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Everything posted by universe

  1. How old are you? How is you relationship with your parents and how much can you reduce their influence over you while living with them?
  2. I seperate Leos teachings into two ways. Enlightenment work is all about getting out of reality, most video games suck you into their reality. Now you can argue that those are two different realities but thats not the case. Practically, when you reached enlightenment you can still play video games - no problem. Personal development work is about actualizing your potential. Here it depends on what you actually want and how much you want it. You might really want to work on x, get a dream partner y and experience z. If those things are not related to video games you probably should stop playing video games in favor of better habits. But its not really a matter of should or should, you will just realize you want to do other things more than playing video games, after you realize how fucking happy they make you. Also video games can be low consciousness or high consciousness. Also people can get addicted to video games. I played many games myself (FF, LoL, CS, HL2, MP for example) but idk man, recent years I lost a lot of interest in them. I play them for a bit and it gets just to tiring to play them. Most games nowadays are shit imho. In the last months I stopped playing completely, not a choice I made but it just happend. Other things are simply more interesting then games.
  3. Care to share your path of opening your heart and making Love a priority?
  4. Whats the difference between Awareness and Experience for you?
  5. Yes most people may be like that, but thats not the stuff of great inspiration.
  6. Yes totally. Leo selling his LPC & booklist. The women in your pic selling her seminars. Its a transaction. What did you think it was? I mean if there is money on the table, how can you make it more obvious that its a transaction? You didnt need the women in the picture to tell you that thats an transaction. The phrase is all about you and what you do in social interactions (with family, friends, strangers). It may help you to identify potential ways on how to improve your life. And has absolutely nothing to do with obvious money transactions from the person who said it.
  7. I use NewPipie (android) to make any youtube video into a audiobook. It plays the audio of any youtube video in the background. Google it.
  8. Im working on making (short) movies like that. Some other movies I recommend: Revolver and Vanilla Sky, if you are into blockbusters
  9. I find this question is hard to answer. Depends on how you define passion. The way you described your passions it seems like they are not a distraction but I would still say that balance is key. Also what @Joseph Maynor said.
  10. If you want to persue this path you need to think long-term. I would say go find a job that pays your bills and use all your free time to make music and learn how to market your music. How to network with people who are looking for music. The views on your music can be seen as a metric on how much impact you have with your music. I know its hard as an artist to seperate creativity and finances but if you want to make this your career you have to say fuck it and do it anyway. Face it, if you want to go full on with your career in music you need to get payed for it. Otherwise it will not be sustainable and it will sabotage your development. You said you live in a third world country. If you could sell your music online you could be making a lot of money comparatively. Check out this video from another thread if you havent already https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVxFvjAhToA
  11. No the low self-esteem is not a seperate issue. It is the issue. Women are attracted to confidence. (Not money, not status, not looks) I would make it my first priority to get confident and develop a high self esteem. First you need to unwash your brain from bad beliefs/mindsets. Take some hours to write down all your limiting beliefs about women (Eg. Women dont like brown haired men, women dont want to be with me, etc.) Then start to question them thoroughly, break them down. You dont want any of that! Why did you ever thought it would be good to have those beliefs around!? The fuck man. These beliefs drag you down like not even the hardest rejection from a women could accomplish. Instead you want good beliefs! What are good beliefs? They make you feel good and at ease (Eg. Everything will be fine, If I dont get that girl its no big deal, I do this just for fun, This girl looks interesting, All women are cool, I am cool). When you think like that your mindset will help you to take the right action. You may want to write down at least 100 of these good beliefs. It might take some time, so dont be too hard on yourself. Now when you go and talk to women focus on your body. Relax every tension in your body. What you want to do is test your emotional level. Dont focus on the outcome, just focus on yourself. If you notice any fear, anger, feeling of being worthless etc. thats your sign! Make a mental note. Don't judge. Try to locate where your muscles tension up. Notice and release this emotion later at home. (There is a great book on how to do that in Leo's booklist btw). Repeat.
  12. Do stuff you like doing and get paid while doing so. Problem solved. I think there are many people who do not like to work ONLY for money. There are other drives behind it. Expectations from society, family & friends in particular. A feeling of doing something meaningful. Validation. Pursuing a path in your life. For example, you could start growing more food and sell it to people. Or sell those 3d prints you make.
  13. Hey, Im interested in storys or tips you have about dating really hot women/men. I know its not very specific as everyone has different looks that they like. For the sake of generalization, Imagine in a group of 5-6 girls/boys, I mean the one that is the hottest. And also every woman/man is different. But I guess there is a certain dynamic at play here with these types of women/men. How did it happen and what do you think, was the thing you did right? Confidence... non-reactiveness or forming a deep connection, whatever comes to your mind. Dont list general things women/men find attractive - talk about a specific event/experience you had
  14. Find a field, become very fluent in it. Practice every day. Make a living with your skill (Einstein, Detective Conan). In your free time, obsess about your field (read biographs, read/talk about other creative people in your field, take courses/seminars) Set up the infrastructure to increase your efficiency. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwuutU9yUGE Deeply explore which feelings hold back your creativity (maybe fear of failure or fear of rejection). Release those feelings. Be careful, they will come back in some form or the other. Be prepared. Basically: Creativity = Obsession + Freedom Why? Finding creative solutions is all about finding the right questions to ask. You obsess about your field to formulate more clever questions. You release emotions that inhibit you from asking questions.
  15. Doesn't look like anything to me
  16. @Nahm I think I dont get your explanation @SageModeAustin Nice roundup! I like it. @Thesingularity Everything is internal. There is no such thing as external.
  17. I see where you are coming from but I think you are still making the wrong connections. having no fear of public speaking ≠ more interesting & informative speech than someone elses same as living without any human interaction for years ≠ enlightenment But that was just a random example I thought of. Lets not get lost in that. If you have other experiences from your life where Leos "Real vs Fake Growth" concept fails, lets talk about those. As for the example you gave I would say that enlightenment can not be attained through any growth at all. From what I know its more akin to a realization. So I dont see your experience at your night job as a proof for your statement.
  18. You wait for her after school, in the long grass. Just like you do every day, dont make a big deal out of it. Or make a big deal about it but be excited and confident - then she will feel excited as well. Dont be afraid - then she will be afraid as well, we dont want that.
  19. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. @outlandish Interesting, that must be the definition of a long con jk. Do you have experience with this? I mean has there been someone you got in bed by controlling your emotions? How exactly would that unfold and what would be the opposite (ie. what to avoid). I imagine you dont mean hiding your emotions but being unfazed and non-reactive? What do you mean with "knowing the inner being"?
  20. Afaik this video is not about enlightenment at all. Even though its one of the videos that helped me the most on the actualized youtube channel. The notion alone, that when you really had personal growth, its not about getting the thing you want or getting rid of the things you dont want. Its about not wanting or worrying about it. Thereby feeling at ease in the given situation. Example: Fear of speaking in front of people on stage. Fake growth: Pushing yourself out on the stage, taking a lot of energy to go out and overcome your fear. Real growth: You. Dont. Waste. A. Single. Fucking. Thought. On. What. the fuck you do on that stage that day.
  21. Its what Leo said in this video https://youtu.be/z4YkMoysymY?t=21m51s (22minute mark). I can understand his perspective. But I dont doubt that there is amazing sport, just as there is amazing movies and amazing music.