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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Martin Seligman: Childhood has nothing to do with our problems
    Martin Seligman: Childhood has nothing to do with our problems
    I would actually say just the opposite:
    All of your current dysfunctions in life are the result of past events.
    It's not so simple as correlating some one horrid childhood event to your current problem. It's much more complex. All problems are the result of whatever the "self" you identify as. This "self" was constructed as a reaction to survival challenges in the past. The "self" is nothing more than a survival mechanism. So of course it's highly conditioned by upbringing, childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. Whatever stuff happened to you between the ages of 0 to 30 has shaped your personality almost totally to the point where you cannot even know what your self would be without it. Of course your are not just shaped by bad events but good events too.
    Of course none of this means you can't change.
    It's a bad idea to listen to academic psychologists when it comes to understanding the dynamics of the self. Broad surveys and studies are not gonna cut it here. This requires existential level insight through direct work on oneself.
    Ask yourself where your "self" came from? You'll see it was from the past. In fact, your entire mind came from the past. Every word you use came from your past. 99% of the ideas in your mind came from your past. You hardly invented anything new. You are like a snowball rolling down hill collecting more snow and dirt.
    But the strange looping twist here is, the past is just a figment of your mind! There never was a past or a self or a world! You made it all up. You sneaky devil, you.
    Survival has everything to do with your problems. Without survival there is no problem at all.

  2. How the hell did Hegel know about non-dual/buddhist ideas?
    How the hell did Hegel know about non-dual/buddhist ideas?
    The mistake is assuming Buddhism is somehow original. Buddhism just mirrors reality.
    Hegel doesn't need to know about Buddhism, he just need to be conscious of reality.
    He was a Christian and he deeply understood Christianity. Not as it's practiced today, but in the old school idealist mystical sense.
    The irony is that a lot of old philosophers and scientists were more right about metaphysics than scientists are today precisely because they were Christians, and Christianity is grounded in the deepest truth there is. It just happens to also be very corrupt. So the real question is, How did Hegel manage to escape the corruption of Christianity?
    Hegel may not have been a meditator in the Buddhist sense, but he was obviously a deep contemplator and closely studied his direct experience. Which is the equivalent of meditation.
    He also deeply studied Heraclitus.
    When Heraclitus was asked, How did you become enlightened? He replied,
    "I studied myself."

  3. Public housing option - Why not build "commie blocks" all over the USA?
    Public housing option - Why not build "commie blocks" all over the USA?
    @Moreira You are not going to fix the milking problem by becoming a milker yourself.
    The way to solve that problem is reducing the incentives to milk.
    Passive income is not needed to escape wage slavery. Passive income is what causes wage slavery.
    In the future everyone will have to generate creative value or not get paid.
    Income should be tied to how much creative value you can generate. Being a landlord is not adding significant creative value to society. You're just basically taking advantage of the fact that you have more money than others to earn even more money. Which is like standing on someone's shoulders while kicking them in the teeth.
    Everyone has creativity. Don't give me that excuse. It is your job in life to actualize your creativity rather than becoming a parasite.

  4. Public housing option - Why not build "commie blocks" all over the USA?
    Public housing option - Why not build "commie blocks" all over the USA?
    Of course corporations are a source of government corruption and rig the laws to serve their survival.
    But the problem is far deeper than that. Complex technology and massive scales of life (human society in the 100s of millions) requires massive infrastructure and collective forms of organization. We cannot just go back to living in little tribes in some hippie eco-village. The whole challenge here is that individual humans are not the end-all-be-all of life. Life has surpassed humans to include corporations, organizations, religions, social movements, cultures, governments, nations, and beyond. Massive complexity and bureaucracy is necessary to sustain things like nuclear weapons, gasoline cars, airports, highways, currency, the internet, GPS satellites, regulation of pollution & deforestation, regulation of endangered species, modern medicine, modern food, modern electronics, etc.
    None of that could exist without corporations or giant bureaucracies.
    You cannot build a modern home by yourself, or even with a small group of your friends. Modern housing construction requires sophisticated supply chains, regulation, infrastructure, factories, shipping containers, airports, railroad, power plants, mining, logging, and a thousand other things.
    Starbucks does better than a family owned coffee shop precisely because it solves complex organizational problems like supply chain issues, warehousing, etc. and it delivers a very reliable, high-quality product which people love.
    You must always take into account the problem of scale. Scale! Scale! Scale! is what people underestimate. It's very easy to run a small coffee shop that serves 100 customers. It's a whole nother design challenge to serve good coffee consistently to 1 billion customers. What worked at the scale of 100 does not work at the scale of 1 billion. It's a whole new creature. And we live in a world were business is done in the billions, not in the thousands. If business is not done in the billions, say goodbye to your car, your TV, your house, your phone, your computer, your internet, your video games, your fave TV shows, your GPS, your vacations, your books, etc.

  5. Solve most important problems only. Choose simplest solutions.
    Solve most important problems only. Choose simplest solutions.
    For any given problem, choose the simplest solution possible even if it is not a very future-proof solution. I made a series of mistake of choosing fun solutions that are very complex and end up eating months of my full-time efforts. I wasted years in the past.
    When you implement a simple solution and realize you made a mistake, you only wasted a little time.
    When you implement a complex solution and realize you made a mistake, you wasted months.
    Mistakes should be cheap so that you can afford to make mistakes and learn from them.
    Don't choose complex solutions when simple solutions are available. Don't choose fun solutions when simple solutions are available. Don't waste your time on fun solutions to non-problems or unimportant problems. Don't solve unimportant problems or non-problems or
    possibly important problems that may or may not arise in the future. Solve the most important problems by choosing simplest solutions. Often, the simplest solution is to just reuse existing components rather than invent a new component. Any solution becomes a legacy that you may want to replace with a new solution in the future.
    The simpler it is, the cheaper and faster it becomes to replace it with another.

    You cannot turn financial freedom into a formula. That will never work.
    You are talking about how to start a business. And business is all about creating a unique brand and niche, and adding massive value to people's lives.
    I have several videos about this:
    Small Business Advice How To Escape Wage Slavery and my Life Purpose Course Of course this is only general advice. I don't teach business or marketing skills.

  7. adopting the skill of Letting Go
    adopting the skill of Letting Go
    Until the recent episode I never realized how easy it can be to drop counterproductive thoughts and habits but simply "Letting Go". Been pealing that emotional burden one thought at a time for past 2 weeks and just wanted to say Thank You @Leo Gura this episode has been a huge gamechanger!!

  8. Post-orange motivation / discipline issues.
    Post-orange motivation / discipline issues.
    Hey @Yog
    I ran into a similar problem that I am still in the process of working with. As I began exploring post-orange ideas, I found it increasingly more difficult to differentiate between spiritual growth and spiritual bypassing. If you haven't heard the term before, spiritual bypassing is essentially using spirituality to turn a blind eye to your real human problems. There is a distinct difference between spiritual growth, and using spirituality to "escape" duality.
    I've since discovered that spiritual practice fueled by pain is vulnerable to transforming into bypassing. While spiritual endeavors conducted out of love and passion seem more likely to result in an experience of genuine growth.
    While my transition to green and beyond felt authentic, I hadn't effectively transcended and Included stage orange ( To use Ken Wilber's term ). This lead to problems with areas of my life that required orange like action, as I was viewing these needs as birthed off selfish and undeveloped motives etc.
    To cut a long story short, my solution to this has been to revisit many aspects of my stage orange endeavors and attempt to solidify them In a way where the benefits can be present in my life, without being fixated or controlled by the orange lens of the world.
    An example of this may be the ability to objectively conduct matters of business without being identified with the narrative of being a businessman. In this scenario, you are enabling yourself to create an income through orange processes, without being trapped in the ideals and beliefs that are part of that lifestyle. To use another of Wilber's ideas. You are turning stage orange from the subject into the object.

  9. How to accept that consciousness wants to experience horror?
    How to accept that consciousness wants to experience horror?
    @This is the end Consider the possibility that what you call growth might not be truth but fantasy.
    Maybe there is a deeper reason why you avoid truth. Maybe truth won't fit your fantasies of growth.

  10. Clitoris via Pillow
    Clitoris via Pillow
    I know a sexual hypnosis technique where a girl can visualize and experience the orgasm of a man.
    You can orgasm without even physical stimulation.
    Sex is all about how you use your mind.

  11. New Girlfriend With Severe Depression
    New Girlfriend With Severe Depression
    I've been in that exact situation before.
    It's gonna be really hard to make that work.
    Usually serious depression, anxiety, and low self esteem are a sign of some deeper trauma which she is avoiding/denying. Often it could be sexual abuse, rape, death of mother or father, etc. Serious stuff. This tends to go hand in hand with alcohol and substance abuse. So watch out.
    Such women get very needy, very clingy, very emotional, and they are almost impossible to help because they perceive suggestions to get help as an attack on their identity. As in, "Why don't you love me for who I am?!!!" A needy person is so desperate for love they cannot handle truth. The slightest suggestions for self-improvement trigger them. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy effect where their fear of being abandoned makes them so clingy that no healthy relationship is possible, thereby leading to abandonment, reinforcing the idea in their mind that they are unlovable. No serious communication is possible because such people cannot handle truthful communication. They want fantasy and sweet lies.
    Such people need deep therapeutic help, enormous self-help work, and lots of spiritual development. Unfortunately they tend to refuse any such thing -- making their relationship impossible.
    And finally when you try to end the relationship, there will be huge waterworks and the threat of suicide.
    Try to see what you can do. Try introducing her to some basic self-help and self-esteem work. But also understand that this person has deep inner wounds which you probably cannot fix. Such wounds usually take 10-20 years to resolve, and that's IF the person is interested in working on herself.
    Try to figure out what the root cause of her depression / anxiety is. Usually it's a traumatic childhood or teenage event. She is likely to hide such an event from you because she's scared that if you find out you will leave her. Such women often lie a lot to themselves and therefore will lie to you. It's part of her coping strategy to avoid deep truth or deep self-reflection.
    In practice such women can only be in highly dysfunctional relationships until they do some serious self-help work.
    If she has serious low self-esteem, chances are high she's got a history of abusive relationships. Try to dig into her history to get a sense of what you're dealing with. It could be some dark stuff.
    Don't blame yourself. Some women are just like this and cannot be helped until they seek help for themselves.

  12. Trump is Not Well
    Trump is Not Well
    Once Trump is out everyone who supported him will deny they ever really supported him. Even people in his admin will come up with a story about how they were only pretending to go along with him to help save a bad situation from catastrophe.
    There will be some epic denial going on in right-wing circles.
    There's already a lot of denial in the never-Trump right-wing circles where these never-Trumpers delude themselves into believing that Trump is not a true conservative and that he's some kind of anomaly of conservativism and doesn't represent the "real" conservative base.
    All this is ideology 101.
    And in 50 years, no one will understand how Trump was supported by anyone. The whole dynamic of ideology will be denied by the public mind.

  13. Leo How To Surrender All My Personal Needs?
    Leo How To Surrender All My Personal Needs?
    Do all the practices diligently and slowly you will transcend various personal needs.
    Or you can also exhaust them to death. Like, go have so much sex you get sick of it. Or go earn so much money that you stop caring about money.

  14. Love reflecting love analogy
    Love reflecting love analogy
    It tends to work both ways. If you act in a loving manner at the 2nd order that helps move you to consciousness of the 1st order. And consciousness of the 1st order helps with acting more lovingly at the 2nd order.
    Which is why in all serious mystical schools they emphasize right action and compassion alongside meditation.
    But you can only go so far without consciousness of the 1st order. That is what most people are missing most. Compassion and action cannot ever substitute for lack of consciousness.
    So the practical answer to your question is: become conscious of 1st order Love. Then you will know how to act. It's not possible to fake being unconditionally loving. It will only happen as a result of awakening.
    The same analogy can be used for relative vs absolute truth.

  15. Seclude yourself from cheap ppl? I followed that path and regret
    Seclude yourself from cheap ppl? I followed that path and regret
    Before I started to up this post, It has been happening for awhile (for months) and I sensed it coming (for years)
    You all may have heard a kinda word like 'Get yourself away from cheap/unsuccessful/doomer
    or you will become one' yeah.. 
    I have my 7 high school friends (all are close friend, They are nice)..
    As the time goes by, Growing up, College Graduation, Having more responsibilities & things (I'm 24)
    I feel those homies doesn't quite speak the same language or be like-minded anymore
    When we grouped up, 6 out of 7 keep gossiping about others, about sex, nonsense joke (Too much of it) and so on 
    When I tried to raise a topic about philosophy, arts, ideas, investment ... They don't get into it at all, Besides, Even
    some of them put a negative on me.. They party every week, Fews of them (Who have a special closeness to each other, around 2-3 person)
    party twice a week
    5 of 7 are addicted to cigarette, some of them even a drunkard - alcoholic 
    Some of them got retired from college, Some of them took 6 years for bachaelor 
    Some of them went back and forth, started doing something, 6 months later, quit. and start anew, quit again 
    2 of 7 have a dead end job, some even unemployed 
    Around 10 months ago, I decided to seclude myself from them, Things get better, I met like-minded people
    I had a time more to myself, I don't do vice like smoking & drinking habit, and 6 of 7 get fat, not in shape at all 
    (One of them started lifting with me together, 3 years went by, They did 3 quits, I did 220lbs bench press for reps)
    My goal of life is getting clearer (IDK, Maybe they have it too), and seemingly, I have better financial stability..
    At this point, I'm gradually losing connection about them, They don't call me to hang out anymore 
    Now, The problem is, I feel something is missing, Maybe the foundation of homosapien, our biomechanics -- a relationship..
    Every time I notice their feed on facebook or twitter, Hanging out there happily, and perhaps already forgot about me..
    No matter I do, Even the hobby I like, It doesn't scratch the itch, It's kinda empty, I want to laugh mindlessly with them and such 
    like good old days, Memories.. (Reminder: Overall, They are nice, Not a asshole at all).
    You know, In adult society, We can't find a friend like high school friend anymore..
    and yeah.. I ran after successful, Something I though It was right.. It turned out I lose my friends..

  16. Is it possible to be happy and stop caring about (wanting) female intimacy?
    Is it possible to be happy and stop caring about (wanting) female intimacy?
    You are never going to develop emotional maturity without facing your fear. That is what this whole thing called life is about.
    If you cannot face your fear of kissing a girl and her rejecting you -- that is much easier than transcending sexual craving and loneliness together, which requires awakening, which requires facing death.
    The mistake here is that you think you can avoid a small fear by facing a giant fear. But if you cannot face the small one how are you ever gonna face the gaint one?
    The solution here is to bite the bullet and go kiss some girls. It's not as bad as your mind paints it to be.

  17. A list of Eastern and Western mystics & Sage required
    A list of Eastern and Western mystics & Sage required
    Title is self explainatory. Please help me and contribute

  18. Spiral dynamics; Mastering a stage vs. Getting stuck in a stage
    Spiral dynamics; Mastering a stage vs. Getting stuck in a stage
    Teachings are more healthy when they don't demonize other stages, especially the higher stages which most peoole have yet to reach.
    So, for example, to be vocal about the dangers of stage Green right now is problematic because most people are still clinging to stage Blue and Orange. People need to be show the value and beauty of Green. People need to be lead to Green and beyond.
    Healthy teachings are those which lead folks to higher stages without demonizing other stages.

  19. Leo, I have 2 questions about the last video "letting go".
    Leo, I have 2 questions about the last video "letting go".
    @Nivsch look, it's kinda hard to say that it's merely FOR the EGO in the long term, but rather I'm telling those are to take control of it, at first of the consciousness practices, we have a GIANT EGO but after a constant hardcore consciousness practices, we end up having a meticulous ego, that meticulous ego is now in peace because it's integrated many times with the infinite consciousness, now we can say that our all practices were for this Ego, but for the tamed and peaceful EGO at the end, not for the mischievous at first phase.
    As you know, even the first-rate expert of consciousness, with 10000 of practices has Ego, and nobody could say that he doesn't have Ego at all.
    so don't buy into the idea of demonizing and disowning the EGO, Serving the Ego could be the best thing but as long as you keep it tamed and in control.

  20. Questions About Love? - Ask Here
    Questions About Love? - Ask Here
    Fear and deep habits of self-judgment.
    Social survival is deeply wired into your mind.
    More, deeper awakenings are required and some serious, industrial-grade spiritual practices like meditation/yoga/concentration.
    Psychedelics will not rewire decades of bad mind habits. That requires daily practices over years.
    Emotional mastery is the hardest part of this work. It's much harder than a few awakenings and psychedelics alone will not be enough for that.

  21. In Need of Some Guidance
    In Need of Some Guidance
    Sounds like you may have pushed yourself too hard and your body/mind mounted a fierce resistance.
    This happened because of lack of balance and self-acceptance. You cannot just bull your way through to success, as George Leonard says.
    You need a more self-compassionate approach to prevent backlash. You need to make sure that you're integrating all the different parts of you, including the part of you that says, "But I just want to be lazy and watch cartoons!" << That is a legitimate part of you! You can't just ignore it's needs. You have to integrate it. Try asking that part of you, "How are you trying to look out for me? How are you trying to help me? How are you protecting me from harm?" Then listen to what is really has to say.
    Negotiate better between all the different forces inside you.
    Also try looking into Shadow Work. It will help you a lot here.
    Reframe this whole issue as: When I figure this out and get myself sorted, I will be in a better position than ever to be an awesome, congruent coach.

  22. One major cause of my misery
    One major cause of my misery
    Self Growth vs Self acceptance and self love?I am already a perfectionist with myself.I am hypercritical about myself and am never satisfied or pleased with who I am and how I’m living my life.I learned that to stop this I must revisit childhood wounds that were never attended to and healed,and self guide/self parent myself to a place of acceptance and understanding to allow myself to move on.The mental strategy of this aims to identify,understand and flip or prove wrong certain deeply rooted subconscious beliefs.Any help from those who have faced this problem of not accepting yourself and trying so hard to change due to self hate and outer circumstances. Such as how I’m not good enough, as I am.(Mostly here On is just me writing out my self inquiry.)That I have to be something or someone in order to love myself or be loved.That I have to please and or accommodate others in order to bring about their well being and so that I could feel good about myself.as I’m writing this I feel that my need to please everyone and need to be accepted by everyone came from my relationship with my mom.Circumstances made me want to fulfill my mother’s needs and ensure her well being.Idk yet.But what I do know is that I’m always finding myself in a state of pretense when around people and can never be myself.It works,I attract a lot of people.But it’s not really ME that’s attracting people.Its a facade and I know it.I hang out with people and can’t be fully present with them because I’m constantly worrying about showing my true character.I want their approval,acceptance and validation.I don’t care about your clothes or your shoes or your girl or how cool you are.I want connection with people who are truly aligned with who they are.Fear is holding me back from being my authentic self.

  23. Trip Report - Challenging Psychedelic Experience
    Trip Report - Challenging Psychedelic Experience
    @reves I'm not sure what the problem is here. Sounds like a typical trip. You doubt yourself too much.
    Drop your expectations for pleasantness or divinity. The trip gives you what you need. Integrate it and conintue tripping. Future trips will be different.
    Personally I find 4-AcO-DMT to be a huge mindfuck. Other psychedelics are easier.
    For me, the whole point of tripping is to contemplate and get answers. What answers do you want?
    It seems you're looking for a good time but you are not serious about understanding what reality is. When you get serious about understanding, how you feel will become irrelevant. This is why a passion for truth is so important in this work, otherwise you start chasing good feelings and you think something is wrong when you don't get good feeling. But notice, good feelings are a selfish motivation.
    You must get very clear about what you want out of this work.

  24. Infinite Intelligence Communication #001
    Infinite Intelligence Communication #001
    @seeking_brilliance You're talking about being a guru or a Boddhisatva.
    Answering people's questions is often counter-productive because people are usually asking the wrong questions, and giving them answers does not actually help them become more conscious.
    A good guru goes meta and shows you the limitations of your questioning process. A good guru gets you to see that asking him for answers will not work. A good guru shows you how to find the answers from within.
    The problem is that people's questions usually come from a place of survival, which only deepens their problem. A guru must show you how and why to go beyond survival.

  25. Infinite Intelligence Communication #001
    Infinite Intelligence Communication #001
    You have to be careful with such assumptions. These chemicals work differently on different people.
    Just because it works like this for me doesn't mean it will work this way for you or others.
    I can only report how it works for me. And in my experience, how such chemicals work on me is pretty unique. So you can't automatically extrapolate it to others. One's foundation, intentions, personality type, and genetics matter very much.
    Also, oracle implies that you are make predictions about things. I did not do that, nor would I consider that appropriate. It could be very dangerous to start playing the role of some oracle, getting people to believe you know the future, etc. Such powers are easily abused and could cause lots of harm.
    There is a big difference between describing the nature of reality vs making predictions about the future. I would never make predictions about another person's life as this would interfere with their self-discovery process.
    It's also potentially quite dangerous to get it into your head that you speak for God. It's easy to corrupt God's messages and deceive yourself and others. I have to be very careful about it. And I don't really claim to speak for God. My claims are more modest: I understand what God is.
    Lol. And what is it you think I've been doing for the last 5 years? Where do you think my insights & videos come from?
    Anything I say which is insightful or profound came from Source. It is not Leo's doing.
    Of course