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Everything posted by universe

  1. You can develop yourself as a man even while holding a relationship. No excuses. You are doing it right now.
  2. Nothing wrong with this kinda thing. Maybe you are both a little casual. Only you know what you are feeling and you are able to ask her how she feels. Go Meta.
  3. I definitley understand what you mean and have experienced it myself. The thing is they might not change. But you will change. Perspective is everything. The question is how willing are you to change? Can you let go of the soos_mite_ah with all her limiting beliefs, grief and insecurities? Do you want to?
  4. @machiavelli good, don't take anything said here for granted. Only trust direct experience.
  5. Tell her that you are doing a meditation retreat and don't use your phone there. Don't answer your phone there. She will learn. It's important to learn how to set boundaries. If you do, this magical thing happens, where people conform to your boundaries. Don't be sad about her or that she will worry about you. Worrying like this does no good to anyone. And even if you do answer the phone, her feelings won't change. There is nothing you can do to help her situation and constant worries. She has to grow out of it by herself.
  6. There is not much to do about it, normally it doesn't happen anyways. Sometimes people in groups can act weird. If they tried mobbing you they were looking to get some kind of emotional reaction out of you. Best not to react and not give them what they want.
  7. I agree, if you already planned your sex schedule before going on a date you are thinking too much and are likely neurotic about it. Sex is not something you plan, you have to be in the mood for it! Now if a deep emotional connection and security is needed for you to get in the mood I get that and it's totally normal. Maybe instead of saying "I plan to wait" just say you are not in the mood, if the topic comes up or if he makes a move. If it doesn't come up don't talk about it.
  8. Do it. Many young people make the mistake of valueing money too high. Your time is the most valueable resource your have. If you can work on your life purpose from a van then do it. Otherwise find ways to both fund your lifestyle and find time to invest in your life purpose. Also sometimes I see people always complaining about not having enough time. This mindset can be detrimental as it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and it's not very inspiring.
  9. I don't understand the ending of your story. But sounds like this was their way of flirting with you.
  10. In other news there even exist man who exchange their money for beautiful woman. Isn't that shocking?
  11. Locked as there is already a recent thread about this. Link:
  12. Be a hard closer but also be an authentic, emotionally mature and charming man. The stuff after the "but" is important. I think most people looking on the internet for dating advice usually fall into the category of closing too little/not at all, so there is that as well.
  13. If a guy says he only works out for himself, what do you think? It's the same. Nuance.
  14. The person who edited this should be hired by Leo as new video editor Sedona Method is gold ❤️
  15. Needyness is tricky and comes in many ways. You can be needy in virtually every possible form imaginable. Speaking, not speaking, asking questions, not asking a question, connecting with someone or not connecting with someone. The key here is Emotions. First step is becoming aware of it. For example you shared your experience and didn't get validation for it. Because you did not get that validation you felt rejected/bad. This is an emotion. Notice the reaction on an emotional level. Now, if he would've given you validation by telling you how great your experience was you might have felt validated/good. This is also an emotional reaction. In both situations you would have a need for validation. So in essence we can say being needy is a form of anticipating something outside of you to give you certain emotions. The second step now is to free yourself of that need. As for as long as you have that need for validation still inside of you it will show itself. It will come slipping through one way or the other. Freeing yourself means Growing out of that need. Feel into your emotions and let them go. Realize that you can never get validation from someone else. You have all you need right now, give yourself as much love and validation as you want. And even if you don't give yourself validation and you don't get it from the outside. You are still o.k. This realization is powerful. If you share something and do not react emotionally to what others say, you know you are not sharing to get validation. ❤️
  16. Only me. Being here imagining everyone. ❤️
  17. That is for you to find out. Everyone is different but some research has been done and some dots have been connected. Check out this website or this course for what they are. https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-science-of-well-being You can learn from other peoples experiences just make sure to get their authentic and true story. You would be shocked to find out that many people who you think are happy are actually feeling miserable on the inside without anyone noticing. There is a book called "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying" which I can recommend you to read or maybe find a video explaining it. One thing I would recommend you to learn and get into now is emotional mastery. Learn to accept and feel your emotions. Yes and no. Sex is kinda like money or alcohol. You will feel great for a while but it doesn't last. And definitely get a girl that likes you for who you are. You will resent her otherwise. For dating, don't think about success too much. Think more about character traits that are masculine. Girls are more attracted to those masculine traits in you than to your success (which would be merely a reflection of those traits). They want the real deal. As for success, you better find your own definition of it, if you don't agree with what society or the commercials tell you.
  18. Self-Love. If you cannot love yourself, how love others? Be a good role model and others will follow you ❤️
  19. I don't see the problem, just go out listen to some audiobook and when you get home implement them and take action. You can even take notes on it while you walk.
  20. @Brittany Just because they don't act on their attractions doesn't mean that they are not attracted. We have the ability to control ourselves. Like if you become a catholic priest. Your religion forbids you having sex. Still I think every non-asexual priest will feel attraction when there is a certain spark in the room. At least that is what the evidence points towards.
  21. Well it's not that you are poor and that is why you don't have a successful business. You are poor because you don't have a successful business. And because you are not a prolific artist and because you are paying credit card fees. These things you listed aren't even so bad. Wait until you are wealthy and see what kind of shit you have to deal with then. You will pay a lot more taxes. The top 1% in the US is everyone who earns 500k/year. Other countries have it easier, for example in Australia it would be 250k. If you don't know why Leo has become financially well off you haven't been paying close enough attention to what he teaches. If you create value, you will get value in return. Guess what he has been doing in the past? The way is simple. Find something you love to do with a purpose. Get really good at it. Create massive value for society. Let society compensate you for it. And even if you don't get rich, you will still be happy knowing you are doing what you love to do. To integrate any Spiral Dynamics stage you have to dive deep into it.
  22. What is even the most exciting thing? If you think being on a yacht and flying charter jets is exciting than maybe. But you can go sky-diving and have sex in the park for way less. Then maybe watch your girl give birth to your child. Whats the saying, the best things in life are free or something. Even rich people worry about money. Stopping to worry about money is an emotional mastery first and foremost. And if you live in a first world country your basic needs you need for Maslow's hierachy are met from birth. 1% isnt crazy rich. You are talking about over 3 million people in the US alone. And no there is no success or wealth requirement for enlightenment as far as Im aware of.
  23. This question is answered in this video. Of course it's not just black and white and you got do define what success means to you.
  24. No they are not but somehow society manages to worship them in a strange kinky way.
  25. Define what success means to you. Be wise with the definition. It's ok if your definition of success changes throughout your life.