ahmad ibdah

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Everything posted by ahmad ibdah

  1. I will ask again .I hope somebody will answer. how is LSD in comparison to DMT ?
  2. how is LSD compared to DMT ?
  3. @Leo Gura I don't know if I am allowed to ask this but there are some sites on Google, labs, are offering to sell 5 meo dmt. Are they any legit?
  4. Is it me or all fourm controversial topics end in the same way, ??
  5. Why are people so afraid of relegion. Relegion is good in general ,it is way better than the current western culture . religious psychopaths and sociopaths are bad.
  6. @Leo Gura So this incarnation will happen again . Oh shit . I have been lately afraid of this idea . That I will have to experience all this suffering again ,forgetting who I am , forgetting love again and again ??.
  7. I have taken psychedelics (lsd) two months ago . I was in a period of having mental illness and i SILL HAVE . I have generalized anxiety disorder , social anxiety disorder along with psychopathic urges , all of them are self diagnosed . the trip was very challenging in the first two times , I have taken like 50-60 ug in those two . But I had one big trip at 110ug . It was different ,really different . but still I had alot of work to do on my self. psychedelics might be beneficial for you If you are developed enough ,having no mental illness , and having a good background in spirtuality and self actualization . these substances ,you may not be able to deal with . SO I don't recommend you to do any ,at least for now . work on yourself ,study psychology ,study happiness ,do meditation,these are more valuable than any psychiatrist
  8. nothing exists but GOD ,all other is illusion. the ego deludes you into not seeing it ,so it comes up with all other things other than the absolute God,the truth.
  9. yeah leo ,how God deceives himself to thinking he is an ego ? is it related to the brain of a human ? is it the tool of deception ?
  10. Slaughtering animals is not that bothering for a human, it is just acute suffering and it is well justified for a human being between him and his self. What is troublesome for me is animal welfare and suffering during their lives. There are far more important things for people to do in their lives before even thinking about not slaughtering animals. One of them is animal welfare?. Poor animals they say, and If you look into their lives , you start saying how could they think about these minor things when they have these major flaws in their lives, unconscious demons, they are.
  11. I am not saying fruits and vegetables are bad. They are good and essential. But still you need protein. From where you are getting that. Obviously from legumes. Legumes are on the other hand full of shit. Also you you are going to increase your carbs portion of your diet. And carbs are empty from any health benefit. You also said it is evolutionary that our diet is essentially vegan. But I look at ancient man diet And you know what, I see a lot of meat there ?. I didnt just see articles on the web. I follow nutrition scientists that I trust in, who I know will serve me facts after doing their own research for years.
  12. Do your research about vegan diet. It is notyour savior. It is just a trend that got popular because of the fast food diet.
  13. nutrition science is not well grounded. It is like wtf researchers have been doing all these years, it is full of bullshit. Open minded researchers are doing some great job in exposing all this vegan diet shit. Plants and beans specifically are not that good. They, are not good in supplying you with iron and they contain a lot of molecules that are not good for your health. Meat contain much higher levels of iron, and supply you with multi vitamins.
  14. Yeah like a lot. You need protein, meat is most pure source of protein. Beans on the other hand contain other shit stuff for your health, going full vegan is not healthy. Do research regarding that. Also what I am concerned about is animal welfare and suffrring, slaughtering animals has less to do with animal welfare, as killing will create some acute suffering for the animal and then nothing. But raising in animals in inappropriate settings, this is what we must concerned about. And I think it is something that doesn't interfere with human nature to kill animals. So it is not bad for you as a human, it is well justified for you.
  15. I had that feeling or insight a lot lately. Like you find some meaning in this emotional struggle, but on the other hand when things get fucked up and you have a bad day with damn weird social interactions, you start to say I will pay everything just for this not to happen again. How weird the ego is, we tend to forget about suffering quickly. Stay strong, and keep moving forward ??
  16. Money = power We essentially need more "good" people who have money /power to make the world a better place. We don't need more scientists, doctors or engineers. We need more conscious owners of money
  17. Islam is massively misinterpreted and is a suitable environment for ego and materialistic mindset to take over and that is for a pretty obvious reason which is that Quran doesn't concentrate at all at discussing spirituality in details. It instead focuses on introducing the right existential ideas about God, life and morality. Actually, Quran is not intended to be a book to be read once and that is it. It in many verses says it is a reminder. A book that will reminds you with what you need to stay strong in your path and that Is essentially the most important thing that you will need in personal development. Quran also discusses the idea of religion being misused ad abused by religious people. It also warns the reader that this book the quran can guide or misguide the reader depending on how righteous he is. Islam is a pretty solid religion actually and this in part maybe the reason behind people staying or becoming Muslims even in this age. The way of Islam in spirituality depends mainly on contemplating about God and keeping remembrance of him and that really gives you a bunch of feelings and experiences that are essential for growth.
  18. Right!.. they are really distinct... Once you have designed your theory of your purpose and the path you should take and after you find this idea, this theory able to stand against other ideas, philosophies, after that it is neurotic to be skeptic about it. It is not that you are not convinced with path, it is the ego, the society, your surroundings that make uncertain on a psychological basis. So to free yourself make a commitment that you would from now drop all these silly arguments with yourself and you will follow you soul.
  19. @zenjen Your are deceived by the idea that you can kill your ego by one hit.. It's not like that. Things does not work like that.. It is a path that you walk through everyday. Pain Happens because you are trying to overcome thoughts without being in the spiritual state that make things clear to you and if you are actually in that state it will be very easy to overcome these thoughts... These thoughts has a trigger and life is full of triggers. You are anxious.,uncertain, stressed and overwhelmed by false ideas that you allowed to control you.. Then when you try to do consciousness work like meditation it becomes painful as hell because you are so stressed to have a basal level of consciousness that drives consciousness work . It is a vicious circle. Your path in personal development will not be easy until you become aware of this circle,of the power of thoughts that feed negative emotions. You must not allow yourself to fail in this trap. Just keep calm and ignore everything. Remind yourself of your goal and enjoy what you get from this path ?
  20. @Empty you reached the whole point of forbidding sexual intercourse outside marriage.. It's really disgusting if you think about it clearly... That is not what you really want... You don't want just to satisfy your sexual desires that actually will never be satisfied by this way... You are a Supreme creature you better than this... What will really satisfy you is a true relationship in which sex is not the whole point... It's just an essential part of something greater... Love!... That is the whole idea behind marriage... Now imagine if God said you are allowed to have sex outside marriage.... Hhhhh.... It will be hell on earth.... Following sexual desires without constraints is very very dangerous... It is the perfect playground for ego... Remember religion has to deal with unconscious people... It has the responsibility of protecting them from low consciousness in a hope they someday will wake up and use it to reach higher state of consciousness... Reach a true relationship with infinite.. With god Now before you start to questioning Islamic morality... Go deeper question the existence of God... Because the ideas that @Leo Gura show you are based on non - existence of a conscious God.. When he talks about God he refers to it as just infinity.... Not conscious infinity.... This idea of consciousness of God who is infinite is the core of Islam.. So don't be dumb and build your ideas in a wise way... If you're not sure about Islam start your path in skeptism but start from all the way down..from God I am a Muslim too actually and there was sometime in my life when I lost my faith in everything... But I started my path by questioning the existence of God.... Then after I understood that there is noway this whole creation can be without God.... Then trying to understand the goal of this creation and the goal of religion ... And after I started to understand Islam in a deeper way, in the way that God wanted, in the way in which Islam is free form all nonsense that was attached to it by foolish unhonest "religious" people who wants to project their low consciousness on Islam and started to see the way of deep personal development that can be created on the idea of the existence of a conscious God... This idea and this religion has actually been the way for tens of thousands of saints that saw the true essence of this religion... It is just a way for a real relationship with god And finally if you reached the conclusion that a conscious God really exists then ask him to be with you, to enliten you, to show you the way and he will!.
  21. @Victoria1234 All your problem stems from the fact that you don't have your own independent personality that has its own values, beliefs and has the right to express its own perspective of situations. You'r pleased from your self when others are pleased from you and may be because of your lack of social experience you are not able to express yourself as others do to obtain people satisfaction. But if you really ready to be responsible for yourself and starts your path in personal development, I guarantee you will raise your consciousness about life to the level where you are able to easily say with satisfaction"who cares about what people want ".
  22. Hello @Study I have read you journal and I feel like I was in the same dark hool as you,know too much but do too little. I am just curious what happened to you during the last year,did you stop meditating and doing personal development stuff or just stop journaling?