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Everything posted by universe

  1. Get rid of all the "techniques" and "just do this thing" type of stuff. Watch Leos video on Fake growth vs. real growth. Everything that promises fast progress with something you change externally is likely to be bullshit. Instead, go inwards. Do the dirty work you have been running away from! Work on your self-image, needs and all the neurotic thinking you have been doing your whole life (Watch Leos video on neurotic behaviour, its very onpoint). People that say "Ahh but Inner-game alone doesnt work blablabla". Thats not true! You have just been doing it wrong. You have been doing inner-game for 10-20-30 years but you are still desperately needing validation, love, control and you crave protection. That is all that you care about. And when you have it, then you are afraid to loose it. Those fears make you needy, blocked and a perfectionist. When you have those fears on a good level, then you will finally interact with people without effort! You will learn the do's and dont's pretty fast and make progress in no time really.
  2. When the emotion is there, its best to embrace it fully. So cry and feel miserable however you like. Dont try to "hide" your emotion. But ask yourself, where this emotion is coming from. What led it come out? How could it arise so fast and get so big? Really this is a good opportunity to look inwards.
  3. If you want true love stop clickbait? Its the only thing I got from it. sorry
  4. No you dont need it. You may loose some girls that are into texting a lot but thats it. Also it depends on where you meet her. Online? Yes you need at least some text. But can be very short. Outside? No, just take her to starbucks and then somewhere else. I used to avoid it but some texting can be useful so maybe learn a few things.
  5. Where I live a professor only gets so much time to truly study. A lot of their tasks are finding money, university politics, teaching the same basic stuff over and over again and in general deal with students. You might get a research semester approved if you are lucky. Good luck trying to convince the others that you are out on a 30 day retreat in the woods. Also I cant imagine the books and sources Leo relies on are seen as academic research papers. It wouldnt fit. And if it would make him financially stable, the bullshit you woudhave to do to make it work wouldnt be worth it. On top of that. You wouldnt have that many people profit from the LPC all around the world. This forum wouldnt exist. There would be no database with terrabytes of video material available at any time from any place of the earth. What you would get is maybe 1000 papers that rot on some place behind a paywall. Im actually starting to laugh at how unefficient and behind the university system is. But there are also already universities that try do be better and new forms of education are arising. Its just as with any big old company, they move slow. //This video might be helpful for you
  6. Abuse during childhood or funky brain chemistry.
  7. Its a paradox, living the easy and comfy live really is harder than doing the emotional work and pursueing the heroes journey.
  8. Yes. search for these places. Maybe research some gurus that travel from city to city and hold retreats there. Maybe search for vispassana retreats. Im sure you will find one that is willing to cover your cost of living in exchange for helping them. In the meantime maybe learn and work in a tech field, as a gardener or as a cook? Always good to have some practical skills and you dont even need college for that!
  9. Well compared to 10000 years ago, you actually dont have to be that involved with society. So be very glad about that. Today, were I live you can be without contact to society for a looong time. And it only keeps getting better.
  10. Top book for dealing with customers, authorities and people you have to talk to in your daily life, How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  11. If you like to get more into the topics of this video, Leo made seperate videos about some of them Rant Against Morality How Your Mind Distorts Reality Stop Demonizing People! God Vs Evil What Is Consciousness? What Is Perception? What Is God?
  12. Why do you want to know? Do you feel like something is missing in your life right now? Also how is your relationships with your feelings in general. Do you feel anger, fear, joy, gratitude anything?
  13. Is there anything in your life, even objects, ideas or yourself that you feel like you could love? Have you watched this video?
  14. You are too hard on yourself. Meditating for 2 years is great! You need to be very inspired and motivated to fail many times. What do you even want to change?
  15. I feel like you are mostly at stage orange and this thread is in part coming about, because you are transitioning from blue. Would you say that is correct?
  16. What do you mean with the last part?
  17. I dont disagree with your observation. Just want to add that mostly Stage Blue will push marriage. The other stages wont have such a hard-on for it. Where I live for example. I feel no push for marriage at all. Also has to do with your religion and the religion of the people you surround yourself with of course. Also prenups are a thing, so why not take it? This conclusion is flawed. For example: there are no low quality or high quality people. And if you mean it to describe their "development" (where youd have to say what kind if development you actually mean), its also flawed because people marry all the time. Regardless of what kind of development they are at or if they even like each other. Hence why so many marriages fail.
  18. Thanks for sharing this powerful video. This + Charisma on Command + Always accepting the present moment + if you want THIS video from Leo = pure gold
  19. But you are aware that its justg a dream all the time? Before the false wakeup Also what happens when you try to control too much? How did you stumble onto luzid dreaming?
  20. For your other questions maybe look around this forum, you will find your answers. For the live purpose course you could ask Leo to give you a discount?
  21. I think you misinterpreted the "Creator vs Competitor" idea. It doesnt have to do with the profession you do. For example a musician can be competing with other musicians but Elon Musk can be a creator in a competitive market. Its not the work you do. Its the mindset you have. Dont bother with competing with others. Just focus on your work. So when you go to bed you might feel exhausted from all the work hours you put in that day. But you also feel deeply fulfilled because you are on the right path and found a way to express yourself. Then when you wake up you are excited to start the work again!
  22. What exactly are you concerned about money wise? Really depends on what stuff you wanna do later. If you want to become a dentist, yes go to college. There is just no other way for it. If you dont want a position that requires a university degree you have other options. For example you dont need to go to college if you are passionate about a topic and can motivate yourself to learn everything about it. But college is also good to meet new people and make new friends if that is something you are interested in.