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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. BANNED Ted Talks
    BANNED Ted Talks
    So phrenology was not wrong? Newtonian mechanics was not wrong? Logical positivism was not wrong? Behaviorism was not wrong? Bloodletting with leeches was not wrong? Lobotomies were not wrong? Atomic theory was not wrong? Social Darwinism was not wrong?
    Need I continue?
    The errors of science are too numerous to list and explain.

  2. Shamanic Breathing Mega-Thread
    Shamanic Breathing Mega-Thread
    Your whole existence is a placebo

  3. Can following intuition go wrong?
    Can following intuition go wrong?
    @Butters Yes you can.
    Intuition alone is not enough. What's required is consciousness, intelligence, self-reflection, broad study, shadow work, emotional mastery, and openess to feedback.
    Without all of those, I can almost guarantee you will go wrong.

  4. S.D. Stage Green is gonna be super awesome!
    S.D. Stage Green is gonna be super awesome!
    ... and this video is the proof for that.
    Don't be so mislead by the title and don't prejudge the video:) There's much much more in it that will absolutely fascinate you. 

  5. Concepts and enlightenment
    Concepts and enlightenment
    No. Like I said, certain kinds of concepts are very useful for avoiding traps. Green falls into many spiritual traps.
    Yellow is in a better position to pursue enlightenment than Green. Green is still way too tribal and Tier 1.
    You can pursue enlightenment at any stage.

  6. does shadow work come before life purpose?
    does shadow work come before life purpose?
    Well, if you don't want an LP, then why you taking the course?
    That's like enrolling in a business class and saying, "But I don't want to run a business."
    Don't do things just because I tell you. You must be intrinsically motivated to do them.
    Follow your passion. Not my words.

  7. Having a healthy ego, is that even a thing?
    Having a healthy ego, is that even a thing?
    A healthy ego is something like you see in Barack Obama. An unhealthy ego something like you see in Donald Trump.
    An unhelathy ego is very insecure, clingy, greedy, closed, manipulative, dishonest, and well... self-centered. A healthy ego is the opposite.
    Braden's work is a great way to move from unhealthy to healthy ego.
    But it will not lead to ego-transcendence. That requires deeper teachings.

  8. Joseph Maynor Journal Vol. 7 Conceptual Understanding and Tier-Two Philosophy
    Joseph Maynor Journal Vol. 7 Conceptual Understanding and Tier-Two Philosophy
    This is a Tier-One Paradigm that sounds a bit nerdy but when explained properly can shed a lot of insight.  We're familiar with the word 'essence'.  We say things like 'let's get to the heart of the matter', or of something, right.  Gimme the 'essence of what you're talking about'.  Gimme the essence of proof, the essence of truth, the essence of reality.  Gimme the 'one right system of truth'.  Gimme the 'one right system of knowledge'.  Gimme the 'one right system of reality'.  Gimme the 'one right essence of reality'.  Gimme the 'one right' Perspective.  The 'fundamental' Perspective, right.  We like the word 'fundamental'.  Western Philosophers have talked about this way of thinking for a while now and have labeled it 'Foundationalism'.  Now, 'Foundationalism sounds like a very nerdy term, right.  But Foundationalism is a Tier-One Term that aims to get at the truth or essence of something by getting at its foundations.  I wanna know about Enlightenment!  Gimme the foundations of Enlightenment!  I wanna know about Web Development.  Gimme the foundations of Web Development!  I wanna know about Knowledge.  Gimme the foundations of Knowledge!  I wanna know about dating.  Gimme the foundations of dating!  All this external shit.  Foundationalism is an exercise in external thinking.  Now, that's not to say foundations can't be useful.  But clinging to foundations is limiting and regressive.  There's no such thing as the foundations there's only your foundations.  Stop externalizing conceptual systems.  Nothing means squat unless it means something to you.  You need to create and develop your own foundations -- custom to your goals, interests, and purpose.  You need to develop a more 'in here' Perspective than an 'out there' Perspective.  Do you appreciate the significance of this yet?
    Now that we have a sense of what 'Foundationalist Thinking' is, let's discuss what Essentialism is.  Essentialism creates a Foundationalism.  Essentialism is -- 'this is the essence of reality'.  This is the essence of truth.  This is the essence of knowledge.  Gimme the essence of what you're saying.  Gimme the essence of Science.  Gimme the essence of Art.  See?  This is what I call a meta-thinking paradigm.  We're looking for the answer to look a certain way.  When I ask you what's the essence of reality -- I'm expecting the answer to look a certain way.  I have a meta-level framework for how I'm expecting the conceptual answer you give me to fit into.  Or how about this one -- the 'true' paradigm, the 'ideal' paradigm.  I have the 'true' paradigm about reality.  I have the 'true' Perspective about reality.  I have the 'true' paradigm about knowledge, science, and values.  I have the 'ideal' Perspective about knowledge, science, and values, etc.  I know 'true' Enlightenment.  I know 'ideal' Enlightenment.  I have the 'true' Perspective on Enlightenment.  I have the 'true' Perspective on knowledge.  I have the 'true' Perspective on Perspective!  The 'one right' Perspective.  The 'ideal' Perspective!  I have the 'essence' of Perspective because I am God.  That's what you gotta watch out for.  The Conceptual Understanding wants to be the 'one right' Perspective -- and that includes every Perspective, including yours.  The biggest fear the Conceptual Understanding has is to feel like it's wrong.  You gotta become aware of the Ego of not only your Conceptual Understanding, but of all Conceptual Understandings -- and there's billions of Perspectives currently on Earth!
    So, back to the prompt of this essay.  Essentialism is what I call a Meta-Thinking Framework.  It's a way that we expect the answer to look.  When I say this is the essence of 'proof', you're expecting the answer to look a certain way, right.  I'm expecting you to give the kernel of proof.  The couple-few sentences about the core of proof, the most essential ingredient of proof.  But notice that this is an expectation, an interpretation, a meta-theory.  Essentialism is a style of theorizing.  Gimme the essence of your finances!  Gimme the essence of Science!  Gimme the essence of Mathematics!  Gimme the essence of Enlightenment!  What I'm trying to show you is that you're trapped in a paradigm when you seek for the essence of things.  You're trapped in the Paradigm of Essentialism.  The 'one right' Paradigm of Essentialism, right?  Just joking, but you see the humor.  At Tier-Two, realize that the framework of Essentialism is useful, but that it's not the 'one right' framework for finding Conceptual Truth.  At Tier-Two, you'll drop the Paradigm of Essentialism and Conceptual Truth and replace those with the useful Framework of Essentialism.  You can use essentialist thinking all you want if it's useful to solving some other Problem Situation in life.  Science is full of the Essentialist Framework and puts it to good practical use.  So, it's all how you're interpreting things -- that's the major issue in Conceptual Understanding.  Stop interpreting Essentialism in a Tier-One Epistemology way -- start to think of it as a more or less useful framework that's available for creating and developing useful conceptual systems to solve actual Problem Situations.

  9. Brainwave Frequency Most Associated With Meditation?
    Brainwave Frequency Most Associated With Meditation?
    Alpha, although the deepest meditation for purposes of nonduality is not measured by a single wavelength but a phase sync of alpha and theta. You won't find an audio to do that one. You have to train your mind to sync the peaks of alpha and theta, which requires an EEG machine, which is too complicated to go into here.
    Theta beats are good for purifying trauma and shadow work.

  10. How do I know if this is the right thing?
    How do I know if this is the right thing?
    Here's some truth. You don't.
    Everyone has life purpose confused. It's not something you're just handed, it's something you evolve into over time through ACTION. You have to dive into what is motivating you right now.
    For instance, when I was 19 years old, I became obsessed with studying different religions. I was raised Catholic and had a lot of fucked up beliefs that needed to be released. Then after about a year of that, I was done. The motivation was gone.
    That isn't a bad thing. That was a necessary experience for me to be able to do what I'm doing right now. 
    The reality is that when you're young, you lack self-awareness and experience. You have to take the journey to discover these things.
    As romantic as it sounds that you can just go into the woods for a weekend and discover your life purpose, I've never seen it happen that way. You evolve and adapt over time.
    Let's say you write for a couple years and then eventually decide you want to quit. Good. All that means is you've gotten closer to your truth. I don't even expect that I'll do what I'm doing forever.
    Take the thing that's right in front of you. If it's motivating you, IT IS GOOD.

  11. No time/energy to do self actualizing work?
    No time/energy to do self actualizing work?
    @Psyche_92 Yes, this is a huge problem.
    What plan could you make to restructure your life so that you have significantly more time for self-actualization work?
    This will probably involve making some radical structural changes, like re-thinking your entire career. This will involve some tough choices. And that is precisely how growth happens: tough choices, strategy, and emotional labor. You must be strategic and position yourself long-term so that you have more free time. If that means you spend 2 years re-training yourself for a new job, for example, then that's what you must do.
    When I was in your shoes, I decided to quit my career and start my own business just so that I had the free time and money to do what I needed to do. It took me a 3-4 year detour to get my first business stabilized before I could really dig into my life purpose.
    Working 10 hours per day simply will not work. It's a terrible strategy that you must now figure a way out of. Not only does it preclude self-actualization work, it will destroy your health and well-being in the long-term.
    Work smarter, not harder.
    After years of strategically laying my groundwork I now have the freedom to not work for 10 years without any financial problems. That's what good strategy will yield. I could retire and go meditate for 1 year straight without any worries, come back, and still be richer than when I left. This situation did not happen by accident! I deliberately designed it this way because I realized a long time ago that freedom was the #1 variable to living the kind of life I envision. It's very hard to self-actualize when you are a wage slave.
    See video: How To Be A Strategic Motherfucker. I'm real serious about it.

  12. Does character ever change?
    Does character ever change?
    Character becomes more and more purified and authentic.
    Because most people have been so brainwashed by culture, their true character has become so corrupted and obscured that just through lots of purification it can appear as though the character changed a lot, when really all that happened was a polishing of this diamond in the rough.
    Imagine an ancient archeological object which is covered in 5 layers of grime and rust. Once you strip all that crap away, the original object will finally be revealed. And it could look very different than you first imagined. But also, the shape is still basically the same.

  13. Any tips on how to deal with an Obnoxious Family?
    Any tips on how to deal with an Obnoxious Family?
    Get a job and move out. Until then, you're in a coping holding pattern.
    It's important to break free of your family and forge your own life. Then you can set all the rules and values.
    In your early 20's the #1 priority should be to master making a living for yourself so you are not anyone's slave, including not your boss's slave.

  14. Jordan Peterson on Incels and Female Hypergamy
    Jordan Peterson on Incels and Female Hypergamy
    @aurum Don't get me started on the delusions that pervade PUA culture. I know them all too well.
    You can do all the spiritual work you want, but the fact remains that PUA is an escape from the real inner work. When you get to real spiritual work PUA will fly out the window as delusional nonsense.
    I am not going to argue with you about it. You can figure it out on your own. All the points I made are still valid, despite your rebuttals.
    With all that said, I don't object to talking to girls in clubs to improve your game. What I object to is the toxic anti-woman ideology that comes with it.
    PUA is like Islam. Good in theory but often ugly in practice.
    I know most of the RSD instructors. They are very immature and dysfunctional. With that said, yes, they still help lots of guys. They helped me. But you also gotta move on.
    The sad irony is, all these mens rights movements are way more ugly and toxic than feminism. Which is precisely why all this hatred of feminism exists. It's just compensation for one's own inadequacies.

  15. Jordan Peterson on Incels and Female Hypergamy
    Jordan Peterson on Incels and Female Hypergamy
    Good God!
    Enough of this nonsense.
    Western society is still highly patriarchal.
    The reason men are sexless is cause they sit around watching JP too much and playing video games all day. It's hard to have sex when you're sitting in your man-cave all day.
    What ever happened to taking responsibility for your sexlessness rather than blaming women and society for it?
    By Peterson's logic society should ban:
    TV Video games Internet Porn Virtual reality Smartphones Social media Nerd culture That would solve most of your sex problems.
    A real man doesn't blame women for his lack of development. Any guy can learn to get good with attracting women. But it takes inner work, and it requires going outside your man-cave and actually talking to women.
    RSD is really the practical solution to the male problems JP rants about.
    But of course then you've got all the problems that come with getting indoctrinated into RSD culture. Which I've already ranted about in the past.
    What would really solve this problem is if schools did a better job of teaching boys and girls how to interact with each other.

  16. How I Overcame Bullying.
    How I Overcame Bullying.
    Thanks for sharing and yes i agree, i also experienced complete healing on every level with my initial awakening back in 2011-12 . I was also severely bullied, suicidal, diagnosed with many physical and almost every mental condition and pains under the book. When i woke up, i realized all was an illusion that i had created by the conditioning i had accumulated overtime and due to the beliefs, i had become exactly what others said i was and how i was treated.
    I really like this quote


  17. Jordan Peterson on Incels and Female Hypergamy
    Jordan Peterson on Incels and Female Hypergamy
    This is so toxic and neurotic I don't even know where to begin deconstructing it.
    That's how the world looks like when you're at Tyler's level of consciousness.
    At higher levels of consciousness, it does not look like that.
    The fundamental problem with PUAs is, they want to bang the hottest 0.001% of girls, a new one very week, and when that girl rejects him or refuses to sleep with him within 4 hours of meeting him, he gets pissy and blames her for it. Because of course PUA can't be wrong by definition.
    Are young women in their early 20's attracted to low-quality men? Of course! In the same way that people are attracted to low quality food. The solution isn't to start another McDonalds. The supermodel girls in their 20's are immature and unconscious and have no idea how to select proper mates. PUA then blames and exploits them for it.
    Yes, you will definitely have more sex by manipulating girls. Just like you will definitely earn more money by manipulating and cheating customers. But that's not what you really want in the end.
    You don't really want a new supermodel girl every week. What you want is 1 girl who are able to love and build a deep relationship with. She doesn't even have to be that hot. That's your insatiable ego at work.
    The counter-intuitive move for Tyler here would be to say, "I will surrender my desire for sex with a new super-model girl every week." The problem isn't that he can't get girls. The problem is that he is trying to reach God/Infinity through sex/girls/pickup, and this will NEVER work. Materialism never works. But rather than admitting that, the PUA will blame the women.
    You have to understand that PUAs are fundamentally incapable of being in relationships because they are too narcissistic and manipulative to have an honest, intimate, loving relationship. They are too immature to be vulnerable and to commit to one woman. Many PUAs are really just sex and ego addicts without realizing it. PUA becomes just another materialist escape, no different than TV, drugs, or porn. It's a 1st and 2nd chakra activity -- driven by very low consciousness needs.

  18. How to deal with being unable to get laid
    How to deal with being unable to get laid
    @Emne There are tons of programs and courses available which teach you how to get good at dating and flirting with girls.
    It's like learning a programming language. You just commit to learning it and follow the tutorials.

  19. Does a 5’3 guy have a chance at getting a gf?
    Does a 5’3 guy have a chance at getting a gf?
    One of the best PUA friends I know is about that height. He is crazy good at attracting girls.
    He's like a sex mongoose.
    What girls care about most is your charisma and confidence. Not your appearance.
    You are projecting your caring about appearance onto girls. Girls don't think like you.

  20. Disagreement with Leo about the stage Green video
    Disagreement with Leo about the stage Green video
    You understand -- right? -- that most of the evil done in the world is done by people fighting for their rights?
    Fighting for rights is ego 101.
    I know you don't, which is why I went out of my way to underscore that it is a survival issue.
    The ego is very sneaky. It loves to don the veil of devoting oneself to the "protection of others" when in fact you are devoting yourself to advancing your own egoic agenda. Devotion creates a self-righteous ego which then goes on to commit great atrocities. All great atrocities are done in the name of good, freedom, liberation, truth, rights, fairness, etc.
    What do you think terrorists and Nazi's are doing? They are trying to make the world a better place.
    "Make the world a better place" is ALWAYS relative to your ego! There is no such thing as an objectively good world. A good world for one group is a bad world for another group. Which is why conflict happens.
    Even if you think you can get all of mankind to work peacefully together, that is still mankind's collective ego. Who's to say that mankind is a good thing, and not a cancer in this universe? You? Mankind? Ha! Do you see the conflict of interest problem?
    This is very important to understand. Otherwise you will still be under the ego's influence.
    Consider: the only reason you care about mankind is because you identify with being mankind. That's your ego. If you were an ant, you wouldn't care about mankind at all. Nor would you care about slavery, human rights, or anything else of that sort.
    Your self-identification extends far beyond your physical body. You identify with all sorts of abstract self-images, like the image of "being a decent human being who fights for the rights of the weak and the poor against the oppression of the strong and greedy". That's YOUR self-image! It turns you on. You get off on it. Playing this role is an addiction.

  21. Feminism. Stage blue and red istead of greem?
    Feminism. Stage blue and red istead of greem?
    Unfortunately, there's bound to be a lot of 'burn the heretic' kind of people that are in Green. The world changes through both subtle ideas percolating into society as well as ideas being forcefully shoved down people's throats. So, human evolution is volatile like that. But my recommendation for this is to just go with the flow if you think that the people are causing good changes in general. Try to prioritize positive social change over personal discomforts, unless a person's being totally unreasonable. Then, be nuanced about why you think they're unreasonable, and that it has more to do with being unreasonable as an individual, than with disagreeing with them or thinking that their vision for the future is bad.
    This can be difficult. But basically just practice some social acuity for whichever group you're in. If a group will be offended by your way of sitting (which is a bit nit-picky, even if it has merit as an outgrowth of problematic social structures) just be mindful of adapting yourself to that particular group. Basically, prioritize, pick your battles, and don't choose the smallest hills as the ones to die upon. But also, I don't recommend being around a lot of "gotcha!" kind of people either. I can't be myself around dogmatic people at all. So, I tend to avoid people who will moralize and can't have an open conversation. Also, many people try to show off their "woke-ness" and criticize others for not being as "woke" as them, calling them on every issue even if the person is making genuine attempts at understanding their point of view. 
    But there are plenty of deeper thinking Greens who aren't like this. And even if they aren't open minded to certain ideas, they will have a reason behind it that makes sense within the social structure. 
    Now, when I read this, I'm wondering if your aunt really felt uncomfortable because of your posture. Is she typically very nit-picky about social justice issues and stuff? I say this because usually it's younger people who tend to get hyper focused on small things like that. But I guess if you were sharing a bench and taking up all the room, she might have been upset at that. But that picture isn't even a picture of man-spreading. In fact, if I see a man sit like that, I tend to think of it as the male version of female cross legged position. And I've never related that position to being masculine or dominant at all. It's basically men getting away with the comforts of the cross legged position while not seeming too feminine or squishing "themselves".
    But I would just make sure that you read the situation right and that it isn't just projection. Sometimes, I can feel uncomfortable in situations where I belong to the privileged class, like sometimes when I'm around people of color that I don't know. So, I get like hyper-aware of how I'm behaving and nervous that they're interpreting my completely neutral behavior as racist. Then I try to hide my discomfort, which makes me awkward. And then I'm like, "I'm acting awkward, I hope it's not because they think I'm racist. I don't want them to think I'm a bad person." And it just becomes like this psychological snowball effect of projection and discomfort giving way to more projection and discomfort that's difficult to remove myself from. But this is totally my own projection onto them. They're probably just existing and thinking about totally other things and not even paying attention to me... then I just start acting like a spaz. Basically, it is my own self-judgment projected onto other people in the form of imagining their thoughts about my being a crappy person, which is what I fear people perceive me as because I identify strongly with being a good person. 
    Basically, the human personality (and all other systems) have to have Yin (femininity) and Yang (masculinity) to exist and function. So, the main way to access them is simply to release resistance to both energies and naturally let them be integrated. So, it isn't so much trying to embody them both. It's just allowing whatever comes up to come up.
    Well, don't fear matriarchy because it isn't really possible at this point. Society can't ever really work that way. Esoterically speaking, at matriarchy requires Mother Nature to be in charge. So, we're just too evolved as a human society for us to be in a matriarchy. Basically, nomadic times where we moved to adapt to natural cycles as opposed to manipulating nature for agriculture and settled society, was matriarchal. Not in the sense that women ruled, but in the sense that nature ruled. 
    It's humanity's childhood. In fact, patriarchy cam about largely because esoterically-speaking patriarchy is all about invention and dominance over nature. So, up until about the industrial revolution our focus was toward bettering the patriarchal system to give us new innovations and technology to create a protective wedge between us as an under-developed human species and the mightiness of Mother Nature. This is why the feminine has been resisted for so long, because the goal prior to the modern era was to survive and insulate ourselves from Mother Nature though innovation and refinement of civilization. We had a fear of the feminine, that still lingers in the unconscious today because of the link to Mother Nature's most destructive forces. 
    But at the end of the Blue stage, when Orange was first dawning in the form of the industrial revolution, we finally got to be very effective at manipulating and insulating ourselves from the forces of nature. Even our instincts were largely stifled under so many layers of empty civility. And human society was becoming really effective at insulating ourselves from nature and dominating it.
    So, Alan Watts once said, "The tree creates apples, and the Earth creates people." (paraphrased). So, we as humans are an outgrowth of the Earth. So, because we reached a point where we had become super effective with patriarchy and planetary dominance, the Earth as a system (which we have a deep connection with) triggered a change in human beings and a change in social structure began. And that's why I believe Feminism didn't come up until about 100-120 years ago. That's when patriarchy started to reach a critical point, where its growth and development started to go from benign to cancerous. It's probably why the Amish stopped when they did.
    But one of the ways I think it will become more possible to integrate the Divine Feminine back into society, is changing more surface level power structures. So, when a woman goes into labor, the cervix has to dilate and many structure near the birth canal have to change position to allow room for the baby to be born. So, I see the shifting of societal taboos as being a way to prime society in a similar way, so we can collectively "give birth" to the feminine. 
    I'm not really doing any particular practices to embody these energies. Sometimes just knowing that something is masculine or feminine can be a barrier in and of itself, because the mind gets in the way. The main thing I've done is to be aware of things that are generally filed into the masculine principle and feminine principle across cultures, and observe which ones I like and which ones I don't. Usually the feminine things I have a resistance too by nature of my conditionings. So, it's really a matter of understanding that I do have biases and trying to understand them at a deep level, and understanding that femininity is more than society thinks it is. But the majority of these understandings came from a time period when I was reading about the topic a whole bunch. It helped me empty my cup of many feminine resistances.
    But whenever I'm looking at something, I can notice it in a symbolic way and a non-symbolic way. So, I can notice how my mind tries to super-impose symbols over reality, and how that insulates me from being. So, it's a way to switch my focus from an esoterically masculine perception of the world which is based around utility to an esoterically feminine perception of the world which is based upon being. 
    But I'm not sure about turquoise either.

  22. What is your opinion on this vid to all PUAs out there
    What is your opinion on this vid to all PUAs out there
    Lol no, Todd is definitely not suggesting going back to SS, NLP or hypnosis. That stuff is massively cringeworthy and not effective.
    MM definitely has some good pieces but it's flawed as well.
    What he is advocating is treating pickup like a skill. Don't just approach it blindly, telling yourself you're being "authentic" and "having fun". Actually be strategic and smart about what you're doing.
    At the moment, really only RSD Luke. Another friend of mine and the only one teaching the kind of game I'm interested in doing.
    I also learn indirectly from a lot of "naturals". That tends to be more of a do what I do, not as I say kind of relationship. Because many of them don't even really understand how they're getting the results they're getting.

  23. Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    Many women are naive and underdeveloped themselves. And also, Green guys are pretty rare. Most guys are Blue/Orange. And since women don't do pickup on guys, they don't have many choices a lot of times.
    An Orange woman is not conscious enough to realize that what she really wants is a Green guy. She will keep getting attracted to Orange assholes for a long time, until she learns her lesson the hard way.
    Like attracts like.
    The best way to attract a Green guy or girl is to become solidly Green yourself. Hang out where Green people hang out.
    Oh, definitely!
    The problem is it rarely works. Most Orange guys are stuck being Orange. Much easier to find a guy who's already Green.

  24. Order of Steps to Self Actualize?
    Order of Steps to Self Actualize?
    @MM1988 It's gonna depend a lot on his particulars.
    A person like that is going to have serious motivation problems. So you need steps which will get him engaged and mobilized. That will depend on what he really wants in life and what will motivate him.
    If he's a 30 year virgin, then coming up with a compelling vision could work nicely. Like a vision of him getting into shape, starting to socialize, and finally landing his hot dream girlfriend. That should probably get him engaged. But he has to start believing that it's really possible for him to do that, not just a pipe dream.
    A person so stuck will have A LOT of excuses for why he can't, why nothing ever works. Classic victim mindset. You gotta question all those excuses to death and draw that compelling vision anyway.
    A great vision is the key to motivation. A vision that really fits you. (See my Life Purpose Course for how to create a badass vision for your life.)

  25. Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    The biggest trick with romantic love is that for it to really work, you have to convert it into Platonic love. Romantic love is usually needy love. You need something from the relationship which you lack. Platonic love is the love you GIVE, not receive. So the goal of the game is to make yourself less and less selfish, and to love more and more unconditionally without expectation.
    The big trap for women with this advice, though, is they become doormats for douchey guys who cannot appreciate unconditional love. And women use the excuse of "unconditional love" to stay in bad relationships and not enforce boundaries. You have to find a guy at your level who is willing to love back, and you need a boost up your self-esteem so you do not let the guy transgress over your boundaries. Then things should work.
    I know a Western yogi who's married to a hot wife. But he never has sex with her. It's purely Platonic. Of course he is enlightened and developed as hell, so he can pull something like that off. It also helps to be in your 60s.