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Everything posted by universe

  1. You have to cater to what people know. So you could for example be the binge eating coach, that helps people stop binge eating. And you do that by working with them on their life quality. That's what you are doing on the backend, during the coaching. In the phase before they become your client you speak with them on the binge eating situation. How everything they have tried failed and how bad their life will end up with if they continue to have this problem. And how wonderful their life will be when they stop binge eating.
  2. Closed.
  3. I'd recommend this thread: What makes you think you don't have the skills?
  4. Is she damaged? Well this kinda gives you the answer. Everyone has some issues growing up. But the spectrum is wide and she seems to lean on the "having more issues" side. In general, people with low self-esteem / unregulated self-esteem tend to act manipulative in order to get validation. But the validation is never enough for them, because it can only come from within themselves. You setting boundaries for such behaviour is a sign that you are mentally healthy. Manipulative people tend to find "victims" that are used to this kind of behaviour. So if someone themselves has a low self-esteem / unregulated self-esteem they won't set proper boundaries because they want validation themselves or because they are used to being treated like this. In a sense mentally healthy people can not fall victim to this behaviour, because they simply wouldn't allow for it to go on in order to become mentally abusive.
  5. I'm sure many have already seen this but just wanted to share because it's a good speech about some important things in life that are wise to focus on. "Take a minute and ask yourself those big questions. Like Who Am I? What do I really want to do? What do I care about?" I would also add to that, that you can ask yourself. What am I grateful for today? Which feelings and state would be best suited to help me towards taking this action that align with what I want to do? ❤️
  6. @Something Funny BPA. It gets into your body and behaves like estrogen. If you don't believe me just google it. I didn't meassure this stuff myself.
  7. Just read today that pectin can also build kind off like a wall in the stomach and protect against intestinal inflammation. You can eat crushed banana or apples for that. Did you got checked for a hiatal hernia?
  8. Very inspiring, I can feel the climate getting colder by the minute! Fossils all over the world celebrate, now that they can finally rest in peace.
  9. Large companies are usually better organised, provide better training and pay more. That being said, yes a startup could potentially be more fulfilled and engaging. Especially, when you already know a lot and feel like you are working below what you are capable of. If stability is not that important to you I'd say go for it. Changing jobs every few years might also make it easier for you to get higher positions if that is something you want. Depends on your situation.
  10. Because of their weight, glass bottles are considered less sustainable than plastic (considering both are recycled). Both contain microplastics. Glass contains a bit less hormones. I drink tap water, it saves so much energy, I love it! It is well monitored here but most likely it contains microplastics and hormones as well (and more). Of course you have to be nice to the water, so that it changes it's structure to be healthy. Just joking
  11. While I don't know your exact situation, I can imagine that this is a tough situation. On the one hand you want to develop yourself and do the best for yourself and on the other hand being so far away from your family for a long time can make you feel guilty for not being there for them. First, congratulations for making this decision! I think it's good that you stood up for yourself and went your own way. Now, your parents probably want to see you happy and thrive. They wouldn't want you to feel guilty. Instead, make them happy by crushing it in life. So that if you really want to see them in person, you have the time, money and energy to do so! This way you can also lead by example and who knows, maybe they will start making different decisions because they see how you are rocking your life. This is a different energy than guilt, that you can share with them. ❤️
  12. You transcend fear by welcoming it, seeing it, and hearing out what it wants to tell you. If there is no fear it can be beneficial to invite it to show itself. But you don't have to do that excessively. Instead I'd recommend you invite other emotions, like acceptance and love and focus on those.
  13. @Fredodoow When you start out it's normal that you have to get used to it first. It's more a warning for when you are already doing it for years. If you do it wrong and you are just daydreaming or deep thinking while meditating and not really pushing your consciousness then doing it daily won't get you anywhere. So you want to stay open to other methods or switch your meditation style if you are not making progress with it.
  14. It's not so much overestimation but thinking it's the same as theirs. In terms of "what starts it", "what breaks it" and "what sustains it".
  15. People tend to be wonderful in different ways depending on where they live, like which country, and if they live in a small village or in a big city. You can act more freely in big crowds, which has its pros and cons. ❤️
  16. No, meeting friends and family and having a hobby isn't called an addiction. And even if, there is nothing wrong with being addicted, as long as you are happy, healthy and have a fulfilled live.
  17. How would you flirt with a cute guy at work?
  18. Ok easy, have you tried filling up your calendar somehow? Like seeing friends, visit family, a hobby activity, dance class, social events, solo retreats, going out in nature? I think these kinds of subtle addiction to videos can take hold of us when there is too much free time. And when you are busy doing something else you will not miss it that much. You can start by scheduling three events like the ones mentioned above during your next week. And then you increase it to daily events, then multiple daily events.
  19. Because of our society. Imagine every time you had sex someone random would call you a looser. Some girls wouldn't find you pure anymore after you had sex. That is what has been happening in our society. You have been shamed so much for your sexuality, that when you get a boner you think something is wrong with you and it hurts. Then there is also this huge religious group which demonises sex and on top of that there is a slight chance you get pregnant every time you have sex.
  20. Some good exercises for grounding yourself more: Lie on the floor without a mattress. Walk barefoot in nature. While standing, feel your thighs and calfs and feet. Breath into to lower parts of your body.
  21. How was your experience?
  22. I am wondering what kind of videos those are. Smartphones are so small, do you not have a laptop or tv to watch videos?
  23. Of course it is a numbers game. Like everything in life. Want to get a good job? Write 100 companies Want to sell a shirt? Offer it to 100 people Want to get followers? Make 100 posts Want to get apples? Plant 100 trees Want to build muscles? Lift some weight 100 times You know what you have to do. Don't listen to the voice in your head which is telling you all kind of stories why you can't act today. You can work on quality, mindset and being emotionally mature along the way. ❤️
  24. What are you doing on your phone?
  25. Imho freedom is overrated. ❤️