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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Contemplating the side effects of being a coder
    Contemplating the side effects of being a coder
    You are treating it as a means to another end, while I am talking about being a bricklayer as its own end.
    Imagine you laid bricks for the rest of your life. Not to advance to some other position, but just because you loved the art of laying bricks.
    Obviously bricklaying is not YOUR LP since you want to do big picture stuff, but that is not clear for OP.
    The ultimate question isn't about means but ends. Where do you want to end up?

  2. Racism
    @VioletFlame Look, sometimes you just have toxic family which you must distance yourself from.
    Don't try to be too cozy with your family. Go create your own life.
    If your family will disown you for dating someone you love, fuck them. They don't really love you then.
    You don't have to hate them. Just create some distance. You have the right to live however you want.

  3. Psychedelic experiences vs permanent awareness
    Psychedelic experiences vs permanent awareness
    @How to be wise There is no limit. You can become conscious of pretty much anything permanently.
    But it will take a lot of focused work in most cases.
    Of course your neurology will be a limit a lot of times, but you can change your neurology both through external and internal means (like psychedelics and diet or yoga and long meditation sits).
    The point is that spiritual practice of any kind rewires your brain. Psychedelics and meditation ultimately do the same thing, one is just more short-acting while the other is more long-acting.
    Psychedelics are also more powerful because they can change your neurology is crazy ways, but the effects are rarely permanent (which is actually a good thing) otherwise you could really damage yourself with a bad trip.

  4. Insane Reiki Experience
    Insane Reiki Experience
    Ever heard of Reiki?
    Yesterday I went for my first ever Reiki session. I had absolutely no expectations going into it. I didn't really even know what it was. But I have been getting massages pretty frequently over the last few months and a girl recommended I look into Reiki. So I book an hour session, go to this yoga center, and see this Reiki healer.
    She has me take off my shoes, leave my clothes on, and lay on the table. She starts putting weights on my shins and a weighted eye mask on. We begin the session. Right off the bat things start to get crazy. She starts moving her hands parallel from the front to the back of my head, never touching me. Immediately I feel this intense heat radiating from her hands shooting through my head and connecting like dozens of thin hot strings. I had to ask her if she was using a heating pad or something, but she said she was just using her hands. 
    We continue working. She starts moving her hands around my head and over my face. She makes her way down to my neck and shoulders and chest. Then she gets down to my stomach. This is probably about 30 minutes in. And this is when things get fucking crazy. I complained about some tension in my stomach, a place where I store some of my emotions. I had been working with massages on my stomach as well. She places her hands on my stomach for a few minutes. Then she starts gently rocking her hands in a sort of wiggling motion. I was starting to breathe quickly, energy was shifting around. She kept going. And shortly thereafter I just EXPLODED energetically. There was this shockwave of energy that moved up to my chest, heart area, and to the base of my throat. It was so intense that I couldn't breathe and we had to take a break. I was gasping like someone who had just run a marathon at full speed.
    It felt like a nuclear explosion had taken place within my upper body. It also felt like there was a metal rod going through the center of my chest, clean through and through. It was just raw, uncontrollable, power. It was like Iron Man shooting a molten laser beam out of the arc reactor in his chest plate. And for the remainder of the session (she actually spent 2.5 hours with me) she tried to ground the energy and dissolve it. She did this by placing several stones on my chest and stomach and one near my feet. They all had different properties. Some immediately starting absorbing the energy. And what was crazy was that I could palpably feel this happening. It was very very tangible. Other stones amplified the energy and took away my breath again. We were communicating together the whole time. One of the most interesting things that happened was the energy in my chest kept leapfrogging around. It was like a whack-a-mole machine. If she placed her hands on my chest to alchemize the energy, it would bounce to my stomach and my head. It was like she needed three hands to control it. It didn't want to leave.
    Eventually, it calmed down. And just like after a Vipassana retreat I did earlier this year, I've been burping like crazy for the last 30 hours. A true physiological response. What are the takeaways here? Well, first and foremost, Reiki has the potential to be a super powerful technique in your tool belt. I had a really crazy time at Vipassana (the teacher telling me to slow down) but this was even more potent. And it took me 8 days at Vipassana rather than 2.5 hours with Reiki. Is Reiki a substitute for discipline and serious daily practices? No. But it can synchronize with them. Furthermore, a huge takeaway for me was that reality is definitely not physical. This experience really made that obvious. Ever since a severe concussion I sustained 2.5 years ago I've noticed some new spiritual abilities/ attunement. I might be more sensitive to this stuff than the average person. But who knows? You'll have to see for yourself.
    This girl just gave her everything during that session. She was just a normal girl in her thirties wearing yoga pants. And, afterwards, she was as exhausted as I was. At the end of the session she put both her hands over my heart and it was the warmest thing I'd ever felt. We also talked after the session for 15 minutes or so. We just have this crazy connection even though I've never met her before. For the remainder of the day I was just exploding with creativity and intuitions. I felt so much lighter. Major decisions I'm about to make in my life are becoming clearer than ever. Check out this technique. Book an appointment and keep an open mind!

  5. Contemplating the side effects of being a coder
    Contemplating the side effects of being a coder
    @1x0 That's right, there is a trade-off between being a technician versus being a big picture thinker.
    Project leads do very little actual coding. So you have to decide what you want out of life: Do you love coding so much that you want to be a master hands-on coder, or do you love other things more, like management, big picture thinking, business strategy, etc? In that case, you must surrender your desire for hands-on coding.
    It's sort of the difference between being a bricklayer and an architect. If you love to lay bricks you shouldn't become an architect.
    There is no right or wrong answer. It is perfectly acceptable to just enjoy the art and science of coding or bricklaying. It's not always better to be a project lead. You can just be a master coder. Then again, coding can be quite dehumanizing and a waste of life. Do you really want to be sitting behind a computer screen for 12 hours per day? Is there something more fun and valuable that you could be doing? Does the world really need another code monkey? Or could your creative talents be put to better use?
    But it's not just about getting more money for your time. You must enjoy the thing you're doing. So if coding is what you genuinely most enjoy, then do that. The trick is, there are probably other things you enjoy more but haven't discovered yet. So then your task would be to discover that.
    Personally I don't enjoy management so I avoid positions where I have to manage lots of people. I would rather be working independently, doing my art. But that's me. Some people love to work in groups and manage others. It all depends on your personality type.

  6. Something i agree with jordan peterson
    Something i agree with jordan peterson
    @Luka Tepic Meaning is something the ego-mind constructs. Suffering actually comes from the construction and chasing of meaning. Because in the end the Truth will win out and all meaning will be rendered meaningless. Because in Truth, being is meaningless.
    You have to be careful not to fall into the naive trap of assigning negative meaning to meaninglessness.
    JP is deluded, and if you keep listening to him he will infect you with his gross misunderstandings of reality.
    It is fine to pursue meaning in a relative sense as long as you understand that all meaning is just a game that you are playing to amuse yourself. You cannot take meaning or value seriously, otherwise you will suffer greatly and become deluded.
    For example I pursue meaning by doing my work. But I also understand that my work is ultimately meaningless and that it's just done for fun. I don't take it too seriously.
    One of the things you should immediately notice about JP is that he takes himself way too seriously. And you better believe this causes him great suffering. You don't want to be JP.
    Value & meaning are the survival mechanism of the ego.
    Moreover, meaning & value are relative. Which means you can literally make it anything you want to be. It's imagination and fantasy.

  7. Need some help making sense of my "Bad" LSD trip
    Need some help making sense of my "Bad" LSD trip
    @Bernard Sounds like you disrespected the psychedelic by taking it willy-nilly without a proper, serious spiritual intention and it kicked your ass to teach you a lesson.
    From now on, when you trip you will do it with seriousness, good intent, focus, and no more willy-nilly stuff.
    Psychedelics are not a toy.
    When you take a psychedelic properly, you set aside the whole day, mentally prepare yourself, and you do it almost like a religious ceremony (minus the dogma).
    Why are you drinking during a psychedelic trip?
    Why are you tripping while tired?
    Why are you trying to avoid the trip through sleep?
    This shows sloppy protocol and disrespect for the substance.
    When you take a psychedelic you must in peak form: alert, awake, focused, sober, solemn, at peace, in a positive mood, well-rested, empty stomach, reverent, slightly apprehensive, and ready to be mindfucked.

  8. Science ?
    Science ?
    @Charlotte It sounds like your transcendence of science is maturing. During my maturation, my interest in science declined. I no longer "believed" it like I used to. As my post-science consciousness stabilized, I began seeing science as a wonderful tool that is integrated with art, philosophy, history, poetry etc. Science became part of a holistic view. I started getting curious again - yet this is a more mature curiosity.
    Once a person transcends rational thought and science, I can't imagine how one can return. It's like spending your whole life immersed in a town. Then, one day you climb to a mountain top and see the city from a very different perspective. It is a meta view. You see how your town is interconnected to the environment and other towns. You can return to your town, yet you can't unsee what you saw. It will always be part of your more holistic view.

  9. Moving from Spiral Dynamics Stage Green to Yellow
    Moving from Spiral Dynamics Stage Green to Yellow
    I would be mindful that SD is just one model - it can be a useful tool. Yet, I would not put all my eggs into the SD basket. I would complement SD with a few spiritual teachers outside of SD that resonates with you.
    In tier1, people can be a mixture of tier1 stages. Like a painting that has blue, orange and green colors. I like to think of it as being "centered" in one stage. As well, someone could be centered in stage green intellectually and stage orange emotionally. Rather than trying to evolve to reach a "higher" stage. I would be mindful of which stage characteristics I resonate with. As well, which patterns exist that no longer resonates? Which are conditioned patterns? For example, one of my patterns was logical / rational thinking. I took this to the end of the line and it no longer became satisfying or fulfilling. I noticed that I was a walking analytical brain and it was interfering with my ability to form human connections. My relationships lacked emotional depth and intimacy. I started craving that. Yet, it was still difficult to let go of logical patterns. That part of me wanted evidence to show that all this "whoo whoo" stuff green and above is true. . . 
    One of the difficulties from evolving from tier1 to tier2 is that there are few tier2 teachers. One of the biggest traps of tier1 is attachment to personal needs. There is strong identification with a sense of self in tier1. In tier2 there is an awareness that the whole personality is just a conditioned construct - built over a lifetime of programming. This realization process can be uncomfortable and unpalatable to the self. Think about it. . . the Gig Is Up for the self. It will no longer be the main act. It just appears and disappears like dreams, bird chirps and thunder. That's a tough sell to a self. Yet, the liberation from the illusory self is indescribable. 
    In tier1 - the self is the main act - even in stage Green. The energy of seeking is to meet personal needs. The view of life is through this lens. Everything and everyone is perceived through a lens of personal needs. That is "how will this situation or person affect me and my personal needs?". In tier2 there is an energetic shift from self seeking to meet needs, security and comfort to an energy that seeks being the human experience, truth. That is attracted to the magnificence of life. Much of this is nonverbal and post-rational. Through direct experience, there is a "knowing".

  10. Spiral Dynamics (Worldview) Questionnaire Test
    Spiral Dynamics (Worldview) Questionnaire Test
    If you were at stage Blue or Orange, for example, you would not pick higher stage values because you know they are "right" because the whole point of being at a stage is that you think that stage is right.
    A Blue person will resonate with traditional values no matter how much you tell him that dogma, conformity, ideology, and ethnocentrism are not "right". That's what it means to be at Blue.
    And likewise for the other stages.
    You can't really fake your stage. Whatever you resonate with or gravitate towards genuinely is what defines your stage. If you genuinely gravitate towards integrating many perspectives from across the world then that by definition makes you as least Greenish, if not Yellowish.
    Of course you probably still have lots of work to do to fully exhaust and transcend Orange. There is a big difference between dabbling in a stage vs fully mastering and realizing a stage's limitations. A lot of people can dabble in Green & Yellow without having fully exhausted Orange.
    Whatever stage you are at, you also have 25% of the stage below it, and 25% of the stage above it.
    So if you feel you are Orange, you probably have 25% Blue and 25% Green. That's what being Orange really means. It does not mean you are 100% Orange but only 50% Orange. Likewise, the typical Green person has 25% Orange and 25% Yellow. And so on. Almost no body is solidly one color. Don't expect people or collectives to be 100% anything.

  11. Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    Oh man, you couldn't be more mistaken.
    Women LOOOOOOOVE Green sex!
    You will love it too.
    To you it seems as though they aren't turned on by it because they follow your lead. So if all you lead them towards is shallow Orange sex, that's all they accept without even knowing what they're missing. And you cannot lead a woman to Green sex unless you are first comfortable being there yourself. When you give a woman Green sex, she will love you forever.
    Most guys suck at sex. Sex is an artform.
    Like attracts like.
    Orange attracts Orange.
    Green attracts Green.

  12. how do I develop taste for non-hedonistic stuff?
    how do I develop taste for non-hedonistic stuff?
    Here's is the dirty little secret that almost nobody knows, and even if they did know this at one time they probably don't know it now.  And that is a clean life is a much more pleasurable life than a dirty life.  And you can only find this out by doing it.  But it's a discovery, and then you'll see that the trap of living the dirty life is people don't realize it's a more painful life in every way -- including but not limited to energy levels.  Sobriety in the widest sense is much more pleasurable than being doped up on all kinds of stuff, chemical and informational and otherwise. 

  13. How far should I go for a relationship?
    How far should I go for a relationship?
    @beatlemantis I will try and get to my point here, as someone that is married and had her fair share of ups and downs and had previously several failed relationships; you really need to love yourself before you can love someone else. You need to be able to be confident and validate yourself rather than having sex or another man validate you.
    People (and partners) in life will always say things to hurt us at times, despite their love for us or our love for them. People are entitled to their opinions, but you have to find out who you are and your own self worth. So if you go into a relationship and it is making you unhappy or something goes wrong, you have the ability to walk away knowing you can do better and deserve better. Don't let feelings control you, you need to learn to control them.
    You cannot control other peoples feelings or what they do or don't do or say, you can only control how you react and what you choose to do or say.
    I don't think it is a question of how far would you go for a relationship or someone else, it is how much and how long you are willing to put yourself through grief for this other person? time is the most precious gift we are given so don't waste it. Someone who loves you will always put you and your feelings first.

  14. I can't really motivate towards/around earning money
    I can't really motivate towards/around earning money
    @non_nothing You are simply not motivated to make money because you don't have a strong enough "why" to make money.
    As previously mentioned in another thread, you also have to look ay your relationship with money and your beliefs towards it.
    It is easy to come up with a lot of excuses as to why we can't do something and why we are not good enough or deserve something, but you need to start be asking yourself empowering questions like "why do I want to have more money in my life? what will more money do for me? what can I do with having more money in my life? What will I achieve by having more money?"
    You will find if you take time to really think about these questions, your motivation might change towards making money.
    It is all apart of being an adult of taking responsibility for our own life and looking after ourselves emotionally, mentally, physically & financially.

  15. Stage yellow pick-up
    Stage yellow pick-up
    Developmentally speaking, there is a strong need for Blue up until the later teens. So, understand that you're still growing through it. It's a necessary step in your development.
    Now, I would have totally rejected that at age 15 because I was always a deep thinker who was interested in out of the box things. I know that I would have pegged myself at Yellow if I were into Spiral Dynamics at the time because I valued personal development even then. 
    But in hindsight, I can see that I was a mix of Blue, Orange, and Green. Mostly Orange and Blue but with a touch of the nuanced thinking and the acceptance of Green.
    But you have to understand that the Blue of the teen years isn't like the Blue of the adult years as Blue is developmentally appropriate for teens. The Blue of the teen years help teenagers develop a clear value system, which is something that is important in decisions making. The Blue of the adult years, creates stagnation, rigidity, and judgment if they don't grow through it. So, when this stage is appropriate to the age, it is very helpful with regard to growth. It's a very important rung on the ladder that should not be skipped over or ignored.
    So, understand that it's highly improbable that you've gotten to Yellow at the age of 15... nor is it important to be at Yellow at your age. There is no value in skipping up stages at your age.  It would be highly unstable for you to try to develop Yellow before you have your Blue, Orange, and Green foundations set.
    Just feel okay with being on the right track, and understand the Yellow will likely bloom at some point in your 20s if you keep working on it. But it honestly takes certain rights of passage and the blood, sweat, and tears of adulthood as well as the development of adulthood to make the quantum leap to Yellow. It also takes perspective.
    And for girls... don't look for Yellow girls your age. You won't find them. Yellow requires adult development.
    Just find a girl who's left the emotional volatility of Red behind completely, who has been working on the values of Blue and is in the process of growing through it. And she should also be developing the industriousness of Orange and have goals and dreams, and have some Green to her with regard to acceptance and forward-thinkingness. Then you'll be golden. There are plenty of teenage girls on the track to higher consciousness who have this mix. 
    So, understand that Spiral Dynamics works different for children and teenagers. A child who is at Purple or Red is average. But a child who has begun to develop Blue is highly advanced and expanding. An adult who is stuck on Blue is behind and stagnating.
    A teenager who is at Blue is average. A teenager who has begun to develop Orange is also highly advanced compared to their peers, but an adult who is at Orange is just average. And many adults never make it to Orange. 

  16. I can't really motivate towards/around earning money
    I can't really motivate towards/around earning money
    I would examine your relationship to money. What do you believe about it?
    Do you believe making money is unconscious or not spiritual? Do you think it’s impossible for you to make money? Did your parents fight about money growing up? What are your best and worst experiences around money?
    It’s likely that you’ve got an unconscious story that’s stopping you from making money. See if you can bring awareness to what that story is.
    Also, I would challenege yourself to read something like The Millionaire Booklet by Grant Cardone. Notice when and where resistance pops up when reading that. That will give you clues.

  17. Life Purpose or Girls?
    Life Purpose or Girls?
    @LiberatedMonkey You are so young, you have lots of time to work on many things. Plan things out strategically.
    Life purpose is a very long-term project. It will take you at least 5 years to seriously actualize it. So while you're chipping away at that, you should of course also work on other areas of your life like developing dating skills.
    You can work on your life purpose most of the week, but then Friday & Saturday nights you can focus on dating. This will actually rejuvenate you for next week's work.
    Counter-intuitively you can sometimes accomplish more work when you have good outlets for rejuvenation & socialization.
    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
    There are times in your life when you will need to focus on your LP 100% to the exclusion of everything else. But then there are times when that's not efficient, where you don't have that much work to do on your LP, which frees up time for other things. And sometimes you will need to put your LP on the backburner for a while (into maintenance mode) while you work on your relationships, family, house, health, etc.
    At your current stage in life you probably don't need to be spending 8 hours a day on your LP.

  18. TJ Reeves going through spiral dynamics (beige - teal)
    TJ Reeves going through spiral dynamics (beige - teal)
    To me, Spiral Dynamics goes off the rails once you get past Turquoise. I almost want to say that the creation of these higher tiers feels like they were arbitrarily created to give people a sense that they can continue climbing hierarchies which is very appealing in our society... perhaps in general. 
    But personally, I don't find Spiral Dynamics very compelling for personal development in the first place. I think it can lead to a lot of delusions of grandeur and pegging one's self higher on the spiral than they actually are. The ego loves little systems for proving one's worth to themselves and the world. So, it can end up working like personality tests where the model ends up overshadowing the reality. They can be helpful... but only if people are brutally honest and don't make an identity of being at a particular level.
    But I really love Spiral Dynamics from the social engineering perspective, in terms of being able to see what's coming next and being able to help facilitate those positive changes. So, it helps you play 'weatherman' with the state of society, and that's really exciting.

  19. Why do left brained men exist?
    Why do left brained men exist?
    I'm more attracted to the latter than the former... as long as they are also warmhearted. A man who is logical and introverted and cold is very unattractive. But a man who is reserved and intellectual can be very sexy if he also has a playful and easygoing side. 

  20. Why do left brained men exist?
    Why do left brained men exist?
    Intelligent nerdy guys can earn lots of money and buy their way into a girl's heart.
    It's a classic mating strategy.
    Look at Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc. They seem to have no problem finding a wife.
    If you're so smart, use your smarts to get the girl.
    BTW, there are many girls out there who LOVE intelligent, nerdy guys. Just don't be a creeper!
    The thing girls hate most is creepers, not nerds. Nerds are the hip thing nowadays. Creepers will always be uncool.
    Girls who love intelligent guys are my fave type of girl! For selfish reasons

  21. Why do girls seem to recover faster after a breakup?
    Why do girls seem to recover faster after a breakup?
    @billiesimon What are you talking about? Girls get far more emotionally attached to guys, all else being equal. Your perspective is way self-centered on this issue.
    Girls get so attached to guys that they will stay with the guy even if he beats her and treats her like shit. This is a very serious problem for women.
    Also, not all girls are socialites with 100s of friends. Tons of introverted girls out there. And finding a good guy is not easy. Not every random dick will do.

  22. Generosity/ Service to Others/ Sacrifice
    Generosity/ Service to Others/ Sacrifice
    @Nic The greatest gift you can give the world is via your life purpose.
    Ahem... I created a whole course about it
    Working in a soup kitchen is peanuts by comparison to how much you will impact the world if you find your LP.

  23. Can Leo teach enlightenment if he is not enlightened?
    Can Leo teach enlightenment if he is not enlightened?
    Teaching enlightenment is actually the easiest gig in the world. Any fool can do it.
    Here's the formula:
    Step #1: What are you?
    Step #2: Whatever object you find that you think you are, you're wrong.
    Step #3: Repeat steps #1 and #2 until enlightenment happens.
    In fact, we could program a 1980's computer to teach people enlightenment.
    Or just go do some 5-MeO-DMT and you'll instantly understand what enlightenment is.

  24. How to build Discipline
    How to build Discipline
    There is no solution to discipline other than discipline.
    You must set a clear goal and then work towards it every day, building momentum over time. For this, vision is very important.
    But in the end, you must....
    Start small and ramp your way up over the weeks, months, and years. If it was easy, everyone would be mega-successful. No one else can do it for you and there are no shortcuts or magic pills. You gotta have the courage to bite the bullet and endure some emotional labor and discomfort.
    The key is consistency. You must chip away at it every day and not bite off more than you can chew.

  25. Useless emotions?
    Useless emotions?
    @Fuku Most people avoid emotions. This results in a "bad" life.
    The solution to emotions is not avoidance, but full embrace, acceptance, and consciousness of them.
    Most people who act out emotions like fear, anger, sadness, etc. are not really being emotional, they are doing the opposite: avoiding emotions.