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Everything posted by MarkusR

  1. That's exactly what was supposed to happen, it sounds amazing to me! The one thing you never want to do is stop in the face of fear. It is actually an obstacle you always ALWAYS have to face, no matter how experienced you are, you have to kill that fear, so face it, keep going and don't stop because of it :). And when you get deeper into this and have to begin to experience more intense emotions of fear just remember. "To fall through the valley of darkness just to find yourself land on a bed of feathers laying beneath it" I don't remember the exact quote but I try to remember that whenever I get super intense moments during meditation or elsewhere like lucid dreaming, astral projection etc.
  2. This is kind of awesome
  3. There seems to be problem in this forum, especially when it comes to the more experienced forum users, the ones who claim enlightenment, the ones who preach and sometimes even ridicule. Many posts I read in this section of the forum are filled with responses from so called "self-aware", "enlightened" folk who give off this negative intent when responding, especially to newbies in the spiritual realm. Its so funny to see this in action from an outside perspective, because it is so gosh darn blatantly obvious that those who claim to be so SPIRITUALLY AWARE, also seem to boast the biggest most pompous egos. If you could just see yourself with everyone else you'd see we are all boasting ego's, that's going to go on up until its not. Anyway I hope all the newcomers and newfound spiritual seekers don't get too overwhelmed by some of those responses. Don't worry they don't know shit, just like the rest of us.
  4. @Mal Let me get this straight, you are admitedly an asshole if I may be so blunt. You want me to stop being an immature child and accept you as the asshole you are. You want me to give you free reign to be an asshole, conduct me like and asshole and others like an asshole. You are an asshole but you are ok with that fact because being an asshole is a result of a flaw (not choice) in your concious which you have accepted due to your shadow work. You are aware that your assholyness is happening and this is good, and Im obviously not aware that im being an asshole at all times aswell? This is literally what your thought process sounds like, just correct me if im wrong because maybe their is a miscomunication or im implementing my own ideas etc etc. To be honest with you you sound completely ludicris
  5. @Ayla Trust me I have tried, If you go to the beginning of the post and read the first replies I tried to redirect the conversation to something actually of value, maybe I could have learned from him, maybe we could have both gained wisdom from the conversation. I almost even sent a private message to @Mal to begin to find some common ground so that we could stop this stupidity. He obviously showed me he wanted no part in this. I cant blame him, he obviously thinks himself wiser and more experienced then me, which may very well be the case. It was also my lack of wisdom that fed into that fire. Also Mal would you please not call me your friend I take that to offence.
  6. @Mal Mah dude, goodluck with whatever your trynna do, imma keep it real with you I just do not want to continue a conversation with you of any kind so imma just take your suggestion and leave you the . alone.
  7. @Mal Sure, I could say the same for you. Then again I dont know you and you most definitely don't know me
  8. @Mal You really want that last word don't you
  9. @Mal My only mistake was responding to you, so I guess you win if you think this is a game. *congrats*
  10. @Mal You're a terrible conversationalist.
  11. @Mal Sure... but you just proved my point right there.
  12. @Mal You are completely mistaken, you arent flexing any conversation muscles at all. You are actually terrible at conversation, you implement false intentions onto people when there are none. There is no progression, no conclusion, a conversation should progress and develop not clash and cause someone to quit talking to you. A conversation should hold value from both parties, do you understand that? Or do you think you are the only person that can bring value to the conversation so you just disregard everyone else's thoughts hastily and aggressively. I urge you to read this response, evaluate why two people literally quit midway into a conversation with you, and respond critically if you will and like an adult. Maybe we can finally get somewhere, and maybe you may contribute something actually valuable instead of mindless childlike aggression. @Quizzer Hey I also thought charlie2dogs may fit in this category, but if you read his responses to this post they have been very enlightening and I think he is a prime example of a more experienced member sharing knowledge positively and in a manner easy to receive.
  13. @Mal Honestly you are hijacking this forum post. Not because of your unique opinions, that's fine, but your negativity is making this post seem like an endless moronic fight. You have no fucking right to be telling people whether or not there opinions have a place here on my post, either respond like an adult or just leave.
  14. @Huz No suffering ever touches our conscious true-selves right? Does that mean that no suffering was felt by Jesus him-self, it must have pierced through his will and caused him great pain since he was still bound to that body. I also wonder the same about those Tibetan monks that burned themselves while meditating. Have you ever tried going into really cold water while meditating, you can enter calmly because it feels like the cold is just happening and it is neither here nor there in the spectrum of pain. But I am guessing that when it gets to that level of pain no one can escape your bodies automatic reaction.
  15. @Mal Whats the reason for you backtracking, I thought this conversation was progressing Mal. I thought we were getting past that already, I guess we arent on the same page at all then.
  16. @Mal Do you know how to interpret text? Is this your second language? Just read my message I asked a question Ill rephrase here. What is the difference between awakening and enlightenment to you? Can you define it so I have a better understanding of your situation.
  17. @Mal , He took offense, clearly, and you back lashed at his ignorance. You didn't even respond, lets not talk about that I want to leave that agenda, can you actually respond to my question because I am generally curious.
  18. @Mal What experience would that awakening be? I have had many experiences but I would only attach the word awakening to enlightenment, at its true form. Also I don't believe I have a very aggressive conscious when it comes to interacting with most people, of course it depends, but generally I wouldn't label my conscious aggressive. But Mal, I do understand where you come from in some of your posts. We do have some similar ideas, like our disagreement with the pursuit of personal development, at least past a certain stage. You know enough to know this negativity and aggression is not good, and will be an obstacle you have to face on your journey.
  19. @charlie2dogs Yea, thats the complicated part about being "enlightened". If you become awakened, all that is is the experience, once you have had it all you can take into the dirty world or world of the mind is that memory. I think the final transition would have to be death, otherwise you are destined to stay in this persona. Do you think some people have really reached permanent enlightenment? It seems kind of out of this world, I have a feeling you would have to be very close to death if you get into that stage.
  20. @Mal I do actually, I do know them personally and the challenges some of them faced. One of the individuals only now just quit opiates. I do not know what your definition of enlightened is as to me it is an "understanding" of the truth, and an ability to experience the truth at a will since no one can be permanently enlightened. So you are not awaken, well then, that makes a lot more sense now.