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Everything posted by universe

  1. Finding your Life Purpose. Honestly, after you have done this everything else falls into place... You are now playing life on "easy". Having a Life Purpose to me is the Ultimate Shiny Object you can attain. Once you start to align yourself with your potential you will have it easier to start to fall in love with reality. Then you are on your path for Love and grounding yourself in reality. ❤️
  2. Why should it be wrong to do daily exercises? You can also do the simple technique from the "What is love" video. Meditation in general is useful. Basically, there is no one way to do it. These are some solid starts. ❤️
  3. Yes, accept that. And then transcend it. Accepting our biases for safety and control and then move on. We are not flawed, in the same way a child is not flawed for wanting a night light because it is afraid of the darkness.
  4. I don't know if the paranoia is coming from the show. The whole thread is kinda paranoid. You try to prevent going down a spiral of watching endless TV etc. The thing is you can escape the work you have to do in order for real Growth to happen by many means. People do it everywhere, of course while watching TV. But also by going to university, by watching actualized.org videos, by being on this forum, by going to retreats, by working on their business. You can not have enough eyes to see where the next distraction will come from. It's normal, don't worry. The key is to never loose sight of your vision. Your inspirations, your dreams. It is ok to get sidetracked, being fascinated by the delightful panorama... Don't fight it. Just come back to the thing that is most important to you.
  5. As you said, it is the perfect "tool". There are many perfect tools for specific outcomes. Machine guns, drugs, pencils, screwdrivers or guitars. A tool is just a means to get something done. Don't blame the tool. A computer can be used in a way for Growth or to get more and more sedated. You decide.
  6. Discussed topics: Death, Paradox, Mind, Oneness, Lucid Dreams, Searching/Chasing, Seeker, Repetitive Questions, Existential Crisis, Stories, Survival, Identity, Neediness, Solipsism, Philosophy, Infinity, God, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Law of Attraction, Future, Fear, Heaven, Wordlessness, Life, Control, Doing, Neurosis, No-Self, Fun, Energy, Thoughts, Ideas, Freedom, Tranquillity, Absolute, Free Will, Doubt, Mystery, Yoga, Breathwork, Formlessness, Ignorance, Bliss, Perfection, Home
  7. How can polygamy which can be both polygyny and polyandry be abusive to only women? Sounds shady.
  8. Do you know where this fear is coming from? It could be that you find the task to be too difficult and you might think you don't know how to do it. What helps is to break bigger tasks down into smaller ones. Instead of cleaning the room you move this pencil and then these papers. Instead of paying your bills you find one bill to pay and then pay it. Instead of building a business you make this one thing to help others and then tell them about it. Once you already start taking action it can be harder to stop than to just continue to go with it.
  9. There is no right or wrong path. And you have a good timing to be on your purpose at age 24. You could even do it later. There is plenty of time to build your skills and actualize while doing a job that pays the bills. What are you afraid of?
  10. Growing by a conscious/energetic shift is the practical, rational and logical approach. The question now is, how do you get the conscious/energetic shift?
  11. Best case you find a new passion and worst case you could learn a valuable skill. Why would you not take that chance.
  12. This is a very broad question. Without knowing what exactly you want to learn there are many "role models" with stage orange values. The Kardashians, Puff Daddy, University Professors, Conor McGregor, Graham Stephan. Also keep in mind that people don't just operate from one stage only. So you can not just name people and take all they say as stage blue or stage orange thinking.
  13. I'd say go for it. Do you know why you could have that intuition to do it?
  14. Totally normal. But do you think anyone who has mastered this would care? So what distinguishes you right now vs you who has mastered it?
  15. This show is one of the best shit you can find out there. Don't want to pick sides tho. You do you
  16. You can let go of the need for approval. Give yourself all the approval you want. Or just realize you don't need approval.
  17. No, everyone is delusional. What you have to do is to hug the Hardkill you are right now, tell him how much he means to you and how grateful you are for him. Then you rip him out of you and continue on your journey to not be a wage slave. How many people you know have achieved this, what steps have you done to achieve this?
  18. Yes you need to be more specific. What kind of fiction book you want to write? What style? Who are the main characters? What is their story? Etc. If you just started your first step is to figure out the first step. Maybe it is reading other peoples books, maybe it is writing your story, maybe it is scetching your characters, maybe it is a mix of all, maybe it is something completely different. Only you can figure it out, even tho you might ask people who have already done it for help.
  19. This is very broad. Cut your life purpose down into multiple steps or milestones. Then ask yourself what can I do to get the next step done. You need to get very specific about what it is that you want.
  20. Settle for nothing less than what you want. Do you really have a desire to settle, to form a long lasting relationship, to maybe start a family? If not then don't even bother. Don't let society tell you how to live your life.
  21. Eh it's not too bad. You are probably younger or live in a certain spot where these women mingle. Of course many healthy women will not engage with a guy who appears overall needy or weak. Balance. You can shout out your love for her and shower her with compliments all you want IF you also give her the other stuff she enjoys. Love is something very frightening for most. I would start with accepting first.
  22. I'd advice on looking into yourself and finding where this feeling of guilt or feeling like a cheat is coming from. Why is it there and what does it want to make you notice. Then I'd take a deep look into my options to make the desired career change.