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Everything posted by universe

  1. Get a RED or a Blackmagic next
  2. Action Make decisions, put yourself first. Dont look for others to make a decision. Listen to your impulse. Start doing things that others maybe dont like - but just do them because you want to. Look for social interactions and just be with the attention that is given to you. Nice guys always give away the attention to others because they are unconfortable with it. If others act in a way you dont like. Confront them about it. Dont let it eat you up inside. Mindset Stop thinking that other people will give you something in return of your nice behaviour. Cut that out and just give out freely if you like. Thats attractive. Dont rely on other people to make you happy. Be honest. If you dont have the same opinion as someone else - say it. Honor their opinion but dont agree with everything others say. Its not like everyone will like you when you have the some opinion. Thats not going to happen instead they will stop respecting you. Dont bend yourself to make others feel good. Release Let go of the need for validation. Watch Leos recent video about letting go, research "releasing emotions" and sedona method for more help for this.
  3. I thought you can delete posts for yourself. You must be logged in tho. You are overthinking this. Reddit is like the internet. Use it or dont. If I was you I would focus more on this forum. Even tho you cant delete posts here, its quite good value. Good ROI
  4. Sure you can, you can also be happy in a variety of other situations in life. My two cents: You can but its a lot harder to do than if you would have sex You can but there is a good chance you dont want to be
  5. Well its best to not spend time with him if you dont enjoy it. On the other hand there is always something to learn. About yourself. See what side of you takes out this side of him. Your story about "destroying" him in front of his gf makes me think that you are a bit confrontational on other occasions as well. Dont you think if you are more friendly with him these childish fights could come to an end? Also no more bears, they can kill you
  6. maybe but its also healthy as fuck for your teeth
  7. Everything you said so far is rather subjective. You are stating that woman should all be getting surgery to look better to find their love. By stating this you assume the following: -All woman need to find love -Getting surgery and finding love outweights the cons of complications of surgery -Surgery increases attractiveness rather than decreases it -Surgery is more effective than doing makeup, doing sports and dress nice Then you state that media tells lies about how everyone is ok as they are Implying that some people are not ok the way are. Do you see how your subjectivity shines like the sun through your statements that you say are objective and based on experiments? Experiments you didnt quoted once apart from your 10 minute experience on tinder, which is again based on your subjective feelings. Almost everyone here can see that because its so obvious. Do you see it now?
  8. Iodized salt. Thats what I take. You dont need fluoride if you have a toothpaste with fluoride already. But I think iodized salt is pretty healthy. Also get an ultrasound examination of your thyrioid + maybe check iodine levels. Yes, I cant imagine any adults who dont
  9. There seem to be ways to "die" before physical death. So you can have both It seems to be quite hard to live forever. You have all this things that slowly want to kill you. Smog Cadmium Lead Asbestos Background radiation Ultraviolet radiation Alcohol, Cigarettes And many more. Not to count immediate risks like dangerous animals, people or cars. But also the human body has an amazing capability of self healing which should not be underestimated. So I think apart from the obvious, avoiding alcohol, smog and cigarettes. A good way to live longer is to strengthen you body with meditation and workout. To some degree I also belief that tension in the body from fear or thoughts about the past and future can inhibit the bodys self healing capabilities. Another thing to look at is telomeres length. Avoid oxidative stress on the body and let inflammations heal as quick as possible. Dont get injured in the first place would be even better. Also autophagy could play an important role in this. But Im not sure on this and I think we currently know too little about how the body works. Maybe some tipps could backfire. For example it could be that the body needs some degree of injuries to stay alert.
  10. Like everything, you stop the resistance against it. Let go of your need to have a high degree of consciousness.
  11. Not exactly YOUR imagination but GOD imagination. Everything that exists, exists. Sure but if you stop communicating with concepts, there is no written communication. written communication is second order. the words you are reading right now are just pixels on your screen without meaning.
  12. Ís it really? Does it come from the bladder: YES Is it yellow: NO Does it smell like pee: NO Is it released while peeing: NO Is it ejaculated during sex: YES
  13. Just be a programmer, inside of a bigger company/project with lots of girls. I know a programmer who does this and he meets lots of girls (well lets say enough) when he is away for projects. Its not: A (work with women) -> B (get good with women) Its more like: A (be good with women) -> B (meet them just everywhere) Never let anything external decide you fate. You are everything.
  14. Get condoms that fit your cock asap! Makes a huge difference! Your penis fails? So what, you still have your hands or no? Just laugh about it, its no big deal. Your young, just say you are nervous. Now you just gave her a nice compliment and loves you 2times as much as before.
  15. Look how neurotic you sound. What is that you need so badly from her? What is it, that you think you not already have?
  16. Old thread is old, give us a run down on what happend.
  17. The whole problem with this question is, that it is a non-issue. You EVEN thinking about this means you have too much time and too little options. Get your live together and get abundance, you will have no time and interest thinking about stuff like this. Seriously, just stop. Let her think about why you dont reply, if she happens to do so. Not the other way around.
  18. I would learn as much as I can. Then after 3-9 month I would start looking for a new job. If there are more jobs available at your place, in your field. Repeat. You might need to move a bit further away.
  19. Society, your parents. You would probably not be alive in todays society if your parents didnt teach you this concept. Its even working so good for you, that you started to not only use it here and there but you are now a full-blown believer in this concept. Its at the root of your survival strategy. Thats why for some people, when their pain and suffering becomes too much, they start to abandon it (like eckhart tolle).
  20. This video helpe me to be more relaxed around people Also I would ask myself "What do I need from these people"? You might need validation, protection or acceptance or whatever from them. If you found it, try to let go of that. See the "sedona method" for more in-depth advice on how to do that.
  21. 1. Learn to say "no" - If a project isnt worth your time you have to say no to it. 2. Improve your service - As you do that you will find that you will need more money in order to fulfill your services and do your best possible -> Your income will grow.
  22. This is not the problem. Its more of a habit. You are used to be productive at the office or at the cafe, you are not used to being productive at home. In your room you might usually want to sleep or get some entertainment. Instead, put on some music that lets you concentrate and start to dig away.
  23. You are right. Writing doesnt change the world. YOU have to be the change, the love, the consciousnes and the teaching. You have to live what you write, otherwise it wont have any impact and you will feel miserable doing it. When you are fully in your spirit, everything you do is right.