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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    @Serotoninluv Yeah... stick to under 30mg dosages. You went too high. Small dosages also means more trips.
    Around 25mg seems like a good sweet spot. It's epic, but still manageable.
    This is super-interesting to me. I wonder why this happens? Not everyone sees God on 5-MeO. But tt happens to me EVERY time and it's so powerful. And it also happens to be me almost every time on other lesser psychedelics.
    I think we all have different brains/minds and so the psychedelic unlocks certain aspects of your brain/mind. If you are not primed for it, you will not experience God. I think it helps to do a LOT of existential contemplation/philosophy.
    When I experience God, it's not so much that I merely "experience" it, rather my mind becomes infinite and I feel my mind crawl over the mind God, and as it's doing so, it becomes the mind of God. There is still a thought process happening, but it feels like my thoughts have become hyper-multi-parallel-processes. My thoughts become slow, infinite, very intuitive, and cosmic in scope. It feels like my mind is able to contain all of God.
    The last time I tripped on 5-MeO, I became so infinite that I could look at an object and see the infinite chain of causes the created. It is like pure infinite knowledge. Like omniscience. Every object in existence has infinite causation. Take a paperclip for example. There is an infinite chain of actions which has led to its creation.
    My working hypothesis is that different brains will access different aspects of God in different ways (either with or without psychedelics). Which is why spiritual people argue with each other so much. They assume everyone is the same. But this is almost certainly false. There may be realms which your brain simply cannot access, or might have difficulty accessing without proper conceptual frameworks.

  2. How can I know where to start?
    How can I know where to start?
    @Cesar Alba Start with just reading, taking notes, and thinking about what is possible -- get your bearings.
    Order 20 good books and read them a bit each night over the next year.

  3. Mastery vs big picture
    Mastery vs big picture
    Of course, but like she said in the video clip, it won't come right away. It takes trial and error to reach what you really want to do with your life (mastery + life purpose). You still have to work to survive along the way. 

  4. LP course questions
    LP course questions
    @egoless Having an impact doesn't have to mean becoming public (although often it might involve that). You can have a big impact with few people even knowing who you are. Don't think that you have to be a public speaker or celebrity to make a big impact.

  5. Kriya yoga questions and practice issues
    Kriya yoga questions and practice issues
    @Lynnel You can imagine faster.
    Imagine a snail.
    Imagine a cheeta.


  6. How to help little people actualize?
    How to help little people actualize?
    Get good at the Socratic Method. It's the best way to teach people.
    And also, be a role model of consciousness behavior. Embody consciousness and truth.
    Monkey see, monkey do.

  7. Thoughts on Jordan Peterson
    Thoughts on Jordan Peterson
    Jordan Peterson on anti-depressants?
    For fuck sakes! Oh the irony...
    Do NOT take anti-depressants! They will screw up your entire system and are difficult to quit and they solve nothing.
    Psychedelics will actually treat the root cause, like your dysfunctional psychology, your rationalism, and your energetic blockages.
    Yoga too.
    Of course fixing even ALL the aspects of your life will never make you satisfied. It is impossible. Real satisfaction only comes with ego-death. Which is something Peterson doesn't understand because he's too busy waging an intellectual war with his favorite enemy, the post-modernists.
    It would be funny, but for the fact that he has to take anti-depressants to feel satisfied and is encouraging his followers to do the same. This speaks to the fundamental incorrectness of his method and his understanding of the human psyche. This is the kind of bullshit that academia and rationalism produces.
    If you want happiness, do not trust academics to deliver it to you. They have no idea what happiness is. They are lost in a world of mental concepts, which is a breeding-ground for depression.
    There is only one way to happiness: consciousness to the point of ego-death.
    P.S. You will be far better off micro-dosing LSD or mushrooms than taking anti-depressants.

  8. How not to be afraid?
    How not to be afraid?
    By dying.
    There is only one thing which all humans fear: loss of self. And then that gets manifested in a million different ways.
    To overcome a fear is to die (surrender) to that fear. To accept it. To realize that your true nature is beyond it.

  9. A warning against energy practices
    A warning against energy practices
    You just gotta do it properly.
    It's very hard to awaken when your energy is all screwed up and blocked up.
    You can read about people who have random kundalini awakenings and are traumatized by them. That's because they didn't know what they were doing. They probably weren't doing a good formal yoga practice.
    Yoga isn't just about quickly creating a kundalini awakening. Yoga is a gradual healing and purification of your entire energetic system. Which is arguably more important that having an enlightenment experience. You are going to feel so much better and more grounded when your energy system is purified. This goes to the heart of embodiment.

  10. "For crying out loud!"
    "For crying out loud!"
    All emotions serve a very vitual purpose: they are manipulations of the ego-mind to fulfill its survival agenda.
    The only reason you are alive is because emotions have kept you from dying. And so your very life hinges on them. You use them not only to physically survive, but even more importantly, to maintain your self-image.
    Which is precisely why Truth and ego-death is the scariest thing you can experience.
    Emotions are no joke. Emotions are the equivalent of someone holding a gun to your head and telling you to dance.

  11. Kriya yoga questions and practice issues
    Kriya yoga questions and practice issues
    Very important. Concentrate during those last 5-10 mins like a motherfucker.
    The result you can expect is yoga: union with God.
    Inhale very slowly from left nostril Pause Exhale very slowly from right nostril Pause Inhale very slowly from right nostril Pause Exhale very slowly from left nostril Pause That is 1 cycle.
    Yes, close your eyes and look up at 3rd eye.
    During Om Japa, as I recall, you let the breath flow naturally. You don't control it.
    The most important part would be visualizing the energy flowing up and down your spine and through each chakra. Focus your limited attention on that. As you get good at that, I think you'll develop more attention capacity.
    You don't need to do everything perfectly at the start. You will get much better over the months. Just focus on 80% that really matters.
    Yes, I experience this problem too. You can decrease your need for oxygen by first taking 3 short breaths before beginning one of the long mahamudra breaths. You can also try quickening the rate at which you pull energy up and down the spine, so it doesn't take so long. And your Oms should be fairly rapid as you bend down and hold your breath.
    Building lung capacity is part of this whole practice, from what I understand. You have to learn to breath more deeply and consume less oxygen.

  12. Why does this always happen?!
    Why does this always happen?!
    Of course that happens. Ego backlash is to be expected. Every complex system exhibits inertia, otherwise it couldn't survive.
    If you read The Big Leap, you're experiencing the upper limit problem.

    All Personal Questions For Leo
    Not too much.
    It will naturally happen within the next few centuries as society evolves. All this information will become freely available to all human beings, ultimately.
    But not in this lifetime. I have little interest in waging a war inside of academia. That is a painful bureaucratic game. Although someone will eventually have to fight it. But that is not my life purpose.
    1) Camera makes it look that way
    2) These days, very few. I'm sort of outgrowing books. Most of my time is going into spiritual practices instead. It's very hard to find a book these days which doesn't seem like delusion, trivia, or something I already know.
    3) Most days I meditate for more than an hour. I try to do at least 2 hours (if you include yoga and various other techniques I do).
    I'm not sure why you're making philanthropy a stage. It's no more a stage than being a cowboy is stage.
    There's nothing wrong with philanthropy, and I'm sure it could grow you in many ways, but it is in no way necessary.
    If you are attracted to philanthropy, then it's probably part of your Life Purpose, in which case, knock yourself out.
    For me, the influence I already have is enough. If anything, I spend too much of my time helping people. The next stage for me would be to go totally solo, yogi-in-a-cave-style.
    First, create a hopeful vision for my life Totally clean up my diet Exercise Bloodwork to make sure there aren't any chemical/vitamin/hormone problems Get a qEEG and schedule neurofeedback brain training Holotrophic breathwork Psychedelics Kriya yoga Nathaniel Branden's self-esteem exercises Reading lots of self-help books and implementing the various exercises given there Finding my Life Purpose and aligning myself with it Solo meditation retreats I don't practice that technique much. About an hour.
    That's a complicated question to answer. People can use those terms differently.
    Psyche is basically your entire mind. The ego. The self-mind. All of your thoughts and emotions and how they manipulate you into action.
    Consciousness and awareness are largely synonymous. Although some teachers will use those words in a more technical manner and draw fine distinctions.
    Consciousness/awareness is the only thing that exists. It is the substance of everything you've ever experienced. Replace your notion of "matter/energy/physics" with consciousness.
    Yes, it was a culture shock. It was challenging and definitely forged my psyche and persona in deep ways.
    Perhaps the most important thing it did was make me much more openminded. I saw the relativity of all cultural norms quite quickly as a result. Although I still didn't go far enough into realizing that physical reality is itself a cultural invention.
    Hilo Hawaii isn't touristy. Just the opposite.
     It's important to know who the Admin and Mods are.
    Sorry, trade secret
    I have tried LOTS of stuff with little success.
    I think my issue ultimately boils down to a blocked chakra, which I will work to clear using various techniques. I think the issue should resolve itself with full enlightenment.
    I will shoot a video in the future about how to deal with chronic fatigue and thyroid issues. There's a lot to say. It's a very complex topic with many variables to consider. It's highly individualized. Autoimmune issues have many factors. One solution does not cure everyone.
    Maybe this one:
    It's an old one, but the info there is life-changing if implemented.
    It's actually impossible to construct a nondual language because all language is symoblic, and therefore indirect, and therefore dualistic.
    There is no language at the level of nonduality.
    No, I'm not interested in language. I am interested in escaping language. All language is a human invention and not fundamental.
    Faster? Sounds like you're already going fast.
    You've only seem the tip of the iceberg of crazy It's gonna get worse before it gets better, so buckle up and set proper expectations and have a long time horizon.
    All your fears -- all the stuff you can't stand, all your worse nightmares -- you must eventually face on this path. There is no way around it. You must face death itself. You must be willing to surrender EVERYTHING!
    Ultimately you will discover that all fear is just a hollow illusion. Your very death is just a sham. Your life is nothing but a dream, and all your problems are dream-problems, like the problems of a character in a cartoon.
    He's a great teacher.

  14. "For crying out loud!"
    "For crying out loud!"
    Crying is good stuff. That's when you know the work has really begun.
    Also, with emotions, make sure you're deeply feeling into them, not just escaping them with a phony air of detachment.
    The problem is not that you feel too much emotions, the problem is that you don't actually feel them with full richness and nuance. Pay attention to when you're trying to escape an emotion -- and surrender the desire to escape it (as best you can). It's not easy. You won't always succeed at it.

  15. Leo’s shopping video is very misleading.
    Leo’s shopping video is very misleading.
    You guys noticing yet the dogma that pervades all discussions about nutrition?
    Wouldn't it be nice to avoid that?
    Meat vs vegan Conservative vs liberal Science vs religion Christian vs Muslim It's all the same game.
    The fact is: you just don't know what the best nutrition is for every human on the planet. So all you're doing is speculating rather than admitting: I don't know.
    Rather than debating, just find what works best for you.
    My video focused on giving commonsense advice which will work for 90%+ of people, and it works whether you are vegan or a meat-eater.
    We do not know which foods are 100% the best. We only know which food are relatively better than others, and which foods are total garbage.

  16. How to heal from something you've done.
    How to heal from something you've done.
    Someone post a Matt Kahn video here

  17. Spiritual Crisis Please Help!
    Spiritual Crisis Please Help!
    @Paulo Barbosa A) You must contemplate and investigate the precise nature of your fear. What are you fearing and WHY?
    B) You must face the fear head-on at some point.
    Psychedelics are great because they can gradually expose you to your greatest fears in a way that's very difficult to accomplish otherwise.
    You can try small to medium doses of psychedelics for this. One trip is never enough. You must do repeated trips to overcome these deep, existential fears. Taking huge doses of psychedelics is not ideal. You want to gradually work you way through all your emotional baggage using small to medium doses. Then, AFTER you've done that, you can take a large breakthrough dose, and you will be ready to fully surrender.
    This is a training process. You cannot bench press 400lbs on your first attempt. And there is no shortcut to benching 400lbs. You must gradually work your way up to it.

  18. Visualization crucial to change life?
    Visualization crucial to change life?
    Thinking is words in your mind.
    Imagination has a visual component to it.
    Imagination is more powerful ?

  19. Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment
    Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment
    Labeling does not enforce any hierarchy. Every sensation stands on its own. All that labeling does is help you discriminate between different kinds of sensations.
    The labels don't even have an "inner" or "outer" component. Because of course inner/outer is a false duality. When we say inner sights vs outer sights, that's just for convenience, to help you focus on certain domain of sensations like those comprising your mind vs those comprising the "external world". Of course all these dualities will ultimately collapse. The labels are just a pragmatic aid for mindfulness practice. Don't confuse them with being  a metaphysical description of reality.

  20. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    I would like to make a correction. I found out yesterday that my scale was weighing the 5-MeO-DMT wrong. An effective rectal dose isn't 10mg, but more like 20mg. 20mg gives me a pretty deep trip. 24mg is Absolute Infinity for me.
    Also I learned that 5-MeO-DMT is apparently legal to purchase in Canada. Hooray for Canada!
    There is also an analogue called 5-MeO-MET which is supposed to be very similar to 5-MeO-DMT, although I have not verified this yet myself. There is also 5-MeO-DALT, which I know even less about, but might be an interesting alternative.
    My current experience says that 5-MeO-DMT is hands down the best psychedelic for nonduality work. It just blows everything else out of the water. If you can access it, it's really the only one you need. Its clarity is unrivaled. Other psychedelics can be profound and interesting, but 5-MeO-DMT is pure awakening. I have experienced levels of awakening on it so deep that I seriously doubt most enlightenment teachers have accessed such levels of awakening. At these levels, you just become God itself to the point where you cannot even understand how you ever believed you were a human being or that you were even born into the 21th century.
    I awoken so deep on it I forgot I was born. I forgot there was a past or future.
    Rectal method is by far the best way to take 5-MeO-DMT. And the sad part is, almost nobody knows about it.

  21. Spiral dynamics - What about the evolution of relationships in post-orange phases?
    Spiral dynamics - What about the evolution of relationships in post-orange phases?
    What your ego interprets as anti-male and anti-free speech is really just compassion and concern for beings and perspectives beyond your own. Which to you looks anti-male because the only way you know how to be a male is by grabbing at things in a crude way.
    Start noticing that your perspective is just one perspective, and that your male agenda is just one agenda.
    How would you interact with the opposite sex if you actually cared about her well-being? If she wasn't just a means to an end for you?
    Rather than looking at the world through the lens of: How do I evolve MYSELF? How do I get my male agenda satisfied? Try looking at the world through the lens of: We're all one community, how do I participate in this community in a caring manner? How can I authentically love all people more? How would I act if I didn't see males/females at all, but just people?
    See, the problem with the pickup paradigm is that it's too much about getting YOUR needs met. That's because people get into pickup for that reason: they are very NEEDY, regardless of how successful or confident they appear on the surface. The most successful PUAs are still extremely needy. Their entire life revolves around getting their needs satisfied. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it's a low level of consciousness.
    If you are needy, that's okay. That's where you're at. Be honest about your neediness. Don't try to sugarcoat it with stories of consciousness and evolution and being alpha.

  22. Progress is like a YO YO
    Progress is like a YO YO
    @LRyan Because enlightenment alone is not enough. Enlightenment doesn't actually transform your old self very much. What's necessary in addition to enlightenment is a complete consciousness of all the habits, emotions, lies, manipulations,  and agendas of the self. That's where the bulk of the work lies. The self is a stubborn bastard that refuses to change because its job is to stay the self.
    The self must be gradually aligned with the Absolute through thousands of hours of consciousness work -- not merely more meditation or self-inquiry. This involves questioning all your motivations, fears, desires, emotional triggers, clearing your chakras, etc, etc.
    One enlightenment experience is NOT going to radically transform the self the way most people hope.
    You keep losing ground because, despite your glimpses and insights, you are still fundamentally deeply unconscious. That's what needs to be worked on. You need to bring the Absolute into your mundane life.
    Forgetfulness is a hallmark of this whole path. That's why in Islam they pray 5 times a day: to remind themselves to wake up. (And it still largely doesn't work). This shows you just how strong of a force the self is.

  23. Possible to surpass my physical limits? (skateboarding)
    Possible to surpass my physical limits? (skateboarding)
    They did a famous study where they split a group of basketball players into 3 sub-groups: one which was told to practice free-throws normally, one which was told to only visualize shooting free-throws, and one which was told to not play at all and not to visualize.
    After a few weeks, the most accurate shooters were the visualization group.
    All the best professional athletes use visualization.
    But visualization is not so easy to do. When you're doing it precisely, it will be some of the toughest practice you've ever done.
    The point is not quantity of practice but quality of practice. There is enormous value in clarifying moves in your mind. But you have to do it realistically. Don't confuse this with fantasizing about being a good skateboarder. That is not visualization practice, that is something else: visioning. Instead, you want to be visualizing which muscles you're flexing, your footwork, your mind state, your emotional state, where your eyes are looking, the timing of your jump, how your weight is balanced on the board, how a good jump feels mid-flight, etc. And all of that needs to be as true to real life as possible.
    You're basically trying to create a realistic skateboarding simulator in your mind within which you can then run drills. Any serious athlete must do this or they won't have a chance at being the best.
    You must apply consciousness to your skateboarding. Which means discovering what is TRUE about how the domain of skateboarding works. Right now you don't really know what is TRUE about skateboard dynamics. You are just winging it and hoping it works out. Which is why your results aren't so good.
    Nikola Tesla famously designed the electric motor entirely in his mind using precise visualization. Imagine being able to visualize so well you can engineer a car engine in your mind. That's what you're shooting for, but with skateboarding.

  24. The infinite bound supremacy
    The infinite bound supremacy
    Study nondual theory. Read the top-rated books on book list in the Consciousness category. And deeply contemplate everything said in those books. That will be the foundation for all your tripping.
    Studying quality theory is very underappreciated by people here. Yet it is the foundation for walking the path properly. I would be very lost and deluded without this foundation. Some of these authors have spent ungodly hours and effort discovering all the traps and secrets, which would take you many lifetimes of trial and error to discover yourself. Learn how to stand on the shoulders of giants without becoming dogmatic about it.

  25. Possible to surpass my physical limits? (skateboarding)
    Possible to surpass my physical limits? (skateboarding)
    @littleBIG Do less actual practice, and more very precisely visualized practice.
    Practice the moves very methodically in your mind's eye. It will become even more effective than actual practice if done right.
    Careful with injuring yourself. Remember, no career success is worth ruining your legs for life. The damage you do now could come back to haunt you in your 40s, 50s, and 60s. So be careful.