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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Did anyone figure out a way to stop demonizing people?
    Did anyone figure out a way to stop demonizing people?
    I have two basic techniques:
    1) Be so busy working on your life purpose that you don't have time to criticize others. Focus on being constructive rather than destructive. If you were working 14hrs per day on your art you wouldn't have the time or energy to criticize anyone.
    Critics are usually people who have nothing else to do. They aren't using their time productively. They aren't wise enough to channel their energy creativity.
    2) Awaken to Love. Realize that you are all people. Then it becomes impossible to criticize or judge others because you are conscious that their mistakes are your mistakes. If you were conscious that you are Hitler or Jeffery Epstein, how could you judge him?
    Judgment is only possible when there is still the illusion of "other" in your mind.

  2. Question on Actuality & Visualization
    Question on Actuality & Visualization
    You are literally imagining the new reality you want. Basic LoA.
    You are using the power of imagination to drill a portal to God. Many spiritual techniques rely on this mechanism without being explicit about it. That's how prayer works, for example. If you pray long and hard enough to Jesus, he can manifest himself to you. Because in fact Jesus is just a facet of your own mind. This is why some people worship Jesus, and it works for them. Other people worship an elephant man, and it works for them. Other people worship the devil, and it works for them. You can even worship Leo and one day I will appear to you and guide you to God. It doesn't matter what specific form your worship.
    This is why an infinite number of different religions can exist. The details of the imagery are largely irrelevant, as long as you take it seriously.
    The whole point is to blur the materialist boundary between "real" vs imaginary. This boundary itself is imaginary! The more you can blur this boundary, the more powerful you can be at manifesting and manipulating reality. This how yogis develop supernatural abilities/siddhis. They train up their imagination skills.

  3. Elliot Hulse Regression
    Elliot Hulse Regression
    Same thing that makes anyone neurotic and insecure: lack of love.

  4. Messages about covid-19 from trips?
    Messages about covid-19 from trips?
    I thought maybe I could try healing it and stopping it. But the more conscious I got, the more I realized it is Love and doesn't need my stopping it.
    Sometimes to take away an obstacle is a disservice, weakening the student. Don't wish for life to be easier, wish for yourself to be stronger.
    This corona shit is just something mankind has to grapple with to reach the next level of evolution and love. You can't make all viruses disappear, more will come. We must rebuild society to function better for more people.

  5. I’ve developed past my dad and I feel uncomfortably detached.
    I’ve developed past my dad and I feel uncomfortably detached.
    The problem is not that your Dad is lacking development. The problem is that you aren't developed enough to see the underlying wisdom and perfection in the present moment as it is right now.
    I had this same dilemma a couple years ago and my meditation teacher answered it very well.
    He said, "You be a diamond."
    This means regardless of how your loved ones are choosing to live their lives, you are doing the best YOU can for YOURSELF.
    Eventually, your personal development will rub off on your loved ones. 
    Example: I've been eating clean for almost 4 years and my Dad has been eating pretty crappy. I didn't waste time worrying about how bad my Dad's diet was... I just focused on my own.
    Finally, after 4 years, my Dad had a personal awakening to the importance of eating a clean diet. Now, he tries his best to follow the good example that I've been setting for years.
    The moral is that you must focus on yourself. If your Dad asks you for advice, you give it to him lovingly, if he doesn't ask for advice. Leave him alone, "You be a diamond."

  6. AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    You aren't approaching enough and aren't letting go enough.
    At least one night in your life go be a party animal. Dance until you are sweaty and out of breath. Be silly and stupid. Then watch how girls get drawn to you like a magnet.
    Do it sober. But by the middle of the night will become naturally intoxicated on fun. You will become fearless. You will stop giving a fuck about what anyone thinks of you.

  7. AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    As with many other domains, school left you totally unperpared to handle the realities of dating and sex.
    School does not teach those realities at all.
    Dating and sexuality is highly context sensitive and implicit. It is also so tied in with survival that it must be tightly regulated by the powerful because they want to fuck the best people themselves. So they will tell you one thing but then actually do the opposite themselves in their own private sex lives.
    Harsh truths about sex are like harsh truths about spirituality.
    Flirting, playful touching, and being a good salesmen are not against the law. It's not even taboo. It happens in nightclubs and bars everywhere in the world and is generally considered acceptable. But talking openly about it is often unacceptable, especially in the MeToo era.
    Do some guys take the flirting and touching overboard into rapey territory? Sure! Some do. But you can also do it in a decent manner. Go flirt with some girls. No problem. Never force yourself on her if she isn't smiling while you do it. Her facial experssion tells you everything. If she's laughing and smiling and looking deep in your eyes, you can basically rip off her panties and do whatever you want. But as soon as her smile turns into a frown, that's when you stop. The key is to ATTRACT and CHARM her. This is very different than force.

  8. Is it possible to be a star athlete without being orange?
    Is it possible to be a star athlete without being orange?
    I never said that. Useful is whatever fits your survival agenda, which could be anything.
    In the end my opinion about any given activity is irrelevant. If you enjoy it and value in it, then do it.

  9. Are green people really cognetively superior to blue people?
    Are green people really cognetively superior to blue people?
    There are many levels to Green. Many people's Green runs only skin deep, as beliefs and ideology. It's like a Green veneer. It takes a lot of inner work to reach solid Green. You can't reach solid Green merely through adopting liberal beliefs.
    Few Democrats are solid Green. They are mostly Orange with a Green veneer. But most people don't know any better. So we get this wolf in sheep's clothing effect -- as seen with the corporate Dems.
    Never forget, there are always devils around who will try to convince the world that they are one color when they are actually a few colors lower. This makes understanding Spiral Dynamics a bit tricky. You have to really develop a keen eye.
    For example, Trump seems Orange, but he's got a solid Red foundation with a bunch of Orange veneer. And it fools A LOT of smart people, not to mention the dumb ones. So watch out for fakers.
    To be at solid Green requires not just beliefs but an opening of the heart. You have to really empathize with other beings around the world. This cannot be faked. It's an honest signal. And yes, good education in a highly developed society can help you to open your heart. Good education is not merely book-smarts.

  10. Are green people really cognetively superior to blue people?
    Are green people really cognetively superior to blue people?
    Actually he has. Green is able to think more perspectivally, independently, relativistically, more compassionately than Blue. The Blue mind in some cases literally cannot compute Green's way of thinking, while Green can compute Blue. Although Green can struggle to understand Blue's inability to compute.
    This does NOT make Green superior in any absolute sense, but yes, relatively superior at the cognitive level.
    If you just compare a stage Blue thinker to a stage Green thinker, it's like a Toyota Corolla vs a BMW.
    Compare someone like Ben Shapiro vs Sam Seder. Totally different caliber of thinking. But that doesn't make Sam Seder always right or superior as a living being. There are much higher levels.

  11. AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    @Roy But none of that has anything to do with the quality of the message in the above video.
    If you can't see the value of the above video, regardless of whether Owen is a rapist or a murderer, then you're missing something.
    People are not good or bad. People are morally complex. Often their bad parts are redeemed by their good parts.
    Owen is a very complex guy. He has a troubled and criminal past. Which is what will make his final transformation so inspiring if he pulls it off. He knows all this and it fuels him.

  12. How much of a numbers game is getting a regular job?
    How much of a numbers game is getting a regular job?
    Yes, most people will need to send out many applications because most jobs are simply not the right fit and you won't know that ahead of time without applying and interviewing.

  13. Arguing for your worldview
    Arguing for your worldview
    Truth cannot be argued or argued with.
    The more one argues, the less truth one understands.
    Have you noticed that the most argumentative people are the most false?
    And the most truthful people are the least argumentative?
    Why is that? How do you explain that?

  14. Spiral dynamics; a meta-lens
    Spiral dynamics; a meta-lens
    As with most of the realizations we talk about, it's not a binary. It's not merely a matter of getting it or not. It's a question of how deeply do you get it?
    If you ask the average person off the street whether people look at the world through different lenses, he would say, "YES! Of course! Duh!"
    But that doesn't mean he has even begun to understand the ramifications of what that means. Does he understand that there is no reality independent of the lens one is looking through? Does he understand that terrorism, rape, and incest are relative lenses? Does he understand that physical reality is a relative lens?
    Not unless he's Yellow or above. And even then, he still doesn't understand how deep this goes.

  15. How much of a numbers game is getting a regular job?
    How much of a numbers game is getting a regular job?
    @Hardkill It's not so much as numbers game as a skills and presentation game.
    If you had the proper skills, resume, interview process, and presentation -- you'd get the job.
    Think of it from the employer's POV: as an employer you would NEVER hire a person based on random draw or luck. Why would you play dice with your business? That'd be foolish. You're always looking to hire the best person that is available at a reasonable price. You are screening out people who aren't the best fit.
    Employers NEVER pick candidates by throwing around darts. Employers are looking for every specific markers, so getting hired is about knowing those markers and nail them. Each job has different markers, requiring a customized approach.

  16. How much of a numbers game is getting a regular job?
    How much of a numbers game is getting a regular job?
    You can always ask directly: "What would your ideal candidate look like?" Then try to actually fit that.
    You can also ask, "Do you have any hesitations hiring me? What are they? Let me address them and show you why I'm the best you'll find for this position."

  17. Spiral dynamics; a meta-lens
    Spiral dynamics; a meta-lens
    Just had this moment of clarity about what spiral dynamics really is; its a lens for observing lenses.
    People having different lenses, different perspectives. As consciousness shines through our minds, dinstinctions are projected upon the world. Just like light through a projector creating a movie. 
    The lens here consists of a person’s values, beliefs, stories, etc. Different ways of creating and evaluating distinctions, based on our survival needs.
    What spiral dynamics does, is taking a step back and observing these lenses. This is a step of going meta. It categorizes and distinguishes between these different lenses.
    Most human beings are unaware of this possibility. They are only able to look through the order 1 lens, not an order 2 lens, which observes lenses. This is the step to stage yellow I guess. Now I see why they call it a big leap in human consciousness and the step to second tier!
    However, this is JUST ONE lens of observing lenses. There could be many other ways of slicing and categorizing first order lenses.
    I guess the realization discribed here in this post is making the step to a 3rd order lens, from where the dynamic of these lenses becomes clear, because the 2nd order spiral dynamics lens is als seen as a lens.

    And so one could take infinite steps back, until all the distinctions are seen as an infinite fractal I suppose. ?
    Just like that implicit understanding metaphor Leo shared with the numbers counting, after some point of going meta one can grasp that you can go meta infinitely

  18. AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    And how do you know Leo is squeaky clean?
    Notice how you judge your teachers and mentors?
    The greatest power is not to demand everyone be squeaky clean but to love everyone despite all their devilry. The bigger the devil, the greater your opportunity to demonstrate your love.
    When you require people not to be devils, that's actually coming from lack of total self-acceptance. The devil cannot be avoided, the devil must be accepted as your self.

  19. Should I major in philosophy?
    Should I major in philosophy?
    In general, you shouldn't major in a thing unless you can see yourself working many years in that field.
    Are you going to be working in math or engineering for at least 10 years? Philosophy? Then don't bother. You don't have time to waste on that shit. Time is too precious.
    Find the thing you can work 10 years in at least.

  20. Arguing for your worldview
    Arguing for your worldview
    No, you can't stop those things through argument. In fact, if you argue about that, you'll likely spur it on.
    Try to distinguish between discussion/advice/logic vs argumentation.
    Logically explaining the consequences of someone's action to them CAN help them to rethink their behaviors. But not argumentation.

  21. Spirituality is unoriginal
    Spirituality is unoriginal
    That could be a very convenient defense mechanism for your ego.
    Criticism and judgment are red-flags for ignorance and falsehood. When you in possession of Truth, you don't judge or criticize much, you appreciate even ignorant people.

  22. Three Card Tarot Readings (Non-Psychic)
    Three Card Tarot Readings (Non-Psychic)
    Guys, watch how easily you are willing to surrender your authority and responsibility for self-reflection to someone else.
    If you're serious about growing up, ponder whether doing so is a good idea.
    No disrespect to Emerald. But this can turn into a disservice for people. You must learn to stand up on your own two feet rather than asking an online stranger what your life purpose should be, etc.
    How do you know any of this is correct? Are you willing to stake your life on it?
    If you're just doing this to have fun, okay. But some people here look way too eager to have a stranger give them marching orders for life, which is not in the spirit of self-actualization. It is critical that you learn to listen to your heart and trust yourself more than any Tarot card.
    God is speaking through your heart. Why the fuck aren't you listening?

  23. Leo saying sadhguru is not awake
    Leo saying sadhguru is not awake
    About Sadhguru, I will say this. After studying him a bit closer, and in light of my recent awakenings, I think he's more awake than I originally thought. I think he's a masterful teacher and yogi.
    Given the tricky business of trying to guess another teachers' degree of awakeness, I will refrain from making definitive statements and instead just caution you guys not to take it for granted that your favorite teacher/guru is at the highest level. Be skeptical, but also open-minded and fair -- and acknowledge excellence where you see it.
    There is much valuable stuff you can learn from Sadhguru. I would not want to denigrate his work. But also keep in mind that there may be higher levels. How would you know? You see? That's the key point. The trick is to learn from teachers without getting stuck with their limits. Of course this applies to me as well.

  24. Perusing enlightenment at 19?
    Perusing enlightenment at 19?
    @Patrick_9931 Most people should probably focus on building up a decent life for yourself: career, life purpose, education, skills, business, money, relationships, family, health, nutrition, house, hobbies, etc.
    Pretty much everyone needs those things unless you are going to become a full-time monk.
    So it's a question of whether you want to be a householder or a monk. There's no right answer. It's all about what you want.
    At an age so young, you've got plenty of time to build up a decent life for yourself (over the next 10 years let's say) and then you can abandon it later if you want to go hardcore monk. Or you can have that householder life established and waiting for you after you return from your spiritual quest.
    Becoming a monk at 19 is too extreme for most people. That would only be if you know for sure that your destiny is to be a full-time hardcore Buddha. But it even took The Buddha til 27 to leave his household and till 30-something to reach enlightenment.

  25. i've been deeply studying self-deception in groups, I need some help
    i've been deeply studying self-deception in groups, I need some help
    #1: There has to be a genuine desire for truth above all else.
    #2: There has to be radical openmindedness
    #3: There has to be a desire to question absolutely everything, every premise, every assumption, no matter how basic.