purpose course and do it dilligently, start meditation and mindfulness work, spend more time in nature.
    At some point you will laugh at the fact you had those kind of thoughts, there is so much to life if you don't live it as a sheep.

    The Letting Go Technique Explained
    Happy Xmas to everyone!
    I wish happiness, love and wisdom to all the beings in this forum. May grace be with you  Today, I want to give you guys a christmas present! It's a gift from my heart that arose after months of applying one of the most profound techniques I have ever learned - Letting Go - applied to the body!
    1. Introduction
    It's a perfect tool for healing and spiritual growth. It's so simple but so easily overlooked. You can do it everywhere, anywhere, all the time. Big news, it will happen by itself spontaneously when you invest some time in it. It's so effective that you'll have no chance but to do it. Everything's going to get better from the moment you start applying. I know, I know, one of more of those... Skepticism is healthy. But don't let the mind prevent you from just trying it.
    If this guidance is aligned with your destiny, you're in for some good surprise! Read it slowly and let it be understood experientially. Stick to it and watch what happens. I will try to keep it as short as possible.
    2. Theory
    Your Ego is made out of resistance. Resistance to what is. Resistance to Reality. Since you were a toddler, you have been resisting Reality. Because of this, you have developed some deep layered contractions and tensions that are still with you today. These tensions are right there in your body and keep you from enjoying your full potential in life. The Ego is made up of these contractions which create a mediocre sense of self. The more contractions there are, the more the Ego feels real and solid. It's hard for an ordinary person to sit still because there's so much contraction that it's painful. These tensions corrupt your energy system and give rise to all the negative thoughts. These contractions are basically suppressed energies in motion - emotions.
    Energy in Motion => Resistance (Contraction) => Thoughts
    As this energy is released, the thoughts that originate from the corresponding emotion disappear altogether, the Ego is dissolved, slowly and gradually. The goal is to dissolve every bit of contraction till full liberation.
    While applying the technique for months and years, you'll experience higher and higher emotions, higher consciousness and all the benefits from dissolution of the Ego. The benefits are fast and easy.
    3. Technique
    Stop moving for a second. Be aware of the entirety of your body sensations all at once, specially the torso. Do that for 15 seconds. Now, think something from your life that makes you uncomfortable (the most uncomfortable thoughts make best for this example). Notice that there's an immediate response in the physical body. There's some contraction in the chest, abdomen, solar plexus or other place. The uncomfortable feel is that contraction. Now focus on it like a laser without trying to remove it or change it. Just be still and focus on it. Watch it dissolve magically. What's left is a lighter emotion, less thoughts and higher awareness. DON'T LISTEN TO THE THOUGHTS. They are just mind rationalisations for the discomfort, no matter how true and reasonable they might seem.
    Discomfort => Body awareness => Contraction detected => Focus and release
    You have been denying and contracting for all your life so it might (just might ) take a bit of time till you 1) are aware of your body contractions 2) can free up the tensions fast. Usually it takes days to dissolve these contractions once you are aware of them. As time goes on, you'll find yourself releasing them in a matter of minutes. There are literally dozens of thousands of these contractions which are stored in a layer of feelings. The more you apply the technique the more you dive deep in this layer.
    4. Applications
    You always have contractions on your body. There's always some tension underlying your current experience, even if you're not aware of it. Spend some time being aware of your body (body awareness is key here) and let go of the contractions that you can perceive. Remember, let go is just to focus and release the energy. Do this all the time, ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Specially when you feel triggered and uncomfortable. You'll see, in a matter of days, that this is (the?) most powerful technique and you'll be doing it all the time. Then there comes a point where there's always great awareness of the body and the technique just works by itself without "you" doing anything.
    Even if you don't feel triggered, you can always be aware of the contractions present right now. Just turn your attention to the body. Be still. Tip: usually it's on the torso area that these blocks manifest, but not always.
    Dissolving problems
    So, this is the most important technique for all of your problems... I see people debating on the forum on many topics: dating problems, self-help problems, insecurity problems, anxiety problems, etc. Know that all of those are just internal blocks which are creating all the thoughts and "problems" on your life. Apply this technique and watch those disappear. Then, you won't need to fix your problems, because they will magically dissolve when the energy is not blocked. See what contraction is causing your current suffering/problem.
    5. Key messages
    Be aware of your body.
    Be aware of the contractions right now.
    Don't listen to the thoughts.
    Be still.
    And let gooooooooooo.
    6. Final bells
    This technique is amazing, you'll benefit a lot! I'll bet it will become your favourite practice. As time goes on, it will not be seen as a practice but just as surrender. This teaching is heavily discussed in David Hawkins' book Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. But here, I strongly point that the blocks are in the body, not in an imaginary land.
    Lots of love and I would love to read your ideas and experiences! I wish you well 

  18. All blocks occuring in your life can be figured out with journaling
    Dealing With The Inner Critic
    Every block can be analyzed to look for its source.  You need to identify each block and then contemplate the source. Either you are acting inauthentically or you have a negative association with the value you are trying to pursue.  You gotta do deep self-therapy to find the root causes of your blocks.  

  19. Building mental toughness -> with science (more meaning too)
    How To Not Get Sick This Winter
    You can’t protect yourself against all germs and diseases but what you can do is boost your immune system
    Intermittent Fasting - mild oxidative stress causes hormesis and bolsters your tolerance to biological stressors Cold Exposure - Exposure to cold also triggers hormesis to a large degree — you’re physically adapting to lower temperatures, thus increasing your immune system’s tolerance for the cold and other harmful stimuli. Stimulate the Lymph System - Cold exposure also stimulates the lymphatic system. Other strategies are yoga, heat saunas, massage and foam rolling. Get Enough Micros - Eating a healthy whole foods based diet should be the foundation but you can still develop some micronutrient deficiencies. Vitamin D is the biggest one, magnesium, selenium, omega3s, zinc and iron are other ones Wash Your Hands - Proper hygiene is crucial for avoiding infections and viruses. Avoid public rest rooms and don't touch metals or coins Reduce Cortisol - Although hormesis can be seen as a positive adaptation to stress too much stress is still bad for you. Hormesis follows a very dose specific pattern and you never want to go too far because it will lead to under-adaptation. Think Positively - In one study, participants who had heightened activity in a region of the brain associated with a positive attitude produced greater amounts of flu antibodies. Avoid Toxins - Things like alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are obviously bad for your health and damage your immune system. Anti-inflammatory compounds - ginger, turmeric, ginseng, garlic, coconut oil, glutathione, and colloidal silver are great Check out the video!
    Stay Empowered

  20. Life purpose makes life decisions easy
    Am I stupid or impatient?
    That's precisely where life purpose becomes invaluable. If you knew your LP, you would know which direction is right. But now you're just a leaf in the wind.
    When you base your business on making a quick buck, 95% of the time you end up with neither the satisfaction of following your passion, nor the big bucks.

  21. How LOA works
    Maybe I’m not getting this whole Law of Attraction thing.
    LOA is nuanced af and honestly is beyond the paradigm most people are at.
    When you say "Fuck I can't just wait around for someone to do this for me, I have to take action!", that's actually a step up in vibration from where you previously were (helplessness). So the LOA responds and you get better results.
    When you say "I can't just bury my head in the sand about this, I have to take an honest look at where I'm at", that's again a step up in vibration. Previously you were in avoidance (negative vibration), now you've moved up.
    The problem is people think LOA is going to respond through some sort of miracle. No, everything in your life is a result of the law of attraction! Even the most mundane day at work is something you manifested.
    A great book that might help you sort this out is Levels of Energy by Frederich Dodson.

  22. Nahm's simple way to change a thought
    Addictive thought pattern
    @Krishna Siva how do you want to think? What do you want to accomplish? Write that down, look at it, repeat.

  23. Emotional priming for action
    What are your best practices ?
    I do conscious priming every morning. Takes like 15 minutes but it's the best 15 minutes you could spend all day.
    Basically it goes like this:
    1) Breath of fire (3 minutes). Basically it's just extremely rapid breathing, around 2-3 per second.
    2) Visualizing experiences or things I'm grateful for (3 minutes)
    3) Visualize white, healing light coming down from the sky and into my body (1.5 minutes)
    4) Visualize sending love energy to everyone (1.5 minutes)
    5) Incantations (3 minutes)
    6) Throw on some inspiring music and write down all goals I can think of as fast as possible (5 minutes)
    What I love about this is that no matter what emotions I wake up to, I can guarantee I'll be in the right emotional state by the time I'm done. Then I'm off to do whatever I got to do.

  24. How to love yourself
    How do I get over the fear that I am unlovable?
    @BobbyLowell Loving yourself is important. Don't confuse that with loving the ego. Ego doesn't really love itself, it hates itself.

  25. Curing addiction first starts with understanding addiction
    Curing Multiple Addictions
    There is a common root of addiction. The root is the same for all forms of addictions. The only thing that is different is the object. 
    Here is a start....
    What is the root of addiction? 
    What is pleasure? 
    What gives pleasure continuity? 
    Once the this unknown source that gives continuity to pleasure is realized inquire into that. Learn about it. Understand How it moves in its pattern. Use direct current or past experiences to visualize this process. 
    See this movment it in its totality. 
    In becoming free from addiction, The seeing of its whole movment is the doing. In this observation there is action. 
    If you really want to become free from all addiction, the only way is to become free from yourself.