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Everything posted by universe

  1. Seems like there is a huge change going on here. Big media teaching us high consciousness. This was literally unheared of christmas 2017
  2. Not that I notice any huge difference it could also be he used longer focal length before. And the light is also softer now. All things which influence the way the jaw will look like.
  3. I think that is a question everyone has to answer for themselves. Its very personal and depends on your personality. You can go inwards, self-actualize and start living the life of your highest imagination regardless of who you surround yourself with. Because in the end, everything is internal. At the same time it doesnt mean that Id advice the girl who is being abused by her husband to stay with him. Or someone who is being held hostage against their will to not free himself when the opportunity arises. I know these are rather extreme examples lol. Just stay true to yourself. The way people treat us and the people we make friends with reflect our internal world. When you change so will your environment. This is a natural way for things to go. So there is not really a need to do anything about it. This could be different for someone who is a "people pleaser" who does things for people he really doesnt want to do. Again changing himself and becoming more authentic would be the answer. By just telling people "no" they will then go away on their own and find other people to exploit. But if you are constantly drained by your friends and not able to do the inner work that is needed, then yes you might be better off cutting them out of your life first.
  4. Yes I agree with that statement. With the condition that it must happen in the now. Because now is the only thing that exists. You can have thoughts about ancient roman time and the thoughts are real right now. But can you directly experience ancient roman time? Can you directly experience that you in fact pressed play? So with only the memory of it happening you would be quite unscientific to use that as a proof for something to exist. You can for sure go ahead and invent all kinds of technology to help you, video, audio, transcription. But if you look at your notes now, only the notes are real themselves. Easy to fake. I could give you a note right now which says "Universe gave Someone here 2000$" with exact time and date. The note is real and exists. But whatever its referring to doesnt exist. Even the word "existence" is only a symbol we use to talk about it right now. The real deal can not be communicated.
  5. There is no such thing as a "movie". Its just pixels on a screen, dancing around. "it happens but its not real" Define what you mean by real If something happened and its not anymore in the now then it becomes a memory What is a memory? Its a thought Thoughts can come in various shapes. I can think about something that happened in the past, or I can think about a dragon flying in the sky. The content of a thought can never be real Any memory is a highly fragmented piece that tries to reassemble reality but reality is just way way more juicier than thought. If reality were like coca cola, thoughts are only cheap off-brand products. On the other hand, the experience or sensation of having a thought in the now. That is real You see how its hard for anything that happened to be real?
  6. @Someone here I dont see the contradiction. Everything that happens in a movie isnt real but we can still talk about the film and analyze its concepts, characters and beauty. The same is true for ancient roman times or yesterday.
  7. Depends. Its very efficient time and cost wise. But with a lot of subjects its really generalized and lacks nuance. I mean when you go to the library and easily find 10 books on the matter, each with 100s of pages and then check the wiki article you will see how they can only touch on a subject very briefly and shallow.
  8. 1. I mean come on. There are so many foundational videos on his channel he made over the last years. If I would have only recently became aware of his videos, the first thing I would do is watch all his previous videos. Asking him to repeat the same over and over is like telling an artist to only draw the same flower or make the same music. There are not so many people I know of that have earned their privilege to talk about these topics as much as Leo did. This is all answered in his video I get your point that this could be a disclaimer in every video but it would take time away from the new videos. Also there are like 30-40 videos he made that have an equal right to be shown as a disclaimer on new videos. It would be inconvenient to go over it time and time again... 2. When the fairy tale becomes real you know all this work has finally paid off. Also there is this saying "shooting for the moon" and so on.
  9. Maybe you should actually watch actualized.org videos before you make these statements. I timestamped it for you.
  10. While its nice to have a cushion to fall back on. Investing in your career is always a smart move. Because that way you will likely make more money instead of wasting it.
  11. Youll figure it out. Its not exactly rocket science. For start: Long eye contact, touch her hands/arm/back, hugging. Its not the technique you need. Its more that you need to become confident with being in tension. This is a good start https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fearless+man+tension
  12. If you dont turn it sexual, all your dates (however many) will go nowhere. You are the man. Learn how to lead. Also learn to connect with your body and emotions. Maybe you are too much in your head during your dates.
  13. For me loneliness is an emotion. Sure you could say it is caused by being starved emotionally. The question then is how do you go about it? Do you go around and look and demand from people to emotionally engage with you? Or do you turn inwards and see what this emotion really is. Sit with the emotion and accept it. Not judging or trying to control it. Understanding where its coming from and what it has to say? Thats what Leo teaches. To turn inwards and master your emotions. Working on it until you get that internal change in your mindset. Not a quick fix but lasting changes to your being and identity.
  14. Here are some alternatives: Start a business Do freelance work Work on your depression etc. maybe see a therapist Do networking, go to events, talk to people. This is how I got my last job. Just work and help wherever you can for free. Become friends with rich people Date rich people Marry rich people Look if there are programms you could enroll into that are designed for people like you Learn a new skill Go to school Go to university Travel Work & Travel Volunteer work Setup a profile and talk to an agency that is specialized in lending their workers to employers. Go to a retreat (vipassana is for free) Look for more answers on what you can do (Other forums, people, psychedelics) These are just a few that came to my mind. Also Id consider changing the coach if he doesnt give you the results you want.
  15. Do you really need it? Can you think of 10 successful dancers who are not on social media? If its truly the case, you could just outsource it. Get a marketing agency to run your social media presence. Or if you want to go cheap ask a friend. Easy. No need to overthink this.
  16. Do you want a job? Persistance is very important if you want to achieve anything in life. You have to stand up, fall again, learn and adapt. You can always give up, many do. Maybe job hunting isnt for you. What are the alternatives?
  17. How is your situation now, did you stop thinking about ways to "improve your market value"? What did you do to overcome your fears that held your authentic self back?
  18. Said every human on this planet ever. For real tho, I read a lot of my needs, my benefits, my purpose. Relax a bit. See the bigger picture. I believe that my life situation reflects what I want. Because otherwise I wouldnt be there right? So right now you dont have a relationship, you do work on your purpose and you think about if you need intimacy. So that is what you want. Now you can ask if you want to change anything. Maybe you are not happy with something or if you have a vision for something to be different in your life. How much time during the week do you work on your purpose? Even high performance workers still have time for family or relationships. Now Im not saying that you have to be the same. It could be good to work exclusively on your purpose. For a while... but its good to have some time off every once in a while. I think you also highly overestimate the time needed for a good relationship. Like I said in my previous post. You can become intimate with someone very quickly. Its your relationship. So you can create it the way you want. Only want to see your girl once every other week? Cool, there is a girl out there wanting the same. And some general advice. You dont need anything. You are already complete. There is no difference between inside and outside. Let go of needing to control who is influencing you. In the end its all you. Seperating yourself from the outside is a good way to self-actualize but if its causing problems you can dial it down a bit.
  19. @LfcCharlie4 How are your results so far? I thought we got over the "fat is bad" mindset that the sugar industrie pushed in the last century
  20. There is no right or wrong. No crazy or sane. There is only now. Look at how you feel. You are perfect the way you are right now. If you dont realize that, you will feel like you are going crazy when you are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100 and anywhere in between.
  21. My advice would be to get a relationship. Talk to girls yada yada yada. But also ask yourself what kind of "want" is that? Is this a deep wanting, a needing or just something that would be nice? See if this is really true. Look inside.
  22. If you want intimacy, be intimate with yourself. Have a deep connection to yourself. Feel you emotions, be truthful to them. Be in your body. Intimacy is not something that is reserved for sexual relationships only. Watch a movie that makes you cry. Talk with your friends about topics that make you feel. There are many ways to become more intimate and loving with life. Intimacy doesnt need time. While it certainly helps to spend time with someone before you become intimate. You can get intimate with a stranger in under a minute of conversation. Also you can spend decades with someone and not be intimate with them at all. Also I would look into myself and see if that thought, that Im to busy for a relationship, maybe comes from a fear of getting rejected or something like that.
  23. While it could be helpful, you really dont need a strong social network for dating. The yoga class seem like a good idea and also there is online dating which we all know works... sometimes.