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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Quitting an addiction makes me a zombie
    Quitting an addiction makes me a zombie
    Yes. I was actually going to recommend Shadow Work.
    But I think the best thing is to be with yourself in stillness while you're in zombie mode. Think of zombie mode as the doorway to the shadow aspect. And then, then addictions you engage in are stimulations you use to avoid seeing whatever is in your shadow.
    So, remain in zombie mode and the stillness of that mode, and allow whatever needs to come up to come up. That's why zombie mode is so uncomfortable in the first place, because things are still and open enough for whatever needs to come up to come very close to the surface. And whatever it is is making you uncomfortable.
    So, when zombie mode comes up next time, get in the mindset that it's exactly what needs to happen. And wait there in zombie mode to see what comes up from it.

  2. Quitting an addiction makes me a zombie
    Quitting an addiction makes me a zombie
    The things you're addicted to are coping mechanisms that, in some ways, are genuinely helping you cope with your emotions and life. So, you are using these addictions to supplement your will to live and to do.
    But they are also debilitating at the same time. So, they are self-medication and give you some genuine benefits because they keep you up out of the low spot temporarily. But they give those benefits to you at a high cost to your health and well-being.
    So, when you try to quit them, it's not as simple as just quitting. If you quit the addictions, all you're doing is throwing away your crutches... but your leg is still broken. You're throwing away your coping mechanism, but there is still something to be coped with.
    So, instead of focusing on getting rid of your crutches, focus toward healing your broken leg. And then your crutches will become obsolete, and you won't need to brute force yourself to quit using the crutches.
    Go to the root cause of what made you need the addictions in the first place and resolve that. Then, when you quit, the only inertia you'll be dealing with is the inertia of habit and physiological addiction... both of which can be beaten with some willpower and discipline. But if your leg is still broken, don't expect yourself to be able to walk without crutches.
    Now, you could look for healthier coping mechanisms in the meantime. But you'd really just be swapping out one addiction for another, until you address the root cause.

  3. I dont know anymore
    I dont know anymore
    I grew up in a dysfunctional family. Not as dysfunctional as yours, but still.
    The most important thing to do is move out and become as independent as possible. From there you can start collecting the pieces.
    Don't feel bad about leaving them. At your age you gotta learn to survive independently of them. This will also make you feel powerful rather than a victim.
    Don't worry too much. You can overcome and heal all that childhood crap. It will take work, but it can be done for sure and you will later be grateful for that it taught you.
    Hang in there for now. Do the best you can to break free. Create a practical plan for moving out and work that plan a bit each day.

  4. I dont know anymore
    I dont know anymore
    @Wekz Sorry to hear of your situation. It must be challenging.
    I would recommend 1) distancing yourself from your family, limiting your contact with them at least for now, and 2) going to therapy to talk all this out. You don't want to keep traumatic stuff bottled up inside. You gotta talk it out so you get perspective and distance on it.
    Psychedelics might also be very helpful, although also painful as they will force you to confront uncomfortable things. But in the end it will be healing. They can show you true love.
    If you live with your family your #1 priority should be to get a job and move out. That alone will help a lot.

  5. The trickiness of Projection
    The trickiness of Projection
    Projection is when you judge another for the very same thing which you yourself are doing. The judgment is an exteriorization of your own guilt and self-judgment. But by projecting this bad trait out onto some "other" you can avoid looking at it within yourself.
    The classic example is this:
    Let's say you were raised to believe that homosexuality is a sin for which you will get sent to hell. But you find yourself having mild homosexual urges. But you cannot admit this to yourself so instead to get angry at some flaming homosexual on TV. So you start to badmouth that homosexual and you vow to punch him in the face if you ever meet him in person. All of this is really just you denying your own homosexuality.
    Scientific studies show that men who hate homosexuals are more likely to be sexually aroused when they are shown naked photographs of men than those who do not hate homosexuals.
    Another example would be: If you're acting like a selfish devil and you start calling other people selfish devils, that's projection. Or if you're cheating on your taxes but you get angry that rich people don't pay enough taxes, that's projection.
    For example: Donald Trump will call any news he doesn't like Fake News when in fact he is the biggest purveyor of fake news. He will call people liars when he is the biggest liar there ever was. He will call investigations of him biased because he is the most biased President there ever was. He will complain about rigged elections because he himself was rigging the election.
    In general the ego wants to be as selfish as possible while denying that it is in fact being selfish at all (because this allows it to be even more selfish!) So the best way to do that is to divert attention way from its own selfishness by point out the selfishness of others. If everyone around me is so selfish, then I'm actually an angel. And that's precisely the self-image I want to have so that I can justify being more selfish. If I see myself as the least selfish person in the world, that suits me just great. Now I got a lot of selfishness to make up for Now I can steal, rape, and kill without guilt.

  6. Are repetitive thoughts dangerous?
    Are repetitive thoughts dangerous?
    @chudders Thought impulses are no more dangerous than bird chirps. It is the attachment and identification to thoughts can have a negative impact on the body. 

  7. Am I being tested? Life just got really hard.
    Am I being tested? Life just got really hard.
    @Meditationdude Those sorts of decisive moments will arise in running any business long enough. You just gotta take them in stride and keep your eye on the ball -- your larger vision. Why can't you run your business from another location? Why can't you follow the code?
    This is an opportunity for you to take your business to the next level, make it more professional.
    Your anxiety is understandable, but it's also clouding your vision, so don't stew in it for too long.
    If you build your business properly it should not be so fragile to be tanked by one code violation.
    Even if this business ends up failing, remember, that's just valuable experience for building your next, even better business. So hang in there. When it becomes to business you gotta be persistent like a python strangling its prey.
    Yes, life will get really hard at times.
    Have you considered renting a small office? They can be very affordable.

  8. Conversations with god... the book
    Conversations with god... the book
    If you eliminate much of the ego, God will speak to you all the time.
    The only obstacle to talking to God is you! Purify yourself first.

  9. Psychedelics and your path to enlightenment
    Psychedelics and your path to enlightenment
    @Raf_vd If you are conflicted about which path to take, you can take a psychedelic and ask it, "Which path is best for me?" and it will likely give you good answer. But this will only be effective if you're already familiar with many of the paths. It won't work so well if you only know a few paths, as your choices will be limited. It's a good idea to study the pros and cons of various paths. Then decide.
    Most people just stumble into one path randomly by accident. They don't shop around.

  10. How does Leo read all these books on the book list?
    How does Leo read all these books on the book list?
    No, I read normally because I find it more enjoyable.
    Plus the kind of stuff I read these days is not be skimmed. It's to be deeply studied, underlined, contemplated, and re-read again.
    The top rated books on my book list are worth re-reading several times. And they must be studied, not just read. A few of my top rated books need to be re-read 5 times just to start to understand their full potential.
    Understand that reading is not a binary thing, like, Did you read that book? Yes/no? Reading has many degrees of comprehension to it. Do not make a mockery of reading by boiling it down to a quantitative measure like number of pages or books read. It's not enough to read, you must deeply study, contemplate, and do exercises.

  11. Holy SHIT was that enlightenment?
    Holy SHIT was that enlightenment?
    Just for the record, I'm only 15 and I've barely meditated. I've only began to take it seriously for the last week or so. I recently watched Leo's video on strong determination sitting and I decided to give it a shot This was two days ago by the way. Surprisingly, I stayed motionless for the entire hour with not much complaint, but during it I experienced  something terrifyingly beautiful. Basically, as I was sitting there I began to become very mindful of the present moment, and become conscious of its mysterious, uncanny nature. I just felt right into it (my eyes were closed) with no ideas or judgments. Then, something weird happened. Everything became silent, even though there was outside noise, and I felt this indescribable, empty void consume me. My heart was racing, and my breath was stifled as If I was in ice cold water. I tried to surrender to it, as Leo said, even though it felt like I was dying and entering some unlocalized emptiness. My body felt like an energetic, feeling of wholeness beginning to evaporate. The funny thing is I was doing this while I could hear my mum and dad laughing at the tv. I tried to surrender to it my mind ran rampant and slowly tethered me back to reality. I felt the only thing that seperated me from this void was my thoughts. When the hour ended, I went to sleep with my mouth agape in shock and confusion, and if it was some sort enlightenment experience it was nothing of what I thought it would be. I look back on it still shocked from the fact it happened. I even told my friends on a PS4 party for some odd reason, but obviously they thought it was some crazy, hippy shit. I assume it takes people a lot longer than a week to experience what I experienced. I don't really know how to interpret it and what I should do now. Any suggestions?

  12. "Unethical" behavior, is it truly a hindrance?
    "Unethical" behavior, is it truly a hindrance?
    @pfletcha You can't in the sense that it isn't aligned with Truth and Love, and you do it unconsciously.
    See, if you were deeply conscious, those habits would break your integrity and connection with the Truth.
    If you lie and steal while doing enlightenment work you will not get very far. Your lying and stealing will catch up with you. Karma 101.
    That guilt you feel is your soul telling you that you are not living up to your highest potential as God.

  13. Can thoughts be signs?
    Can thoughts be signs?
    @chudders What I said was: if you constantly worry about getting cancer, that can actually create cancer in you.
    The mind is a very powerful thing. When it's misused it can create all sorts of problems, even physiological ones.
    Start a daily meditation habit which will teach you to let go of your thoughts and tame your monkey mind.
    Of course is you are doing something in your life which can cause cancer, like smoking or eating lots of processed meat, then you should also cut that out. But don't obsess over it.

  14. Can thoughts be signs?
    Can thoughts be signs?
    @kieranperez Thinking empowering thoughts is far better than worrying.
    Affirmations will of course not resolve the fundamental issue of duality or ego. But they can be a good intermediate technique. Not every technique has to be existential.
    This work requires nuance.

  15. Can thoughts be signs?
    Can thoughts be signs?
    @chudders Thoughts which are fear-based have a tendency to be self-fulfilling. What you worry about tends to become true simply because you obsess about it so much.
    It's hard to improve your life when you're constantly in fear.
    The solution is to change your thoughts to love-based thoughts and shift your state to a more positive, optimistic, empowered one.
    Research Law Of Attraction.
    You want to create a positive, exciting vision for your future. Stop focusing on what you don't want and start focusing on what you want to create.
    Negative stuff can always happen, but constantly worrying about it is not a solution.

  16. Houston we have a Male problem
    Houston we have a Male problem
    I never said going to the gym is against consciousness work. I was talking about the gym rat types who create an identity out of going to the gym. Do you even lift, bro?
    This is extremely common. Unconscious survival strategies tend to backfire and become self-destructive. They lack the intelligence necessary to navigate out of a complex situation.
    When it comes to improving with women, the RedPill/MGTOW/incel survival strategy is to blame women for that man's problems. It's the victim strategy. This is a very effective strategy for staying your old self. See, if incels and such took full responsibility for their problems they would have to admit that their inner game is the problem. This would mean lots of work to fix it, and if you failed, it would be on you. It would mean you're weak or lazy or unintelligent. This is difficult for the ego to accept and deal with. Instead the ego would much rather not change and blame someone else: women, society, feminists, SJWs, etc. This quickly becomes an appealing ideological position, similar to radical Islamic sects.
    Getting good with women can be very emotionally challenging. So most incels instead create elaborate victim narratives and justify those narratives with bro science. Then they don't actually have to go out and talk to girls. They can sit at home and make toxic online posts against feminists. Of course this will not effectively resolve their problem. But they are not conscious enough to see that. They are addicted to their fear-based, hate-based ideology. The ego gets off on it. Admitting that you've wasted years of your life subscribed to a false, egotistical ideology is too much to admit for most incels. So they double-down on it and attack even more.
    Yes, the ego-mind will try to co-opt glimpses of Truth/Being for its own purposes. Which is why the most advanced spiritual teachings have typically been held secret, only revealed to qualified, mature, serious students under the expert guidance of a master.
    Truth is prior to logic, so logic must always be subservient to it. You can have Truth without logic, but you can't have logic without Truth.

  17. Absolute master of devilry // Khmer Rouge Regime
    Absolute master of devilry // Khmer Rouge Regime
    Human history is just an uninterrupted catalogue of devirly, and it is still being written today.
    And the historians documenting the devirly are devils too!

  18. Why do I feel that my past was a lot better when it was filled with distractions?
    Why do I feel that my past was a lot better when it was filled with distractions?
    Everything looks nice in retrospect. Even the shittiest things. Because you conveniently ignore the suffering and egoic restlessness which was present.
    Nostalgia is a great trick of the mind.
    Also, as a child and teen you didn't have to worry about your survival as much. Which meant you could just BE. Now as an adult you live in the conceptual future all the time, constantly worrying about and strategizing about how to survive. This entire cycle of survival is inherently unfulfilling and disconnects you from BEing.
    Be careful not to whitewash how neurotic and unconscious you used to be. How much you used to suffer. It's easy to forget after lots of consciousness work. You literally cannot remember what it was like to be you 10-20 years ago.

  19. LSD Trip Report - Coming Home to Myself + Reverence & Love For The Creation
    LSD Trip Report - Coming Home to Myself + Reverence & Love For The Creation
    Beautiful man. You got it
    Now you understand your full potential.
    Baby steps. 24 is nothin'. You're still a baby with your whole life ahead of you.
    Trust that you will slowly figure it out how to get your ducks in a row. You are God after all
    You're way ahead of most 24 year olds. This kind of depth even the Buddha didn't reach until his mid 30's. So be fucking patient

  20. Shamans
    Psychedelics are very misunderstood.
    Do not trust anyone who has not done at least 30 trips.
    And even then, you must do it yourself to truly understand their power.
    Psychedelics are the #1 spiritual growth tool I have found. Nothing else comes close. No guru.
    There is a good reason they are denounced. Because they rob everyone of power over you.
    Even someone like Sadhguru can be closedminded on some things. Don't assume he is infallible.

  21. Ken Wilber - Conscious Reincarnation
    Ken Wilber - Conscious Reincarnation
    If you are spiritually atuned but your society gaslights you by telling you you're crazy, that can create a very difficult upbringing. This can not only lead to neurosis but even psychosis.
    This is a classic problem. People with paranormal powers are especially vulnerable since materialist society refuses to admit such things are real. No doctor or therapist will admit it so people don't know where to turn.
    Witches and psychics need to forge their own paths. They cannot just follow the herd. It can take them decades to fully accept their abilities and learn how to use them responsibly.
    It's very much like being a Force-sensitive Jedi without any master to train you. A lot of things can go wrong.
    It's not just a matter of awareness, such folks need good guidance from masters, and they need to do lots of research. They also need to find like-mind people to befriend.

  22. Houston we have a Male problem
    Houston we have a Male problem
    Love is the point of life. It is both masculine and feminine.
    I like both kinds of love.
    Of course I'm stronger in masculine love.
    I recommend you balance my work out with softer fuzzier kinds of teachers like Matt Kahn. He appeals to lots of women.
    I definitely believe the feminine path to awakening is unique, and just as valid as the masculine. Something like Zen is not suitable for many people and many women.
    For you masculine guys I highly recommend experimenting with feminine approaches and paths. It will grow you a lot and make you more mature as a man.
    Men today lack femininity even more than they lack masculinity. RedPill, MGTOW, anti-SJW, and Alt-Right culture is making this problem only worse. Which makes me sad

  23. Some questions about Leo's new video
    Some questions about Leo's new video
    This is a very tricky and complex topic.
    For now, the best thing you can do is carefully study your own survival in action. Don't worry to much about how to stop it or what it will ulitmately be like.
    Study it first. Awareness alone is curative.
    So long as you are a human you cannot ignore survival. Even enlightened masters must worry about food and water. To be alive is to survive. But you can make your survival much more conscious.

  24. Measure how big is your ego
    Measure how big is your ego
    Sit in a straight posture, put your attention on the sensations of the breath at the nostrils, see how it goes for 45 minutes:
    Generally speaking 
    You've been forgetting the breath and/or falling asleep - high ego
    You did not forget the breath even once, posture was slumping sometimes, more or less distractions/dullness but breath always somewhat in awareness - medium ego
    Effortlessly sustained laser-like attention on the breath and powerful awareness accompanied by joyful energy - low ego 
    Same as before + strong equanimity, possibly with moments of perfect equanimity (Nibbana) - lowest ego, you're full of love at that point
    It doesn't have to do with ego, it's just concentration skills...      COPE

  25. Me and my wife becoming awake.
    Me and my wife becoming awake.
    @Shin And there is a key point there shin. Some time ago like 6 months time back I told her that I want to take her in a state of mind that she isn't in now, and I told her that I have arranged particular words and I will say them to her in a particular way when she will be in that state of mind. And yesterday I caught her in that state, caught the window where she was conscious and high as hell with an empty mind. Told the exact words what I needed to say to her, and I also told her that these are the words that I have spoken of in the past and there they are "Do you understand why I spoke of that part in the past?" She instantly realized that I knew the truth way before and she wasn't conscious of it back then, and she had such a mind fuck  oh wow was that an satisfying unravel