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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Useless emotions?
    Useless emotions?
    Emotions are tools your mind uses to maintain itself. There is no such thing as a useless emotion. Every emotion is there keep you being you.
    If you want to change, however, (that is, you want to be a new you), then learning to master your emotions is the #1 skill for that. By changing your emotions you change who you are.
    How you emote is who you are. Emotions are to a human being what flight controls are to an airplane.

  2. Spiral Dynamics: Getting kicked out of green.
    Spiral Dynamics: Getting kicked out of green.
    Survival has always been, and will always be, a brutal endeavor.
    People are selfish for a reason: because it's essential to survival.
    Even the most enlightened master still has to contend with survival demands if he cares to live.
    It's very useful to adopt the following attitude: no one is ever going to solve any problem for you in life. It's all up to you. If you cannot solve a problem yourself, expect it to go unsolved. This is the principle of extreme responsibility.

  3. Whats with all this I'm this stage stuff...
    Whats with all this I'm this stage stuff...
    I’d say any theoretical model is over-simplified. The complexity of consciousness is immense. A million books would still be incomplete.
    To condense consciousness into a theory that fits into a single book requires simplification. When a person dives really deep into any theory, limitations are revealed. We need to keep adding in more and more nuances.
    Perhaps one could ask “Is SD so oversimplified that it is useless?”
    Or another question: “Based on the level of over-simplification, what is an appropriate amount of investment?”
    IMO, SD is a useful model for personal growth and consciousness work - in a certain context. It can give a person a rough idea where they are at and what lies ahead. It can increase a person’s awareness. For example, a highly intelligent rational/logical person may have assumed rational/logical thinking is the most advanced mode. Afterall, that’s the thinking mode the top scientists and philisophers use. Such a person may be surprised to discover there are at least two more advanced modes of thinking available (relative and systems). This could pique a person’s interest and open their mind to expand and explore new modes of thinking.
    I think some problems arise when people over-simplify a simplified theory. For example, assuming that each person can be categorized as blue, orange or green. SD has much greater complexity than that, but people often assume they can categorize a person as simply blue, orange or green.
    Another problem I see are SD arguments over how to categorize a person and assumptions that higher levels are better than lower levels.
    Also, I think people can use SD to reinforce self delusions. In the forum poll, nearly 30% of forum members believe they are centered at solid yellow or turquoise and only about 5% of members believe they are solid blue to solid orange. I’ve seen people place themselves above Turquoise into a fictitious coral stage that doesn’t even exist yet. IMO there is a lot of self delusion going on - people overestimate their actual stage of development. This can be counter-productive and prevent them from working through their current stage of development. It’s like a freshman student believing they know more than their professors. 
    Lastly, people can become ideological with SD and enter a contracted state of mind. Ideally, SD is just one of many theories and methods they are exposed to. 
    I like talking SD, yet I want to stay open and balanced with a variety of perspectives and methods.

  4. Whats with all this I'm this stage stuff...
    Whats with all this I'm this stage stuff...
    Spiral Dynamics is not a measure of nonduality. It is a measure of cognitive, emotional, moral, and cultural development.
    This  a very important distinction.
    You can be fully nondual but still at a low level of development. Development is distinct from states of consciousness and you are not going to attain a high level of development merely by sitting on a cushion.

  5. How do you de-learn bad habits, fears and values?
    How do you de-learn bad habits, fears and values?
    Few months ago I was caught in habit. When I saw that pleasure was the me looking for safety in thought and saw the whole pattern of this identification, that was it. All my habits or patterns ended that second. Had a weed addiction after using my whole life. That ended that second. Been clean for 2 months now along with all other habits. I just went into the how pleasure works. 

  6. Some insights about last night`s self-inquiry - what does it mean?
    Some insights about last night`s self-inquiry - what does it mean?
    @fewrocker If we're talking about communicating the power and value of spiritual work, then the best vehicle is psychedelics. One trip will be worth 100 hours of my videos. Of course, it's precisely because this vehicle is so effective that most people do not want to use it. Because it was never their desire to wake up. The biggest bottleneck in this work is desire. People just don't desire to understand reality deeply. And so they never do.
    You tend to get from life exactly what you desire. Weak desire, wrong desire results in a weak life, wrong life.

  7. I feel ready to trip BUT MY MIND!!!
    I feel ready to trip BUT MY MIND!!!
    Psychedelic trips always come with risks. This cannot be avoided.
    Ultimately, the only way to overcome a fear is to face it head on.

  8. Some insights about last night`s self-inquiry - what does it mean?
    Some insights about last night`s self-inquiry - what does it mean?
    Well, at least this shows you are starting to question existence. Which is the most important point. Of course none of the above is actual conscious, it's more just your mind starting to realize that conventional knowledge is a farce.
    Reality did not come out of nothing. It is nothing. Something and nothing are identical. The mistake is seperating the two, holding them as opposites.

  9. I don't regret wasting my teenage years on playing video games
    I don't regret wasting my teenage years on playing video games
    Regret takes a decade or two to kick in.

  10. Turquoise Communities?
    Turquoise Communities?
    An excellent Turquoise community.

  11. Skipping the stage
    Skipping the stage
    @Revamped Expose yourself to high quality Green people and inhabit their POV.
    Read Green books, watch Green videos.
    Why do Green people love Green so much? What are you missing?
    Contemplate that.
    Hint: what you're missing is love.

  12. Frustrated With My Concentration Practice
    Frustrated With My Concentration Practice
    @ULFBERHT The object does not matter much. Focus is a general skill. If you can focus on one thing, you can focus on another. And if you can't focus, you can't focus on anything. The mind jumps around and it makes excuses for why it's good to jump around. Which is why you have not settled on a concentration target. The mind just does not want to.

  13. Followed Leo's advice, landed in mental hospital. My internet addiction story.
    Followed Leo's advice, landed in mental hospital. My internet addiction story.
    And to those reading this who might now be scared of doing Vipassana or meditation -- just remember that the things described in this thread are very rare. This is not a reason to avoid serious spiritual practice. Nor is this a condemnation of Vipassana.
    You just have to know where to turn to if complications arise.
    Whenever you're dealing large numbers of people -- tens of thousands -- rare complications will always arise. Even routine surgery and medications have like 1:100 or 1:1000 serious complications.

  14. Curing addiction to entertainment / stimulation
    Curing addiction to entertainment / stimulation
    @OnceMore 10 day solo meditation retreat.
    Just do it!

  15. I think this is my last (huge) addiction.
    I think this is my last (huge) addiction.
    @Psyche_92 Schedule x4 10-day solo meditation retreats per year. That will auto-correct your problem.
    Cutting internet is not a viable solution. The solution must come at the level of your consciousness.
    Psychedelics help a lot too for this.

  16. No free will vs Life Purpose compatibly
    No free will vs Life Purpose compatibly
    @Hafiz Don't wait, make it happen!
    You are God after all.
    Making shit happen is part of the movie! If the hero in the movie just sits around patiently waiting, nothing will happen. See? It will then just be a boring movie of a dude sitting around waiting.
    This paradox arises because you are both the watcher of the movie and the actor in the movie. You must learn to act, but in a detached way. Which is tricky and takes some practice.
    It's a newbie mistake to interpret no-free-will as an excuse for inaction and laziness. What no-free-will really means is that hard work happens without free will. It does NOT mean: don't do hard work or don't put in any effort. Effort is very necessary. Just realize, that effort is not really coming from the ego but from God/Spirit/Infinite Intelligence working through you. Become a channel for Infinite Intelligence and it will make you work hard to do its bidding. But it will be an enjoyable, free-flowing kind of work.

  17. Elliot hulse philosophy of material path and spiritual path
    Elliot hulse philosophy of material path and spiritual path
    When it comes to understanding women, many angry and depressed young males cannot do so because they are stuck in such a deficiency mindset. It's because they need women so badly to satisfy their sexual survival needs that they cannot see women fairly, objectively, impartially. So they tend to create all sorts of twisted narratives and misunderstandings of women -- ones which are designed to serve the man's ego needs.
    For example, lots of these types of men like to think of women as cheating sluts. It is not a true assessment of women, it's just the young horny male's distorted ego perception. It's much easier to call a woman a cheating slut than to admit that she didn't want to sleep with me because I am a weak, unattractive, juvenile male.
    A lot of these young males do not even recognize that a woman exists unless she is hot enough for them to sleep with. Any "ugly" woman is basically seen as a waste, and completely ignored. Why? Because their mind is only focused on getting its needs met.
    There in no genuine interest in understanding women, caring for women, or even trying to build healthy relationships with women. It's all about MY SEXUAL NEEDS! It's like a bum begging for quarters on the roadside. All he can think about it quarters and food. His whole perception of reality is warped by his dire and urgent survival needs.
    "Women only sleep with rich assholes and hot studs. They are sluts who will cheat on you the moment a hotter richer guy comes along." << this is actually a projection of the horny young male's ego. This is actually how HE would behave.
    Here's the real truth:
    "I (the guy) only want to sleep with hot attractive women. I am a slut who will cheat on the girl as soon as a hotter girl comes along because all I care about is looks."
    Projection 101
    Every time a guy says, "Women only care about looks" what he really means is, "I only care about looks". Whatever twisted version of reality he sees gets reflected by to him via confirmation bias and deficiency-perception.

  18. Elliot hulse philosophy of material path and spiritual path
    Elliot hulse philosophy of material path and spiritual path
    @Your place at Heart Don't hang around low consciousness people. They will pull you down to their level with all their nonsense thinking.
    There are tons of high consciousness teachers and books available that you could be listening to instead.
    Rather than watching some right-wing fool rant about feminism, go watch a teacher like Sadhguru.
    Learn to distinguish real wisdom from egoic ideological propaganda.
    Real wisdom is never based in fear, anger, scapegoating, demonizing, ranting, blaming, complaining, etc.
    High consciousness people never complain about others.

  19. Elliot hulse philosophy of material path and spiritual path
    Elliot hulse philosophy of material path and spiritual path
    I Thought this video was for men going their own way. To be honest, I love seeing underdeveloped people ranting about their lives and missing the spiral dynamics and nonduality. However, I was surprised by philosophical thoughts of elliot hulse about how
    Matter=Mother=Maternty=Matrix=science=feminism=materialism which was the way of the mother and suckling of tities and sexuality desired by failed men and mother world is material world which you leo advise us to stay away from it and seek higher realms.  He said men should strive for the way of spirit which is the way of the father or patter from old indo-european and he links it to the word pattern and initiation, our eternal father in heaven, Paternity, Path, heroes journey. Is he correct or is he lost in the dictionary of endless symbolism and going back connecting similar sounds that has meanings? Is he correct? He seems very logical and his reasoning is so convincing and I am convinced like 100% but reason doesn't always work in reality thanks to the supreme absolute infinity.

  20. Why Contemplating death cure all your sufferings
    Why Contemplating death cure all your sufferings
    I am surprised that this video is not the top of all videos. This video has cured all my self-doubts, my social anxiety, my life style that could get me closer to death but make my ending horrible rather than enjoyable with no regrets. This video gave me energy to purchase leos course and booklist. This has forced me to love myself and oh boy you gotta be kidding me with automatic posture correction and smooth walk. Yes at first my ego blacklashes haaard on this video, making binge eat, indulge in sexual behavior of masturbation and as well as approaching girls who almost METOOed the heck out of me at my college, i slept crazy, cried when I didn't cry before. I rewatched it and rewatched like 50 times and took contemplations along marcus aurellius and other sources on death. IT cured most of egotistical diseases and diet as well. I no longer fear death like I used to be. I believe if more people connected to their death, they would be the most tolerant, loving, life actualized people and fulfilled in all aspect of basic needs and desires because all their doubts and limiting beliefs will be cured and so they take action and learn.

  21. Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    You guys are being sloppy with your Spiral assessments.
    All you have to do is read Goop.com's About page to clearly see they are promoting Green values:
    An Orange person would never write that.
    The name of the company alone screams out Green. No Orange person is gonna name their company Goop.
    The reason Goop is ridiculed in mainstream media is precisely because it is too Green relative to the Orange center of gravity of mainstream culture.

  22. How To Actually Contemplate? I Still Don't Understand.
    How To Actually Contemplate? I Still Don't Understand.
    @Saba That's a good start. Just keep at it.
    Ultimately you want to ponder: What is the substance of a relationship?
    Is it made out of matter? Energy? Concepts? People? What?
    Where does the relationship exist?
    Who is creating it?
    Don't necessarily expect some giant epiphany with all your questions. Sometimes you'll just get some minor insights and more clarity.

  23. Extremely Neurotic, confused.
    Extremely Neurotic, confused.
    This is fear.
    You wanna figure out what you are using this business/success to compensate for.
    What would happen if you lost your biz and never had success again in your life? What would be so wrong with that?
    Contemplate and try to face this fear. Realize it is something your ego is constructing as part of your survival agenda.
    Why do you feel so insecure? What deeper truths are you avoiding with all this success-striving?

  24. I Can't Comprehend Non-Duality
    I Can't Comprehend Non-Duality
    Very well said. Right on the money.

  25. Sense Check on Life Purpose!
    Sense Check on Life Purpose!
    @PukkaDanks Make sure you broaden your sources and research.
    I get the feeling some of you just watch my videos and then whatever I say, you think is the right thing for you to do.
    The LP must come AUTHENTICALLY from you, not from copying stuff I say because it's just the shit that's at the top of your mind because your mind is filled with my videos.
    Double-check that you are not just aping me. Have the courage to find what is authentically within you (which I did not put there).