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Everything posted by MarkusR

  1. @Natura Sonoris Awesome man, I should check out that program sounds interesting. Need to work on my discipline as well
  2. @Electron No matter my friend! At least now that you have done a good amount of introspection and working on yourself you can attract the right crowd. Definitely make the effort to get out there though, lifes not worth it without other people man.
  3. @Natura Sonoris Haha yea I understand. It is really really difficult to transform your psyche when your brain gets used to blabbering on and thinking so much. I think that, since you are already doing such a long meditation, maybe instead of 1 hour you start doing 30 minutes, and then try to drag on that stillness and peaceful feeling as far as you can into the rest of your day. When you are done and get up and start moving, use your meditation techniques like observing your movements and thoughts to keep you in that state for as long as you would like. The more you do this the easier it gets. When I was not so focused and stressed about school I did this a lot and it got to a point where I could turn on meditative mode on command :). Which is awesome and super useful when you get caught up in your head about stuff. Try it out and tell me how it goes, I might be making a post about this method once I've integrated it fully into my life.
  4. In my eyes, you are bound to have to do many things each day to keep yourself alive and "progressing". The best way to bring in your meditation work into each day is to instead of limiting yourself to meditating only during sections of time a day, meditate throughout all of your activities. Whether it be doing some chores, talking with friends, schoolwork, actual work, or basically any time you are conscious focus on silencing your mind, becoming the all encompassing awareness that you are, and just float. Awesome that you are making so much progress, hope this helps your journey.
  5. @Electron You have never learned anything valuable from someone else? You have never had a flowing natural conversation with a close friend or group of friends? I feel as though you have missed a lot my friend.
  6. @BeginnerActualizer I understand you completely. I was earlier a very open, loud and social dude, but with my journey came this sort of distance with some people. Personally though, I dont really see the problem, because with the people I am closest with, like good friends and family members I just naturally speak my voice, no thought input just expression. When it comes to other people I think it is time you start to pick and choose the people you want to be around, find more people that really enlighten and raise you, being shy and not wanting to express yourself may be a sign that you are hanging with a lower frequency group of people.
  7. We are all geniuses@Henri , we all just express it in different ways. I know my worthy ambition is science, but how do I express and persue this? These videos make you put such a load of value and seriousness to life when the truth is we are all just walking piles of dust. In the end the only value is intrinsic. And there is nothing wrong with that ofcourse! But getting caught up so much in your work that you forget to live, and are completely dependent on your works outcomes, It becomes too much. @musicalwatch So dont take anything too seriously. If you are interested in what you do and it brings you inner ambition I say persue it. Do not worry about being in the so-called "zone of genious", let your ambition flow naturally. OH, and never let fear push you away from persuing something!
  8. Aw man, I know exactly what you mean. I watched this one indie movie called pi, where a mad genius mathematician tried to unlock the equation that would solve the entire universe. In the end becoming completely mad, terrified and delusional to the point where he drilled off a part of his brain so that he could destroy his mathematical outlook on life, and just experience the beauty. I am having a similar struggle. I am wondering should I just live life experiencing, loving, creating relationships, traveling. Or should I just glue my self to my work (science) and fulfill myself through discoveries, dreams and understanding.
  9. I think affirmations are quite counter intuitive in that sense when it comes to awakening. I feel like there is no need to change or enforce change onto yourself, your ego. Realizing you are perfect as you are, and accepting everything as is will automatically allow you to be the person you want to be :). Try this on for size; instead of your affirmations in the morning do instead a small meditation, and as you go on in your day try to keep your awareness in that meditative state. For me this allows perfect peace in the world, when I walk around a mall for example I do not feel anxious like some, I feel perfectly at peace and harmony with all the people and objects there, like I am floating through the universe. Highly recommend this practice as it will greatly help your path.
  10. @Chives99 Yes because neuroscience studies the brain, consciousness can not be found in the brain it goes much deeper than that. So although neuroscience is great for understanding why and how we act, I do not think it is the science that will be able to explain consciousness itself. Consciousness to me seems to be a universal force, the means to which everything exists, so it goes way beyond what our brain functions are.
  11. @Leo Gura Well, since it is my passion I may as well join the scientific conquest to come into contact with this fact. It is not that I am waiting for science to prove enlightenment it for me, but to realize it as well as bring it forth into science with my own ideas and experiments. (hopefully) P.S Leo this forum was an awesome idea! The entire community is amazing. If you ever decide to leave for your own reasons I think we would all appreciate if atleast this forum were kept alive, maybe hiring someone else to run this place while you are gone. P.s P.s It would be cool to think that after a while you would probably become some sort of urban myth or legend in this community.
  12. @abrakamowseYea that is very true. But if the true self then is like the light casted on all of reality... Man its a really hard to say if it could be "proven" other than subjectively. And yes you are right about enlightenment being a personal thing, in my meditation walk today/self inquiry I really had to learn to let go of all the ideas and stories I got from non personal experiences, like some yogi teachings and mostly Leo´s videos. It is highly personal as I realized today and I cant really recreate how others got there.
  13. Are you sure that is the case though? What if the true self does have, however faint, traces in the physical world. It may be far fetched to the enlightened individual, but like alternate dimensions and time some things are very strange to observe, but science does its best to find their implications if there are any.
  14. Ill get back to you once I have watched it. Just wanted you to know my initial opinion.
  15. Not in my opinion. Science is only the way of thought and method to which you find truths, the entire concepts of science and it as "society" of sorts is only a sub section of science. I can use science as a tool to help my own understanding. Science is very malleable and is very motivated to disprove itself intern having better results. The usual material view of science was only necessary to make the more primitive and early advancements but as it moves on it must also let go.
  16. Thanks so much for the replies, It seems with an open mind I can explore the depths of science a swell as my own existential nature. I may have misinterpreted what Leo was saying, it seemed to me he was insisting that you forget science because it is all stories in comparison to enlightenment.