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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Teal Swan and Her Teaching?
    Teal Swan and Her Teaching?
    If you follow her you will become like her. That's how it works.

  2. How to get a girlfriend ?
    How to get a girlfriend ?
    Mushrooms are really good for seeing your own inner beauty. Try taking mushrooms while looking in a mirror. They can show you how to love yourself regardless of how you look. They can also show you have to be more authentic, more charismatic, and more masculine.
    Girls love psychedelics too. They're great for bonding.

  3. Big list of studies proving looks are by far biggest factor in male sexual success
    Big list of studies proving looks are by far biggest factor in male sexual success
    Of course it's easier to be more confident when you are more physically attractive.
    Just like it's easier to start a biz when your daddy gave you a $100 million inheritance.
    But that doesn't mean you can't start a successful business from zero.
    Be self-made. Stop looking for hand-outs from the universe. You must play the hand you've been dealt.
    It's all inner game.

  4. Leo or Teal on loneliness?
    Leo or Teal on loneliness?
    I side with Teal on this one, because I do believe that socialization is necessary for the vast vast majority of people. So, unless a person is living a life of renunciation as a monk or hermit, then abstaining from socializing altogether is incredibly unhealthy and is a denial of our natural drives.
    I see a lot of people on here who are already socially avoidant, further solidify their tendency toward social avoidance because they start thinking it is a sign of virtue and higher consciousness. But it actually keeps them from addressing their needs from where they're actually at because they may even repress their needs and desires toward human connection.
    So, my view on this is that a person who is not specifically living a life of renunciation, where renunciation is the spiritual practice in itself, should not abstain from the basics of life. So, a person should eat normally, sleep normally, hold a job, and have friendships and relationships. It's important to meet our human needs.
    Our humanity is not a mistake to be sloughed off, but is a valid part of this experience. And belonging to a social group is a natural outgrowth of that, and need not be transcended.

  5. Leo or Teal on loneliness?
    Leo or Teal on loneliness?
    Human contact and human intimacy without connection is about as worthless as trying to build the empire state building on quick sand. The whole problem is not that they are lacking human contact but rather human connection. I would say that the majority of relationships are a facade built on a weak foundation-therefore there is a lot of window dressing not giving each other in the relationship the capacity to be open and issue genuine love and compassion. (this could very well be a projection, however this is the way I see it especially here in stage Orange America)
    For human connection to take place there has to be a willingness to be vulnerable, most people are too afraid due to social conditioning and several other factors. They fear being judged, labeled, categorized, and compartmentalized so telling someone to pursue friendships and socialize when they are depressed and feeling like dog shit to me doesn't align with my experience. A lot of their friends are probably dealing with the same exact issues, but until someone is able to be vulnerable the connection between two human beings cannot take place. The way I see it for someone to be vulnerable it takes some healing and understanding. For healing and understanding to take place one has to heal on their own unless... 
    Of course each individual had their personal highly developed human being that can hold space for them and show someone how to be vulnerable, etc. then I guess it would make sense to go out and find relationships. 
    From my own experience my days of loneliness and extreme suffering (my own self perpetuated illusion) was for me where the coal became the diamond. With so much pressure something had to give, and what gave was a crazy mystical experience of pure ecstasy. 

  6. Ranty rant :) Clearing my mind up, appreciate any comments
    Ranty rant :) Clearing my mind up, appreciate any comments
    It's hard to understand why we would embrace radical self love and or universal love yet not allow ourselves to share intimacy with another if that's what we truly wanted. I often wonder if the difference is in understanding we do not need it, as infinite love is something we can experience on our own, rather we chose to express it in the body. The question being, does the practice of creating "meaningful relationships" where "self esteem, belonging and intimacy" align with your vision of "self-help, life purpose and spirituality". If you're assigning meaning to your "life purpose", what would be the difference in assigning meaning to expressing your feminine love in an outwardly way so that you may connect in groups and experience the body?
    Imagine what the world as we know it would look like without intimacy, without feminine energy? The illusion would be much different. Are we going to transcend the body in such a way we are 100% aware/conscious 100% of the time? Perhaps. But is there nothing to be gained/experienced in the body (i.e. body awareness, cellular memory, etc.). I personally believe in experiencing the body through intimacy and believe it's possible to do so and continue your own path of spiritual growth. We are probably at different stages. ::)) 

  7. Is it impossible to prove the existence of other realities?
    Is it impossible to prove the existence of other realities?
    That's a good question. Right this moment I am identified with Leo-ness. But that does not affect what I have realized about God.
    Awakening is not a binary thing. It comes in degrees, and there is also a significant component of conceptual knowledge when speaking of it because the mind has to make sense of the Absolute to bring it back down to Earth and then to communicate it.
    I am not enlightened, but I have done enough work to know the things I said about God. Whether you believe me is irrelevant from my POV. It will never change what I know about God.
    Look, it's not so complicated. Each awakening experience leaves an undeniable residue of understanding on the soul. I can never forget what I have seen. It has subtly changed my understanding of the world, even if I'm not in a permanent state of Sahaja Samadhi.
    It's like if you left The Matrix for a day and then came back. Well, you can never forget what you saw and you can never believe in The Matrix illusion entirely as you did before. I have done this dozens of times to the point where I now have a solid conceptual model of how The Matrix illusion works.
    No, Absolute Truth is Absolute. It is self-validating. This will not make sense until you're there.
    Nothing I say is the Truth. All my teachings are symbolic pointers and metaphors.
    The things I have said about God are very accurate (considering the limitations of language). You will understand this once you gain more experience interfacing with God.
    Yes, of course my mind is still prone to self-deception and ego. That is always a thing to be watchful of. But direct consciousness of the Absolute is what it is. I do my best to communicate it accurately. If I discover a higher truth in the future, I will let you know.
    It would really help if you did some 5-MeO-DMT. It's hard for you guys to understand how I know the things I know because you have not tried 5-MeO-DMT. It is outside your realm of possibility that 5-MeO-DMT is possible. So anything I say about it will seem like I am deluded. In fact it is you who are deluded, but you cannot know that because you are deluded. And there's nothing I can do to help you. You're stuck until you awaken.
    You also have to understand that I cross-reference all of my insights against 100s of world-class sources. So it's not like I'm making this shit up. Everything I said in the God video has been said by sages and mystics for 5000 years.
    I'm not really sure what more you want of me? Do you want me force feed 5-MeO-DMT up your corn hole? Cause I've basically done everything else for you here as far as a teacher can do. I even found you a magic pill that will save you 20 years of meditation work. But you still refuse to take it.
    It is the nature of God that it is incredible. So of course you are incredulous. You just don't realize how grand it is yet.

  8. How can I tell the difference between spiritual purification and raw negativity?
    How can I tell the difference between spiritual purification and raw negativity?
    @lmfao Try not to practice spirituality so robotically. The key is CONSCIOUSNESS. If you're feeling suffering, then that in itself is a huge sign of unconsciousness. Rather than bulling your way through it, try to look at it with consciousness and see what that suffering is really about? Why are you suffering? What is the purpose of it? Try to observe suffering the way you might inspect a beautiful butterfly under a magnifying glass. If the suffering is making you compulsive and reactive, your mindfulness of is breaking.
    The difference between healthy and unhealthy suffering is consciousness. When you suffering unconsciously, you basically don't grow much from it and it can become damaging. When you suffer consciously, that's when spiritual purification happens and it is healing.
    Also, be kind to yourself, be loving to yourself. You're doing great for someone your age. Watch out of harsh negative self-talk.

  9. Amazing video on raising consciousness in the workplace: Visionary leadership
    Amazing video on raising consciousness in the workplace: Visionary leadership
    I hope you enjoy! It's well worth your time. 

  10. Thank you
    Thank you
    Hey Leo, @Leo Gura
    I just watched your new episode, and after watching it launched me to this crazy state, enough that it brought me to tears. This has happened not once, but your videos lately are more to me like the texts you describe that can give insight, they are going beyond theory.
    The impact you have had, and still have, on my life is absolutely astonishing. Your content really has changed the entire trajectory of my life. Even though I feel like in many ways I have just started this journey, the last 3 years or so that I have been following you have just… recontextualized my entire notions of life as well as my every waking second.
    Your leadership displays such strength. I can only imagine the amount of adversity you had to overcome. It’s like you not only hack through the jungle with a machete, but you’re laying a fucking road there so people can navigate this mess more easily.  
    Really, it’s ridiculous that I have never written anything to you like this before. Mostly because of all kinds of personal problems of acceptance and expression. Also, I guess I figured the dynamic we have got going on is already weird enough without me sending you thank you letters. However, letting you know how much I value the things you do is long overdue.  
    So, from the bottom of my barely opened heart, I want to thank you. Although I have a hard time expressing it, I deeply appreciate the path you create and just how much you put all your followers before yourself. All the things you did not have to do, those might be the things that made the biggest difference.
    Martin (aka. Identity)
    Ps. From tomorrow onwards I am skeptical again.
    Pps. This was supposed to be an e-mail, but on your website you say you rather have it here… so here it is I guess.

  11. Journaling App Advice?
    Journaling App Advice?
    That's a big investment to make with significant risk of failure.
    I recommend that you first thoroughly research your market to make sure that what you're gonna be selling will actually sell. You must research all such similar apps and see how your app could compete. You need to have a solid, realistic plan for how you're gonna make that money back.
    Hiring a developer is pretty easy. Sites like Guru.com and Upwork.com allow you to hire developers from around the world at affordable rates.
    The biggest mistake new entrepreneurs make is that they fail to properly test their idea before launching it, only to hear the sound of crickets as no one even knows your product exists. You must have a realistic marketing strategy. How are people going to find your app? A good product alone is not enough.
    Developing the app itself is the easiest part of your plan. Marketing the app is the hard part. How much will you charge and who's gonna buy it? Will it really be useful to people? Will it be unique enough to get word-of-mouth recommendations? How are you gonna get your first 100 sales? Who is your target audience? What needs do they have which aren't already being served? How will your app compete against other apps like OneNote and EverNote? As an entrepreneur it's your job to solve all those questions.
    If you're gonna be in the app-making business, you need to carefully study the app marketplace. Which apps sell? Which apps flop? Which parts of the market are saturated? Which parts of the market aren't? How much money can you expect to make? How are successful apps marketed? etc.

  12. Is Ego backlash the root cause of depression?
    Is Ego backlash the root cause of depression?
    Not ego-backlash but ego is the root cause of depression.
    More accurately, the ego-mind is constantly evaluating, judging, and assigning meaning to reality. Depression is one of these meanings which you are creating but you are not conscious that you are creating it. It happen automatically in you because your level of consciousness is quite low.
    Try this experiment: sit comfortably at home and do not think a single thought about the future or the past. Be fully present. Strip all meaning from reality. Can you still feel depressed?
    Keep doing this until you realize that depression is something YOU ARE DOING! It is not happening to you! All negative emotions are something you create. Negativity is never found in the "external world". It arises out of how your ego-mind assigns meaning to external things based on its survival needs.
    You might say, "But Leo, what if I get cancer? Cancer caused me to be depressed!" No! The meaning YOU ASSIGN to cancer causes you to be depressed. And it possible to train yourself to stop assigning meaning to things.
    Consciousness and mindfulness helps with depression. But you must actually do it. And the catch-22 is, if you're depressed, you probably don't want to do it, nor do you want to believe what I'm saying.

  13. Yet another newbie question - "social proof"
    Yet another newbie question - "social proof"
    They don't care how much sex you have, nor will they ever know.
    But what they do care about is that you have some value as a man. To a woman, value in a man is his survival value to her. A valuable man usually acts confident, witty, easy-going, leader in his pack of friends, outgoing, charismatic, takes initiative, knows what he wants, passionate about his life, has a clear sense of direction in life, has a decent job, a results-maker, the boss, etc. The girl needs to feel that YOU are the prize. If you feel that she is the prize, she's basically out of your league and she knows it and so she won't get attracted to you.
    Guys who are surrounded by lots of friends, who are the hub of their social network, have high value to a girl. She will find such a guy much more attractive than a loner because girls are social creatures and love to leech off social networks. That's a big part of their survival strategy.
    To get the hottest girls you need to build a lot of social value. It's a full-time job. Having lots of friends who are girls are a great way to get girls interested in you. That's like the epitome of social proof. The more hot girls are around, the more will flock to you. Just like earning money. Winner takes all, loser ends up getting scraps.
    Being famous is the best way to have social value. Which is why rockstars, DJ's, and celebrities get laid the most. Girls love a guy who has some solid social status which everyone recognizes.
    With all that said, you don't need any social value to get a girl. It's mostly only necessary if you want to land the hottest girls, the top 5%. Ordinary girls will settle for much less. To attract an ordinary girl all you need is some confidence, humor, and decent conversation skills. All of which can be trained up.

  14. Advice on approaching Women
    Advice on approaching Women
    @Jed Vassallo You've clearly never gamed. Stopping a woman randomly in the daytime with a genuine direct approach makes her day. It makes her feel great.
    Imagine how you'd feel if a hot girl approached you at the supermarket and told you that she's attracted to you. You'd feel awesome even if you never took her up on the offer. You'd feel like king for the day.
    Go to a mall, stop any random woman and tell her that you just thought she was beautiful, and she will be so happy. Obviously don't lie about it, it must be genuine.
    You've also clearly never gamed.
    I didn't say that was the end of the conversation, I said that's the opener. From there you use cheeky conversation to build attraction.
    Stopping a woman cold on the street and being genuine with her about your feelings about her is extremely rare. It builds instant attraction and it makes you stand out from everyone else. I am not talking about a pickup line, I am talking about genuinely expressing yourself. This also makes her day. She will feel great the rest of the day even if she declines your offer for a date/coffee/phone number.
    The words you say to a woman almost never matter. What matters is how you carry yourself and the tone you take. Most attractive women will have boyfriends, but you'll never know until you try.
    Every street approach ends with an invitation to an instant coffee date, and failing that, a phone number.
    The biggest issue here is that you don't have the balls or skill to pull off such a direct and genuine approach, nor the skills to carry the conversation, nor the skill to close it.
    If you find a woman attractive, hiding your feelings about it to try to weasel your way into her pants is weak. She will smell your manipulations.
    Hot women like men who are clear and decisive about what they want. When a woman makes you feel something, you don't hide, you be direct about it, the way a strong man would. That in itself builds massive attraction.
    Women only hate being approached when you are being creepy, insecure, or obnoxiously cat-calling her.

  15. Overcoming the INSANITY of Online Business and thoughts on Spiritual Content online
    Overcoming the INSANITY of Online Business and thoughts on Spiritual Content online
    Content alone is never enough.
    The reason you're not succeeding is because you're trying to enter markets which are already heavily saturated. Business requires that you find new fertile ground. There are only so many YT spiritual teachers that the world needs. I was successful on YT not because of my content but because I was on there early, before it blew up, and I had significant marketing skills.
    My content is NOT what makes me successful or popular. Business success has almost nothing to do with content. It's about marketing strategy.
    You need to take some marketing courses.
    Your approach might have worked 10 years ago, but not today in those fields. Blogging is almost impossible to enter these days. Even when I started Actualized.org, blogging was basically dead to new entrants. You need to be more original than that.
    In business, a new field is only open for so long. After that, it closes. You cannot start a new Facebook today, or a new Google, or a new Microsoft, or a new car company. Those markets are saturated and monopolized already. You must find new markets.

  16. Help me reviewing a judgment I made.
    Help me reviewing a judgment I made.
    I've been living with angry abusive people for the past years, my focus was all about how to keep my sanity, Once upon a time, I was also in a mindset that would do some decorations for food, but now I with the attitude of only keeping my sanity, I genuinely view that as a waste of time. I wonder how I was able in the past to do that, but the thought that I am better now therefore I should congratulate myself never cross my mind. 
    I think the judgments help me to stay away from things that "waste my time", but also maybe I feel some bitterness as I am now struggling just to keep my sanity, while in the past I had the luxury to enjoy doing such stuff.. Many things are on my mind.

  17. Life Purpose Course Confusion & Unsureness
    Life Purpose Course Confusion & Unsureness
    That fear is a good sign and totally expected.
    But also, be open to outside-the-box career configurations. In today's world there's no reason why you'd have to do live performance unless you wanted to. For example, you could set things up such that all of your music is digital and no one even has to know your real name or face. You could even wear a mouse costume. Hell, you could even wear a moose costume
    Be creative, be clever, be unique, innovate within your field, be the vanguard.
    Show us something new.

  18. Leo's clone or just very alike
    Leo's clone or just very alike
    It's fairly natural that if you follow me, like my work, and shell out $250 for my course that you will be similar to me in many ways. At the same time, you will be different from me and your LP will not at all be expressed in the way I express my LP.
    Just look within and make sure you are staying true to yourself, not just aping me. If you are being true to yourself and it happens to look like what I'm doing, that's not a problem.
    Also make sure that you are partaking of other sources beside myself. The problem with relying too much on one source is that your mind isn't given enough variety of input to produce a truly original output.
    Copycatting is a problem of lack of diversity of input. For example, an aspiring film director who's in love with George Lucas films so much that he only watches George Lucas films is doing himself a great disservice and will end up a copycat.
    Creative people need to vastly diversity their inputs, otherwise their output will be unoriginal. That's one of the reasons that I literally study 100s of obscure sources. I have no interest in being a cookie-cutter Tony Robbins clone.
    Teach yourself how to be creative outside the box. There are so many different ways to express a common set of values or even the same career choice: like being a life coach. You can be a totally unique life coach if you do it right.

  19. Met a girl..
    Met a girl..
    @Worldclassbullshit Do not bend over backwards for her. Only do this if she is equally invested in it. Otherwise she's likely to flake.
    You should be talking dirty with her by this point and she should be really into it. If she's being cold about it, big red flag.

  20. Difference between Contemplation and "armchair" philosophy
    Difference between Contemplation and "armchair" philosophy
    @John West You need more practice.
    Observation leads to new insights. These insights can be both verbal and non-verbal. It's okay to start with verbal ones. That is valuable still.
    As you deeply examine and question fear, new distinctions will form. For example, you could notice that fear has a significant mental/conceptual component, as all emotions do. Emotions are NOT just perceptions or sensations. Emotions are conceptual constructions. For example, fear is only possible when your mind is thinking of the future. No future, no fear. No mental imagery, no fear. If you observed fear closely, you'd notice that, and much more.
    The mistake you're making is that you assume that you already know what fear is. You assume that what you see after 5 mins of observation is in fact what is there. That is NOT the case! Your mind is not allowing you to see what's really there because of all the conceptual filtering and cultural knowledge which is clouding your perceptions.
    As a rule of thumb: nothing you see with your eyes or feel with your body is to be trusted as a raw given. It's all heavily interpreted and conceptually distorted.
    For example, look at your hand. It is not a hand, as you assume.
    When examining fear it is useful to ask additional questions like:
    What is the purpose of fear? What are the components of fear? What is mecessary for fear to exist? How and why do I create fear? Be careful not to anticipate what the answers to these questions will be. You must actually do the observation and see what happens. The answers will often surprise you.
    Maybe one day you'll discover that fear is an illusion
    Notice that you are not even conscious most of the time that you are afraid. And you experience fear MANY times per day.

  21. Leo, did you see this coming?
    Leo, did you see this coming?
    That's a solid strategy. I don't recommend working at McDonalds.
    But this topic of resources is too detailed and complex to discuss here.
    Just by doing some solid googling you can find mostly anything you need. You have to be serious about it though. There are literally 1000s of amazing resources but you're too lazy to use them.

  22. Difference between Contemplation and "armchair" philosophy
    Difference between Contemplation and "armchair" philosophy
    @John West That is because you're lost in the realm of abstraction. Contemplation must be grounded in something: being / direct experience.
    To understand how grounding works, see my video: What Is Actuality?
    Here's how you understand contemplation: contemplate the question, What is fear?
    To do this, you must actually pull up a direct experience of fear and observe it. Armchair philosophy would be theorizing about what fear is. Contemplation would be actually observing fear in your direct experience as it is happening, or perhaps a memory of it.
    Contemplation is very similar to observation. It must be grounded in the present moment. You must "feel" into what is actually there. If you're still at the level of concepts, that's not good enough.
    What is fear REALLY, ACTUALLY?! Not your ideas of fear, but actual fear! Take a good long look and see what pops up.
    Once you get good at contemplating something tangible like fear or pain, then you can begin contemplating more abstract things like time or existence.

  23. I want to be popular
    I want to be popular
    My point is that the idea of 'all egoic drives being invalid' can be a huge ego trap that causes a lot of repression and increases self-judgment and shadow. It is only the ego that wants to be free of ego, so it resists itself and doesn't want itself associated with egotism even though it is indeed an ego. This is called spiritual ego. And it creates suffering and keeps a person from really embodying their humanity.
    I see it all the time on this forum in people who paint themselves into a corner as to what they're allowed to feel because it undermines their identification with spirituality and especially spiritual superiority. But it really just causes them to be very judgmental toward themselves and others and makes them unaware of this pattern in themselves.  
    So, it creates this huge blindspot where they learn to lie to themselves about how they feel because they want to feel more spiritually advanced than others. So, in order to maintain the identity of being "more spiritually advanced than others' in their own eyes, there is a need to self-deceive and become selectively conscious toward the contents of the internal landscape. And they won't be able to be aware of certain aspects of themselves or reality since their identification is so strong and they're afraid to undermine the ego structure.
    For example, if an emotion comes up recurrently where a person feels like they want a lot of attention, there is a valid psychological reason for that... and that emotion is also an extension of being itself. But if a person is identified with a resistance to ego, then recognizing that genuine emotion becomes a threat to the ego structure of the spiritual ego. So, the person finds a way to lie to themselves and ignore that feeling, thus relegating that feeling to the shadow which is totally unconscious to them. But the desire for attention doesn't go away, it just comes out in more convoluted ways that the person is not aware of.
    So, they may begin unconsciously seeking attention by becoming a hypochondriac, which necessitates that other people pay attention to them. Or they may self-sabotage and make themselves late for things, so that they are noticed when they walk in late. And none of that would be a conscious decision. So, if the front door is locked, the desires just go to the back door. And if the back door is locked, they sneak in through the window.
    So, it isn't like ego goes away if you ignore its drives. People get their ego fix by repressing these egoic drives because they can pat themselves on the back for it being a good boy or good girl. So, even when people are self-congratulating about being freer from ego for their renunciations, it is still strengthening their ego and fortifying that chains that hold them back from liberation.
    So, my point is to avoid falling on the other side of the horse to the scenario that you mentioned...
    You can be a fake business guru who only follow their egoic needs and get so wrapped up in that identity that they become unconscious and end up with lots of shadows and unconsciousness. 
    But you can also be a spiritual person who renounces all the drives toward worldly success and popularity, in judgement, resistance, and reaction against "fake business gurus who only follow their egoic needs." And you'd pat yourself on the back for your superiority to those fake business gurus and repress away any similar drives... because (of course) your spiritual ego is better and more pious than their business ego. And you end up so wrapped up in that identity that you become unconscious and end up with lots of shadows and unconsciousness. 
    So, the only difference in these two identifications is the window-dressing.
    So, you must begin with dis-identification with the emotions and a really clear perception of what your emotions are regardless of what they're telling you and your associations with that thing.
    If you desire popularity. The issue is not that drives toward popularity have come up. And the issue is not in exploring toward those popularity drives. 
    The issue is in over-idenfitication with thoughts and emotions and making them mean something about your identity and resisting, self-deceiving, ignoring, repressing, and becoming unconscious to those thoughts/emotions to preserve a desired identity because of some moralization and judgment about how wanting popularity makes a person lesser.
    Can you see how this would strengthen the illusion of ego and create a situation where you'd have to judge yourself and others and be unconscious to quite a lot of things, simply to trick yourself into believing that you're beyond ego because of a desire to be superior to others? 
    The ego is a sneaky devil... yes?

  24. What's wrong with being happy but unconscious?
    What's wrong with being happy but unconscious?
    This is a total lie.
    That person in actually unhappy 95% of the time.
    Be ware of how you are so miserable in life you are too unconscious and scared to even admit your own misery.
    It is impossible to be unconscious and happy. Period.
    Ironically, it takes consciousness just to realize you are unhappy. As but one example, notice how you constantly live in fear. Every day of your life you have a constant cloud of fear and insecurity hanging over you. Fundamentally you feel incomplete and incapable of facing life. Fundamentally you feel broken, not good enough, and unlovable. This is not something that happens occassionally. This is the theme of your entire life!
    Just take a look, if you dare
    Do not fool yourself into thinking that any external material acheivement will ever change the above sitution. No matter how much money or sex you get, you will still be afraid, broken, and miserable. And eventually you will want to kill yourself because nothing you try will fix it. That is, unless you know about spirituality.
    The devil lies to himself that he is happy being a devil. Therein lies his tragedy. If only he would admit he is a devil, there would be hope. But he is too blind and arrogant to see it. So he continues living in his own self-created hell, calling it heaven.

  25. Can "you" Win the Lottery Through Paranormal ability?
    Can "you" Win the Lottery Through Paranormal ability?
    Paranormal abilities do not work like that. They are not so precise that you can use them that way. It would be like asking, "Can I use my intuition to win the lottery?" No, but you can use your intuition to create a billion dollar business.
    Stop thinking of paranormal abilities as material abilities.