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About d0ornokey

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  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Leo-Your view on veganism?
    Leo-Your view on veganism?
    I make most of my food and it's still a problem.
    Basically all healthy food you have to make yourself.
    Ain't no one gonna prepare for you organic food using high quality ingredients.

  2. Question on Creativity and Depression
    Question on Creativity and Depression
    Well, you are mixing survival issues with God-realization, which is a bit unfair. You are too wise for your own good! But not wise enough not to hang yourself with your knowledge of enlightenment. So you are stuck in a sort of netherzone.
    Ultimate fulfillment is too big of a thing for you to worry about right now. I would leave some room open for enjoying basic survival and getting good at that. It won't all be for waste. It's all part of your growth.
    Learn to feed and cloth yourself before you go chasing dreams of enlightenment.
    You are right that whatever you do, life is about enjoying the journey, not the destination. This applies to earning a billion dollars as well as to spiritual work.
    It's too easy to pursue spiritual work joylessly.
    And don't forget: before enlightenment, the laundry. After enlightenment, the laundry. So you might as well get good at laundry.

  3. Jordan Peterson in Rehab
    Jordan Peterson in Rehab
    Judgment, ego, shadow, and lack of compassion all go hand in hand.
    The less developed one's sense of self is, the lower one is on the Spiral, the more one judges, the less compassion one has, the larger one's shadow is, the more one must fight, deny, project, distract, distort, demonize, crusade, and justify.
    Suffering is the most direct path to compassion for others who suffer. Suffering is the ego dissolving. Suffering leads to love.
    It's very simple: any teaching which teaches judgment and fear instead of love is false.
    The degree to which your teacher is afraid of anything, he is corrupt.

  4. Has anyone ever given up?
    Has anyone ever given up?
    @Flowerfaeiry You need to find a way to do this work so that it feels organic and at least somewhat enjoyable to do.
    Don't turn this into a chore.
    The point of seeking truth is because you genuinely care about it.
    Don't forget that living "ordinary life" is horrible in itself. Going back into ignorance is not going to be the bliss you imagine.

  5. Should I buy an existing business?
    Should I buy an existing business?
    In practice it's hard to buy a decent existing business. People who are usually selling a business are doing it because the business is going downhill.
    $10k is so little when it comes to investing.
    It's pointless to buy a business you have zero experience with. You'll tank it. Running a business requires keen industry knowledge and experience. It makes sense to buy competitors in a field you're already deeply experienced in. But that's gonna cost you a lot more than $10k.
    What condo you gonna buy with $10k?
    $10k is basically good enough to start a small biz of your own. But this will require full time work.

  6. Complete Financial Freedom Before Life Purpose
    Complete Financial Freedom Before Life Purpose
    @LfcCharlie4 That's what I did. But it was very painful and soul-crushing.
    In practice, once you have a bunch of money and success from a non-purpose business, you will become so attached to it that you are not likely to ever find your true purpose. You will get comfortable and lazy and finding your LP will become too risky and inconvenient.
    Money and success easily corrupts the mind, getting it to justify whatever brings in that money as "good". You will start telling yourself things like, "Well, what if this thing I'm doing is already my LP? It probably is. Why rock the boat?"
    The enemy of the great is the good.
    Besides which, you could easily lose all your money before you reach some kind of level of total security and freedom. Chasing money does not guarantee you money. The point of aligning with your LP is that it gives you the super-human passion necessary to become successful. It's hard to become successful at something your heart isn't into.

  7. Letting go: what that actually means?
    Letting go: what that actually means?
    @Annoynymous Stop intellectualizing this.
    Take a conceptual thing and let it go in your direct experience. That is letting go.
    For example, let go of the idea that the Earth is round. Do it right now. That's it! That's letting go.
    Your ideas of letting go are not letting go.
    Try letting of the idea that the Earth is round until you no longer have any attachment to it. To the point where it no longer bothers you. To the point where it's just a non-issue.

  8. Letting go: what that actually means?
    Letting go: what that actually means?
    That is the whole problem in a nutshell.
    You can still practice dropping stuff. Including dropping intellectualization.
    Letting go must be practiced 1000s of times. It's nowhere near enough to let go a few dozen times. This must be a daily practice for years.
    See Sedona Method. It's worth doing.

  9. I don’t know exactly why I’m pursuing awakening.
    I don’t know exactly why I’m pursuing awakening.
    @7thLetter Go talk to girls and start a business.
    You are putting the cart before the horse.
    Truth will destroy your whole life. There will be nothing left. You will not care about girls or business by the time you find Truth and stabilize in it. Stabilizing in Truth will require surrendering all your material attachments.

  10. Solutions for ADHD?
    Solutions for ADHD?
    It makes no difference how clean your diet is if your brain and organs are filled with heavy metals.

  11. girls think im creepy
    girls think im creepy
    You need to study attraction theory and then tons of practice in real life to iron out your socially awkward ways.
    Basically your problem is you have way too little socialization experience so you don't understand all the subtle social cues and norms of courtship.

  12. Encouraging femininity
    Encouraging femininity
    @FuriousGeorge Just be careful with your manipulations. Selfish manipulations undermine your relationship.

  13. Encouraging femininity
    Encouraging femininity
    I found the best way to do that is by starting in the bedroom, where even tomboyish girls want to feel girly.
    In the bedroom you can literally guide her to tap into pure femininity. And then maybe from there it will spill over a bit into normal life. But still, don't expect to change her too much.
    To be able to guide her properly you first need a deep personal understanding of what femininity is. Which means you need to first guide yourself to connect with your feminine side.
    Psychedelics are very helpful here.
    Try to have an orgasm as a woman using your mind. Then you might understand what femininity is.
    Don't forget, if everything is one, femininity is a fundamental part of your being. All femininity was created by your mind. If you are a man, it is part of your shadow, an aspect of reality you have disowned so you could get it from "other".
    You have not fully awakened until you have reintegrated it.

  14. How realistic this approach is? (to self-actualize)
    How realistic this approach is? (to self-actualize)
    So about 2 months ago a had a tough (but also enlightening) psychedelic trip where I discovered one of my biggest problem in my life. Low self esteem, and I wasn't never conscious of that. I realized all my life I created a whole story (and stories) in my head in order to feel "superior" to others (I guess to protect my ego).
    Notice that this is not a metaphor, I REALLY thought those stories were 100% real, for my whole adolescence I didn't have a clue that I had "low self esteem" or "social anxiety" (this is what they call it, right?).
    Anyway, so I discovered the trick to actually transcend all of this. My lack of confidence, anxiety, etc... Just completely let go of my ego. But how realistic this is? Please help me do this.
    I had a following trip in where I learned that if I became totally vulnerable (instead of defending an image of myself) I HAD 0 ANXIETY around people! 
    This sensation remained at least 1 week. But then I start to feel again more in my old self. My ego Vs the Wolrd. I can't let go and be vulnerable because it feels it's going to hurt me. It feels like it's going to destroy me and life 'its going to win'. It feels like it definetely is going to prove 99% of what I believed was wrong.
    The Pilar's in which I built my identity (from not liking my city of residence, not liking to go out, and particularly critizising this and that) was all to serve my stories. And now I have to recognise ALL OF THAT WAS WRONG. Years of beliefs. I would say almost a decade.
    I have the tool to self actualize. To just let go. After my last trip is very easy for me to know what to do in a social interaction to not feel anxiety: to just let of and feel totally vulnerable, do not defend anything. But holy shit it feels totally frightening after you start doing this and you realize is actually working, that if you keep doing this everything you have believed in regards to this "problems" that you had was so so so wrong and suddenly nearly all people and social interactions you criticized all of your life, all critizising was to protect yourself and to try to feel superior. 10 years of a fake story you now have to let go of.
    So after some weeks after the last trip my ego feels again it has something to lose if he actually lets go and surrender it self: im starting again to "defend myself", it just feels so annihilating this and particularly that I am not getting anything in return (because who wants to feel with 0 anxiety and free around people when in return you have to let go of your belief system of your whole life! That's poison for ego)
    There has been easily since 12-13 years old to my twenties being a FUCKING DEVIL. I don't say this is a bad way, it's just I've done. I've being all my life making differences in my head around people, inventing stories to feel superior, and then believing 100% that I was a victim (because of course if you think you are a confident guy but you accomplish so little in life then the incongruence starts to get so big it start to get noticed at some point!). 
    My plan is to make another psychedelic trip with set and setting of purely instrospection, very low dose so I don't get distracted with much mindfuck, and then going out socialize. But if I don't want to feel any anxiety when I am socializing then I have to accept and feel totally ok feeling vulnerable and letting go of my image. Is this wise to do this? Really, I ask because sometimes i think "what the fuck is going to happen if I keep doing this, will I get annihilated". But at the other hand it's true that I am more relaxed and 0 anxiety with people (but as I said, it doesn't last a lot). 
    Advice please, will it traumatize me if I go to hard and realise that I was 100%bullshit? More I do this work more it seems I don't have nowhere to grasp myself. I look everywhere and all its ingrained in the identity of low-self esteem/try to feel superior that I invented. Try to destruct that and you are basically destroying "your" life.

  15. The recurring theme in my relationships
    The recurring theme in my relationships
    @ivankiss Yes, I know what you’re saying, I see it too. When you’ve seen through you, you’ve seen through everyone. It is your reflection, shaktipah, of your the highest calling. 

  16. The More you Grow The Better You're Able to Manipulate.
    The More you Grow The Better You're Able to Manipulate.
    There are many levels of growth. The highest levels cannot be reached while manipulating.
    Most people never encounter this limit because they never grow that high.
    Contemplate why you manipulate. And then surrender your need to stay alive or the need to meet any of your desires. Imagine a life where you stop caring what happens to you. Now manipulation has become unneccessary.

  17. The recurring theme in my relationships
    The recurring theme in my relationships
    @ivankiss Just keep looking for someone who you'll get along with. Lots of different people out there. Don't fall into the myth of thinking they are all the same. There is someone out there who will appreciate what you got to offer.
    Your love is a virtue, so don't doubt that. But do have some boundaries so people don't exploit you.
    And also, silent love alone is not enough. You gotta work on your communication and your relationship skills. Conscious relationships take work. Issues will always arise. You gotta pre-empt them, talk them out, and clear the air on a regular basis.
    If you are at stage Turquoise you need a partner up near that level. Don't be expecting a stage Blue or Orange partner to work for you. Green and up for you. Your values must be aligned. Find yourself a chick who's into yoga or something like that.

  18. How honest can you be?
    How honest can you be?
    There's nothing honest about that. Plenty of people care.
    Counselors are supposed to be trained to handle situations like that. This is what basic life coach training is for.
    Being gay is a great thing and there's nothing depressing about it. A good counselor would help her client reframe the situation and see it in a loving and truthful manner.
    If a client hates himself, that's not honest or truthful, that's falsehood and delusion. The coach's job is to show him the error of his thinking.
    Sounds like your counselor friend needs better training and a deeper understanding of consciousness work.
    Many counselors and coaches deeply care about their clients.
    How you reply to such a thing is you guide the client's mind out of his delusional thinking by getting him to become more conscious of how his mind is creating this negative meaning. It's not about saying something positive to cheer him up. It's about helping him discover the Truth! -- which is that all is Love.
    Self-hatred is a misuse of the mind.

  19. Competitor vs. Creator
    Competitor vs. Creator
    Do you actually create them? Or do you just re-sell them? That's a big difference.
    There can be all kinds of interesting business opportunities in creating innovative new types of homes. But this has little to do with real-estate. This is more of a technology and design challenge.
    The reason real-estate re-selling is so competitive is because there's no creative value in it. You're adding very little to society by flipping properties. It's basically just an easy way to make money so every fool wants in. Do something that requires more skill, more art, more design, more intelligence.

  20. Receding authority to Leo
    Receding authority to Leo
    @TheGreekSeeker It feels wrong because you are doing it wrong. You have to derive all answers and lessons for yourself. As I have said many times.
    Don't treat my teachings as ideology.

  21. Generally I’m happy, but the desire for women makes me unhappy.
    Generally I’m happy, but the desire for women makes me unhappy.
    @Key Elements I didn't tell him to desire to go on a date. He already desires it. I merely told him to not be lazy about his desire.
    If he wants to drop the desire, by all means, go right ahead and drop it. But does he really want to drop it?
    Either desire a thing and pursue it, or do not. If you waffle in the middle, expect hell.
    A common trap of this work is to get so metaphysical and existential as to avoid following through on the basics of human life. It's pretty simple really, if you're a human, you want to fuck. Best to embrace that rather than deny it.
    I don't like people pretending that they are above sex when they really aren't. You are only above sex when you genuinely no longer desire it.

  22. Why does God trick itself?
    Why does God trick itself?
    Because you imagine even more that there is a physical reality with unbreakable rules.
    You imagine EXACTLY whatever is. When your imagination fails, you imagine it failing.
    You are talking to yourself right now. Laughing at yourself.

  23. Why does God trick itself?
    Why does God trick itself?
    You are the Creator, so whatever your imagine becomes true.
    It's like you are sucking your own dick and then wondering, "But who sucked my dick?"

  24. To those people who never get offended or take things personally...
    To those people who never get offended or take things personally...
    I'm simply saying that hating aspects of yourself perpetuate them. You can't begin the process of growth until you accept that part of yourself. 
    This is how it works. Because you hate that you take things personally, you're inclined to adopt a victim mentality. This becomes something you were born with, like a bad hand dealt to you (this is the story you concocted because you can't accept it). You want to know other people's "secret." See, this is the perfect scapegoat for the ego since you focus outwards and not inwards. Growth cannot arise from this position, precisely because you've forfeited your power to change it. 
    The first step is realizing that taking things personally isn't a "bad" thing. It's a sign that you're human, and that you can learn and admit mistakes. It's very normal to take things to heart, often a little too much. Once you accept this, the aim isn't to erase this human part of you. It's to maturely handle you reactions and emotions. This can only come about through understanding yourself and compassion for others. It will take some effort, but this is definitely something you can improve.

  25. From orange to green. Perspective needed.
    From orange to green. Perspective needed.
    @Rigel Stop wasting your attention and energy on herding mules. Instead focus on acing your life purpose. Make your impact on the world through your LP, not dinner table talk. Be smart about how your go about changing the world. Find the right audience.