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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Isn't it Intuition just a Feeling?
    Isn't it Intuition just a Feeling?
    Of course not. Rather you generate a loving vision of your future. You imagine your highest future and feel that feeling. Then you go build it.
    You can't escape McDonalds by feeling shitty. You escape McDonalds by feeling inspiring about what you will create next.
    Use positive feeling as your launch fuel. Negative feeling is the devil sucking out your soul.

  2. Is Elliot Hulse really on to something?
    Is Elliot Hulse really on to something?
    @Sauvik That perspective is extremely partial and cherry-picked to support the narrative you. Society rewards tons of "alpha" men. You can find thousands of examples which will blow your narrative out of the water.
    The meta problem here is that your ego is just spinning whatever kind of narratives suits it. There is no truth in such mental activities. This is not deep understanding of reality, life, gender, or society. It's ego games.
    Your mind is constantly interpreting the world in such a way that you see precisely what most serves your ego and reinforces your existing worldview, no matter how fictitious it happens to be. Notice this. And go meta. Stop playing the game at that low level.

  3. Why care about the environment?
    Why care about the environment?
    @Shaun My videos are advanced teachings which will take you 10-20 years of study to fully understand and appreciate.
    This is not a joke. You guys do not appreciate the depth of what is being taught on this channel.
    Of course, as it must be. Ignorance cannot help being ignorant.

  4. To All Struggling Males: Stop Playing Victim!
    To All Struggling Males: Stop Playing Victim!
    I see a chronic problem on this sub-forum, which is young males who complain about lack of success with women and failing to take responsibility for their situation.
    The #1 rule of all growth and personal development is taking 100% responsibility for your situation. I know how hard that can be when you're struggling with women/sex. It feels very much like life is treating you unfairly and that it's the women's fault. Let me tell you right now: this is a total ILLUSION! It's not the women. It's not society. It's not post-modernists. It's not the Marxists. It's not the feminists. It's YOU!
    This is not me blaming you. This is simply how all personal development works. Whatever problem you have in life you must begin by getting honest with yourself how you created it. Sometimes this is difficult to accept. It's much easier to blame someone else, or even blame yourself (for being too ugly or too short or too introverted). I am not suggesting you blame yourself. Rather, take ownership of the fact that you are the creator of your life. Whatever is missing in your life, you can correct, but only if you stop blaming yourself and others.
    Be very mindful of how your ego-mind creates narratives which justify your sense of lack, brokenness, or inability to attract women. All of these narratives, justification, rationalizations, logic, "facts", scientific studies, proofs, etc are sneakily fabricated by your own mind! Your own mind is the enemy! Watch it like a hawk. Your mind will try to come up with reasons and excuses for why your life is unfair and how success with women is impossible. This is all horseshit! Do not believe your own mind here. Your mind is clouded by fear, insecurity, and neediness. That is totally normal and understandable, but you cannot resolve your problems from such a place. From such a place your problems will get worse as you start to blame the world and solidify your victim worldview with cherry-picked evidence, "science", and "logic". Be extra suspicious of "logic" and "science" here. There is nothing logical or scientific about your victim attitude or lack of success with women. It's purely about meeting the survival needs of your ego. Sex is a very powerful survival need which will drive your mind towards all manner of mental gymnastics to ensure that you get it, or at least feel better for not getting it.
    There's good news and bad news. The good news is: Your looks are NOT the problem! The bad news is: your personality, attitude, and mindset are terrible! The good news is, it's possible to change that. The bad news is, it won't be easy and you will resist it like the devil that you are.
    So what's the solution? Take ownership of your problem and commit to resolving it. For this you need faith and confidence in your ability to self-actualize. You must have enough hope and vision to see yourself get much better with attracting women. This is NOT a pipe dream or fuzzy thinking. The reality is that any man can become 100x better at attracting women if he really takes ownership of the matter. Yes, it takes serious work. But it's also highly worth it. Imagine that within 3 years you're able to attract pretty women and feel confident about yourself when it comes to dating. Isn't that worth the effort? It sure is. This is not a fantasy. I've done it, many men have done it, and so can you! Your looks are NOT the bottleneck, your mindset is.
    So what do you do after you've established this vision? You must do lots of research to educate yourself about how dating actually work (not how you think it works). Find videos, find books, buy online courses, hire a coach, take a bootcamp, take a workshop, etc. There are literally hundreds of excellent resources available online these days. Most of them are legit, not scams. Study them hard and then get into the field. Start talking to women. Start approaching women. Start flirting with women. Start being much more social.
    If you struggle attracting women I can tell you right now what your top problems are. It's not lack of money, looks, muscles, car, height, or dick size. Remember, attraction and dating is EXTREMELY counter-intuitive. It's works exactly the opposite of how you initially think.
    Your top problems are:
    You live in your mancave and never go out! You must go out into social spaces where real women hang out. You spend WAY too much time online, indoors You spend WAY too much time on Youtube, Netflix, and playing video games You work too much You are never around cute single women You never start conversations with strangers You have terrible body language due to lack of experience You are not comfortable doing small-talk and being emotional and random in conversations You are far too logical You approach zero women on a regular basis You are terrified of approaching a women who you find attractive, talking yourself out of every approach You have terrible eye contact, you don't smile, and you don't project your voice properly You are crippled by fear and tongue-tied You are unable to start and sustain an interesting conversation with a human being You are disconnected from your body, your heart, your feelings, your emotions You have terrible self-image issues. You hate yourself, you hate how you look, you judge yourself way too harshly. You judge yourself just as harshly as you judge women. You have a bad sense of dress style and you don't groom yourself well You have no experience with physically touching women in a non-creepy way. You don't know how to rapidly physically escalate on a women without creeping her out. You don't know how women think or what they truly value in a man You don't know how to flirt and be authentic You are trying to be masculine in all the wrong ways -- fake masculinity You are needy, needy, needy You are terribly inexperienced You have no sense of passion or purpose in life, which robs you of confidence and masculine vitality Your attitude sucks: you whine, complain, bitch, moan, blame, and are so negative You think you understand life, reality, and how attraction works -- you don't! So work on fixing all of that before you go blaming women. All of the above can be deliberately worked on and fixed.
    You need to learn how to be a real man. Being a real man has nothing to do with big muscles, big dick, or a fast car. A real man is grounded on the INSIDE. It's ALL about inner game! You need to cultivate that confidence. It doesn't come naturally. You must build it!
    80% of getting good with women is just actually being much more social. You need to deliberately re-structure your life so that you're automatically being more social. So that you're going out every weekend. So that you're bumping into new people constantly. So that you're making new friends all the time. This kind of re-structuring is very doable. You just have to be willing to change your lifestyle.
    And stop watching or listening to any of the following:
    Jordan Peterson, MGTOW, RedPill, Incel material/forums/reddit All of that is cancer of the mind. It's reinforcing your victim mindset and robbing you of your ability to change yourself.
    I've been where you are. I know it's tough. But hang in there, hold your vision, have hope, get to work, and things will dramatically improve for you. You will become a new person by the end of this journey and you will be so proud of yourself. You will become a real man, not some whiny JP fanboy.
    The #1 thing a real man does is take 100% responsibility for all his problems. A real man NEVER blames anyone, and certainly not women or feminism. A real man is a feminist. A real man fearlessly works on himself.
    So start right there! Start by fixing that.

  5. Questions about "The Power Of Asking Questions"
    Questions about "The Power Of Asking Questions"
    I will talk more about that soon.
    But in a nutshell, your work is be a Creator, embody the Goodness, Love, and Wisdom of God in your life. To truly be God is to live a God-like life. It's not enough to realize God and then go back to working at Starbucks. Your vision of your life must match that which a God would create. Would a God sit around while the Earth was raped and pillaged by devils? Guess again.
    Of course you don't have to. But if you fully understood your power, you probably wouldn't squander your life as you now do.
    See, right now you are not a conscious creator. But God is a conscious creator. You must take ownership of your creative capacity. Which is a distinct thing from enlightenment.
    As the saying goes: You work towards "A more perfect union"
    Today conscious creators are more needed than ever before in human history. Or civilization will collapse.

  6. People confuse knowing a bunch of unrelated concepts with self actualization.
    People confuse knowing a bunch of unrelated concepts with self actualization.
    Don't disparage knowledge. Knowledge is the first step, and it is an important step. But of course it is only the beginning. Proper knowledge will save your ass many times in the future.

  7. How to stop panicking in altered states of consciousness?
    How to stop panicking in altered states of consciousness?
    If at first you don't succeed, try try again.
    It's just that simple. You try stuff until you improve and master it.
    Never judge your progress by a couple of attempts. It takes many attempts before you learn to surrender.
    Sometimes it takes 50 attempts. Sometimes 100 attempts. This is how mastery is done. See my old video called: Mastery
    Shamanic breathing is not so hard. You can probably get good at it in 10-20 attempts.

  8. Anxious about teachings of MGTOW...
    Anxious about teachings of MGTOW...
    @santerton For fucks sake, STOP WATCHING MGTOW. Period.
    And never visit 4chan ever again in your life.
    It's all toxic, dogmatic, egotistical, unconscious, devilsh garbage.
    It is not even worth debunking or arguing against. It's so false and wrong it's hopeless.
    MGTOW, RedPill, and Incels are the American equivalent of Al Qaeda Islamist radicalism. By ingesting their videos and discussions your mind is getting programmed with that mind-virus. That happens because as you watch and listen, it appeals to your desperate needy ego. Triggering all of your worst fears, hates, insecurities, and victim mentality.
    If you want to get better with women, you can do so and have amazing loving sexy relationships. But it will take self-improvement and spiritual work.
    Dating coaches are not liars. Dating coaches can teach you how to get really good with attracting women. I have interacted with dozens of dating coaches and their advice is top-notch for attraction. Not so good for relationships. For solid relationships you will need a more spiritual approach which you can layer on top of the attraction advice.
    Once you become spiritual and consciousness enough, sex will not even be important to you any more. You will be so deeply happy without sex that chasing women will be a joke.
    Awakening is 1000x more enjoyable than any sex you will ever have. With that said, you can do both.
    Here's the practical solution for you: Stop sitting in your Mom's basement browsing toxic forums, and GO OUT and talk to real females. You will never get laid by sitting at home. It is not physically possible.
    See how simple the solution is? Yet you refuse to do it. Because it takes emotional labor to face your fears and grow yourself. You much prefer to sit at home and rant against how bad women are and how nothing can change.
    Rule #1 of all personal development: You must take 100% responsibility for your life, your beliefs, your feelings, your situation. No one is to blame.
    MGTOW is not a teaching. It's egotical, reactionary rantings driven by fear, hate, insecurity, selfishness, woundedness, and neediness. It's very similar to Hitler's rants against the Jews and communists.

  9. MDMA Psychotherapy vs Regular Psychotherapy
    MDMA Psychotherapy vs Regular Psychotherapy
    @Patrick Lynam I'm not really sure anyone offers MDMA assisted therapy since MDMA is illegal in most countries and a serious therapist would not want to risk it.
    You can either do psychedelics on your own and that itself is the therapy.
    Or you can consider doing psychedelics with a shaman like with Ayahuasca or toad venom or ibogaine clinics in Costa Rica, Canada, etc.
    Traditional talk therapy certainly works, but nothing compares to the therapeutic power of psychedelics. You don't need a therapist to administer it. The psychedelic is 100x wiser than any silly therapist. The therapist is more of a distraction than of help during a trip. The psychedelic will show you everything you need to know about yourself and your issues if you come to it with a genuine intention. All that's required is that you want to know the TRUTH about your issue. That's all. The psychedelic will show you all the answers, as much as you're willing to stomach.
    Just make sure you follow a proper tripping protocol. And start with small doses.
    It's very smart to take charge of your own mental and psychological issues. No one can really sort you out but you. Which is why traditional talk therapy is so gradual. The answers are all inside you, if you'd only sit down with a notepad and introspect.
    You can teach yourself how to diagnose and troubleshoot all of your own psychological problems.
    Of course if you have the cash to burn, talk therapy could be good too. But you can't just rely on talk therapy to fix your life. Your life will require a lot deeper work to truly sort out. No talk therapist even understands how deep this work goes. So it's worth your time to learn how to self-help.

  10. How do I get rid of “unhealthy manifestations” of Spiral Dynamics stage Yellow?
    How do I get rid of “unhealthy manifestations” of Spiral Dynamics stage Yellow?
    Hey dude, I struggled with this same problem too in the past. Fortunately, I have many friends who have healthy manifestations of the higher colours and they helped me solve it. I will try to divide this into points of possible... I dont know if this is going to work for you, but I hope I can help  
    At the time, I was also very much concerned with the development of the people around me and I only wanted to hang around with tier 2 people. I also used to preach spiral dynamics to people who seemed to be interested. (they actually were not, but my mind was projecting things)
    One of the many advices was to stop building these castles in the sky, stop thinking about things so much, clean up my information intake, ignore confused people, rather than coming up with theories that I created from my observations every single day, watching all sorts of wierd youtube videos and talking to selfish people... I had to let go of this stuff.
    This other thing that I learned was to stop trying to fix the lower tier people. Stop thinking, that they are interested in your complex problems and contemplations, stop assuming, that they want to grow without ever having to suffer, stop pretending that you are so interesting. I don't know if this is your problem, but be open to the possibility, that there is some reason for this mainstream, it is not all that corrupt, there are many things that you can learn from ordinary people, sometimes they can spot some bullshit that you are unable to find. Seriously, don't disrespect them.
    I also learnt, that the thing that Leo says about yellow, that it is a lone wolf, doesnt really apply to me. I enjoy laughing with friends, having meaningful conversations, setting up all sorts of meetings and going after growth opportunities, which are associated with people. Try talking to the chefs at the restaurants you go to, try being warm towards people right of the bat when you meet them, it really helps. Don't make this „enthusiasm“ into an excuse to not talk to people, that is not healthy in many cases. I don't really know you, but I actually didn't have any of this enthusiasm, when I was basically lonely.
    Question your teachers, dont take all the things they say for granted, think for yourself, become more feminine, flowing and authentic. Discipline yourself, be consistent in the work. Be radically honest to yourself about the real work that you are doing and about its results, without that you cannot move forward. Observe everything, try to learn from it, stop seeing imperfection in other things, but rather in yourself.
    Huh, this is getting kind of long, I hope I've helped you at least with some things...

  11. Listening to one new song everyday for 3 months
    Listening to one new song everyday for 3 months
    @d0ornokey We came up with it spontaneously. @lennart forced himself to meditate for half a year, then he stopped. I wanted to find a way to establish a habit more effortlessly and I asked him what he loves the most: it was music. So we came up with the idea to listen to a song right in the morning as a core habit and then connect conscious breathing to it.

  12. I don't want to put off spirituality to handle financial freedom
    I don't want to put off spirituality to handle financial freedom
    There is not one strategy, there are many
    You could focus on gaining financial security first and then go hog-wild on spirituality.
    Or you could do just the opposite.
    It really depends on what your heart wants and what you can handle. It can be very painful to force yourself to work on mundane financial stuff when you are itching to be creative or spiritual.
    Then again, if your financial situation collapses, that might force you into slave labor and out of your spiritual quest. Again, depending on who you are.
    The most spiritually gifted people will never be stopped by financial concerns. But that's not most people. You have to be realistic about what you're gonna be able to handle.
    If you want the most direct path to the highest human life, drop everything and go balls deep into spirituality. But that's very hardcore and too difficult for most people to pull off. Most people won't be able to handle it. Hence there are more gradual approaches.
    Personally, I focused on locking in financial freedom first. But it was pretty painful, to be honest. I would not wish that kind of pain on anyone. But it sure beats being a wage slave.

  13. Spiral Dynamics - Nutrition
    Spiral Dynamics - Nutrition
    Don't forget the systemic, ecological, and societal aspects of food.
    Stage Yellow and Turquoise will not just care about their personal nutrition but nutrition as a global system. Which types of food should we be growing? How do we grow it in a sustainable way? What is the impact on global warming, the economy, developing countries, the rain forests, the coral reefs, children, etc. Which foods are most conducive toward elevating the consciousness of mankind? How does food intersect with education, business, government, science, spirituality, etc.?

  14. No motivation for life purpose!!!?
    No motivation for life purpose!!!?
    You're missing the bigger picture. Your understanding of what life purpose is is far too small. Life purpose is not a materialistic thing, life purpose is the highest spiritual thing! Your spiritual love IS the source of your life purpose. Stop pitting spirituality and LP against each other.
    You just need to upgrade your LP to reflect your new spiritual values and orientation.
    Life purpose is an expression of your soul. It has nothing to do with money or career per se.
    How is your new spiritual awareness going to impact the world??? You're not here to sit around listening to birds chirp for 60 years. You are here to be a creator. What do you want to create?

  15. Guy Has Commitment Issues
    Guy Has Commitment Issues
    This sounds like every man on Earth! Fear of commitment and intimacy.
    If he's not willing to give you the proper relationship you want, then move on to someone else. Trying to force a fit is going to turn out badly for both of you. You can't force a mule to drink water. He has to want it.
    You need to own your agenda more. Be clear with yourself and with him what you want. If this scares him off, then it was never going to work anyway. If he was really into you and was serious about relating with another human being, he shouldn't be scared off.
    You can't fix men. You gotta find a man who already shares your values. One of your values is relationship while it sounds like that's not one of his values.
    You need to decide for yourself, not against yourself. Don't bend over backwards for him. He needs to be clear about what he wants out of this. Relationship requires a conscious decision. Both parties have to be willing to invest time and energy into it. It can't be a casual after-thought like, "Okay, we'll try it, but if there is any inconvenience to me, I'm out." No! No! No! It cannot work that way.

  16. I have no friends.
    I have no friends.
    Your love for that friend is beautiful, and it's courage. Having the ability to love like that will serve you well in life. 
    I did the same thing with my same sex best friend, I got way too clingy and attached. We stopped talking for an entire year when she got involved with some people who I didn't like. They were the opposite of everything I was trying to do in my life at the time. I tried to make new friends but it was like I cursed from the start because I felt like something was wrong with me because I didn't have friends and I saw it a problem to be fixed. 
    We both had to go our separate paths then. We healed the friendship and it's stronger than ever and she is a huge part of my spiritual journey right now. One thing that helped when i was friendless was just opening myself up to connecting with anyone and everyone around me. I stopped judging them for being less intelligent, a different age or a different place in life. I tried to connect with them in a way in which I was expecting and wanting nothing from them whatsoever. You can do this no matter what country you are in. Master the art of love without expectation and friends will come to you. 

  17. Leo and everyone is deluded (including myself)
    Leo and everyone is deluded (including myself)
    Then they are still not fully aware, they are only half-aware. The point of full awareness is that it makes devilry impossible. But there is much to become aware of, and many degrees of awareness, so it's easy for a devil to become half-aware and still act like a devil. Sometimes even more of a devil. Gaps in awareness are very common, which is where the devil lurks.
    In practice full awareness is very rare and difficult, so the devil always lurks around the corner.

  18. Stuck in the loop of unrequited love
    Stuck in the loop of unrequited love
    You may be projecting unrealized and repressed aspects of yourself onto the other person. So, they become the projection screen for parts of yourself that yourself that you have not realized yet but desperately need and want. And because of this, you will feel like that other person completes you. And you will have a very strong and passionate pull to want to love and commune with that person, as an outgrowth of a desire to love and commune with aspects of yourself that you cannot yet love or commune with.
    So, the solution is to use your obsessive/passionate feelings for these guys as a springboard into your own self-exploration. And fully give yourself to wanting to love them... but also being conscious that you really just want to love and realize yourself. And they are simply the muse for that. You may even recognize that you learn things about yourself through this process of projecting desire onto them.
    I would also look into information on Animus integration as well. I have a video on that topic....

  19. What are the 5 best choices you have ever made in your life?
    What are the 5 best choices you have ever made in your life?
    @kindayellow That is super interesting!! I never really put much thought into the color of his hair or what his tattoos might represent. I certainly don't doubt it. X was certainly no stranger to symbolism and the deeper meaning of things. 

  20. Do women like to be treated like crap?
    Do women like to be treated like crap?
    They are attracted to non-neediness. But that is very different than treating people like crap.
    Don't forget about karma. How you treat others will come back to bite you.
    The more you manipulate people, the more deluded you are, the more you will suffer in life.
    Conscious & happy people do not manipulate others. By manipulating others you sell your soul to the devil.

  21. Starting my upward spiral.
    Starting my upward spiral.
    It sounds like you are making progress. Just remind yourself that progress is not linear.
    Yes, it can be very difficult to find financial independence.
    Then again, college degress count for very little and there are always interesting job opporunities available.
    Be creative, think outside the job, explore new avenues, keep an open mind, and cultivate hope. You don't need to know HOW you will resolve all this, just trust that you will. The details will get sorted out in the process of doing it, not beforehand.

  22. Stage Green at its worst (im actually upset)
    Stage Green at its worst (im actually upset)
    OF COURSE you don't like the idea of being Green. Which is precisely the obstacle which keeps you from the higher stages. You cannot get to Yellow unless you first fully appreciate the beauty, value, and joy of Green.
    Green is still your shadow which you have not yet explored and integrated because you are prejudiced against it. Of course you want to jump right over it into Yellow. But that would be too easy and you would miss the important lessons which you deny at Green.
    That is not Green. That's your biased interpretation of Green based off watching too much Youtube stage Orange prejudice against Green. That prejudice has infected your mind to the point where you cannot see Green clearly.
    Watch out for people on Youtube who demonize and strawman Green, not having themselves risen to Green's level of self-awareness.
    You have to be very careful to distinguish critiques of Green from below vs from above. Green does have some legit critiques against it, but NOT the stage Orange critiques from below like those of Jordan Peterson, Sargon, Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, PragerU, Stefan Molyneux, the alt-right, Red Pill, MGTOW, incels, anti-SJWs, etc. Those are all critiques of Green from below.
    Stage Yellow analysis is virtually non-existent on Youtube so you don't even know what it looks or sounds like.

  23. Scientific vs Non-Dual Argument (on Instagram)
    Scientific vs Non-Dual Argument (on Instagram)
    Openmindedness is such a simple notion yet it's actually very rare and challenging for most people to pull off. The mind likes to cling to one idea or another, one position or another, regardless of what the idea happens to be.
    People do not understand how closed and openmindedness works because they are not taught epistemic foundations anywhere in school or university. So they overlook the importance of openmindedness. They take the process of acquiring accurate knowledge totally for granted.
    It's a tragic flaw of our education system.
    But its gives me hope that folks like you are getting it and going meta.
    Sedona is a cool place. Reminds me to plan a hiking trip there soon.

  24. Is there any stage yellow university?
    Is there any stage yellow university?
    You are best off teaching yourself Yellow and above through independent study. You will learn more through independent study than in a university. Take responsibility for educating yourself. This becomes necessary if you want to grow beyond the center of gravity of your society/culture.
    Read 100 good books around this topic and you will be wiser than 99% of university professors. And you won't have to go $100,000 into debt to do it. In a sense, these days, universities are looking more and more like scam. It's not worth the price of admission when you can achieve better results by yourself at 5% of the cost. You just have to be self-driven and passionate about learning/truth.
    If you read and carefully integrate the 200 books on my book list you will have a deeper understanding of reality than 99.999% of people. And I'll be adding more books soon.

  25. I find myself constantly being obsessed & anxious about my IQ
    I find myself constantly being obsessed & anxious about my IQ
    I’ve spent sooo much time engaged with insecurities about my intelligence. Throughout my career, I felt like I was “an imposter” and any day now people would realize I was faking it and wasn’t smart enough.
    A few big lessons I learned:
    1. Stop accepting other people’s idea of intelligence.
    2. Stop comparing myself to others based on their idea of intelligence.
    3. There are many forms of intelligence: cognitive, emotional, creative, empathic, intuitive and social. Each are very powerful in certain contexts.  
    4. Become aware of my natural abilities and deficiencies. Play to my favorite natural abilities and work on my deficiencies just enough to get by.
    For example, throughout my scientific career, I was surrounded by “brilliant” scientists that had an immense amount of scientific details and knowledge stored in their brain. They were my standard for intelligent. Well it just so happens that I suck at memorization, have a crappy memory and don’t really give a shit about details. I am a natural abstract thinker that sees how things are integrated in the big picture. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize this until I was 45 y.o. and spent most of my life trying to prove myself on someone else’s standard of intelligence that doesn’t resonate with me.
    As well, I have a very strong empathic sense and a good amount of emotional and social intelligence. Those same “intelligent” scientists were absolute morons in these areas. Most research scientists suck at lab dynamics. They are clueless about the needs and inter-personal dynamics of people working in their own lab. I look back on on my days as a student researcher appalled at the emotional, personal, social crap that went on in the labs. The head P.I.s had very low intelligence and skills in so many areas. The best ones were aware of their deficiencies and hired a lab manager - which likely saved the lab from unraveling. Others were intellectually arrogant and oblivious to their own idiocy in other areas.