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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    I've attracted girls (8s, 9s, and even 10s) who were way more physically attractive than me.
    Because girls aren't primarily attracted by a guy's looks, but by his persona, charm, charisma, confidence, wit, leadership qualities, intellect, social status, and strength.
    If you go out a lot and approach a lot you will attract 8s and 9s fairly regularly. Which is not to say you'll be able to close all of them, because closing requires having perfect logistics, which usually isn't possible. So you will lose a lot of 8s and 9s, but at least you'll get the validation of having attracted them. You will be able to tell, for example, that if the logistics had been good, she would have eagerly slept with you. And from that point, it's only a matter of time until the logistics line up and you'll sleep with your first 8 or 9.
    10s are just so rare it's not even worth thinking about.
    All that's required is that you go out a lot, approach a lot, and have good game. If you can set up good logistics (by living very close to bars/clubs) that will up your chances of pulling girls by a factor of 2x-10x. Logistics are super important if you want to get laid a lot.
    Basically any girl that's an 8 or above is a model-quality girl, as she can make easy money off her looks, and often does or did so in the past. She can be a model, actress, stripper, pornstar, webcam girl, go-go dancer, hostess, etc. But don't forget, a lot of these girls can be annoying to deal with as they tend to spoiled rotten by men. These girls know how to use their looks to manipulate men. They know they are hot and they know the value of that in our society. Handling girls like that requires a serious boss/pimp attitude. A weak man cannot handle a girl like that.
    The rule of thumb is, whatever quality of girl you feel you deserve and can boss around, is the quality of girl you will get. Anything above that you will not be able to handle because your confidence is too low. Hot girls have high confidence. As a guy, in order to attract a girl your confidence and value must be higher than hers. If you want to date models, you need to develop balls of steel and a delusional, borderline narcissistic degree of self-confidence and self-love. You need to be unfazed and just have an I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude.
    Or become famous. Famous guys get hot girls easily.

  2. Night out report
    Night out report
    @Dorotheus Great work!
    Now just do that a couple hundred more times.
    Don't worry, you will be amazed at how fast your skills improve.
    Do not be detered by rejection or awkard moments. Those are all totally normal and they don't matter. Get very used to girls rejecting you or ignoring you.
    Work on your body language, strong eye contact, commanding vocal tone, flirty smile, and plowing conservations without ejecting from set.
    Your conversations should be slightly sexually charged. Don't be talking to her like a gay friend. She needs to register within 5 minutes that if she gets in a room alone with you, you're gonna bang her. But do not verbalize sex. This is something she must pick up from your flirty manner and the way you look at her.
    Practice looking at her like you are a lion looking at a juicy gazelle. Get that chemistry going immediately upon approach. Don't be talking to her about work.
    Your goal should be to reach the hook-point in the set, where it is clear that she's attracted to you. It usually takes 0-5 minutes to hit the attraction hook-point. Attraction happens surprisingly fast.

  3. Huge depressive episode triggered by "what is god" video
    Huge depressive episode triggered by "what is god" video
    @Shaun This is a totally normal ego backlash which will soon pass.
    The ego is incredibly strong and it will not allow you get rid of meaning so easily. If only it were so easy!
    It is a fact that no meaning whatsoever exists. This fact is very threatening to your way of life and your survival program. Which is why you are reacting with all those emotions. Those emotions are designed to get you back on track with your survival agenda.
    The fact that life is meaningless is itself meaningless, hence it is not bad or depressing.
    In order to be depressed you must assign negative meaning to life. So ironically the reason you're feeling so bad is because you are trapped inside an illusory world of (negative) meaning.
    The counter-intuitive move is to surrender all meaning. But ego is not gonna let that happen without a huge stink.
    In a few days you will forget you ever watched that video and you will fall back asleep into your unconscious life, as though nothing ever happened. That's how sneaky the ego is. It will just sweep all this truth under the rug, out of your awareness.
    What you should be really worried about is falling back asleep, not losing meaning.

  4. I feel emotionally bad day(s) after sex
    I feel emotionally bad day(s) after sex
    Next time it happens contemplate: Why is this happening? What is the point of this? Why am I creating this reaction?
    Don't ask us. Ask yourself.

  5. I struggle with day game
    I struggle with day game
    @Marinus That's great action-taking. 31 daytime approaches is a lot.
    There are many stages to a successful pickup that must be mastered: the open, body language, the smile, eye contact, keeping conversations going, flirtation, kino/touching, authenticity, sexual tension, hitting a hook point, screening for boyfriend, getting the close, leading and pulling for instant date, number closing, etc.
    It's quite hard to learn all those on your own. It helps to go with a wing-man who already has experience with this and can help you evaluate your interactions. Try to find some wings in your city.
    A successful daytime approach requires a lot more than just opening the girl and saying Hi. You must learn to make the conversation fun, flirty, and interesting. And you must learn how to close in order to get any results. All daytime approaches must end with you asking the girl for an insta-date coffee.
    Yes, you will be very awkward and mechanical at first. But you can quickly improve. Your goal should be to approach a girl in the same way you might approach and talk to your own girlfriend. It has to be very natural, like it's no big deal, like you've known her your own life. You must just assume this vibe and sense of friendship and familiarity right off the bat. It has to be super casual so the girl is not put on guard.
    A great way to practice conversation skills and body language is by chatting with store clerks at the mall. Go find some girl clerks. They are bored most the day and will be happy to talk with you. Try to flirt with them a bit without outright hitting on them. Try to get them to open up about themselves. Try to charm them a bit. Tease them. Wink and smile at them. Tell them some stories about yourself, etc.
    At this point your goal is not even to have sex but simply to become a more social, extroverted, talkative, charismatic person. You can even practice on guys and old ladies. Get good at small-talk and self-expression to strangers. Get good at building rapid social comfort, so people are comfortable around you. So they feel you as a fun friendly guy.
    I love day game. The biggest problem with it is that it's not easy to find a lot of hot girls during the day unless you live near certain great locations. Cities like LA, London, and NYC are amazing for daygame, but most cities aren't.
    The advantage of night is that you get a lot more girls to talk to. And there's possibilities for same night pulls.
    Oh, it's also VERY IMPORTANT that when you approach a girl during the day you stop her and face up to her squarely, face to face. Do not be approaching girls from the back or the side. If she is walking, you must stop her cold by getting her attention. You must face her directly. You must have her full attention before you deliver your opener. Do not be whispering your opener to her side or back as she is walking. Run around her and stop her without scaring her. And you must always open with a smile. If there is a look of fear on your face, she will freak out. Practice that smile like your life depends on it.

  6. A Question For Leo
    A Question For Leo
    @Annoynymous See that's ego talking. That's selfishness, fear, and neediness. You are projecting your own selfishness and fear onto others.
    The correct attitude is to give your love freely, without expectation of return. True love is not about getting, true love is about giving.
    True love requires enormous courage and groundedness. Which requires that you grow and mature as a man. You have to be willing to experience loss, heartbreak, and rejection.
    Hint: you could die at any time. Why aren't to scared of death every day you wake up? Life could leave you at any time.

  7. A Question For Leo
    A Question For Leo
    Yes, but there is a natural flow to male-female courtship. The male takes the lead, or he ends up an Incel.
    No, you can do that too.
    No she won't. Stop making excuses. She would actually love it if you were that serious.
    Sounds dysfunctional and immature. Just because you've got some low-esteem girl on the hook doesn't really say much. If you wanted, you could actually grow yourself into doing a serious loving relationship. But that would mean really growing yourself and facing your fears of commitment, intimacy, honesty, etc.
    People tends to be selfish period.

  8. Isn't Developing your Dark Side just integrating RED
    Isn't Developing your Dark Side just integrating RED
    If you are equating The Shadow with stage Red, that's a very dangerous equation. Since shadow is also commonly present at Blue, Orange, Green, and even above.
    Every stage tends to have its own shadow: those aspects which you deny, repress, and project.
    Integrating Red is important, but it's not the only aspect of shadow work. Green shadows are very popular these days among stage Blue and Orange peeps.

  9. A Question For Leo
    A Question For Leo
    You must do it at the right time. If you fully open up to her before you have sex with her, then that would be a mistake. There are different phases of dating and relationships. You must time things properly. For the first few months, keep things light otherwise you might come off too needy.
    Don't go sharing the skeletons in your closet on your first date.

  10. A Question For Leo
    A Question For Leo
    I don't do pickup much any more.
    I have no problem with flirting with girls per se. My complaint was the ideology that many PUAs adopt and their stage Orange attitude towards sex and life.
    Flirting with girls is not necessarily at odds with long-term relationships or emotional investment. There is no relationship without flirting.
    All dating is a sort of manipulation and getting your own needs met, even if you never do pickup.
    99% of relationships of any kind are just you trying to getting your own needs met. You don't really care about anyone "as they really are", you care about how they can fit into your life and serve your needs.
    Dating and flirtation is a skillset. All skillsets are a set of "tricks" in that sense. If you want to get good around women you need to learn the rules of how that works. Pickup teaches some of those rules of attraction. How you then use them is up to you.
    Good pickup is not really about controlling girls. It's about controlling yourself.
    Controlling people is not something I recommend. You can become much more attractive and confident without having to control women.
    Rather than thinking of pickup as stuff you do to the woman, think of it as changing your own inner game and how you view women. Think of it as becoming a stronger, more authentic man.
    There are many versions of pickup. Some of it is very dysfunctional, some of it is great. You have to learn to sort the wheat from the chaff.
    As a man, dialing in your own inner game is great stuff. Learning to be charismatic, bold, and authentically expressive is great stuff. Elimimating various kinds of limiting beliefs about women is great stuff. Gaining lots of experience talking to women is great stuff.
    You have to remember, most women are very social and flirt and socialize non-stop. To them it is like breathing air. They develop a lot of this experience naturally in a way that many nerdy guys do not. Which is why many guys require extra training in a way that women do not. Guys have responsibilities with initating the flirt which women do not.
    And in the end all dating and relationship is a distraction from awakening.
    Dating is a survival function. Dating is brutal whether you do pickup or not. People are very selfish in relationships by default. Women are also very selfish when selecting mates. Reproduction is a ruthless game which people tend to be in denial about.

  11. Evaluating iPEC Coaching Program on the Spiral
    Evaluating iPEC Coaching Program on the Spiral
    Yes, they are all those levels you listed.
    Their center of gravity is Greenish+
    Overall it's quite advanced. I actually underestimated them at first. I did not appreciate the importance of consciousness until long after graduating.
    But even so, most of their coaches have no idea what consciousness is. So they are not that advanced. But for what they are doing, they are just right. Their job is not to make you a Buddha but to help you establish a coaching biz, which is a Greenish+ endeavor overall.
    If you are serious about coaching, it's a great program. I don't regret paying $9000 for it. I've certainly made that money back. But I am an exceptional case. Most coaches struggle starting their biz. Really, I don't consider myself a coach. Although I did coach a lot for about 2 years.
    You just have to understand that starting any biz is hard, regardless of what it is. Hard but also exciting and fun.

  12. Gravity does no exist?
    Gravity does no exist?
    No, I don't think so.
    The "physical laws" are held in place because they are necessary to have these kinds of human experiences we are having.
    Maybe if God wanted to be a 10-dimensional hyper-slug it wouldn't hold our physical laws. And that probably happens. But so long as you are human, to be human is to play within our physical ruleset at least to some degree. Otherwise you stop being human and become some kind of hyper-slug alien thing.
    But in a certain sense it does because evolution slowly weeds out devilry. That's its whole point!
    There is a Grand Design at work. I don't see God giving devils unlimited power. There are constraints on devilry. An unconstrained devil would turn all of creation into an ugly shitshow, spoiling the Beauty and Perfection of the Grand Design. You can't exactly allow Osama Bin Laden to materialize a nuclear weapon with his mind.
    At least that's my best guess so far.
    God's creation has exquisite balance. Perfect Divine Balance!

  13. Strong Daily Life Imbalances
    Strong Daily Life Imbalances
    @J I would look into the following things if I were you:
    Seeking out professional psychological care and getting a clinical diagnosis if there is one. Reading books about your condition, so you have background knowledge Starting to change your habits one habit at a time. Drop some bad ones, add one healthy ones. Meditation habit every day for the rest of your life, no exceptions Reprogramming your subconscious mind (I'm hoping to release a course on that sometime next year) Life coaching (if it's within your budget) Being more social, going out more, making new friends, dating. Clean up your diet. Cut out wheat, sugar, all processed foods, all soda, all alcohol, all coffee. Get full bloodwork done to identify any problems that might be physiological Consider changing your environment, like by moving to a new city or new apartment. For a clean slate. And lastly, if you stay tuned, I will be releasing a video that will share a powerful new technology for unwiring stuff like depression, ADD, and aspergers.
    I also have a book on my book list that discusses research about autism and aspergers. So you understand your situation better.

  14. I found what I trully want. (for now)
    I found what I trully want. (for now)
    @Black Elephant Sorry to rain on your parade but it is not possible for an ego to stop worrying or have peace of mind.
    Worry is fear. Fear is fundamental to your entire way of life because you are committed to stay alive.
    There is only one way to eacape fear and worry, and that is to die.
    Which is precisely the whole point of enlightenment and spiritual practice.
    Peace is an escape from suffering. You will never escape suffering as an ego. The eacape from suffering is what the Buddha sought and discovered for himself. Which gives you a clue about what it takes to get peace of mind.
    The trick is, the moment the Buddha escaped suffering is the very same moment he died.
    But good... at least you have finally discovered the spiritual path.

  15. Taking notes while reading
    Taking notes while reading
    Yes, proper note-taking takes more time than reading the book itself, which is why most people never do it.
    But it can also get several times more value from the book, and you can return to those notes years later without having to re-read the book.
    Usually I just underline passages in the book. This is very fast compared to true note-taking, and it allows me to re-read a book very quickly, within 15-30 minutes by just reading the underlined sections. I never read a book without underlining it. Via underlining I basically condense a book down to the top 5% of its insights. Since most of the books words are just filler. You want to extract that 5% which is gold.
    Once a book as been properly underlined it becomes 10x more valuable. To the point where I've even thought about how I could sell my underlinings to you guys. But it's not practical.
    If I had an ashram, I would have a library of my underlined books which you guys could browse.

  16. Should I get modafinil for the SAT & ACT
    Should I get modafinil for the SAT & ACT
    That's like taking steroids for a boxing match, LOL. It's a serious performance boost. It would definitely up your score.
    But you shouldn't take it unless you experience no side-effects.
    Modinfinil is like that movie Limitless, but less extreme and far less negative side-effects.
    The SAT's should really start drug-testing students because this is a huge exploit.
    Of course you still have to study to know how to answer questions. But your recall times and focus will be a lot better, which is important for tightly-timed exams.

  17. Stuck in Comfort
    Stuck in Comfort
    @Ethan_05 How old are you? If you're still in school, you should even out and become more stable as you get older and practice more.
    As you build more positive habits and shed negative habits you should have less erratic ups and downs in your life.
    But the more you try to bull your way through issues, the more backlash you should expect. So maybe less bulling.
    Read the book Mastery to learn about the difference between the obsessive mindset and the mastery mindset. The mastery mindset is stable. The obsessive mindset is erratic and prone to catastrophic collapse.
    It's also important that you are fueled by positive rather than negative motivation. Negative motion tends to produce a yo-yo effect, defeating itself. Positive motivation is more stable. If you're motivated by avoidance then you'll get all of frustrating yo-yoing. For example, avoiding being overweight or avoiding being poor.

  18. How to get a girlfriend ?
    How to get a girlfriend ?
    How about instead, seeing this as an opportunity to make yourself into an awesome man?
    If you really wanted to, you could go sleep with an 8+ quality girl within the next 3 months. That's how awesome life is. You'd just need to seriously take ownership of this issue and apply yourself.
    Or you could keep whining I guess. But whining isn't as fun as banging an 8.
    Learning how to get good with girls is very rewarding and empowering. Not sexually, but for your self-esteem and personal development. The thrill of overcoming your inner whimp is actually more of a rush than the sex.

  19. I'm finally admitting that I suck at talking to women
    I'm finally admitting that I suck at talking to women
    Yes, consciousness definitely helps ground you and be more detached and authentic. But it's also not a cure-all. Approaching is a very specific skillset which needs to be honed, just like golf or tennis. Consciousness helps with all skillsets but doesn't replace training the skillset.
    I would not be immediately in state.

  20. I'm finally admitting that I suck at talking to women
    I'm finally admitting that I suck at talking to women
    @zambize Nah, you're only gonna sleep with a tiny percentage of that number.
    And the opportunities aren't just sex. I became a life coach after cold approaching a random girl at a bar in Dallas. She told me about the life coach training she was going to and I immediately knew that's what I should do. And the rest was history.
    One time in Vegas I accidentally cold approached a life coach who immediately invited me up to her luxury hotel suite to smoke weed (because I knew about life coaching). Then she kicked me out because I didn't want to smoke weed.
    Another time in Vegas I accidentally cold approached Tony Robbin's copyrighter and went on a date with her and she told me a bunch of gossip about Tony Robbins. We talked about self-help for hours. She knew all the top self-help authors.
    Another time I went on a date with the world's 75th highest ranked Russian tennis player. She was cashing $50,000 checks from her sponsors. She was as hot as you would imagine a Russian tennis player to be.
    Another time I met an actress from San Diego with giant boobs. I approached her by telling her she had nice boobs and politely asked if I could fondle them in front of her friends. She of course said yes.
    The craziest things materialize when you approach a lot. You would not believe such things were possible. You'd be amazed at the kind of stuff you can get away with.
    It's all a numbers game.
    One time I was outside the club and bumped into Michael Jordan. Another time I was outside the club and bumped into one of the world's most popular male porn stars. A few months ago I was walking through the casino lobby with a friend and accidentally bumped into Mystery outside the Marquee nightclub. Talk about going full-circle.

  21. Meditation Sucks
    Meditation Sucks
    @GafaRassaDaba Try Kriya yoga instead. It's much better for calming the monkey mind.
    Yes, meditation can and (really) should be enjoyable, in the beginning it rarely is.

  22. Is ego the source of egoless-ness?
    Is ego the source of egoless-ness?
    Many people who awaken are driven to it by intense suffering and dissatisfaction with everyday life.
    Suffering is the greatest teacher. Once you suffer enough, you'll be ready to say: "I give up! I surrender!"
    Suffering DOES create seeking. But of course most people don't know about enlightenment at all, so they suffer without knowing the ultimate solution.
    Suffering is not needed to complete the hero's journey. It's just that in practice, if you have an easy life, you will get hypnotized by the comfort and probably never undertake the hero's journey to begin with, nor will you persevere past all the challenging obstacles.
    I've never suffered more than during meditation retreats. You have to be willing to go through some self-inflicted conscious suffering in order to awaken. Awakening is not the path of least resistance. It is like training for the Olympics. It comes with sacrifice. You must surrender your easy, unconscious life.
    There is a higher drive within the ego which seeks God. It's like a faint whisper amidst a sea of egoic noise. That faint whisper is what ultimately leads to awakening if you listen to it and act on it.

  23. How to explain death to a 6 years old child?
    How to explain death to a 6 years old child?
    You are the entire Universe and the Universe cannot die, it has existed forever. You will just change forms. When you are older you can become directly conscious of this truth. For now, ponder the possibility that you are not just a human body.

  24. "the now" changed my entire perspective
    "the now" changed my entire perspective
    ive been on and off having suicidal thoughts for a year now because of anxiety and depression. its what got me into looking into this material then finally doing the practices. i started off rough, but i finally started finding comfortable ways to meditate and realized that the thought of wanting to kill myself was not wanting to kill the experience, but actually the miserable thought stories i had created around my life. 
    today at school i was getting miserable because i created this whole story about how my girlfriend didnt love me anymore, i tend to be very sensitive haha. at lunch i went to the park across the street and sat alone on the grass 
    i sat and layed down for a half hour very focused, and it finally clicked ALL THERE EVER HAS BEEN IS THIS EXPERIENCE, THE NOW
    all the theory needs to be true and authentic to "the now"/experience or it cannot be true. i had been so lost in the theories i didnt even realize this for months which made me overthink everything
    when i went back to class after lunch i met with my girlfriend and all my thoughts were now in the background not bothering me. i could finally also see her "in the now" and i felt the deepest sense of love and connection, the type ive only felt on acid trips. ive been able to delude myself into feeling lonely when i have a gf, im sure its because i havent been present enough to feel the connection, which is why i felt so detached
    i have a long ways to go but this proved to me that all this has a meaningful and practical application to my daily life 

  25. Post Modernism versus Biology
    Post Modernism versus Biology
    @Bobby All of Creation is made of distinctions.
    There is nothing but distinctions.